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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 169 KB, 640x876, ghostngoblins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1159930 No.1159930 [Reply] [Original]

I made a thread recently about getting to the last level of Ghost n' Goblins and giving up....well tonight I played it again and beat it!

Holy shit was it hard. This is probably the hardest game I've ever beaten, and I beat 'Contra: Shattered Soldier' with an S ranking.

Here is a video I took of the triumphant event. Fuck yeah bros. High fives all around.


What are some other really hard games for the NES?

>> No.1159935
File: 152 KB, 1440x1080, Snake-s_Revenge_-_1990_-_Ultra_Software.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations on beating Ghosts N' Goblins.

Ever play Snake's Revenge on the NES? When people talk about hard NES games, they never mention this game. I have no idea why not, because it is IMPOSSIBLE. I dare you to play it.

>> No.1159942


Thanks, bro.

Nope. Haven't heard of that one.

I'll look into getting it, I've been meaning to expand my NES collection lately.

I'm thinking about getting the SNES sequel to Ghost 'n Goblins and trying to beat that too. Hopefully it's as good as the original.

>> No.1160020

it's better. but it's not as hard.

>> No.1160031

Snake's Revenge is impossible? I don't recall it being particularly difficult even though it's not exactly easy, either. Cleared it as a kid and I think I had fun with it despite all the bad rap it appears to get.

>> No.1160032

was just about to post the same thing. I beat it as a kid before internet with no help and don't remember it being terribly difficult.

>> No.1160040


Maybe it's just me, then. Not to brag, but I've beaten some NES games that are notorious for being difficult. I beat them back in the day without emulation. But for some reason, I could never get far with Snake's Revenge. Neither could any of my friends.

>> No.1160405

Batman - Some of the later enemies are really large and constantly in your face, and the bosses have cheap attacks that are nigh impossible to evade. In other words, typical SunSoft action game.

Blaster Master - You'll need a minimum of THREE HOURS to beat this, and it has to be done in one sitting since there isn't a password system. Oh, and you have limited continues.

Bionic Commando - You can't jump. You have all the typical hazards of an action game - like bullets, enemies rushing at you, etc - but really no maneuvering skills to get out of the way.

Castlevania series - Eh. These games get easier the more you play them, thanks to rote memorization. Same ordeal as Contra. I guess enemy appearances are a bit more sadistic in Castlevania, though. You'll often have crap like sahagins ascending right under your feet and knocking you into pitfalls.

Castlevania II would probably be impossible to figure out on your own, especially thanks to the fact that the English translation has villagers intentionally lying to you on several occasions. Apparently Konami wanted to export it with even an even higher difficulty.

Dungeon Magic: Sword of the Elements - If you don't mind first-person RPGs. You start out with basically nothing, and just walking over to the chest that contains your initial equipment means having to outrun several enemies that will kill you in two hits. Hell, even by the time you do get your equipment, said enemies will still kill you in about two hits. Grinding those first few levels is a nightmare. You'll have to be around level 6 before you can safely begin to explore the game world.

Ultima: Quest of the Avatar - The game's obstacles admittedly aren't that hard, but good luck figuring out anything on your own. It's basically a series of fetch quests, and often, the items you need are literally lying on the ground in completely mundane places that you would never think to search.

>> No.1160414

Gargoyle's Quest II: The Demon Darkness - It's like Ghosts 'n Goblins meets Mega Man. At least you have a password system. There are quite a few difficult side scrolling sequences, and some involve lengthy ascents up towers that are almost entirely covered with instant death spikes. The bosses are pretty anticlimactic, though. I think I had more trouble *getting* to the bosses than actually defeating them. You can usually find a safe spot and just fire away at their weak points.

Wizards & Warriors series - The first game really isn't so bad, considering you not only have unlimited continues, but you continue at the exact spot where you died. All you really need is persistence.

IronSword: Wizards & Warriors II gives you a password feature, but you do have limited continues. By the time you reach the Earth Realm, the game arbitrarily removes any remaining continues you have and forces you to finish the rest of the game on just 3 lives. Don't get me started on the final boss. If you approach the battle the wrong way, you'll literally be thrown bounced back and forth like a ball.

Legacy of the Wizard - The game is set in a very massive underground labyrinth that requires you to swap characters around and use specific items to overcome specific types of obstacles. There really aren't any clues about what you're supposed to be doing, neither in the actual game itself nor provided by the manual. You'll very likely have to consult a walkthrough to know which characters are supposed to be used in which sections, and where every item is located.

Ninja Gaiden series - Really cheap boss fights, on par with anything you'd find in GnG. I hear Ninja Gaiden II is the most difficult. It's also worth mentioning that Ryu's health was tweaked in the English version of Ninja Gaiden III - he takes maybe twice as much damage from enemies as he would in the Japanese version.

>> No.1160878
File: 372 KB, 594x800, OHGODOHGOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my all time favorite games.

>> No.1160920

Why are there so many Ghosts N Goblins threads today? This is at LEAST number 3.

>> No.1163704


Really? I thought Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts was much harder than Ghosts 'n Goblins.

>> No.1164630

I only ever played Ghosts'N Goblins on the Sega Master System, wherein you had life that you could increase through visiting the shop. It was very RPGish and quite fun, even if getting the shield spell was game breaking.

It's a very different game and I recommend checking it out.

>> No.1164662

Did you beat the second loop?

If not then you did not get happy end and thus didn't beat the game.