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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 3.72 MB, 1440x1440, classic_blizzard_general.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11527218 No.11527218 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is dedicated to the discussion of any classic games made by Blizzard Entertainment; those being every game released from their early days as Silicon & Synapse to the release of Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne (2003). Fans of Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo and even older series like The Lost Vikings, Blackthorne and Rock n' Roll Racing are all welcome here.

>For a short history of Blizzard and a list of all their games, check out this wiki: >https://www.wikiwand.com/en/articles/List_of_Blizzard_Entertainment_games
>Some of Blizzard's classic games can be found on sites like gog.com, but most can be found on archive.org as well.
>Battle.net no longer functions for many of Blizzard's classic games. To play online in games like Warcraft 3, you'll need to use a third party service like eurobattle.net or LAN tunneling software like Hamachi.

>Popular mods and custom content for StarCraft, Diablo, Diablo 2 and Warcraft 3:
>Guide to StarCraft mapmaking:
>Guide to Warcraft 3 mapmaking
>Classic battle.net sites for Blizzard games:

Relax, talk, play and have fun. Let's have a good thread.

>> No.11527220

the mad lads did it. glad to see the thread up. looking forward to many comfy nights of blizz discussion with my fellow /vr/gins.

>> No.11527223
File: 241 KB, 1131x707, arthas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup guys, I've compiled a list of things Arthas did wrong:

>> No.11527225
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>> No.11527229
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Glad you could bake it, U̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ thread maker.

>> No.11527243 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 500x375, cowlevel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

diablobros... is he right?


our response?

>> No.11527248
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Just a few things to consider for future threads:
>1) I'll consider it my responsibility to bake for the time being, but if anybody else wants to make a thread go right ahead; just try to follow the format of the previous OPs and always link to the last thread. Try to call dibs before posting so we don't accidentally get two threads in the catalog.
>2) Feel free to add more links/info to the OP if you think it's worth adding, let's just try to discuss it together first so we don't turn the whole thing into a mess.
>3) The anon from the WC3 thread did a bang up job on the OP pic, kudos to him. I guess we can choose new pics for each new thread like the doom guys do, but that's up to whoever's baking.
Let's keep it clean, keep it simple and work together to have a good general free of faggotry. Love you bros.

>> No.11527253

no good game belongs on mobile so no, he is very wrong

>> No.11527259

>his first words: "dude, diablo is the original game where you click things meaninglessly to get rewards"
>unironically defending do you guys not have phones.png
what a fucking chode

>> No.11527261

Memes, nostalgia and gamer cred aside, besides the core 3 franchises, which of the other blizzard games are actually worth playing?

>> No.11527262 [DELETED] 

Why is a Blizzard general necessary? There's normally like 2 Blizzard game threads, 3 tops, at any given time. Contrast this to Nintenyearold/Snoy/Konami/Square/Rare/Capcom which will all have multiple threads up

>> No.11527263

Norse by Norsewest for PS1/Saturn is one of my favorite games by them.

>> No.11527265
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>> No.11527268

This is actually pretty good. Now that I look closer at Arthas I now realize that he already had dark circles under his eyes and not just dirt meaning he was always a stressed out dude.

>> No.11527273

Dont care for the rest but lost vikings and its sequel are very much unique worthwhile experiences. Few games do the whole controlling multiple characters with special skills correctly. DK64 could learn a thing or two from it.

>> No.11527289
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what's your favorite SC faction and why is it terran?

>> No.11527293
File: 45 KB, 500x375, zergprev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch please

Also an undead Warcraft player. The only hard choice is between necrons and tyrannids in 40k

Can I just say how sad it is that Warcraft 3 doesn't address the player character? One of my favorite things about SC how (You) are actually an integral part of the story

>> No.11527297

>Can I just say how sad it is that Warcraft 3 doesn't address the player character? One of my favorite things about SC how (You) are actually an integral part of the story
SC did an amazing job of making the player feel significant. you're not just some literal who, you are a commander with respect and weight in the situation. you feel like you actually have a relationship with the characters. every time Jimmy pops up during a comms call and says "Hey man...", you feel like an old buddy is talking to you. WC3 took a much less personal approach.

>> No.11527304

Currently going through the Warcraft 3 campaign. Crazy how much better the orc campaign gets when you're Grom ravaging the night elf forest and drinking demon blood, it just feels right. Thrall was a mistake

>> No.11527317
File: 130 KB, 415x232, Dethklokband.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in honor of this thread, my night tonight will be
>large amounts of beer and cigarettes
>metalocalypse on the TV
>starting a new hardcore barbarian on D2

>> No.11527319
File: 950 KB, 1920x1080, wciiiscourgemarched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Diablo, modded WoW, or actual Warcraft
I choose WCIII and boy am I bad: This was too much for me on hard and felt way too easy on normal so I guess I have to get good.
>>metalocalypse on the TV
Grand taste.

>> No.11527331

This mission is brutal if you let them infect all the villages. I beat it by getting the expo to the north early and just massing towers. Also, you only lose the mission if every building is destroyed, so you can technically cheese it by building random farms all over the place. It'll force the undead to waste time wandering around looking for your buildings while you draw the clock out, kek/

>> No.11527337 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 1024x576, image-65-41-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was there ever a time when Blizzard wasnt some money grubbing Chinese sympathizer company?

>> No.11527346 [DELETED] 

was there ever a time when you didn't have a penis in your mouth?

>> No.11527350
File: 17 KB, 300x458, 300px-Pandaren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The beginning of the end

>> No.11527356

>tfw your grandpa only bought you 3D Ultra Minigolf instead of Blizzard games like the cool kids at school so you have to shitpost out of anger 25 years later

>> No.11527363

To be fair, he didnt need to kill Muradin.

>> No.11527369

Did he actually kill Muradin though? I didn't see that so much intentional as just a byproduct of the blade releasing its power.

>> No.11527372
File: 91 KB, 735x551, IMG_4362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for reminding me of what I’ve lost

>> No.11527379
File: 2.86 MB, 2258x2000, 1733286791916786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing with my Lego DnD makes me wish so bad for some actual Lego Warcraft

>> No.11527384

nothing is lost brother. just put on a pair of basketball shorts and a band shirt, turn on adult swim, load up warcraft and light a bogey. it'll be 2006 again.

>> No.11527402
File: 234 KB, 1000x750, 1000x800 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much potential

>> No.11527421

For once OP is not a fag

>> No.11527434

I am still a little bit sore that they did the Cerebrate dirty by following some shitty novel as canon.

>> No.11527447

elaborate for a non-lorefag

>> No.11527478

Excellent work, OP and contributors. Let’s keep this alive while those Blizz troll threads die.

>> No.11527484
File: 1.65 MB, 360x336, ezgif-5-0fae2dd9e2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess i'll be the first to share some custom content in this gen
this is a fairly small, two player brood war map called "forgotten world". i made it years ago but i've always been fond of it. try it out in skirmish or something, and give me some feedback if you want.

>> No.11527485

what are your go to blizzplay? diablo 2 multiplayer? starcraft ladder? warcraft 3 ladder? warcraft 3 custom games?

Or are you just the occasional campaign replayer?

>> No.11527502

I usually play SC skirmish in the summer months and WC3 in the winter, not sure why but it just feels right to me. Usually make a new D2 character every year or two. Used to play the living shit out of WC3 multiplayer till they shut it down.
I really need to go back and beat the campaigns for BW and WC3, pretty sure I never have despite playing them for 20 years, kek

>> No.11527513
File: 127 KB, 810x1080, warcraft's_lost_brother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I will remind them.

>> No.11527523 [DELETED] 

the first game
>you the Zerg player quickly prove to be the only competent cerebrate not playing petty politics
>Overmind immediately gives you the most important job of being Kerrigan's parent
>Cerebrates prove to have actual motives and desires as they all quickly turn into traitorous bastards and seek to merge into nuOvermind
>stay loyal to her to the end as the very last cerebrate loyal to Kerrigan
>Kerrigan inadvertently reveals she doesn't even realize that the Overmind's final orders for you was to be loyal to her the whole time
que the shitty novel and nuCanon
>Kerrigana and A cerebrate work together shitting on Cerebrates to make them as robotic and inconvenient as possible while trying to make nuQueens
>no confirmation whatsoever that this is the player Cerebrate
>Kerrigan wants complete control but contradicts this desire by having nuQueens just as powerful as Cerebrates in the hierarchy which would not give her more control
que the second game
>just explains the cerebrates all conveniently died from old age if they didn't get unceremoniously killed off by Kerrigan
>oh and those queens Kerrigan was trying to make all along?
>the Zerg were always meant to be ruled by queens not some hivemind collective of giant mutant brain worms
>so it is a good thing the cerebrates are gone
>what player Cerebrate? Not even an honorable mention about not putting up a fight or anything.

The Terran PC at least gets a mention when you click Raynor enough.

>> No.11527531

>Starcraft 2
lmao if only that was the only story issue with that piece of absolute irredeemable garbage

>> No.11527535

the first game
>Overmind immediately gives you the most important job of being Kerrigan's parent
>you the Zerg player quickly prove to be the only competent cerebrate not playing petty politics
>Cerebrates prove to have actual motives and desires as they all quickly turn into traitorous bastards and seek to merge into nuOvermind
>stay loyal to her to the end as the very last cerebrate loyal to Kerrigan
>Kerrigan inadvertently reveals she doesn't even realize that the Overmind's final orders for you was to be loyal to her the whole time
que the shitty novel and nuCanon
>Kerrigana and A cerebrate work together shitting on Cerebrates to make them as robotic and inconvenient as possible while trying to make nuQueens
>no confirmation whatsoever that this is the player Cerebrate
>Kerrigan wants complete control but contradicts this desire by having nuQueens just as powerful as Cerebrates in the hierarchy which would not give her more control
que the second game
>just explains the cerebrates all conveniently died from old age if they didn't get unceremoniously killed off by Kerrigan
>oh and those queens Kerrigan was trying to make all along?
>the Zerg were always meant to be ruled by queens not some hivemind collective of giant mutant brain worms
>so it is a good thing the cerebrates are gone
>what player Cerebrate? Not even an honorable mention about not putting up a fight or anything.

The Terran PC at least gets a mention when you click Raynor enough.

*swapped two sentences

>> No.11527559

Sorry sweaty we /brandloyalty/ here

>> No.11527562

You're trying too hard.

>> No.11527567

I only played RRR as a kid, later played Blackthorne and Lost Vikings 1 on emulators
Really liked them

>> No.11527570

good OP but for the next one I would remove the green arrows from
>Popular mods and custom content for StarCraft, Diablo, Diablo 2 and Warcraft 3:
>Guide to StarCraft mapmaking:
>Guide to Warcraft 3 mapmaking
>Classic battle.net sites for Blizzard games:

would improve organization and readability imo

>> No.11527581

I agree, I think I'll just condense them altogether since alternating greentext might be distracting too though

>> No.11527584
File: 100 KB, 1785x833, Starcraft 2 Story Summary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes, most certainly. Posting the diamond screencaps.

>> No.11527586
File: 152 KB, 844x492, Starcraft 2 Ending Summary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11527592 [SPOILER] 
File: 154 KB, 1920x1080, Kerrigan starchild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm warning you guys now, the star child stuff isn't a joke.

>> No.11527596

I feel a lot better about having never
played SC2 now.

>> No.11527598

Can someone upload that nexusmod for WC1 for the mouse fixes etc. to catbox? I don’t want an account

>> No.11527605

just make a burner email bro

>> No.11527614

It’s less than 100kb, man. I’m sure someone will do it

>> No.11527616 [DELETED] 

link for instructions https://www.nexusmods.com/warcraftorcsandhumans/mods/2?tab=description

>> No.11527619

why does this look so fucking good? This looks better than any stylized fantasy shit to come afterwards... it's like the perfect level of exaggeration, but still moody atmosphere.

>> No.11527625

>t's like the perfect level of exaggeration, but still moody atmosphere.
exactly, doesnt hurt that the color palette is god tier either

>> No.11527634

You should probably get rentry and/or pastebin pages for the link stuff similar to old school FPS thread if you intent on making this a long-time running thing.
War1 is unironically ideal for mobile port.
>>2) Feel free to add more links/info to the OP if you think it's worth adding, let's just try to discuss it together first so we don't turn the whole thing into a mess.
There's War2 community for you. I just know it's there, pretty much.

