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11557305 No.11557305[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Poor game optimization is a very recent issue. Back in the retro days, devs would put more effort into squeezing every drop of performance possible
>Not even cream of the crop GPU and CPU combo at time could get respectable performance in oblivion
Care to explain yourself, /vr/?

>> No.11557306

Bethesda have literally never made a remotely good or optimized game. Absolute dogshit developer.

>> No.11557328

I'm not sure who you're quoting but people lower the quality, draw distance, shadows etc if they want more frames
oblivion also ran significantly better than morrowind. that was an embarrassingly poorly optimized first attempt at 3d

>> No.11557338

Also, Bethesda does indeed have its flaws as a dev, especially after 2008. However, Boxing them as being the same, even during the days before Todd "Bulging malignant tumor-sized ego" Howard took over in terms of creative control during the 2000s, is not truly honest, Julian Lafey did a better job at handling the company more often than not. His last wills can be found in Morrowind. Call me a Bethesdard and scathe at me all you want for not agreeing with you or >>11557306
Oblivion can be seen as the beginning of the end for TES I M O. The DLCs for each of their games (those that have them) are another matter.

>> No.11557362

I've finished oblivion on 6600gt

>> No.11557369

>1280x1024 HDR
The game was 1280x720 on consoles and 1024x768 was the 1080p of PCs back then. Furthermore, Oblivion had a huge range of graphical settings. It could have its lighting completely disabled and run smooth on a complete potato PC.

>> No.11557372

Julian LeFay left Bethesda because of his ego and is now working on a development hell crowdfunded game that will come out in 2030s if they're lucky.

>> No.11557381

This. Modern games have embarrassingly poor graphics customization options. Low and ultra quality don't look much different anymore. Shit like lumen and nanite make it even more impossible for modern games to run good on any settings.

>> No.11557397

Nope, and I mean it, faglord. While its true that optimization being done poorly is not exclusive to modern games, what makes you think that Julian Lafey left Bethesda because of his ego more than anything?
>Dev hell
Dev hell does not automatically mean that it must suck when it comes out of there. Goodbye, dr dipshit.

>> No.11557409

Obliviongate is worst case scenario, rest of the game isn't that bad. But I guess waiting 8 month for the 8800 GTX would be smartest

>> No.11557434

>Care to explain yourself, /vr/?
Are we some kind of spokeperson? Do your own research.

>> No.11557485

benchmarks aren't indicative of actual experiences and 30 FPS is respectable (or was in 2006) and if you think that's bad you should see how most people played Morrowind on the xbox

>> No.11557641

>Nope, and I mean it, faglord.
He quit pretty early during the development of Morrowind. He had very little to contribute to the game from the design side, he was mostly working on the 3D renderer before he quit.
>what makes you think that Julian Lafey left Bethesda because of his ego more than anything?
He was always an extremely ambitious dev. He wanted to make Morrowind a multiplayer game despite the lack of manpower and funds. A year into Morrowind's production, Bethesda Softworks became a public company. That means far bigger funding, but the studio became bound by shareholders' demands. Julian hated that, left Todd in charge of the project, and quit the company.
If anything, it proves that Todd had much less ego and was more willing to work with the strict demands of the shareholders for the sake of the company to survive, even if it meant he's not able to realize his vision. Julian is the kind of guy who wants his idea to come true no matter what's at stake, he even said that working on Daggerfall nearly killed him in a literal way. That's how he ended up working on this dev hell of a game.
>Dev hell does not automatically mean that it must suck when it comes out of there.
Tell that to the zomboid dev.
Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out Julian.

>> No.11557653

I think it mostly means todd was able to use buzzwords and lies to tide over the shareholders. Whether he was always good at that or had to become good at it is the real question.

>> No.11557691 [DELETED] 

>He was mostly working on the 3D renderer
>he was always an extremely ambitious dev. He wanted Morrowind to have multiplayer.
Interesting indeed. Even so, Shareholders demands, whatever they may be, aren't infallible.Yes, ambitiousness is something that can screw you over, but that's not all it can do. Julian had too much ambition. Still, Todd is by no means a saint: especially not these days with what happened to fuckup 76 at launch, and Starfield by the time it got released, especially if you were dumb enough to pre-order that half-assed trash. His own ego and willingness to please DEI ""think tanks"" so as to obtain subsidy cash from the (((SPLC))) and (((Blackrock))), along with cheapening out by outsourcing much of the character models to an in-experienced Indian studio show how much he cares more about the shareholders' cash than being balanced out. Really and truly, shareholders should not have too much control over the creative direction of a movie or game.
>lol lmao tell that to the project Zomboid dev.
>implying that because Zomboid dev and Gearbox's DNF build failed, all others must by default
>Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out Julian
How would you know that I'm even that guy at all, oh great motherfucker?

>> No.11557716 [DELETED] 

Studio managers have nothing to do with attracting investors and shareholders. That would be the CEO's job to entice shareholders using market research, group focus research, and such. For the operational staff it would be mostly a top down process, they have little bargaining power, which is the reason many modern AAA games suck so much.

Still, you could work around that if you don't have a big ego. Being held back by market research data and braindead shareholders isn't the end of the world if you're willing to concede some of your larger ideas.

go back to /v/ julian

>> No.11557775
File: 37 KB, 944x948, The proofster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go back to /v/ julian
Nice non-argument, bitchboy. Prove it.

>> No.11557863

>CEO goes to todd
>"Todd what the hell is our new game about I need something to tell the investors to get them onboard
>"Well you see that mountain there sir..."

>> No.11557970
File: 41 KB, 500x500, 12964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one particular game ran like shit
>therefore, all the games ran like shit
low iq

>> No.11557990

Someone never played a Micronics port

>> No.11558027

Only oblivion ? Doom claims to run on a 386 but you need a modern, highly optimized port to run at sub-25fps on a 386. And most people couldn't afford better. Living during the height of Moore Law sucked.

>> No.11558204

>Shareholders demands, whatever they may be, aren't infallible.
What do you mean? Shareholder demands are fucking stupid 99% of the time because they use marker research as a basis for it rather than personal passion. But unlike private companies, they can provide infinite funding, and sometimes that's the only way your company can stay afloat.
>fallout 76
Obligatory GAAS cash cow every AAA company is required to have, even ones without experience making one. Incredible how it's in a good state now. Unlike say, battleborn, anthem, and such.
More finished and has better graphics than the biggest crowdfunded space games. You know which.
I don't think I need to respond to that.
From Ken Rolston's comments, voiced dialogue were added to Oblivion because it's what the market wanted iirc. Aspects from the game were cut because things like that took centre priority.

>> No.11558237

FEAR was considered very heavy to run back then (a year before Oblivion). Also plagued with fps drop and stutters.

>> No.11558258

>Originally launched on PC and 360, with a PS3 version following a year later
Not retro. 7th gen is literally the beginning of modern gaming and is when the exact issue you're complaining about became a problem because developers were able to release downloadable updates to fix bugs.