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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 132 KB, 256x360, Golf_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1158409 No.1158409 [Reply] [Original]

What games did your dad play, /v/? Dad game general.

>> No.1158432

Star Fox 64 all day.

>> No.1158438

"Don't Tell Mom".

>> No.1158436

tfw didn't have a dad growing up

>> No.1158441
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Dad didn't do jackshit with me, but my Grandma and I played the shit out of this back in the day

I still have our guidebook :(

>> No.1158442
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My dad played Get drunk and beat your kid

>> No.1158446

Dad didn't play vidya.

>> No.1158450
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Duke for the most part.

>> No.1158453
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>> No.1158465


Oh I love this game.
What was his highest combo?

>> No.1158475

Some skat game

>> No.1158494

LoZ, Adventures of Link, A Link to the Past, OoT...my dad loves Zelda.

We also played a lot of SimCity and SimCity 2000 together.

>> No.1158547
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The only game he plays.

>> No.1158552

My dad really liked RPGs, he doesn't play games much now aside from the newer Batman games though.

Secret of Mana was one of his favorites.

>> No.1158560
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My dad bought this because he's into cars. I think he played it once. My mom played Metroid, and actually beat it, but she never had much interest in playing anything else.

>> No.1158580

my dad beat super mario land before me when i got my first game boy.

for some reason he hasn't played anything since

>> No.1158604

He used to play bubble bobble with me, I miss it.

>> No.1158632

He bought me consoles which I always got chipped to pay like 2 USD per game but he rarely ever played (less and less after I grew up)

I live in a 3rd world country so you can have a pirate software/media store and I basically had access to all games for any platform

>> No.1158662

all the NES mega man games and mario kart 64 for the most part.

>> No.1158670


Fascinating. Where do you live?

>> No.1158674

Not this one, but my dad likes the Mario golf game on NES.

He also likes to play (or used to play) Zelda 1, 2, and LttP, Silent Service, Mike Tyson's Punch Out, Resident Evil, C&C Red Alert, CTR, Bomberman, Sunset Riders, SMB 3, TMNT I-IV, plus Pokemon Stadium, Red, and Silver.

>> No.1158675


My dad played this game too

>> No.1158686

My dad only played vidya with me once. I was perhaps 10 years or so. I beat his ass in clay fighter with bonker, so he rage quit and never played another game with me again, vidya or not.

>> No.1158693
File: 111 KB, 450x420, Gran_Turismo_-_Cover_-_North_America.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the sole reason my dad got a playstation for my birthday was to play this game.

>> No.1158695
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My dad used to play RollerCoaster Tycoon for hours. Which kind of sucked, because we only had one computer. He would get on these kicks of playing a single game obsessively.

There were a few times when he would sit down and play some console games with me, but they were pretty rare.

>> No.1158697

I assumed you meant /vr/.

Crash Bash
Battlefront II

>> No.1158708
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Same guy. My mom would play this game all the time.

>> No.1158709

None because he is incredible affected by moving on the screen, especially low resolution pixelated colored graphics, he gets sea sick.
He gets dizzy by playing non GB TETRIS!

>> No.1158710

Turkey, there still is such store down the street but I don't have any working older consoles and I can torrent stuff myself, so it doesn't matter too much

>> No.1158713

it was my first game on ps1.
It was one of the two times my dad almost played a game. The other one was Grand Prix 2 (that game is still incredible)

>> No.1158830

Well, apart from giving away my SNES and my Saturn. He played MSR on my Dreamcast a lot back in the day.

>> No.1158890
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Boulder Dash for MSX

>> No.1158904

My dad neither played video games nor understood my obsession with them.

I vaguely recall playing SMB as a kid, and he walked in the room, watched me for a minute, then goes "World 1 minus 3? That doesn't even make sense." then walked out.

>> No.1158908
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i watched my dad legit beat this with no save states when i was a little kid
>tfw i can't beat it without save states

>> No.1158912

Doom, Duke 3D, Wolfenstein, and also Chex Quest. He wasn't much of a gamer otherwise, and yet, he was able to beat Crue Ball, Fatal Fury, World Heroes, and get to the final boss of Samurai Shodown.

