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11527354 No.11527354 [Reply] [Original]

Is the rightward button 'Circle' or 'Oh'?

>> No.11527361

its name is carl

>> No.11527386


>> No.11527389

kek based

>> No.11527394

it's name is "this thread fucking sucks and it's extremely low quality"

>> No.11527401

It’s ‘1’ as in One Line. X is 2 lines, △ is made of 3 lines, and □ is 4.

>> No.11527440

half infinity button

>> No.11527516

triangle and square are clearly one continuous line

>> No.11527547

Even a child understands the shapes are made out of lines but, sure.

>> No.11527557


>> No.11527560

X is actually 4 lines projecting from 1 point

>> No.11527568

Circle obviously.

>> No.11527579

Again, a child would understand the principle and the point AND replicate but, sure buddy. Your powers of autism have served you well, and they’re to your credit.

>> No.11527587

Why not a line instead of a circle for 1? Why is 1 the only non-straight line makes no sense.

>> No.11527590

it would look shit.

>> No.11527593



>> No.11527609

It's 丸

>> No.11527631

We didn't win WW1 to learn that shit.

>> No.11527649
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>> No.11527652

Just call it the confirm button.

>> No.11527729

Nah, cancel button.

>> No.11527731

What triggers me is people who calls the green button "triangle"
Like, fuck you, there's 2 triangles on the controller, ISNT THAT A LITTLE CONFUSING?
Same with Box, ugh

>> No.11527739

Yeah you're going to be speaking Urdu just to get your taxes returned.

>> No.11527748

Ummm the Start button has a name.

>> No.11527754

Finally, a fellow gentleman who calls the delta button what it is.

>> No.11527763

6 buttons where too based for this world.

>> No.11528540

The chinese button.

>> No.11528583


>> No.11528585


>> No.11528586

O is a letter, are the others letters?
X maybe, but what about the other two?
you now have all the pieces to figure this out

>> No.11528624

○ is a shape

>> No.11528625

neither, it's
bing - yuh - nuh - bonk

>> No.11528629

and last but not least, Box

>> No.11528635

3 lines(pointy)
2 lines(cross)
1 line(loop)
4 lines(box)
I hoop you ovall rhombustand my xplanation

>> No.11528690

cross is unironically correct

>> No.11528721

The select button not being centered makes it look like the pad was born with a defect

>> No.11528725
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>> No.11528732
File: 183 KB, 720x1251, Screenshot_20250123-003541~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ain't a joke

>> No.11528797


>> No.11528889

It's "hug"
the left one is "ball park" top one is "chinese hat" and bottom one is "no"

>> No.11528891

The start button is already centered and the select button is closer to the d-pad for left thumb access

>> No.11529047

But Sony is the platform for mature adult gamers, surely they aren’t designing around a child’s misconceptions about geometry?

>> No.11529059

>○ is a shape

This guy gets it. The symbol on the controller is a circle, it is a circcle. Take a close look at the letter "O" in English, it is almost always not a circle but an oval.

>> No.11529184

>X is actually 4 lines projecting from 1 point
Those are rays, not lines.

>> No.11529236
File: 21 KB, 207x207, 1725665268546749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geometry simply works and is the primary way humans understand things. Even at a glance, you memorize them nearly instantly. That's how effective it is.
God always geometrizes. Letters and numbers are lesser ways of comprehending and translating His sacred designs, which are easily understood even by an infant - proof that it is intrinsic knowledge given to man when he is born. Teiyu Goto knew this when he chose the glyphs for the PSX controller, for he was not a mere beast in human form.

>> No.11529246

Three sixties..

>> No.11529378

then why isn't the right bumper a hexogram?

>> No.11529484


what is so hard to remember this?

>> No.11529568

All the games I played which featured voice acting referred to it as "circle," so that's what I've always called it.

>> No.11529574


>> No.11529580

everything else is a geometric shape, so it is a "circle"
What makes more sense?
>triangle, square, ex, circle
>triangle, square, ex, OH!!

if you say "oh" you are a retard. simple as

>> No.11529596

In Brazil we call it 'little ball'.

>> No.11529705

If you want to be that technical, they're segments since they also have a defined end point.

>> No.11529770

>enter/exit vehicle

>> No.11529863

On the one hand it can be 'O', on the other hand it can also be a circle. Why was Sony so unclear about their controller buttons?

>> No.11530445


>> No.11531397

retards it's CLEARLY
>jigglypuff viewed from above