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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 214 KB, 743x900, THIS MOTHERFUCKER RIGHT HERE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1152896 No.1152896 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1152906

the coolest thing is hadoukening that son of a biatch =]

>> No.1152919

Yeah, I just get him with the hadoken. The only time I beat him legit was playing Mega Man Xtreme.

>> No.1153140

Fuck this fucking boss.

>> No.1153147

I had trouble with him when I was 7, when the game first came out. When I went back and played it again when I was 12 or 13 he was a piece of cake. Just pay attention to the tracks and always keep a full charge.

However, haudokening Sigma's dog and Sigma form one was always a pleasure.

>> No.1153157
File: 169 KB, 761x629, velguarder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one of the trickiest bosses in the game, but you have 4 extra energy tanks, you can simply outdamage him. I can usually kill him without using a subtank using shotgun ice.

<< Now this fucking asshole... Never learned his pattern and you don't want to waste a subtank on him, so he usually eats a hadouken.

>> No.1153163


He is the only one that doesn't really follow a pattern. Just shotgun ice his ass.

>> No.1153171
File: 8 KB, 555x517, bospider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bospider always moves along a horizontal pole when it reaches one so you have to very very quickly figure out where he's going to end up. As a kid I didn't pay attention and got beat now I can kill him easy enough.

>> No.1153189

the animal robots in the X series are way gayer than the original robot masters. X still rules

>> No.1153210
File: 292 KB, 2068x3016, plant man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's gayer exhibit A or the ones I thought were pretty gay in the X series:
Shield Sheldon
Optic Sunflower - not an animal
Tornado Tonion - not an animal and mostly gay due to the English voice acting

>> No.1153215
File: 107 KB, 570x864, OpticSunflower is fabulous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so plants are gay then

>> No.1153227
File: 591 KB, 264x400, Fabulous.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

super gay

>> No.1153239

These niggas right here.

>> No.1153271

Plant man actually looks kind of cool in a goofy kind of way. Everything from X series is way edgier I guess.

>> No.1153283

Isin't the Bospider weak against Shotgun Ice anyway?

>> No.1153292


The X series was kind of like Capcom's first DmCing of a series. But edgy was super in so we all ate it up.

>> No.1153435


I love this fucking board.

>> No.1153484

Yeah. Isn't this actually based on some Japanese game? Like Pachinko or something?

>> No.1153493

Yeah. It was the 90's, everything was "X".

It helps that Megaman X actually had good gameplay to back up the edge factor. It wasn't just some all-style-no-substance thing.

>> No.1153528

Had the same issue until I noticed the pattern, once you know that it's a no brainer.

>> No.1153541

How casual can you people be, it's not even that hard. You don't even need Ice Shot for this weakling

Sigma on the other hand is a pain and a ridiculous difficulty spike after the simple boss rush/fortress bosses

>> No.1153558

Nigga, you better mean X3 Sigma or something, because X1 is much easier than spider, specially the 1st form.

>> No.1153565

>try to call people casual
>has trouble one X1 Sigma

Son, you might want to stop trying to be an ass on the internet.

>> No.1153569


I don't understand. How is X1 difficult? I have to play with no upgrades and ban myself from using dash to make the game a challenge. D-Rex is the only boss I had a hard time with simply because it speeds up after its health is half-depleted.

>> No.1153572


I don't think X1 is hard, but...you do realize people find different things hard, right? And that not everyone is on an equal footing skillwise?

>> No.1153574


And then there are people who are so good that they clear all three games at one. God damn


>> No.1153582


I suppose. But going to the extent of getting hadoken/shoryuken/saber in X1/2/3 just ruins the game. It's worse than choosing the "easiest" or "beginner" difficulty in my opinion.

If people are having "fun" then whatever I guess.

>> No.1153583
File: 95 KB, 411x600, skulltula.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always walk too close to these things.

>> No.1153663
File: 56 KB, 848x480, [Doremi].Precure.All-Stars.New.Stage.Movie.2.DVD.[848x480].[FD5C7351].mkv_snapshot_00.48.10_[2013.08.25_03.24.32].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full charge.
>Not shotgun ice

Normally I'd be right with you, but Megaman X as a game was designed to actually complement the array of subweapons. Most of them are good for mooks AND bosses.

>mfw I tested out and found out how fucking effective Chameleon Sting was in knocking whole blocks out of high-hp enemies

>> No.1153680

>rerecord count: 84515
holy moly

>> No.1153689
File: 60 KB, 720x480, [HH]_Nurse_Me!_Ep_01-[Xvid]-[DCFB6FF5].avi_snapshot_03.49_[2013.08.26_22.42.08].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But going to the extent of getting hadoken/shoryuken/saber

Nah, man. Not how it works.

See, even with the learning curve provided by some seven/eight years of experience in Mega Man games, X was a creature that always, ALWAYS kicked your ass right out the gate. No exceptions. Because MM's gameplay is steeped in finding ways to not only overcome obstacles, but do it fast enough to blow through the stage and not be set up for deathtraps.

In that respect, the bonus items: Hadouken, Dragon Punch, and Gold Armor were an outright REWARD for tenacious playing.

Think on it carefully. You have to jump hoops and perfect a stage 5 times with 100% items in the first. You have to approach the boss levels with 100% PLUS full tanks & health, and hardline your way through easily the most difficult obstacle sequence in the game. In X3, you have to do all that, but ALSO be savvy enough to rely on Zero for ONE specific battle, and also not have wasted the extra bosses (in other words, hold back and be prudent).

In X4, you insert some weaksauce code and get the secret gamebreaking armor right out the fucking gate. Same for X5. And X6. And 8 (you can cheat the credit system). 7 is painful to recall, but I believe it was the same.

To recap:

X4 - 8: Easy argument for "cheapening" the experience.

X1 - 3: An obvious reward for hard motherfucking work.

>Vile's face the very first time he came to bear against my hadouken

>> No.1153949

It's weak against ice

>> No.1153982 [DELETED] 


>> No.1153984


>> No.1154052

>killing D-Rex with the hadouken


>> No.1154095

It's not a pattern per se, but every jump he moves the exact same distance, once you realize this you can predict where he'll land. You can still get confused though and take damage.

>> No.1154284

Storm Tornado is my goto weapon. I probably use it as much as the X-buster.