>> No.1158936
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>> No.1158937
File: 19 KB, 256x282, Heroes_2_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only game(s) my dad has played for the past 15 or so years is HoMM2 and 3. He learned to play them from me and has stuck with those ever since. I'm amazed at how it never seems to get old for him.

>> No.1158939
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He would give himself all the technologies from the very start and summon 2 Armors to explore the map and 1 Mechanized Infantry to defend his capital city.

That's how he set up the game for me when I was learning it.

Can do it comfy on Deity with no cheats now, makes me laugh to myself when I think about the past.

>> No.1158960
File: 46 KB, 323x325, GameBoxes-TrophyBass2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We used to play this together.

It was actually really fun. Still fun today, actually.

>> No.1158970
File: 150 KB, 1086x762, KDC_Boxart_P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kid you not. He played this like a maniac back in the day.

>> No.1158973

My dad plays the living shit out of Tetris Attack on the SNES. He always says that he only plays it when we come home to visit, but I'm certain that can't be the only time he does. He's gotten really good at it, I'm not sure I could beat him in vs. mode.

>> No.1158975

My mom played Galaga, that's about it.

>> No.1159007

I played a lot of Life Force, Double Dragon 2: The Revenge, Contra and some crazy Batman game with my dad. He also played a lot of Tetris and Bomberman.

I got my Mom to try out games once and she liked Mario.

>> No.1159038

a lot of games actually. we own a bootleg NES catridge with 100+ games in it. the ones i am sure my dad played were tetris and bomber man (which he even beat, a feat i haven't been able to replicate yet). i think he also played galaga, galaxian, arkanoid and mario bros.

>> No.1159043

My dad only liked racing games, puzzle games, and some old single-screen arcade games. He kicked my ass at Tetris. We used to pass the gameboy back and forth trying to get farther than each other, but he'd always get at least ten levels past me.

>> No.1159074

Mine didn't dare touching games with a stick, probably because both his sons were frickin' good at them and his pride prevented him from trying. Now we both moved out, I've seen him playing really awful flash games I wouldn't dare touch with a stick.

>> No.1159228
File: 24 KB, 418x285, 588786_51598_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only console game that my dad ever played extensively was the SNES version of Tetris 2

>> No.1159231

Cricket Captain 2002 is the only game he played by himself, but he got into V8 Supercars 3 with me and my brother when we first rented a PS2.

So, nothing retro. Although I do believe he used to play Frogger at the fish and chips shop while he waited.

>> No.1159259

Diablo, Duke3D, Warcraft II, Civilization II, Starcraft, among others. He's the person who introduced me to PC gaming, and for this I am thankful.

>> No.1159454
File: 15 KB, 320x240, Mario_Andretti_Racing_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He would be up regularly at 3am to play Mario Andretti Racing on the Genesis, then work at 7 am.

>> No.1159468
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My dad also played that game.

He also used to play old 2hu games.

Well, he played a lot of games though, he spent a lot of time in the old Arcade in the city.

>> No.1159472
File: 88 KB, 400x550, Genghis khan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NES: Genghis Khan
the original Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Sega: Pacific Theater of Operations
Operation Europe
Strike Series games

N64: Goldeneye wit me all the time

PC: The first 2 CODs
The early Total Wars
Panzer General
Age of Empires
some other strategy games I can't remember

Anything pre NES like collecovision or something I can't remember, but I do remember having one.

>> No.1159676
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>> No.1159705
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>Dad was too busy drinking to play vidya with me

>> No.1159734

My dad actually played Golf. When we first got our NES in 1989, we had Super Mario Bros, Golf and 10-Yard Fight. Thanks for the post, anon. You brought back some good memories there.

>> No.1159754

My dad bought me a Genesis, NES and Super Nintendo over the course of two years and a shitload of good games for them. My mom however always hated video games. He died of lung cancer back in '96. I got left with the shitty alcoholic mother that hated vidya.

>> No.1159774

Pops bought a Genesis in '89 when it came out. He's the one who got me into Sega. Bought me my Game Gear, Saturn, Dreamcast, everything. Dad is a die hard Sega fan and I am too.

>> No.1159775

Heroes 3 never gets old, kudos to your dad for realizing that. It took me several years to understand that it is the greatest game ever made and ever will be made.