>Can I just say how sad it is that Warcraft 3 doesn't address the player character?
I just assumed that the PC is the main hero depending on a mission/campaign, so it's not as personal as Doomhammer and... whoever Defender of the Crown is in War1.
No idea which one you mean, so here's both.

>> No.11527635

I think Blizzard were really smart to choose to "rip off" Warhammer for their Warcraft and Starcraft worlds. Having a starting baseline of ideas, decades of lore and concepts and creativity already poured into these settings, and then just doing your own spinoff allowed Blizzard to focus so much more on art / gameplay.

They also polish their projects to Nintendo levels which pays off. All the little details add up. The animated facial portraits in WC3 must have cost so much effort, but are so memorable. A typical unit texture map is 50% face and 50% the rest of the body. The faces of every unit in Warcraft 3 are actually more detailed than in World of Warcraft, and have more articulation points for animations! The Blizzard sound design is also peak, they make everything juicy and satisfying.

I don't think people give Samwise enough credit for being the backbone of Blizzard's visual style. Everything they made through the 90s and 2000s stands out because of his unique brand of ultra buff, ultra exaggerated, comic book macho men. Metzen's art is unique too, but Samwise really defined the blizzard look that persists to this day. Nobody else has ever really captured that balance of exaggerated and cartoony, but still heavy metal and bad ass like Samwise... except maybe Joe Mads of Darksiders, which is funny because his 90s comic Battle Chasers was one of Samwise's core inspirations. (which was also a core inspiration for Jak and Daxter which has some similarities to Blizzard's art style)

>> No.11527636
File: 313 KB, 480x480, medihb.mp4 [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like most graphic criticism towards warcraft 3 would subside if only they replace the 3 portraits with a static 2d painting of the unit

>> No.11527639

Didn’t know there was a GitHub version so that’s amazing, cheers lad!


>> No.11527640

I love that the color palette is treated with a logical design rather than "this looks nice". Having every unit have a piece of flare in their texture art that pops with their racial color made everything so readable, combined with smart particle effects and the big selection ring--you can glance at a WC3 screen and immediately know who is who. Their silhouettes are also so memorable. You can easily call out every unit just by their silhouette alone.

You'll also see that they used a lot darker blacks and shadows in WC3 textures, way more contrast on the textures than WoW where everything is a bit softer.

>> No.11527645

this face has more charm, personality and movement than all the NPCs in Starfield or Skyrim or Witcher 3. It's crazy how good Blizzard was at characterization.

>> No.11527646

No problem. It's nice that author recently added the option to switch off things in there, so you can opt out for more extreme gameplay changes.

>> No.11527648

>that camera pan down for the sorceress' portrait
It would also be less fun.

>> No.11527650

it looks like dogshit. coming from starcraft prerendered portraits and the war3 opening cinematic to this was both comical and horrifying

>> No.11527662

that's funny because I love it and the animated portraits are my favorite part of Warcraft 3.

>> No.11527672
File: 215 KB, 1109x1500, 1718666329986987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting thread

>> No.11527684 [DELETED] 
File: 177 KB, 543x373, KNIHGT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

teehee so epic for the win xD


>> No.11527686

begone wowcoomers

>> No.11527689
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>> No.11527710

people whining about the portraits never even played the game. as good as the game is, it does deserve criticism for poor design priorities. i know they said they reduced overall unit sizes in favor or "muh strategy/tactics" but in reality it was because they wanted to have the first 3D RTS and wow everyone with it. of course no one at the time was complaining, we were all wowed by the visuals (don't even say you weren't faggot), but in retrospect warcraft 3 sowed the seeds for the death of the RTS genre. it was too successful for its own good and gave rise to the mobaslop that took its place and still endures to this day.

>> No.11527718

Yeah, changing spearmen damage was a strange decision

>> No.11527723

Zerg, because I sucked at the game on account of being a 12 year old. I would just play BGH, turtle and mass overlord drop Hydras from 200 supply. Then rally Zerglings as supply freed up into their base as they'd send all available units to try and counter my Hydras, leaving nothing but static defense in the way. This worked like 9/10 times pre-brood war.

I never got into BW multiplayer because by then I recognized I sucked at RTS and switched to greener pastures of TFC and CS, before coming back to Blizz with D2.

>> No.11527725

I don’t even give a fuck about RTS but I can’t deny that blizzard probably had the greatest retro run for an American developer from WC1 - World of Warcraft. And even nublizz managed to soldier on and create success (while destroying the industry). What a rollercoaster of a company they are

>> No.11527726

>don't even say you weren't faggot
I wasnt. I mean I liked most of the ingame stuff well enough(the pallet swaps of creeps where they just blow up the size of the model without an actual recolor where they suck on of the hues so the model looks like an hideous red or blue or green is extremely lazy and something I despise to this day) but there's zero excuse for the portraits. I hate them now and I hated them in 2002

>> No.11527732
File: 637 KB, 800x900, darkportalheroes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes me sad they only brought back hellscream for WCIII

>> No.11527743
File: 2.99 MB, 1080x1269, wciiarchertroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exactly, doesnt hurt that the color palette is god tier either
I found this about WCII:
>>We doubled the resolution of the game so we could insert all these details we didn't see before, and I did a test with some realistic Orcs running around. They were just rendered sprites, but they were rendered in 3D with armor and skin tone and everything.
>>I really liked it, and a lot of people really liked it. It was a totally different look. But then some of the other designers came in and said, "No, it's got to look more cartoony. It's got to look more goofy."
>>As a petulant kind of "Fuck you," I turned the shaders all the way up on the characters so they were 100 percent saturated, like obscene neon and glowing green, just to show them how ridiculous it would look. And they said, "Yeah, that's it. That's what we want."
>>Shot myself in the foot on that one. We dialed it back maybe 10, but that's what the game ended up looking like.

>> No.11527745

All gameplay balance changes are going too far. Not just the Spearman damage, but giving Peons/Peasants attack and removing building requirements.
>i know they said they reduced overall unit sizes in favor or "muh strategy/tactics"
It was a good call for what War3 turned into. Not just more varied food costs, but upkeep too. With War3, Blizzard essentially made one step away from SC and one step back towards War1.
>Makes me sad they only brought back hellscream for WCIII
And Ner'zhul.

>> No.11527756

>And Ner'zhul.
Ner'zhul was never playable

>> No.11527770

That's absolutely the best part, it's Orcs being Orcs, they had more personality in the first 2 games. I loved the way they talked in the mission briefings, they were absolutely savage and merciless.

>> No.11527771

Alright. They probably could've had Kargath stay on Azeroth alongside Grom before re-establishing him as sticking around on Draenor, but I guess they wanted to put a bit more focus on Garona instead before cutting her from the story altogether.
Oh yeah, why not link directly to a proper page like for Warcraft 3 and Diablo 2?

>> No.11527786

that's another legitimate criticism i've seen about warcraft 3, that the orcs became too pussified and become le noble savages.

>> No.11527792

>Oh yeah, why not link directly to a proper page like for Warcraft 3 and Diablo 2?
I meant to but accidentally copied the wrong thing and never noticed, will have to fix it next time. Couple typos/formatting things I gotta change too.

>> No.11527802

They should have been 2 separate factions, with the wc3 style orcs being playable in campaign only. There were still the more crazy evil orcs around, just not many. Maybe the portal could've been re-opened to stir more chaos in Azeroth and Lordaeron, it would have been a big distraction for the Undead and made their rise go mostly un-noticed, which would have made more sense in my opinion, rather than Lordaeron being retarded and basically ignoring the situation, brushing it off like it's just nonsense (like they did to Azeroth in wc1)

>> No.11527827

I keep telling myself I'll beat the rexxar campaign one day but it's just so fucking boring, I can never muster the will to do it

>> No.11527869

that's how i feel about campaign in general honestly. i always ruin the campaign in these games for myself by playing online/skirmish first
>ah well, time to play story mode...
>10+ missions of learning things i already figured out from skirmish
IMO the best way to make a boting campaign mission fun is by setting aome kind of retarded self limitation or trying to beat it in a very unconventional way

>> No.11527876

you could just play hardmode

>> No.11527893

if we're talking about WC3 specifically then even hard mode is pretty easy

>> No.11527965

>Their silhouettes are also so memorable. You can easily call out every unit just by their silhouette alone.
I think I recall reading an article where one of they said they'd start by designing the silhouettes before any of the defined features to make sure the characters were recognizable by silhouette alone. These dudes knew what they were doing.

>> No.11527989

Never understood the hate for Rexxars campaign, Ive always liked it. Its at least better than the other hero centric missions in the regular campaigns.

>> No.11527991

Good timing, I just saw this thread after finishing it. Wanted to replay TFT on hard and figured I'd do Rexxar's bit first. It was very boring. The first act is non-linear but involves lots of walking across the enormous map, but at least you feel like you're making progress and have stuff to spend money on. The second act is far more linear, and you're so strong that the few new XP levels and items don't feel valuable. Outside of a single battle, it's almost devoid of challenge, even though the level design is arguably better. The third "act" is essentially just a single fight, which I hadn't remembered. It's extremely anticlimactic and plain, which is probably why I forgot about it.

Considering the story is quite weak, I wouldn't suggest anyone waste time on it unless they're playing the franchise for the first time or are just desperate to sponge up every bit of Warcraft lore they can, no matter the time investment.

>> No.11528002

Really? Here are some missions I found difficult on hard mode.
>Blackrock & Roll, Too!
>Under the Burning Sky
>The Blood of Mannoroth
>By Demons Be Driven
Night Elf:
>Twilight of the Gods

Im not a big fan of the hero centric missions either, so you can simply play these, the context changes, but the gist is the same, in all of them you have enemy forces stacked against you and its hard to survive.

>> No.11528051

>the other hero centric missions in the regular campaigns.
Those are nice breathers inbetween all the big intense battles. The key is that they are brief not overstaying their welcome. Rexxar is just more and more of the same so it gets tedious fast

>> No.11528076
File: 3.14 MB, 1355x985, groobysfarm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on my WC3 maps tonight and I need some tunes, bros. Recommend me some music that's good for work, ideally ambient type stuff. Can even be something trippy like Shpongle, or good folk/metal. I just need something to get me in the zone.

>> No.11528082

Dungeon synth

>> No.11528086


>> No.11528087

>Dungeon synth
>first result on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pn6-2hrTfjk
Sick. Thank you dude. This is exactly what I needed.

>> No.11528093

>let's just take a bunch of comic book orcs and knights and turn the saturation up to 100 and ship it
this is honestly incredibly based, no wonder the game looks so juicy

>> No.11528095
File: 130 KB, 1000x1000, 81uQQqWswfL._UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice, I'll be listening to more of this one later. Here, you guys can have one in return. This is the polar opposite of what I asked for, but I love cranking this when playing:

>> No.11528096

...Of course I post the wrong link like a sperg. Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BhsTTftWno

>> No.11528107
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C-C-C-Cool thread OP. Yeeaaah...

>> No.11528120

this is like synth oblivion music, nice

>> No.11528125

He thought those proportions were realistic?

>> No.11528127

In terms of the sheer quality of their products, I can't think of another American dev on the same level.

>> No.11528142

Just killed a bunch of watchers, owlbears and a fucking sacred keeper of the grove because Tyrande is desperate for Illidans cock. This is so fucked Maiev should have sentenced the bitch to death if only Malfurion wasn't such a simp

>> No.11528143

>he isn't a 6'3'' golden blonde elven man with a jaw of steel and long, sumptuous legs or a 10 foot tall green forest troll with a flowing mane and massive pecks who can wield two 160lb axes

>> No.11528148
File: 52 KB, 635x162, wciiarcherandtroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thought those proportions were realistic?
That picture is drawn by Chris Metzen. The person I'm quoting is Duane Stinnett, a different Blizzard artist.
What's funny is that those units are evenly matched and have the same stats.

>> No.11528172
File: 1.58 MB, 498x353, eminem-now-this-looks-like-a-job-for-me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time for you fags to learn WC3 World Editor so you can make some cool custom content to share. You can make something as simple as a standard multiplayer map, or something as complex as a full blown RPG complete with lengthy quests, cutscenes and so on. It's nearly drag and drop tier easy to use, and you can make a functional map in 10 minutes. Load that shit up right now, and if you need any help I can teach you the basics.

