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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1159258 No.1159258 [Reply] [Original]

/vr/, I've never beaten a Genesis Sonic game without using a level select or debug mode cheat, where should I start?
also, Sonic thread

>> No.1159278 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 967x810, ika1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sitting in room
>decide to masturbate
>mfw touching pussy with freezing-cold hand

>> No.1159287 [DELETED] 
File: 190 KB, 266x270, Zelda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Off topic, but kinda hot

>> No.1159290 [DELETED] 

It's like women have lower body temperature so we're always forced to seek a man's warmth.

>> No.1159294
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S3&K > Sonic 2 > Sonic

Play them chronologically just to appreciate the changes made to the sequels. Plus the first one is the shortest of them all.

>> No.1159296

Sonic 3 and Knuckles. It's the best one out of the Genesis games and also the easiest. btw masturbating in a cold bath is the best fucking experience.

>> No.1159313

People always say this but I have to disagree. Sonic 1 is the easiest of the three games to me, with S3&K and Sonic 2 about tied (sans Sonic 2's special stages, jesus christ)

Also, OP, start with Sonic 1, then 2, and then 3&K. Then CD if you want more but it's pretty much just the slow segments of Sonic 1 with wacky level design.

>> No.1159319

Sanic in chronological order. It's a series that builds upon earlier ones.

>> No.1159321

Ignore these gentlemen who confuse two games for one. There is Sonic 3, then there is Sonic and Knuckles. Two average Sonic games that need to be combined to stand up to the previous stand alone titles.

OP play Sonic 1, till you get stuck on Labyrinth and feel the overwhelming urge to break something out of confusion, then play Sonic 2.
The first 2 games are GOAT, make sure to complete them then move on to Sonic 3 and the spiky red thing and feel totally underwhelmed by how inferior they are to the first 2.

Sonic 3 & K is babby's first Sonic.
Sonic CD is hit or miss, either you love the screwball concept and stage design or despise it.

>> No.1159329

Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles were originally supposed to be released as one game, but time constraints caused it to be broken up into two parts.

>> No.1159330

But they weren't.
Deal with it.

>> No.1159336

Holy shit are you seriously still trolling like this

>> No.1159338

Last answer.

>> No.1159347


2 games, 2 releases, 2 carts, 2 boxes, 2 pricetags.

>> No.1159352
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Neither have I.
Maybe I might have gotten through the original, but I'm not even sure of that.

>> No.1159378

Except that's not really relevant when we can now play them as they are intended without worrying about that kind of stuff.

>> No.1159558

Are Genesis Sonic games that hard? I have played and finished them all when I was younger without much trouble. I won't say that they were easy like Kirby games but still anyone could finish them with a little effort.

>> No.1159581

Sonic 1 has the best difficulty curve; the others really have no rhyme or reason to them in terms of where the hard parts are. They're all fun though.

>> No.1159585

They're not hard at all but I still couldn't beat them as a kid. Probably because I didn't own them and was just playing them at my neighbors house, but still. Most people sucked at games at that age and the Sonic games were plenty challenging in that context.

>> No.1159747

Each to their speciality. Some people suck at platform games, I suck at action games. And I suck so much at Megaman games. God knows how I beat Megaman 1 for Gameboy when I was in elementary school, a game that not even friends of mine who are huge Megaman maniacs never beat it. Years laters in high school I couldn't even beat Megaman X3. Or maybe I realised that Megaman series isn't to my tastes.

>> No.1159841
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I don't know about you guys but all four of those are on the same level of great to me.

>> No.1159851

Not /vr/ but the only 2D Sonic games I've never beat are Sonic Advance games because of the shitty level design and their cheap traps.

>> No.1159949

Get a Sega Saturn and Sonic Jam. Use all the extra content to inspire and motivate you through the difficult sections of these ridiculously easy games. If they're still too difficult, then play on the "normal" or "easy" difficulties specially crafted for people like you.

>> No.1159953

I had no idea there was an easy mode for Sonic games. How do they adjust the difficulty?

>> No.1159959

Been years since I played them, but I think they mostly removed whole acts and some level hazards here and there. like there might be spikes in your way in "original", but smooth terrain in "easy".

>> No.1159962

Removing hazards I understand but whole acts? That's just dumb.

>> No.1160079

The only downsides to Sonic Jam are the slowdowns and odd sounds. It's a great collection filled with wonderful content, but the ports aren't perfect.

>> No.1160082

IMO, Samic 1 and 2 are the easiest. I think the only real problem is getting all the emeralds, I always prefered go fast through the stages instead collecting them.

>> No.1160101

im playin sonic 1 right now... actually better than i used to be as a kid

>> No.1160116

sonic 1: 9.5/10
sonic 2: 10/10
sonic 3: 8/10
s + k: 8.5/10

end of discussion

>> No.1160169

>sonic 1

Dude what? Labyrinth and Scrap Brain alone were harder than anything from 3/k.

>> No.1160229

i like your assessment, what would you give CD?

>> No.1160553
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sonic 1 7.5/10
sonic 2 8/10
sonic 3 7.5/10
sanik&knuckelz 9/10

s3+s&k 9.5/10
sonic cd 8/10
chaotix 6/10

start of discussion

>> No.1160562
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>Sonic and the new porcupine on the block with a buff chest by theirselves
>add Sonic three to make the game actually complete
>only 0.5 higher

>> No.1160603

play them in release order
Sonic 1 - 4.5/5
Sonic CD - 4/5
Sonic 2 - 5/5
Sonic 3&K - 4.5

Sonic 3D Blast - 2/5

>> No.1160621
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>> No.1160635
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>> No.1160710

I like sonic one, short and sweet, the difficulty ramps up twice, in labyrinth and at scrap brain. it's a solid game.

Sonic 2 is the best one period. lots of stages, nice designs. amazing ending.

sonic 3 is fucking under whelming and crap and needs to be combined with S&K to be saved, S&K on it's own is amazing but is missing something without S3.

Sonic CD is a mess. i dislike it.

>> No.1160875


Sonic 1: 10/10
Sonic 2: 7.5/10
S3K: 9/10
Sonic CD (JP): 9/10

>opining on opinions

>> No.1161132

Sonic Advance 1 was pretty good. The bullshit level design only started with 2 and then became unbearable in 3.

>> No.1161224

I know what you mean bro. Sonic 3 is in my opinion the most accesible because it has a save feature.

>> No.1161337

Labyrinth is only hard because of drowning. What you need to do is prioritize finding air bubbles over making progress. In the Robotnik fight, don't bother trying to hit him, just keep your cool and methodically make your way up the gauntlet.
Scrap Brain isn't hard at all, except for maybe the last level that throws you into MORE DROWNING. But if you run underneath the moving platform at the start and head right, you'll get into an easier route through the level.

Sonic 1 is easy, because it has fewer zones. The total level count somewhat evens out due to each zone having three acts, but by the third act you'll have caught your barings and the zone can't surprise you.

>> No.1162171

>sans Sonic 2's special stages
Sonic 2 had the easiest special stages though. S3&K's special stages are a fucking nightmare in the second half.

>> No.1164686

Eh, I personally feel 3&k's too easy because it basically spoonfeeds you extra lives, due to their being a fuckload of rings (iirc, marble garden had more than 600 in a single fucking act).

>> No.1164689

>and then became unbearable in 3.

I'm going to have to disagree with that. Advance 3 was a major improvement over 2's garbage level design. Only issue I had was the physics, honestly.

>> No.1164982


This, the Super Emerald stages were insane. You blink, you lose.