>> No.1159791

Pinball. Video game consoles hadn't really caught on yet.

Stepdad would play NES sports titles though, mostly Baseball, Volleyball, and Golf.

>> No.1159794
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This, with a pencil and pad to keep scores of who won each round.

>> No.1159797
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My dad really kicked ass at this game, which baffled me then (and now). Fast forward about a decade and he was really into San Francisco Rush. Duck Hunt was probably his all time favorite though. I've gotta find a CRT TV so we can play it again.

>> No.1159821
File: 92 KB, 320x322, Tetris_Boxshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad loved playing Tetris. He also loved playing Pokemon when I was younger, buying Red and Blue so we could both play together.

>> No.1159840

My dad was a badass in this game. He got the whole spacial recognition thing down to a fine art on his third goddamn try,

>> No.1159845
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>> No.1159847

>Mortal Kombat
>NFL 93
>Duke Nukem
>Some PGA game

I miss my dad so much. He raised me on vidya. He played all kinds of stuff and always bought me those arcade collection games for the newer consoles. He's the reason for my retro game love. sigh...
>dem feels

>> No.1159856
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Did? Does.

>> No.1159861

My dad's always been a classic Resident Evil fan. He's also really jumpy, and even things he remembers can still startle him bad. It's really funny.

>> No.1159963
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I'd like to say that my first memory of my dad gaming was playing Super Mario Bros with me when he was dating my mom in 1989, when I was about 3 or 4 years old, right before he proposed to her. We used to lean over and whisper "Die" to pass and mess up the turn.

>> No.1159967
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In reality, this was the first game I ever saw him play. I remember because I threw a tantrum over it. I wanted to play something else not this lame ass game where mario doesn't jump and he just blows a whistle and yells at me for being completely baffled. In reality, he was pretty cool for playing video games with a 4 year old. Even if they were lame.

>> No.1159969

This thread really makes me miss playing games with my dad.

>> No.1159970
File: 34 KB, 252x358, dad taste 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fondest memories are of watching him play this game right after he and my mother got married. He used to put on Iron Maiden, he'd play the game and I'd watch. I didn't mind because he could get way farther than me and it was like watching tv anyways, with better music.

>> No.1159975
File: 75 KB, 446x636, dad taste 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He used to stay up late at night and play this. I remember him playing this from 1991 ( i assume based off my age) all the way until like 96 or something based off of where we lived. I could never make it past the indian guy. I remember my dad told me when he beat and it was no big deal. Fundamental difference between the ages.

>> No.1159980
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I remember trying to play this and being competely confused. I never understood what was going on. When I think about it, my father failed me. I played on my own and was oblivious, and I guess he played franchise mode or something because he never played with me. Probably because I was retarded like with tennis, just didn't know the rules of the real game or video game. He didn't explain football to me until about 2000 or 2001, when we had 2k1 football and played constantly. That was when the Saints had Rickie Williams.

>> No.1159981
File: 123 KB, 221x315, dad taste 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This though, was my dad's favorite game. He played the shit out of this until. I learned about a lot of concepts of driving from my dad explaining them to me in this game. I knew about drifting, drafting, and a bunch of other shit.

it's interesting, my dad played all of these games.I mostly played fighting games and stuff like zelda and whatever flavor of the month stuff I could get my hands on (i was perpetually a generation behind like 25% of the time.

Anyway it's been great sharing.

>> No.1159989


I look at this and realize my dad would probably buy only COD and Madden every year if he was still a gamer. He sure as hell wouldn't pay for dlc though.

>> No.1159990

Warcraft 2

>> No.1159998

My dad used to play Warcraft 2 (the game that got me into vidya in the first place), Doom, Quake, Duke3D, Unreal and some cRPGS (Arena, Ultima Underworld). Nowadays he mostly plays casual games. How the mighty fall. ;_;

>> No.1159995

My Dad was big into Worms 2, and Beetle Adventure Racing.

>> No.1159996
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My dad liked the Myst games a lot.

>> No.1160004

He didn't. But when GTA3 came out I was in college and we would sit together and drink beer while I went on killing sprees and beat hookers to death. It was probably at that point that I stopped hating him for being an ass so much and started seeing eye to eye with him.