>> No.11528187

>Considering the story is quite weak, I wouldn't suggest anyone waste time on it unless they're playing the franchise for the first time or are just desperate to sponge up every bit of Warcraft lore they can
gotta play through every campaign at least once, after that, yeah who cares. pretty sure i played like 15 years of battle.net street without ever touching the story again.

>> No.11528202

I'm kinda of entertaining the idea of doing a follow-up campaign about what happens at the end of frozen throne but I gotta plow though the campaigns first. I'm on it

>> No.11528203

>What's funny is that those units are evenly matched and have the same stats.
well yeah, the vision of the concept art rarely gets realized in the final product. at the end of the day a game that's fun to play is going to trump all.

>> No.11528206

I remember you mentioning that in the WC3 thread, I support this. We need a proper ending instead of nublizz faggotry.

>> No.11528217

The game was deliberately balanced around special abilities so the units were made to be a parallel to each other. You won't see this kind of thing now because everyone getting into strategy is infected with the Rock Paper Scissors meme. Even fans.

>> No.11528231

>You won't see this kind of thing now because everyone getting into strategy is infected with the Rock Paper Scissors meme.
This has become the basis for basically all modern game design.
>Old design: one unit is ranged, one unit is melee, but they have roughly the same stats, are designed to synergize with other units in their faction, and are thus situationally useful depending on how you want to play
>Modern design: this unit rapes this other unit in any situation, just deathball each other now

>> No.11528248

did that peon kill grooby?

>> No.11528250

That Peon is Grooby.

>> No.11528253

why he livin in a human buildings with human armor?

>> No.11528286
File: 12 KB, 291x350, orccmf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just moc your own silly

>> No.11528292
File: 2.00 MB, 1393x969, ginnywood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grooby had a good friend named Kevin the Footsoldier. Kevin helped Grooby build his farm, and he taught him everything he knew. They were friends for many years, but Kevin went away to war one day, and he never came back. Grooby went in search of him, and eventually found Kevin's remains -- among them, his armor.

Grooby lives in the land of Ginnywood, a land far from Lordaeron, where he once led a simple life tending to his farm, taking half-naps under the sweetberry trees in the afternoon, and occasionally nursing a good ale and enjoying a bite of particularly stinky cheese before dozing off again. He loved his naps, his beer, his pigs, his chickens, his trees, and above all, his peace. Unfortunately, things have become... complicated... for Grooby.

Recently, at night, strange creatures have begun to emerge from the countryside. These creatures threaten Grooby's farm, so he must now don the armor of his best friend, Kevin, and take up a quest to destroy the evil that endangers all he holds dear.

With any luck, Grooby will be able to stop the flow of evil, restore peace to the land, and honor the friend who gave him the strength, and armor, to defend Ginnywood.

>> No.11528301
File: 1.55 MB, 1200x675, apufarmer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grooby a cute

>> No.11528308
File: 3.40 MB, 1920x1080, WC3ScrnShot_012225_220440_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He might be cute, but he has some emotional baggage. Things get real weird at night...

>> No.11528330

This looks so good

>> No.11528336

Thank you man. I'm not half finished, but I hope to share it with you bros one day.

>> No.11528337
File: 710 KB, 1920x1080, wciiiscourgemarchtake2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retrying on hard
>massing more towers
>taking out the caravan sooner
Got really messy near the end but we made it. I should've expanded but I was too busy with defending home and hunting that side objective.

>> No.11528341
File: 404 KB, 380x689, Vashthestampedeanime.PNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Good job.

>> No.11528383
File: 574 KB, 1280x960, terran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this idea, we should try it for a while. Diablo threads come up every now and then, and sometimes they hold for a while, but they can peter out at times, and similar for Starcraft threads.

As long as we'll continue having stuff worth discussing, this could turn out well.

It's very regrettable how bad Blizzard's writing became and how quickly. Maybe you can argue that it wasn't ever perfect, sure, but it generally held up and worked well enough, and it was never... whatever THIS ridiculous and atrociously written schlock is that they've been doing for the past 15ish years or so. The standard and quality clearly declined, and VERY heavily.

All I can really do though is to continue loving the classics and then pretend that the later entries never happened (a bit like with Star Wars).

I always loved the Terrans, I find their hick Southern U.S drawls, sci-fi Confederate larp, and stereotypes endlessly charming. Some people hate those kinds of accents, but not me, and I like their tech and design a lot.

>> No.11528387

Feel kinda bad this post has no (You)s but I'm not a StarCraft guy :(

Sorry fren

>> No.11528396

>I like this idea, we should try it for a while. Diablo threads come up every now and then, and sometimes they hold for a while, but they can peter out at times, and similar for Starcraft threads.
combining all the franchises together is a brilliant idea since they all sort of play off one another anyway. this is a welcome addition compared to the slew of garbage on here.

>> No.11528415

I think that it's good if we involve some modding and custom content in here, content from circles and communities elsewhere, as well as even original content made here, its a good way to prevent a general from turning into stale shit.
Don't have to like all the modding communities out there (/doom/ certainly doesn't love the big Doom ones, for instance), but rather just the content itself.

Are there ports for all the Blizzard classics? Doom and Quake have their sourceports, and Diablo 1 has DevilutionX as a reverse engineered port, but what about for Starcraft, Diablo 2, and the Warcrafts?

>> No.11528428

The portraits looked kinda rough at the time, yeah, but I didn't mind them.

>> No.11528437

Overall, Warcraft 3 was pretty good looking. The characters and buildings are a bit low poly, but that's the sacrifice you make for making it fully 3D, and it had a stylized look which worked with the low polycount.
I think the maps and their environments are a huge part of what made the the game look good.


>> No.11528440

SC, D2 and WC3 all work perfectly fine on modern hardware, no ports needed. You can get them all from archive.org, uploaded by Blizzard themselves, for free.

>> No.11528448

I hate diablo
>Click click click till you get the random reward you were hoping for

All the cool spells you can't even try out because you shouldn't waste points outside of your core skills

Terrible unengaging game design. Cool prerendered graphics though. Would have preferred if Warcraft 3 looked something like that

>> No.11528485

You should try the first game. It's simpler, yet deceptively has some depth to it. Not very long.

>> No.11528505 [DELETED] 

>redditspaced greatest hits list of grievances aggregated from things people have said in the thread
there you go again, trying to stir the pot. i know who you are and you deserve to die a painful, cuckold death. i will curse you in my dreams tonight.

>> No.11528927

Diablo 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> D1

>> No.11529120
File: 1.02 MB, 640x480, d1psx_butch.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m starting to think PSX Diablo > PC

>> No.11529125

if only for having movement speed that isnt aids, yes

>> No.11529189

Is there any way to play StarCraft without logging into blizzard servers?

What about StarCraft Remastered?

>> No.11529229

So, "Heart" of the Swarm was a pun? Oh Blizzard...

>> No.11529243

>Is there any way to play StarCraft without logging into blizzard servers?
just download any older copy of the game and boot it up. archive.org has 1.16 zipped and ready to play

>> No.11529253
File: 342 KB, 567x634, disgusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume you mean multiplayer because singleplayer you obviously dont need internet, just pirate it

you would have to use private servers or lan(through hamachi)

>StarCraft Remastered
please dont do that to yourself

>> No.11529295

Alright. These things happen, it's alright.
>They should have been 2 separate factions, with the wc3 style orcs being playable in campaign only.
Well, there were two variations of crazy & evil orcs: that branch of Blackrock Clan with demonic boner and Fel Orcs in Outland. Blizzard were paving the way to WoW with War3, so it's not surprising to see them pushing the Horde towards more protagonist role while also nudging Alliance a bit towards antagonist one. To even the scale of good & bad balance out, moving away from "Horde is evil" and "Alliance is good" troves.
I would it's best to stick with whatever the mood of a campaign is. Whenever intended or not, premise in >>11528292 gives an impression of a largely comedic story.
>Are there ports for all the Blizzard classics?
Aside from DevilutionX, there's nothing quite solid. Things like Wargus, Stratagus and War1gus are more of a novelty things not really fit for a use to actually like War2, SC and War1.
Not sure if there's similar archives for D2 & SC, but Hive Workshop has an extensive page for War3 patches. Also, generally Patch 1.29.2 is cited as a better (lesser evil or whatever) version of War3 in its "pre-Reforged arc" during 1.28-1.31.1 period.

Memory is old, but I think you need to login once a month for at least the Remastered stuff to work. Original might be fine.
>please dont do that to yourself
At least those are just the portraits... Still a shame that art team from Classic Games Team punish SC2 stuff in Remastered whenever they could, but at least SC players (unlike War3 fragments) were wise enough to stand ground with the units themselves.

>> No.11529306
File: 3.28 MB, 1920x1067, illidan&frens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this little band of evil rejects

>> No.11529319 [DELETED] 

I just like playing SC2 Brood War Custom Maps.

>> No.11529329 [DELETED] 

not retro

>> No.11529408 [DELETED] 

>Doom can go and play their custom wads and it is okay
>making custom levels from an RTS game's ancient level editor is not okay

>> No.11529524 [DELETED] 

Nevermind I kneel.

>> No.11529536
File: 1.36 MB, 1135x673, proudmoore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11529543

Nigga I don't have the time im working and I have a motorbike so I meet bitches I just play the campaigns to cool down between different broads

>> No.11529547

being on the down low is not an excuse for neglecting your world editor studies

>> No.11529583
File: 690 KB, 750x656, pandamonium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually really like the Pandaren when they were just a little fun silly thing on the side instead of taking center stage

>> No.11529613
File: 856 KB, 1920x1080, terrokarakkoabalcony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>private server adventures
I love the naga in particular but I'm feeling some burn out through this expansion. I'm missing dungeons like Wailing Caverns and Blackrock Depths and the zones seem to flood me with more quests+drag on longer. I'm curious how Wrath will compare, and I am looking forward to Blade's Edge and Shadowmoon Valley.

>> No.11529617

We do not condone WoW in this thread love

>> No.11529620

read the OP please

>> No.11529625

>Doom and Quake have their sourceports
It has always been Carmack's policy to release the source code for id's games once a number of years have passed, so it's quite easy to make ports or use the engine as a base for something else. That isn't Blizzard's policy, and maybe the closest we came was that guy who found Starcraft's source code on a disc (and then mailed it back to Blizzard).
Jaina's fault. All she ever does is run away or watch while other people solve the problems going on.
Blizzard is huge on pandaring (pun intended) to China, and it makes all of their games (and movies) worse. Mostly a bunch of hacks at this point.

>> No.11529627
File: 822 KB, 1647x927, wciiiarthascookingstrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kudos to Arthas for planting the seeds of my favorite instance.

>> No.11529631

Starcraft Remastered is fine. The portraits are a little odd at times, but the unit graphics look great.

>> No.11529637

>The portraits are a little odd at times,
you mean, "complete shit"
>the unit graphics look great.

>> No.11529639
File: 984 KB, 810x562, 1712447455960233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11529703

We love WoW here. Fuck the OP for being a catty faggot bitch.

>> No.11529708

>he's still at it
you're gonna be seeing this general for a long time, so just get used to it bud.

>> No.11529716

>Still a shame that art team from Classic Games Team punish SC2 stuff in Remastered whenever they could
Whenever and wherever.*
And yet Pandaria stuff is one the better things that WoW's narrative had going for it.

>> No.11529767

Endless Skies is one of my favorite fantasy vibe albums. Shame their other album isn't nearly as good. Anything else similar to Ashbury?

>> No.11529809
File: 112 KB, 120x125, dreadlord.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick! post your favorite unit

>> No.11529817

hey don't fuck with me buddy, you don't want my autism unleashed, i'm telling you right now

>> No.11529838
File: 38 KB, 110x117, darkranger-sylvannas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a sucker for mind controlling enemy units

Dark Archon in Starcraft

>> No.11529886
File: 116 KB, 133x149, chieftain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We love WoW here.
Only some of it and mostly through unintended means. In another timeline Blizz would give players the tools to make and run their own Warcraft world however they'd like.
This or the pally.

>> No.11529905
File: 80 KB, 133x147, Firelord.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for him this time.

>> No.11529930

this was such a bizarre addition to the game.

>> No.11529968
File: 4 KB, 42x60, peon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11529971

Rock 'n Roll Racing on SNES is fun as fuck.