>> No.1160012
File: 7 KB, 316x159, tres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two games my dad has ever played.
He finished both of them.

>Medal of Honor: Frontline
>pic related

>> No.1160014

oh shit
he also played Age of Empires.

>> No.1160036
File: 40 KB, 400x400, Side_Pocket_2_Art_01_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even today he still kick my ass on this game.


I really wish he knew how to play GT2, it's my favourite game, and it's not because the arcade mode's intro music.

>> No.1160054

Your pops beat Trespasser?

Gawd damn.

My pops hates video games. He thinks they're a complete and utter waste of time and if it had been up to him he would of trashed the NES my grandmother got me for my 5th birthday.

>> No.1160061

He's never really been into games much but I remember playing Duck Hunt, SMB and Super Mario Kart with him. Only other time I've seen him play a videogame was when the family bought a Wii with the sports bundle. He'd watch me play Zelda a lot though, same with my grandma.

>> No.1160065
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This. He used to play it all the time, would sit and watch him for hours. Possibly the cause of my supernatural fascination

>> No.1160124

Dad still plays games, not as much as he used to though.

The ones I remember the most were the Myst series, especially Riven which we had for the PS1. The amount of notes and diagrams he drew for it was astounding.

Tomb Raider was another series he got into, it kind of became a family thing as me and my mum would sit and watch and help where we could.

He was big into the N64 as well, he got stuck on the Shadow temple on OoT. But had no problems with getting the fierce deity mask.

He got me into the Panzer Dragoon series as well, which I guess is pretty cool. Seeing as it's my favourite franchise and everything.

>> No.1160132
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>dad in the other room
>bored playing Mario Party 2
>asked him to play with me
>he has no idea what the hell he is doing
>he loses every mini-game and I win most of them
>have a humongous star lead because I think I set the bots on easy
>dad lands on a happening spot or whatever
>I have to tell him what to do
>He steals all my stars
>only 1 turn left in the game
>even with all the bonus stars I still lose to him

>> No.1160137

I'm amazed he beat it too.
Although, watching him play was some of the most cringeworthy moments in vidya history. Especially considering how tedious the Trespasser controls are.

>> No.1160146

Both he and my mom would play Dr. Mario on the NES. He also cleared Paper Mario on the N64.

>> No.1160323
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>> No.1160473

He would kick my ass at Super Smash Bros. Also he would play the god-tier vidya known to man: Blades of Steel. He still can kick my ass at that, I have no idea how...

>> No.1160475

My dad loved Wizardry.

>> No.1160478

I used to play Super Mario Bros on NES with my dad, and he would win every time. You see, he'd play Luigi and watch me get to the end of the first level. Then on his turn, he would jump in the nearest hole and say, "I WON!" Then he would turn the game off.

I'm pretty sure he's why I eventually became a griefer in multiplayer fps.

>> No.1160510

My dad didn't play many vidyas but my aunt and uncle always played Super Mario World.

>> No.1160673

Resident Evil, Tomb Raider and Silent Hill.
He's finished all the games in those series up to today.
He hasn't strayed too far from those series but I've got him to play the current gen naught Dog games at least.

>> No.1160674

None, because he always hated videogames.

And still does, unfortunately.

>> No.1160694
File: 362 KB, 641x902, Genesis_MicroMachines96_FRONT[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Racing games

He's only ever played three games in his time, they were this, Rad Racer (which he was the best by far at the time), and Mario Kart 64 which he was pretty decent on.

Each game he only played a small selection of tracks so it would be the same three or four over again but it was fun.

>> No.1160720

Total Annihilation. I also liked it but we never played it together.

>> No.1160721 [SPOILER] 
File: 205 KB, 488x644, dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vr/, let me tell you a story about my dad.

Growing up, my father was older than most (he turned 60 the same year I turned 5.) He was real old school - a man's man. He wouldn't watch a movie John Wayne wasn't in, wore cowboy boots to work every day, told terrible, tasteless jokes regularly and was a certified, ex-officer badass. We did everything together.