>> No.11530046

One of Blizzard's most mysterious characters. He just wants to watch the world burn, but he's not going to take a step until he gets some cold, hard gold in his fiery hands. Is he ambitious and needs the cash? Or is he emotionally withholding and willing to not destroy things until he gets attention from someone? We may never know, unless the next WoW expansion is centered around him.

>> No.11530049
File: 45 KB, 239x360, norsebynorsewest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are """people""" who prefer the stinky SNES version of Norse by Norsewest over the 5th gen version with its SOUL-infused prerendered graphics

>> No.11530179
File: 139 KB, 1000x752, 618PHryHccL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diablo 2 used to be so fucking cool
>talking to people on the channels, pressing the chat gem and theorizing about what it really did
>lonely, creepy mule parking servers where you would occasionally meet strange people, or you could snoop around looking for loot that somebody hid in a corner of the town and was trying to transfer to another char and steal it before they got back
>low level dueling servers with people who had level 9, 12, 15, etc., characters who were stronger than some level 30s due to be insanely specced with near perfect gear
>gambling games like trading increasingly valuable items back and forth to each other until one of you decides to pull out and keep the winnings, or throwing untradeable items on either side of the wall by Akara and sprinting to get them before the other guy could grab both
It's funny that Diablo gets this "cookie clicker" reputation from zoomers because I probably spent 80% of my time in that game playing it like some kind of economy simulator. D2 is one of the best examples I can think of where user-made meta games became more dominant than the intended gameplay.

>> No.11530316

omg guise did u no diablo 2 iz teh best gaem evar!!!

>> No.11530365

Outside of a few select Led Zeppelin songs, not really, as far as I can tell. They had a pretty unique sound. The "swords and sorcery folk-metal" genre isn't nearly as packed as you think it would be.

>> No.11530384
File: 142 KB, 734x865, strike-a-pose-vogue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man doing the reign of chaos and frozen throne night elf campaigns back to back is pretty taxing, these characters are all insufferable

careful the janny is monitoring this thead closely, he has deleted multiple posts for ironic shitposting

>> No.11530386

>careful the janny is monitoring this thead closely, he has deleted multiple posts for ironic shitposting
based janny

>> No.11530414
File: 176 KB, 752x801, Ancient_Firelord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he's alright. Definitely stands out in comparison to other Tavern heroes... Together with Pandaren Brewmaster, to be fair.
Nah. Aside from Ragnaros being The Firelord:
>With Cataclysm came an updated model for them, and they can be found in the Firelands raid or at the Molten Front. All of the Warcraft III firelords returned except for Smolderas: Ragepyre, Hatespark, Blazefury, Heatflayer, Volcanus, Flashfire, Kar the Everburning, Singeslayer.

>> No.11530454

>this was such a bizarre addition to the game.
it's a fire spirit with armor on. is this really all that out of the ordinary given the rest of the game's denizens?

>> No.11530461
File: 113 KB, 220x246, footman-warcraft.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a simple man...

>> No.11530464

I find his walking animation strange.

>> No.11530474
File: 199 KB, 1370x566, neutralheroes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it just seems out of nowwhere but I guessed I missed the contest that it was a WoW promo thing

vashj is in the frozen throne campaign
manoroth was in game since reign of chaos
sylvannas in the frozen throne campaign
rexxar got a whole campaign
the natural conclusion to the panda joke
more of goblins and ogres that were sadly sidelined in war 3

firelord felt random

>> No.11530480
File: 49 KB, 535x500, SCGoliath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dreadlord is my favorite WC3 unit as well, dropping down the Infernal always feels great. So Ill post my favorite SC unit.
>Goliath, online.
Also, how good is Brood War? I like the original Starcraft, but never tried BW, because it felt too zerg and protoss centric. Ill be mostly playing the campaign, is it worth it if I prefer playing as terran?

>> No.11530485

Its actually very terran centric since one of the big things is the introduction of the earth directorate faction. Im sure youre familiar with that intro cinematic. actually both the intro and ending of the game have a terran pov


that said I certainly dont think the plot is as good, though the missions are a lot more dynamic from a gameplay standpoint

>> No.11530509

starcraft > brood war
reign of chaos > frozen throne
new goodies are nice, but the expansions in these games always seem to appeal to the lowest common denominator by fucking with unit/structure costs (usually making them lower) and adding in OP units that mess with the established balance. i'm probably just a shitter but i find the extra content overwhelming in multiplayer sometimes.

>> No.11530523

>starcraft > brood war
>reign of chaos > frozen throne
I agree but due to the story. Base games are relatively self contained with a sense of grandeur and closure, expansions are obvious sequelbait full of loose ends where the "bad guys" win and rule supreme as a setup for the sequel. As we can see from SC2 and WoW, those "payoffs" materialized into one big pile of shit

>> No.11530530

Oh so you think it was random due to meta reasons because with mercenary camps you can hire:
>living nerubians
>sludge monsters
>giant reptiles
>markura the crab people
So some fire elemental hanging out with pit lords and goblins as a neutral hero didn't seem out of place to me at all.

>> No.11530541
File: 47 KB, 65x108, acolyte.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you posted my favorite hero so here's my favorite regular unit

>> No.11530565

i wish they had found a way to make the terran campaign ending the ending to the entire base game. that's how you finish a story.

>> No.11530608
File: 226 KB, 900x900, 1729278047154808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are we gonna get some multiplayer going this weekend, or what? I want to play some motherfucking WARCRAFT THREE, man. If you guys are down, tell me a timeframe when you'll be free and let's make it happen. I'll host and spoonfeed you instructions for joining if need be. 9pm EST tomorrow or Saturday would work for me.

>> No.11530613

I'll play aoe 1, warcraft 2 and empire earth.

>> No.11530614
File: 95 KB, 640x480, 1694303404539851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>age of fagpires
Sir, this is the Classic Blizzard General.

>> No.11530740
File: 158 KB, 601x511, Screenshot_20250123-223033_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on over here?

>> No.11530752
File: 1.70 MB, 994x769, sheepsacrifice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a side quest Grooby can find. It's about a cult of sheep from a local farm that gather at night to sacrifice humans because they're tired of having their lambs sacrificed.

>> No.11530772

kino of the highest order

>> No.11530874
File: 1.38 MB, 989x571, thewayhome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if Grooby finds the cultist sheep at night, he can convince them to stop their actions in return for traveling to their farm and convincing the farmer to stop sacrificing their lambs (by getting him a date with an eccentric woman who lives to the north)
>before daybreak, the red cultist sheep return to the farm and turn into regular white sheep to hide amongst the rest
>if Grooby finds the farm during daytime, he can attack/kill any of the sheep, but if he kills one of the cultist sheep, a huge flock of sheep will attack that night in addition to the regular enemies
>if Grooby kills all the cult sheep, the cultist quest will never appear at night, but the farmer will offer him a different quest to find two lambs from a different farm so he can start a new flock, regretful that he ever sacrificed his most prized possession
I'm going deep with this, man.

>> No.11530885
File: 285 KB, 2403x1351, 3635d09b3ae443d0961214b58642d8f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Inb4 all necro edgelords

>> No.11530887

Sword and board barb or go home.

>> No.11530913

necro is based, you can't tell me raping an entire legion of goons with poison nova isn't kino. the real edgelord was always druid.

>> No.11530917

Necro or Druid

I just like spellcasters and I don't wanna play as a woman

>> No.11530920
File: 90 KB, 645x1024, 1734328118816996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11530982

WC3s terrain is so nice to look at.

>> No.11530985
File: 378 KB, 729x800, 1368683666009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barbarian or Paladin. I like decking out in steel head to toe and cutting big demons in half down the middle with axes.

>> No.11531383

Does anyone even like amazon/assassin? I feel like they would benefit if they were combined into a single character

>> No.11531545
File: 1.99 MB, 1920x1440, d1psx_filter1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both of the expansion classes seem the least popular. Don't know where the amazon sits overall but I like her, she's a sexier rogue that I can also build melee.

>> No.11531550

Do you guys prefer lan or battle.net?

>> No.11531568

pointing at people was already rude in Germany 500 years ago? How does something like that remain static and unchanging?

>> No.11531619

battle.net doesn't work anymore bro

>> No.11531621

I am referring to nuBattle.net of course. Lan is your only option for classic without the remasters.

>> No.11531702

>I am referring to nuBattle.net of course
sure as shit not playing reforged

>> No.11531710

Amazon is one of the more popular classes (or at least, was when I played), but I never liked her. My faggot brother made zons almost exclusively and I never understood why, they're boring as shit. Assassin was a little more fun, but frankly I never liked the female classes in general.

>> No.11531860

Both StarCraft & Warcraft 3 were moved to current version of Battle.net with their remaster-expansions. LAN is still there in current version of War3, but I recall it having some issues in Patch 2.0 or something. Should still be there for SC as well. Don't know for sure though.
You can also pick up older patch (pre-1.32+ for War3 and pre-1.19 for SC) for each game, yeah.

>> No.11531881

LAN works fine for any version of SC/WC3, I don't know what you mean by "Patch 2.0" unless you're talking about reforged which is irrelevant. Just download 1.26a, 1.27b or 1.31, get some LAN tunneling software and play. It's not convoluted.

>> No.11531890

The story has many holes, but it's told in a fun way, and the gameplay is better than in the base game. Worth doing the campaign if you liked the original SC, although I can't speak to you disliking Zerg/Toss.
But they can also improve balance. I doubt Terran infantry was really viable until medics were around to keep them from being BTFO within seconds. Also, I think people tend to overlook the base gameplay changes that they bring. For example, without TFT installed, tomes have to be added to your hero's inventory and then used from there, instead of just being used on the spot. Small quality of life things like that go a long way.

>> No.11531925

>LAN tunneling
Anyone got recommendations on tunneling software besides hamachi? It’s gotten a little clunky. There was software that used steam’s network for LAN on any game, but Gaben quashed that…

>> No.11531994

This is a place of great power!

>> No.11532035
File: 106 KB, 640x480, brood_war_2025-01-24_11-52-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is two LAN versions for SC, Monikon 1.16.1 and iccup download. If you want singleplayer then you have to get the big MPQ file and put it into the iccup version because that version is multiplayer only. Monikon is harder to find nowadays and I doubt you guys want my dusty old .exe file due to justified pragmatism and paranoia so you would have to look for his 1.16.1 patch and do the patch installing yourself on a fresh copy.
ALSO you will likely need cnc-ddraw for Brood War. Not because you want fancier graphics but because the game has severe graphics issues on modern OSes. You will find it on ModDB or GitHub.

Of course to anyone hesitant about this stuff, Blizzard did release these games as freeware. EA did this to CnC1, Tiberium Sun, and Red Alert 1 as well. People are coy with CD keys but the actual status of these games is actually more readily available then they realize.

>> No.11532063

Blizzard uploaded them to archive.org themselves. Probably the only semi-based thing they've done in 15 years.

>> No.11532135
File: 50 KB, 728x486, fjcBPVlg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great thread so far guys.
>some format adjustments
>add proper link to battle.net Starcraft site
>possibly find a way to condense links altogether
>provide better instructions/resources for setting up LAN tunneling
Also, I didn't realize Blizzard had released all of the older games as freeware, so I suppose we could actually just link directly to archive.org for SC, WC3 etc.

Anything else you guys can think of it, let me know. Oh, and if anybody wants to make/post a candidate for next thread's OP picture, go right ahead.

>> No.11532156
File: 648 KB, 654x496, but they said there wasn't one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A thing we can do is to put
/cbg/ - Classic Blizzard General
at the top of the post, then the subject field can hold an allcaps tagline which can go along with a funny or cool image.

>> No.11532170

At that point we'd pretty much be directly copying doomgen though. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing, but it feels a little greasy to me.

>> No.11532196

Doesn't feel greasy to me.

>> No.11532208

Let's see what some other guys think. I'd be okay with it if everyone else is, although personally if somebody copied my general format (effectively making two generals semi-identical in the catalog at a quick glance), it might annoy me a bit.

>> No.11532232

I post there and it wouldn't bother me, I think it's a fun format.

>> No.11532243

I think before we let loose and make way for sillier OPs we should establish the thread longer to make sure everyone is even aware its a thing. This OP pic is super clickable, it really grabs your attention in the catalog. The current meatballs doom general I wouldnt look at it for a fraction of a second and the only way I would even find the thead would be to ctrl+f "doom"
Plus we can always have fun by adding a "________ edition" at the beggining of the OP. Pretty standard for 4chan generals

>> No.11532252

I agree. Frankly, I mused over just using the same OP pic every time. It's really quite good.

>> No.11532256

That's true.

>> No.11532262

i support using the same pic for future threads, at least for now. very eye catching and gives the gen a personality that others lack. although if we do that and the artist anon is still here, might want to remove the 1.0 at the end of classic blizzard general since it would be a little silly for every new thread to still be 1.0, and i doubt anybody would want to update it to 1.1, 1.2 etc., every time

>> No.11532275

I think we can do other attention grabbing ops. How about a 3x3 grid with blizzard logo in the middle square surrounded by screenshots(ui and shit cropped to be cleaner and more aesthetic) of war 1, war 2, war 3, sc, diablo, diablo 2, blackthorne, lost vikings?

whats that template website everybody uses?

>> No.11532289

>making the op pic a 3x3 with a blizzard logo smacked on it
soulless compared to the one we have now

>> No.11532309
File: 212 KB, 828x353, 1729730035131588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the best course of action is to just make the next few threads with the same OP pic (and the 1.0 removed as one fellow suggested, if anon wouldn't mind doing that for us) until we're established, and then we can decide if we want to branch out a bit once we have an active group going. I'm open to any other suggestions, but that's probably the safest way to proceed for now.

>> No.11532359
File: 417 KB, 768x969, 1680825894415081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the FUCK do I find the Windows version of Norse by Norsewest? I don't want to play this shit on DOSBox or emulate the PS1/Sat versions, I want to play the Windows version. I'm starting to think it doesn't even exist, I can't find it anywhere.

>> No.11532374

The disc have both installers, but I'm sure it can only run on older OS, so you have to still emulate.

>> No.11532383
File: 3.76 MB, 1700x1700, gridop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about this? sorry I dont have the skills of the original OP but I tried. As much as I like our current pic I think it would get really stale fast. After all this thread is far from over so it will still gonna be featured a few days

I think a thumbnail with screenshots you cant quite make out still makes you want to click it so you can actually see them. I'm always drawn to "list" type OPs

>> No.11532394
File: 3.72 MB, 1700x1700, gridop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im noticing it looks a little low contrast so maybe this is more eye catching

>> No.11532425

This is pretty nice too.

>> No.11532428

I like the current OP pic better.

>> No.11532436

Nobody is saying it's better, if you're waiting for a OP to be better than the current one to replace it you'll be waiting forever

>> No.11532453
File: 436 KB, 1920x1080, 864552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loch Modan...home

>> No.11532473
File: 137 KB, 847x339, goaway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is dedicated to the discussion of any classic games made by Blizzard Entertainment; those being every game released from their early days as Silicon & Synapse to the release of Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne (2003).

>> No.11532479

>world of faggotry
read the OP

>> No.11532506

is blackthorne any good? the only "cinematic platformer" i've played is hesrt of darkness. is it better than that?

>> No.11532509

was it 'nothing'?

>> No.11532513

yeah, that was the joke brother

>> No.11532515

Heart of darkness has an artsy quality to it. Blackthorne is a lot more cheesy pulp

>> No.11532517

but in terms of gameplay? HoD was decent but it got cruel and repetitive towards the end, and the limited combat grew old for me

>> No.11532528

To be honest I'm not a fan of cinematic platformer gameplay in general. Blackthorne might feel stiffer. After all it's from 1994

>> No.11532546


He wanted an opinion and I gave, don't know about this "wanting something better" shit, but you do you.

>> No.11532552
File: 1.48 MB, 1920x1440, d1psx_filter2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet the board cut-off date is 2007, and this isn't just a RTS Warcraft thread. It's probably better to just try to say "please don't talk about WoW please" and see how that works.

>> No.11532559

The OP is intentionally specific, and including any verbiage about WoW specifically would be inviting trouble.

>> No.11532578

I loved vanilla WoW and considered it a partner game to WC3, but it ruined Blizzard and discussion of it is forever tainted by all that came after from both Blizzard and the game's community.
For all intents and purposes the retro version of WoW no longer exists. No, Classic doesn't count. Private servers don't count either.

>> No.11532595

Would be nice if there was a romhack for this version of diablo

>> No.11532612

>Yet the board cut-off date is 2007, and this isn't just a RTS Warcraft thread
that doesn't mean you can just talk about anything you want retard. should i go into a mario thread and start rambling about runescape just because both are "lol retro!". don't be dense, the rules of the thread are obvious.
>outright stating "please don't talk about WoW" in the OP
...would be an awful move. great way to make a bunch of autistic spergs angry and have them shitposting about it out of spite. things are perfect as is. WoW should never be give any attention, negative or otherwise, and if someone brings it up, you direct them to the door and continue on. any other approach is going to lead to infighting and autistic meltdowns, be warned.

>> No.11532645

No wait, are you trying to get me to elaborate by being hostile? No need to be but I guess I should elaborate in hindsight. Why I like OP pic better:
>blends three art pieces in such a way that it alludes to all three games perfectly
>doesn't use a simple straight line border and instead uses something different like lightening
>has an easteregg for anyone enlarging the pic
Beyond that I find the grey generic background instead of using the user interfaces from the various games disappointing.

>> No.11532776

>I don't know what you mean by "Patch 2.0" unless you're talking about reforged which is irrelevant.
It's Warcraft 3. And not just a branched out remaster like Diablo 2 Resurrected or literally any other remaster (with anons talking about them on board without issue as far as I can tell; judging by FPS thread, at least), but a continued update to the game itself. So it's as relevant as it gets, despite its mismanagement scars.
>Blizzard did release these games as freeware.
Just StarCraft and Brood War, yeah. It's all fair game here.
>Blizzard uploaded them to archive.org themselves.
Where you got this from? I couldn't find anything relating to that. Blizzard don't have an account there.
>I didn't realize Blizzard had released all of the older games as freeware
Only StarCraft (with expansion) alongside DOS versions of The Lost Vikings & Blackthorne.
I get the hesitation with being too similar to old FPS threads, but the same image will eventually get old. So you might as well lean into ripping that general off. lol
>Where the FUCK do I find the Windows version of Norse by Norsewest?
Try this.

Most screenshots are too blurry, but there could be some potential.

>> No.11532785

>Try this.
I was pretty sure Windows version was there. My bad... Does it eve-... Oh yeah, there's box screenshots. This might still be DOS-only version, but try the ""Элeктpoннaя кoпия" диcкa c игpoй" one.

>> No.11532830

Eat my fucking cock. I'll post about World of Warcraft in the classic Blizzard general and you'll fucking like it. What are you, a fucking woman? Making an arbitrary decision not to include Blizzard's most well-known game because you don't like it for some gay reason? Get fucked mate.

>> No.11532838
File: 110 KB, 750x742, 86321408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11532845
File: 647 KB, 640x480, psxd1_ohgoodtheyreback.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The OP is intentionally specific
Is it for any other reason than to exclude the MMO? Because that's the only other "retro Blizzard game" between 2004 and 07.
I only play singleplayer, mostly warrior, and I don't miss the Hellfire content so it's turning into my favorite way to play it.

>> No.11532859

>Is it for any other reason than to exclude the MMO?
Ofc it is. OP mentions "autistic spergs angry" when he himself gets sent into such an autistic rage over WoW that he doesn't want discussion over it. Typical sperg behavior.

>> No.11532874

Classic warcraft is free if you already own a CD and that installer they released for a bit before burying it for classic and older ones do not force buying reforged so long as you do not patch it higher then like 1.27b or something. You just don't get battle.net support.
He is likely the guy who made those anti-Blizzard threads. Him trying to be pedantic about this while conveniently ignoring that the MMO is still alive and therefore has dedicated /vg/ threads (yes even the classic version for private servers) he could go to is irrelevant to his real goal of shutting things down.

>> No.11532879

I'm not >>11532612 but I agree with his sentiment. The point of this thread is to discuss Blizzard's classic games, those which were released before an MMO (one of the most pppular and widely-discussed games ever made, no less) that completely changed their business dynamics and the culture of the company. Myself and several others agreed, before this gen was even made, that excluding WoW was the right move, and I stand by it. I can't keep anyone from posting what they want, but WoW is not the focus of this general and I don't support or encourage any discussion of it here. I will continue to post this general with explicit disregard for WoW. If you don't like it, oh well.

>> No.11532889

>good thread for 250 posts
>wowfaggots show up and immediately shit the bed
every time

>> No.11532895

>I'm not >>11532612
Yes you are. Stop samefagging. It's painfully obvious.

>> No.11532904

I knew what was coming >>11504398 But WC3 and other older Blizz discussion still happened in that thread alongside the WoWfaggotry. The winning move is not to (you).

>> No.11532905

Not everybody replying is me, man. Regardless, let's get back to the thread, this whole argument is lame.

>> No.11532912

>The winning move is not to (you).

>> No.11532913
File: 95 KB, 277x277, femalechest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Jaina
- Sylvannas
- Tyrande
- Maiev
- Lady Vashj

You may choose one

>> No.11532916
File: 77 KB, 240x173, naisha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

justice for my ex-wife Naisha, may she rest in peace

It's all Tyrande's fault for freeing Illidan

>> No.11532920

>immediately shit the bed
Talking about yourself right? Because no one was shitting the bed until you did first over my post. Stop samefagging.

>this whole argument is lame.
I agree. If only OP wasn't a faggot and made an arbitrary cutoff like a catty spiteful woman, this wouldn't have been a problem.

>> No.11532924
File: 27 KB, 132x256, Splendora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Female Villager.

>> No.11532926

I love killing them all(and the kids) in the first mission and then seeing their ghosts show up in the graveyard at night time

>> No.11532928

did anybody ever actually care about the stats screen at the end of a mission/skirmish other than me? i used to play starcraft missions over and over trying to get the lowest number of unit deaths possible. i got so good at desperate alliance that i'd wipe out all the zerg with 5-10m left on the clock without them even touching the base

>> No.11532929

Holy kek I never noticed that, I need to try that now. Speaking of
>killing the kids
I could be wrong but isn't there a law against depicting violence against children in media in the US? I wonder how they got away with it

>> No.11532935

I think they made the kids invulnerable in reforged

>> No.11532937


>> No.11532943
File: 74 KB, 550x615, 52fdac921155aa3ff7595590addc1ade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jaina turned her back on Arthas
Sylvannas betrayed Arthas, Garithos and Varimathras
Tyrande disobeyed Furion
Maiev lied to Furion

Vashj was always loyal and extremely competent, she's the only right choice

>> No.11532946
File: 329 KB, 717x508, z1DDSVJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11532947

What you think is illegal is a result of the ESRB and companies refusing to co-operate in selling games not rated by them. Although due to the principles of Common Law you could argue that it is actually illegal since everyone follows a prescedent that you should not do it despite not being enforced as a crime but that kind of thing is just exhausting to get into. You can make an entire map called "murdering children" and port custom children models with weapons and have a whole faction of the little bastards dieing in droves. You didn't perform a crime.

>> No.11532948

malfurion should have strangled that bitch to death upon learning illidan was released

>> No.11533031

Interesting. Still though, the ESRB rated the game, so I can only assume the braindead salarymen they paid to verify the games' contents just glazed ocer the fact you could kill kids.

>> No.11533074
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, Illidan You Are Not Prepared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all of Illidan's stupidity the one thing you cannot say about him is that he doesn't have charisma. Dude managed to gain people's loyalty on the most insane and dubious grounds imagineable. I was genuinely shocked in disbelief when Illidan's campaign is just him failing at every single step and his own allies have to bail him out when he has shown no results up to that point. If Illidan was going down on that snek in secret or something I would never be surprised by that revelation.
One can only say that violence was more tolerated especially for cartoons. You can generally see it where there is lots of gore and excessive visuals. So it probably never pinged on their radar.

>> No.11533106

What were they thinking?

>> No.11533334

Virtue signaling most likely.