As a 90's child, my dad and I never really played video games together - the era of the Playstation was very much beyond him. But I was always fascinated by his stories about Pong and Space Invaders and how he would spend many a night in a Denver bar tucking quarters away into those early machines. His favorite, by far, was Asteroids. He had always promised me that if we ever came across an Asteroids machine, he would "kick my ass," no matter how much I practiced.

So I figured out MAME in the late 90s and practiced. For years. I became an Asteroids maniac. Over the years we went to boardwalk arcades, old restaurants; anywhere we could find arcade machines, but we could never find an Asteroids cabinet and he refused to play emulation at home because "it just wasn't the same."

As the years went on and the Alzheimer's kicked in, he started forgetting my name and calling me my older brother by mistake. But he never forgot about Asteroids, and always threatened to kick my ass with a smile.

He died in my arms on the side of a highway from a heart attack a few weeks before his 74th birthday. This is the last picture I have of him alive.

We never did get to play Asteroids.
I don't think I'll ever play it again.

>> No.1160760 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1160791

That's pretty deep bro ,it's not nice seeing somebody you know deteriorate ,it's a shame you never got to play him at asteroids but you wouldn't feel any better if you won

>> No.1160794
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At least your dad didn't get drunk and beat you.

>> No.1160802

The only game that I know he played was Contra.

>> No.1161036

My dad bought Deer Hunter 1 and 2. Dude just really likes hunting.

I convinced my stepdad to buy me a ps1 so that we could play Nascar 98 with a steering wheel and gas petal peripheral. I didn't give a shit about Nascar, and he didn't really care about videogames, but I got a ps1 out of the deal so that was cool

>> No.1161067

The NES was my father's. We had SMB/Duck Hunt, SMB3, Adventure Island, Pole Position, and a few other games. One of my earliest memories period is playing SMB with him, and holding the big NES zapper.

I remember late at night he would play Doom on the computer, and I would try and look over his shoulder and watch, but he would never let me watch long because it was so violent.

He was really into the Monkey Island games too, and has played racing games all through the generations. He's told me stories about playing on Commodore 64, I remember us playing Pole Position in NES, when Genesis came around we used to play Virtua Racing together, in the N64 days it was Star Wars Episode I Racer, and on the PS2 it was Pro Race Driver. Whenever a new Gran Turismo game comes out, I always buy it for him and we have fun playing against each other in the arcade mode.

He also bought Metroid Prime for our new GameCube (it was his game, not mine, though I ended up playing it a lot more than him), and we took turns playing through it and trying to beat it. He never did finish it though, getting stuck somewhere in Phazon Mines. When Prime 2 came out, we played deathmatch all the time with each other.

Despite all this, he plays games relatively infrequently. He's very into racing, and usually watches races, car shows, or Top Gear instead (used to race professionally in Formula Vee back before I was born).

I've never had any interest in cars beyond them getting me places, so sometimes I feel like he's disappointed that we can't connect in that way, and he's a quiet person in general, but video games have always been a way to help us bond ever since I can remember, and I'm very thankful for that.

>> No.1161072

Well shit, just looked it up and apparently pole position was never on NES. I don't know what game it was we used to play then (I was very young), but it was very similar.

>> No.1161157

It could have been F1 Race.

>> No.1161162

>Japan only
I don't think so

Could have been rad racer

>> No.1161164

Oh. I guess I only had it because I had the Pegasus (which is like a post-Soviet-bloc pirated NES) and it was a toploader clone.

>> No.1161360

I remember my dad playing some game boy games on occasion, particularly Tetris and TinyToon Adventures.

>> No.1161384

Donkey Kong Land
Super Mario 64
Banjo and Kazooie
Conker's Bad Fur Day
My dad used to play these video games with me and my siblings growing up, still would play everything except for Donkey Kong Land.

>> No.1161386
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>dad got nes
>got golf
>i schooled him in it
>i was 4
>he hated vidya ever since
fuck you OP

>> No.1161502


>> No.1161510

my dad played pitfall for the 2600.
and sometimes pacman.
thats pretty much it.

>> No.1161513

i havent laughed so hard in a long time

>> No.1161519

fuckin faggot.
that game's easy

>> No.1161526

im sad for you.

>> No.1161532
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I remember my dad waking me up the night he picked this up. I must've been 4 or so.

>> No.1162652
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>> No.1162678
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All day erry day.