>> No.11533341

i forgot trips and up are disabled

>> No.11533346

I'm working on a War3 map right now
>enter: ORC WARS
>you control the Bloodorc clan as they try to destroy the Darkorc clan on a large map
>no base building, your base is set up for you from the beginning, you can only produce units (though you can repair buildings)
>units have no training time and spawn instantly when purchased
>each building serves a critical function (e.g. producing units, providing food), but if it's destroyed, it's gone for good
>among typical buildings, you have a Spell Tower that allows you to cast spells anywhere on the map, like Reveal or Blizzard, but it has a gold cost and mana which regenerates very slowly.
>no hero units
>no goldmines, you start with a limited pool of gold and the only way to get more is by destroying enemy structures, finding goodies in the world or looting nearby villages with neutral enemies
>lumber is used for repairing buildings but is mostly unneeded otherwise
>every object is destructible, from enemy structures to stones on the ground
I want to make a scenario where your resources come from warring, pillaging and exploring rather than soaking up goldmines, walling off and skirmishing. I want to force the player to conduct large scale sieges, with generous time to plan it, but with the knowledge that one unsuccessful assault could end the game. Got any cool ideas I can add to this?

>> No.11533413
File: 600 KB, 1718x2517, orc clans warcraft 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the sound of this a lot, though are you married to the clan names? They sound a bit plain and uninspired, if you look at the Warcraft 2 names, they would have names like pic related. They never used orc in their clan names.

Instead of plain Bloodorc Clan, what about calling them something like the Bloodstone Clan, the Bloodrenders, or Bloodboil Battalion?
Then instead of Darkorc Clan, those guys could be like, the Shadowclaw Clan, The Black Death, or Darkheart Devils.
You should play a bit with stuff like that, it adds just a bit more flavor.

>> No.11533557

Played some WarcraftII and then the original and latter is way more to my liking.

Better music and darker, grittier atmosphere.
From a commercial standpoint part II is understandable but it has lost all cult quality that made the original so good.

Is there a hack for the original Orcs & Humans for more maps/missions?

>> No.11533563

There are some custom maps for Warcraft 1, actually. They come in the form of hacked save files.

>> No.11533579


Thanks a LOT!

>> No.11533649

>Classic warcraft is free if you already own a CD
I mean... The game is free if you bought it back in a day. I don't know what's the general consensus on these things, but I won't call it piracy if you got Warcraft 3 after Patch 1.32 (or during Reforged's pre-order stage) and then searched for a key to play an older version of the game.
>that installer they released for a bit before burying it for classic
They hidden it. You can still get 1.27a installers from Blizzard directly if you have a link, similarly to all those manuals.
>you do not patch it higher then like 1.27b or something.
By the point of when War3's file format was changed to CASC, it was definitely tied to modern Battle.net infrastructure in spite of still using its legacy version for multiplayer.... Oh yeah, it was done with 1.28.
>One of the most significant things patch 1.28 does bring, however, is a new modern day patching system which paves way for those major changes to come at quicker and more efficient rates.

>Is there a hack for the original Orcs & Humans for more maps/missions?
There're also 7 unique maps available for Custom Games and Multiplayer:
>Forest 1-2.
>Swamp 6-7.
>Dungeon 5-6-7.
Play Custom Games with caution though, as AI there is rough and will be sending units against you whenever it can.

>> No.11533716


Cool - THX

>> No.11534021

Good sharing of content. Is there anywhere else which mirrors this stuff? It might be worth preserving at an extra place just because.

>> No.11534109

They're just working titles, and no I'm not set on them, although this isn't really a WC3 lore-specific scenario, just kind of an alternate universe kind of thing where Orcs are the only race. Not very story heavy to begin with.

>> No.11534135

>They're just working titles, and no I'm not set on them,

>although this isn't really a WC3 lore-specific scenario, just kind of an alternate universe kind of thing where Orcs are the only race. Not very story heavy to begin with.
I figured, but naming makes for a bit of flavor (and enough, really). I like the angle of strictly raiding and plundering, but it's really only orcs? No elves or humans to raid and plunder? A warband of green boys attacking and pillaging a human farm is one of the most orc things there is.

I suppose though that this could be orcs raiding each other in their homelands.

>> No.11534139

>suppose though that this could be orcs raiding each other in their homelands.
That's sort of the idea, basically "Orcs" here are just a cheeky substitute for humans in real life and how human wars work. I might have a few side races, like a small village of goblins you could raid or something, but Orcs would be the predominate ones, and I don't think I'd have any humans, just classical fantasy monsters in place of them.

>> No.11534170

>orcs bullying goblins

>> No.11534260

i'm here tonight to deliver an important announcement, please take a seat

>> No.11534261

ahem... i'm gay. thank you.

>> No.11534263

I just don't like this game. I finished it on the Gamecube, but it always felt like a waste of money to me.

>> No.11534264

alright, no announcement then, have a good day gentlemen, i'm leaving

>> No.11534265

>need money for a turf war you're waging against other orcs to the north
>set out to go a'viking
>find small village of cucked goblins in the deep wood
>loot and plunder
>kill all of them except one so he's forced to live with the existential dread of loneliness and regret within the ruins of his ravaged society... forever
Yeah, it's gonna be kino.

>> No.11534267

you're a waste of money

>> No.11534318

It's a short and sweet game with great atmosphere and a good story. You're a phaggut

>> No.11534448

NTA but
>short and sweet
You and I played very different games. I would never describe that game as being sweet under any circumstances.

>> No.11534453

>low level characters who were stronger than some level 30s
That's why I love gambling with Gheed. It's funny getting something that you're going to use for most of Normal difficulty, and even on Nightmare I get good shit that carries me through nightmare act by gambling with him.

>> No.11534462

You sound like a no fun fag if there ever was one. It's a simple console RTS with destruction physics and comically gorey combat. Where did the bad Goblins touch you? The penis? The buttock?

>> No.11534472

>Where did the bad Goblins touch you? The penis? The buttock?
nta but this redditspeak, please stop for your own sake.

>> No.11534476

t. had his penile gland stroked by a Plaguespitter shaman

>> No.11534529
File: 8 KB, 320x320, 2264408-cerebrate_sc1_headanim1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We hit 300 posts /cbg/!

To celebrate post your favorite Blizzard character.

>> No.11534538
File: 2 KB, 130x148, OIP-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta go with my good buddy Jimbo

>> No.11534546
File: 52 KB, 620x377, Teron_Gorefiend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like him

>> No.11534602
File: 28 KB, 184x152, wciigrom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11534612
File: 3 KB, 230x190, War2Danath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most information on that page was taken from War1's Insider Guide done by community. Might as well link it too. I've been surprised how quite useful Warcraft Wiki can be when it comes to Orcs & Humans stuff.

Danath is a fine lad.
Stayed loyal to both Doomhammer and Ner'zhul to the end. He deserved respect, yeah.

>> No.11534649

sounds cool

>> No.11534691


>> No.11534748
File: 1.15 MB, 2560x1038, wciiistratculled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Culling complete. No idea what the "best route" was but I sent Artie lower right, cleared the houses there, then used a town portal to pick up some knights and went lower-left.

>> No.11534764

good enough, all i did was spam footmen and send small groups of them to different corners of the town. pretty easy mission IMO

>> No.11535020
File: 12 KB, 215x215, garithos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is fantasy racism so funny

>> No.11535064

Are you playing on hard?

>> No.11535071

the war2 portraits were so fucking good

>> No.11535073

Because real racism is funny.

>> No.11535079


>> No.11535083

except for the peon, at least...

>> No.11535107
File: 1017 KB, 2454x937, wciiinortherendlanding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. I almost got filtered by the previous mission. This mission was a lot friendlier.
The coloring on the ground textures here are great.

>> No.11535117

This one tripped me up before I thought to use Muradin's invulnerability to get through the wall of towers at the end

>> No.11535124


its arthas that has invulnerability spell, theres a shop right before it with a staff that lets you recall your troops to you. the game expects you to use arthas spell to get through it and teleport your troops to you

>> No.11535126
File: 930 KB, 1280x1440, wciiishitdwarvesranders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kept harassing the purple guys with a bubbled Artie, stockpiled units, took out the purple and then the green guys.
>restarted the mission because I missed the nerubian camp before meeting Muradin
>this time they killed the peasant

>> No.11535131

Oops, I was thinking of the next mission where you have to burn the boats. Muradin is the one that can become invincible though. You're right about the strat, that one is kind of interesting because it has a more puzzle-like aspect than most missions. It's unusual for the game to expect you to use items or individual hero abilities to win rather than regular combat.

>> No.11535138

>I was thinking of the next mission where you have to burn the boats.
thats the one im talking about

>Muradin is the one that can become invincible though.
no, paladins(Arthas) can become invincible

youre probably thinking of the Avatar dwarf ultimate but that doesnt make you invincible, just gives you lots of armor and extra hit points

>> No.11535143
File: 50 KB, 1676x361, divineshield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paladin/arthas spell

>> No.11535146

Oh fuck you're right, I gotta stop hitting the sauce. I almost never use that one so I always conflate it with the aura. I guess I used Muradin when I could have used Arthas and made it even easier, kek.

>> No.11535150
File: 878 KB, 900x660, 1737856019733294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11535163

lol, saved

>> No.11535184

a good alternative(At 2x watch speed) to the torture of playing through it


>> No.11535190

git gud

>> No.11535226
File: 1.99 MB, 299x373, UFO abduction.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching an RTS mission as if it were a movie
For what purpose? No, really, unlike say books which could be read to you and listening to it like a podcast or just watching the cutscenes alone the actual gameplay does not at all translate to a good watchable video outside short edited clips.

If you want to see the story that much just watch the cutscenes and CGI videos.

>> No.11535229

>If you want to see the story that much just watch the cutscenes and CGI videos.
anon thats what the video is. just also includes the dialogue that isnt strictly on cutscenes

>> No.11535234

Oh, so it just includes all the worthless asides.

>> No.11535268
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Watch Fire and Ice

>> No.11535270
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Rexxar on Ozempic

>> No.11535271

>Naisha wears heavy armor
>all other huntresses have NO armor (but 2 points' worth of it?)
Imagine if she'd lived and her revolutionary ideas had carried on

>> No.11535294

Friendly pro-tip: a lot of anons have provided links to extra tools, rare map packs, and so forth. Consider storing those, along with any future community efforts, in a rentry/pastebin page that is linked to in the OP and is occasionally updated. Otherwise there will be too much stuff to keep in the OP post alone and stuff will fall through the cracks.

>> No.11535398


Lost Vikings tho... that's ma jam

>> No.11535409

great movie. now watch the animated hobbit films if you haven't already

>> No.11535413


>> No.11535429

Are there any city builders/management games done with the wc3 editor?

>> No.11535483

How flexible we talking here?

>> No.11535720
File: 3 KB, 230x190, War2Peon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>except for the peon

>> No.11535794

Look at my boy, a hard worker.

>> No.11535884

Retard here, am I supposed to play online/with extra players? I killed Diablo on my paladin at level 28 and I did all the quests in ever act. I didn't even get my final skill.

>> No.11535894

There is a fifth act added by the expansion and two "New Game +" difficulties, the game was also made easier with patches over time.

>> No.11535997

In the wc3 editor is there a quick easy way to enable ALL the neutral units in the entire game for a map(instead of just the ones specific to the tileset)?

Having to do it one by one is a lot of work

>> No.11536238

are you only having units from a single theme showing up? IIRC any unit you place should appear regardless of whether they're from the same theme or not. what version are you using?

>> No.11536363

youre misundertanding anon. like when you go to the neutral hostile units the only ones that appear(on the menu) are the ones set to that tileset. this is normal

then if you want others you gotta go to the object editor, select the unit you want to be added, and check it to be on your tileset. I was asking if there was a way to automatically make all the units(essentially all the creeps in the game) part of the selection of your map by default

>> No.11536390

i'm not sure what you're asking for. are you trying to get every neutral unit to appear in the unit palette instead of having to toggle between themes to see them all? you shouldn't need to "check" anything, nor go into the object editor to select them.

>> No.11536405

>I was asking if there was a way to automatically make all the units(essentially all the creeps in the game) part of the selection of your map by default
They are. You can use any unit from any tileset on the same map.

>> No.11536424

why did they make "kobolds" rats? so stupid

>> No.11536437
File: 15 KB, 67x71, RO_Kobold1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with them being greasy little vermin? I've always liked this interpretation of them, and lots of games portray them similarly like Ragnarok Online which made them dog-like creatures. "Kobold" is a pretty meaningless term in fantasy anyway, it was originally a German term for a mischevious spirit inaide homes that somehow turned into various small, armed pests. There's really no cut and dry image of them in the way that there is with Orcs or other things.

>> No.11536449
File: 1.35 MB, 1903x856, kobold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's really no cut and dry image of them in the way that there is with Orcs or other things.

>> No.11536452

No anons, what he is asking for is if there is an option to check all the units by default in the classic editor which is NOT the current modern editor so he can merge them into a single custom tileset with all the units making them easily accessible. Mostly because he doesn't want to go through that tedium of doing it manually every time.

>> No.11536461

what were you trying to prove with this image

>> No.11536465

i still don't get the issue here. if he's using one of the recent versions (1.31 etc), all units should be available in the unit palette. this is why i asked what version he's using, in case he's using some outdated shit that i've longer forgotten the quirks of. adding any unit from any tileset should be as simple as opening the unit palette, selecting a player/theme/mode and selected the desired unit.

>> No.11536468

disingenuous post

>> No.11536473

nobody is being disengenuous except the retard who got triggered by based rats and is now trying to pass off lizards and pig-men as being one coherent interpretation of a fantasy creature

>> No.11536478
File: 560 KB, 779x858, hivekoboldkingpin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>KOBOLD, in German folklore, mischievous household spirit who usually helps with chores and gives other valuable services but who often hides household and farm tools or kicks over stooping persons. He is temperamental and becomes outraged when he is not properly fed.
I think those little scamps also became big for the MMO's art direction.

>> No.11536482
File: 39 KB, 486x562, warcraft_the_first_kobold_by_samwisedidier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11536517

he is definitel using one of the 120s

>> No.11536530

has to be. he needs to update to 1.31, the old versions are totally gimped in comparison

>> No.11536559

No offline patch and online patching reforges you. Also, that 1.16.1 version of Broodwar installer is IGG-Games. Use iccup and just look for an iso to rip the INSTALL.exe and rename them into the appropriate mpq files guys.

>> No.11536607

you can get the game patched up to 1.31 with auto update disabled on archive.org

>> No.11536615
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The continent has been overrun by the undead, humanity has fallen. But god forbid if 20 peasants escape into the forest

>> No.11536618

Instead of those guys it is better to just stick with the fans who keep their own preserved. Plus that is where you will likely get other goodies like new maps and stuff.

>> No.11536775

so how are we liking the thread? is it everything you hoped for? did it match or exceed expectations? did it disappoint?

>> No.11536817
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For better and worse what I expected, though mostly for the better. It's basically the same discourse/attitudes as the previous thread inspiring it.

>> No.11536818
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>> No.11536825
File: 470 KB, 1000x1571, spiderlady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this. he's so fucking lame. one chance to flesh out the spooky insectoid zerg swarm angle of the undead and that's what they came up with? a fat beetle with egyptian garb? really?

>> No.11536835

>recent versions (1.31 etc
More than 5 years with ~19 patches doesn't really sound like "recent" though. I get the idea that getting one of these patches is a hassle (if you want to, for whatever), but still.

>> No.11536869

Don't listen to this man, bugbro. I love you the way you are.

>> No.11537076

There's a lot of things I really like about Warcraft 3
There's a lot of things I really dislike about Warcraft 3

>> No.11537198

1.31 is the last patch released before reforged dude, you just need 1.31 to have the most up to date pre-reforged version.

>> No.11537225

Yeah, 19 patches for Reforged, not WC3. This is a bizarre post honestly, how are you aware of how many patches have been issued since the last WC3 release but you don't even know this basic information? There are some major retards in this thread man.

>> No.11537252

there are things i dislike about WC3, but the number of things i like so heavily outweigh the negatives that i don't care

>> No.11537292

StarCraft > Warcraft > Diablo

Sorry it had to be said

>> No.11537298
File: 475 KB, 2048x1366, 1555367223059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want more Diablo 1.

>> No.11537305

Redpill me on blizzard north. How did they came to be? What was their relationship with normal blizzard like? Give me all the gossip

>> No.11537321

Way back on the SNES and Genesis, Blizzard and Condor (Blizzard North) had each been separately contracted to make a Justice League fighting game. They ended up meeting at a trade show and found this very funny. Later, Condor was working on Diablo but was running out of funds and reached out to Blizzard and others about partnering, but got along with Blizzard the best. Blizzard asked that Diablo 1 be developed with two considerations: real-time combat and multiplayer.

>> No.11537369

so post more D1 then faglord

>> No.11537403
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>> No.11537407

All are unironically of equal and superb quality.

>> No.11537413

>tfw no high resolution pre-render of the succubi model, most likely lost to time or sitting on a computer in some fag's garage
it hurts

>> No.11537429

I thought PC Cerebrate was squashed by Zeratul the moment the campaign ends

>> No.11537430

A great success IMO. We had a good opener for the OP, a fantastic picture made by a /vr/ anon, lots of good discussion with just the right amount of butthurt in tandem, and people already sharing content and trying out editing tools. We also managed to stay on the front page for a good 70% of the time for 4 days straight. I think we've proven that there is more than enough interest in these games to fuel an active general, and now it's just a matter of keeping up the good work.

>> No.11537442

tyrande maiev kelthuzad grom arthas jaina malfurion

>> No.11537605

What am I looking at here?

>> No.11537687

How do I edit unit data?

Would editing unit sprites (or dimensions if sprites aren't what determines size) so all frames are the same size make unit behavior less retarded?
If so, how do I edit unit sprites or frame dimensions?

I really suck at micro, especially for protoss, and want to rebalance around reducing micro.

I also want to fix as many bugs as possible so I don't have to autistically click on shit units are already doing to do stuff faster.

>> No.11537721

Do you ever feel robbed of warcraft 4? Not that I want it to happen now since current blizzard is only blizzard in name only but damn if it's not depressing the path things went down.

Something something born in le wrong timeline

>> No.11537761
File: 94 KB, 1024x682, 1677875729391194m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Click on Module at the top of the screen and select Object Editor from the drop down menu. This is where you find every active unit in the game (characters, buildings, neutral enemies, etc.), and you can click on one to see their stats. You can edit their health, damage, speed, the model used, and so on. So for example, if you wanted to make a character bigger or smaller, you'd click on "Art - Scaling Value". It starts at 1.00, so if you edit it to 0.5, it would be half as big.

Now what you'll want to do is create custom units instead of messing with the default units, as you'll want to have those default units to use as a template in the future without messed up stats. What you need to do is, right click on any unit that you'd like to use as a template -- let's say you want to make a Farm, but you want it to have 500 more health and call it a "Chicken Coop". So you'll find the default Farm in the list, which in this case is located under Human > Buildings. You will now right click the name Farm and select "New custom unit". This will make a new custom unit with the base stats and model of a farm. Give your unit a name, and now it will be added to a "Custom Units" folder in the same screen as all the default units, highlighted in pink. You could now edit "Stat - Hit Points Maximum" from 500 to 1000 to give it more health.

As for changing frame sizes and all that, that's a totally different barrel of monkeys but this should give you the basics.

>> No.11537779

This method works for brood war as well?

>> No.11537786

The editors are very similar, yes. SC is even simpler. I haven't done any SC mapping in years so my memory is spotty but both of these editors are very intuitive and come down to, "define how you want the map to look with initial, now select X thing to place on map within a menu".

>> No.11537804

>Do you ever feel robbed of warcraft 4?
No. In fact, I've come to detest game series that just go on and on. WC3 is an arguable candidate for best game ever made and I would happily play it for the rest of my life over chasing highs that may never come. I think it's a good when things end on a high note.

>> No.11537807

Okay, thanks.

>> No.11537809

Good luck. Make your dream map.

>> No.11537825

Maps aren't as interesting as units and gameplay interface to me. The various queueing exploits make it feel more like an arcade game, where twitching on the controls matters more than logistics and strategy.

>> No.11537847

Sure, but this all comes down to the map. Terrain, objects and entities are going to effect how your units interact with the world. A "map" isn't just the landscape, but how you design the entirety of the scenario to accommodate for the units.

>> No.11537881
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x1920, d2_marius_if_he_real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooooh.... tyrael, oooohhh, auuughhhh... ooohhhh, nooo.....

>> No.11537901

>"ginny" meaning: pure, chaste, virgin
>wood: penis
you cheeky cunt

>> No.11537952

Are you talking about campaign planning, and individual scenarios/battles within that campaign?

If you are, then even in that case it would be a lot easier to for example make all units have every frame of their animation be the same size to avoid pathing issues which occur when the unit size changes. If 2 dragoons are trying to move down a ramp. If I do this, then pathing Just Works regardless of what other stuff I put in a map, and I don't need to adjust ramp sizes and the edges of terrain to account for this. It also makes unit pathing in combat smarter.

I have a lot of other complaints about brood war, but I don't want to shit up the thread with my slavering autistic ravings.

>> No.11538023

Maiev was in the right

>> No.11538029

Okay I can't get virt-manager to share my Windows folder, guess I'm never using Windows programs again

>> No.11538135

It is okay, I strongly recommend not using that archive.org link for Brood War. it is an igg-games compromised version, iccup and just grabbing the INSTALL.exe of an iso is good enough.

>> No.11538152

>1.31 is the last patch released before reforged dude
Patch 1.31.1, actually.
>you just need 1.31 to have the most up to date pre-reforged version.
Mostly if you want the most up-to-date custom games pre-Reforged.
>Yeah, 19 patches for Reforged, not WC3.
Reforged is Warcraft 3, whenever you like it or not. Don't try to call me out on "basic information" when you yourself is clueless enough to treat them as two separate things when they're not. Unless any fucking remaster in existence, Blizzard just took SC & War3 and kept updating them as opposed to branching out to different client/engine/wrapper/etc.
Both Remastered & Reforged are pretty much second expansions for each game.
>Do you ever feel robbed of warcraft 4?
No. Some people think they want War4, but they actually don't. Just like WoW Classic crowd with expansions.

>> No.11538159

you are mildly retarded and you need to stop posting in this thread

>> No.11538165
File: 57 KB, 1153x493, 1729964609743709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reforged is Warcraft 3, whenever you like it or not.
Lol, no
Stay mad you deranged faggot

>> No.11538181

Anon. Have you not realized most of the people in this thread are not signed into nuBattle.net? People are talking about the classic versions of these games minus any battle.net client and how to get them, even sharing info on what is shareware or freeware. Pretty much anything that results in Reforged is an instant no sell on playing the game. Hope you got your hanmachi setup ready to go for 127b because that is the last offline installer.
Although there is a 131 version of the game that isn't a patch but most on the custom map scene prefer sticking with 126 or 127 because of a map making bug.
it is autism, he is obviously doubling down on the fact that Reforged is an upgraded Warcraft 3 engine instead of just being the SC2 engine being changed to accommodate Wacraft 3 gameplay.

>> No.11538204

>this dude mass replying to random posts since the beginning of the thread
Is it a bot or a slav?

>> No.11538320

Could just be autism. I used to do that a lot years ago, until people told me it was fucking annoying.

>> No.11538361

The irony.
>Anon. Have you not realized most of the people in this thread are not signed into nuBattle.net?
I'm perfectly aware of that. Still doesn't change the reality of things, as inconvenient as it may be for some. That's not my problem if people have a mental breakdown just because someone pointed out the logical reality.
>Pretty much anything that results in Reforged is an instant no sell on playing the game.
To be completely fair, there would be a couple of reasons to actually play in current version of War3. It's the easiest option for multiplayer with 2-3 different flavors of suffering. I also believe there's also some new stuff on top of whatever was added in anticipation to Reforged.
>Hope you got your hanmachi setup ready to go for 127b because that is the last offline installer.
You can still get 1.28-1.31.1 versions and use Hamachi/Radmin/GameRanger/whatever to play LAN and whatnot. Not just 1.31.
>Although there is a 131 version of the game that isn't a patch but most on the custom map scene prefer sticking with 126 or 127 because of a map making bug.
Not most. Majority would be the obnoxious mappers from Hive Workshop, and those cunts are sticking with the most recent versions. And they also have their Community Edition to toy with.

>> No.11538665

help me, i did gameplay is really nice, got the mass recall fan remake of the of starcraft to have the good of both games

>> No.11538669

Any of you lads play Diablo 1?

>> No.11538675

show me your ways oh wise one

>> No.11538686

zzzzdaria, annoying uppity idiot bears with generic fortune cookie lines what mean nothing

>> No.11538837

"and they say Blizzard games has no bugs"

>> No.11538920
File: 151 KB, 1355x1080, 20129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would have been the morally correct way for arthas to deal with the situation?

>> No.11538968

he did the right thing to begin with
>there's a plague killing everyone, we need to stop it
>noooo my boy nooo
>you're retarded and illogical so i have to strip you of your rank to prevent you from making any more retarded decisions. move out troops
IMO arthas was pretty much morally justified in everything he did right up until sabotaging his own men/taking up frostmourne. killing his own dad was the nail in the coffin though i'm afraid, at that point he had lost his mind and was just under the complete influence of the blade.

>> No.11538989
File: 899 KB, 1600x900, wciiibarelymarched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's nice, my first Bnet game. I used to like it more than D2 but now I think it's flipped.
>show me your ways oh wise one
The ways of scraping by just barely? If serious I tried following the advice of the guy that responded to me earlier >>11527331

>> No.11538990
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>tell me how to edit a unit in WC3
>btw does this also work in an unrelated game?
>I only care about making units, not maps (even though you have to make a map to make units)
>autistic rambling about unit sizes and hating windows or something

>> No.11539001


>> No.11539059

Sorry but diablo blows. It's a nothing game

>> No.11539102
File: 398 KB, 480x238, (You).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11539212

I think he wants to make models and skins for units. Maybe? I believe he should check out tutorials on how to do that.

>> No.11539221

Is it possible to connect to Battle.net with a pirated copy of War2?

I know its a stupid question but I missed the chance to get War2 from GOG, and I'm trying to see what my options are.

>> No.11539532

>I missed the chance to get War2 from GOG
There’s tons of GOG game torrents and downloads out there, you probably didn’t miss their version of wc2. If you want battle.net, just get the remastered versions. Playing classic versions is basically only for unmolested campaigns and LAN tunneling at this point.

>> No.11539573

>recommending remasters

>> No.11539682

Has anyone played that warcraft 3 demo that was cut before release? I vaguely remember it had Thrall and lady Vashj and shoddy voice acting

Is it worth playing?

>> No.11539752

>Is it possible to connect to Battle.net with a pirated copy of War2?
No idea, maybe. Its Battle.net 1.0 is most likely a barren wasteland where you'll be alone. You should be able to connect to the community servers, I think.
>If you want battle.net, just get the remastered versions.
It's only a valid suggestion if you want to quickly rush another playthrough for the sake of balance changes and 12 unit selection.
>Playing classic versions is basically only for unmolested campaigns and LAN tunneling at this point.
Campaigns are kind of butchered with overly dark cinematics, wrong artwork in briefings and errors in Human screens. LAN is missing. Multiplayer in the Remastered is also heavily simplified, lacking a lot in comparison to Battle.net Edition.
War2 did have random starting positions for Skirmishes and Multiplayer, right? It's been a while since I played the first... If it didn't, then (for example) it's not in the Remastered and that's just one of the things it's lacking.
>Is it worth playing?
Totally. It's fun.

>> No.11539839

Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if Blizzard had had the time, resources, and interest to include Zero Hour-style subfactions in TFT. It is pretty easy to imagine at least one subfaction for each race.

>> No.11539851

I played the shit out of that before wc3 was released. That wasn't Vashj, just a different Naga Sea Witch.

>> No.11539863
File: 218 KB, 732x771, Kotimikro%2011-2004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got that demo on a demo disc that came with a local monthly computer magazine; played the fuck out of it for like a year before finally managing to beg my mother to buy me a copy of WC3.
>just a different Naga Sea Witch.
The sea witch was just a larger light blue banshee in the original demo IIRC.

>> No.11539961

Any one of those peasants could find a gold mine and make a town hall. The threat they pose is incalculable.
Agreed. Everything was resolved to my satisfaction, and I don't know that another RTS could displace WC3 for me. Especially not from the company that made Starcraft 2.
He should have quarantined the city. Let Uther, Jaina, and the priests work on finding a last-minute potential remedy or way of delaying the plague. Then in the meantime, sent riders down the trade routes to stop any more grain deliveries from reaching new towns.
I can't remember if they made changes to it or not since the "original" demo (probably quite a few), but I think TFT comes with those remaining three missions from the orc prologue. I think it's in the "custom campaigns" folder.

>> No.11540089

Where did I ask how to edit a unit in WC3? I even said the word "protoss" in my first post.

>> No.11540090
File: 66 KB, 640x439, StarCraft64_SC1_Cover1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11540093


>> No.11540120 [DELETED] 

not him but you literally said "how do i edit unit data" you fucking retard.

>> No.11540126

It's garbage compared to the PC version obviously but this was arguably the best console RTS for a long time and it's extremely impressive what they managed to pull off. I bought this used after playing the PC version for many years, and I won't lie, there's a certain little something to playing this on a lonely night with a beer in hand while sinking into the couch. I don't get the hate.

>> No.11540165

>Do you ever feel robbed of warcraft 4?
I used to years ago, and hated WoW's existence.
Now I think maybe it's a good thing, I don't think current Blizzard would be able to make a good WarCraft RTS, there are too many factions and races and shit now, balancing all of that would probably be an endless nightmare.

>> No.11540196

Did they tweak the computer AI a bit in SC64?
It was the only time i'd ever seen a protoss computer tech straight to Dark Templars without building zealots or dragoons.

>> No.11540226

Any reason to use the warcraft 3 editor instead of StarCraft 2's if you plan on using all custom models?

>> No.11540287
File: 57 KB, 409x284, zVdov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hacking away with swords and axes is for squares. Real men want gibs.

>> No.11540294

StarCraft 2's editor has a lot less hand holding and requires more from you in terms of technical apittude. Don't expect a casual experience playing around with it.

>> No.11540314
File: 156 KB, 103x120, meatwagon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real man throw mangled corpses at their enemies

Wc3 runs on a potato

>> No.11540360

They modified a lot of unit behaviors, like SCVs auto-mining when spawning. They probably changed stuff like that to prioritize individual, powerful units over larger numbers of weak units to reduce slowdown.

>> No.11540480

Am I the only one that always skips the tower defense bonus level in frozen throne?

>> No.11540582
File: 7 KB, 131x136, AdmiralProudmoorePortrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol for Proudmoore they just dyed Arthas' hair and gave him a moustache

>> No.11540594

delete this

>> No.11540615

Like father, like son.

>> No.11540814

You know, with 2 releases on different architectures StarCraft is a good candidate for a decomp.

>> No.11540949

lazy design or subtle freudian kino?

>> No.11541020

I really like playing through the campaign mode in starcraft / warcraft. Mostly they're pretty casual, but its just fun. I wish there were more games like that. Shit like age of empires isn't nearly as comfy for whatever reason.

>> No.11541025

>n64 starcraft
kek. this is actually a great game if you got time to kill. starcraft is a lot more of a challenge without a mouse. the controls aren't bad, but holy fuck you really gotta have all your hot keys and bindings down. each mission took me way longer than on computer thats for sure.

>> No.11541026

in wc3 editor you can make a fucking unit without getting a doctorate in its use first

>> No.11541042
File: 291 KB, 262x251, ComSatStation_SCR_Game1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you allowed to talked about starcraft: remastered here?

i recently discovered ArtosisCasts, I have his channel put in send me everything you got mod, and watched based Artosis solo cast Brood War without dealing with Tasteless' cringe has been amazing.

there's even been metagame developments. the game is still alive in korea. apparently going triple upgrade IS WORTH IT, that 900/900 will take forever to pay for itself, but the army efficiency insane

i'm so glad this game is alive in at least one country, where even though there's no money on the line anyway, the same crew of pros is still playing for honor. Slayers`Boxer is still active, although he's past his prime, and NaDa abruptly came out of retirement, he's 40 year old, and he does both old meta builds like firebats that blindside his opponent and can play new meta

unfortunately for me, when I bought starcraft remastered, I can't play it anymore, and now I know why. I suffer from a rare blood disorder and my nerves are shot, it got misdiagnosed as psych issue and i hit the end stage of the disorder where i even experienced brain damage. When I was playing remastered, I cleared the campaign, and instead of being a deceptive 180APM player, where I just didn't spam, but I had those insane psychotic 500APM in combat spikes, so I could be beat brainless 300APM players on iccup. I was a Protoss main, but if I could do it all over, I'd have gone with terran, because I love watching TvT, I had a 70% winrate in TvT in SC2, which was pure heresy, and PvT was my worst matchup, I just can't handle siege tanks, I have a mental block on fighting them, which meant that in sc2 I learned how to abuse them with comsats and a frontline extremely well. Apparently sun tzu said something like this, master your enemy, master yourself.

Are any of OG Korean e-sports followers? I was following the scene staring from like 2006 approximately, when I discovered teamliquid, discoverred iccup, and immediately became active again

>> No.11541043

i wanted to include a link, but i hit the fucking character limit:



>> No.11541193

are there any good QOL mods for diablo 2 that are easy to install for retards like me?

>> No.11541205
File: 359 KB, 1600x900, 1603604551959914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plugy's easy and the only thing coming to mind: http://plugy.free.fr/en/index.html

>> No.11541275

Well the freudian way of thinking is undercutting the implications that Arthas is actually a Proudmoore by blood and sure enough Jaina, also a Proudmoore, goes to the extremes just like Arthas and her Father. So this could be some kind of 360 IQ move of revealing why Arthas was chosen by the Lichking. It may even be foreshadowing a plot thread they had been planning for a while too.

>> No.11541294

it's just daddy issues, nothing more deep than that

>> No.11541336

Fucking coombrain.

>> No.11541348

I'm sowwy daddy...

>> No.11541369 [SPOILER] 
File: 92 KB, 424x238, gachigasm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11541406

>Daelin was supposed to be wrong in the bonus campaign
>WoW lore proves that he was 100% right about orcs not having changed a single fucking bit

>> No.11541408

>SC remastered
>korean esports
you don't get the point of this thread, do you

>> No.11541527

is this pasta

>> No.11541543

I think he's just really wordy. He came into /doom/ talking a bunch of stuff too, some which was interesting, some which wasn't.

>> No.11541548

>WoW lore
doesnt exist

>> No.11541612

where I get access to assets?

>> No.11541613

So how hard is it to learn to make custom models for WC3?

>> No.11541616

Nah just st8 autism nigga like concentrate 100% unfiltered RAW

>> No.11541617

If he wants to play on bnet, remasters are the only way, unfortunately.w4042

>> No.11541681

>wanting to play on nunet
first mistake

>> No.11541682

Does having different architectures available make it easier to produce a decomp?

>> No.11541706

20 years later and this is still the peak of videogame cinematics


>> No.11541754 [DELETED] 


i'll leave now, i wanted to talk about the glory days of battle.net and big game hunters

>> No.11541764 [DELETED] 

see here's the problem and why i when i saw this thread maybe i could have a place to chat, and if none of you care the multiplayer of starcraft, whatever

a very long time ago, starcraft general in >>>/vg/ just became a kpop thread, so their thread got banned and you aren't allowed to start a starcraft general

>> No.11541770 [DELETED] 

shut the fuck up you retarded gook

>> No.11541773

Yes. It's like an order of magnitude easier because you have two different targets to hit. It's sort of like driving with one eye closed vs having both eyes open.

That said, getting code that can hit 5+ compilation targets can get very hairy, especially when you have new code on some platforms, removed code on others, different compilers or compiler versions used even within the same release for some goddamn reason.

Check out the Castlevania SOTN decomp to see what I mean.

>> No.11541778 [DELETED] 


>> No.11541782
File: 1.85 MB, 640x360, RoC1999trailer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's still my favorite.
>see here's the problem and why i when i saw this thread maybe i could have a place to chat, and if none of you care the multiplayer of starcraft, whatever
You'd think this thread would be as good a place as any so I wouldn't let one anon stop you, there's just not a whole lot of interest in it right now. Only one guy got a reply for his custom map >>11527484
There might also be this thread >>>/vst/1901087 but it looks messy.

>> No.11541785

Blizzard really were trailblazers in pre-rendered cutscenes, that looks INSANELY good for 1999.

>> No.11541787 [DELETED] 
File: 647 KB, 498x498, nuclear-explosion-starcraft-remastered.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in retrospect, i agree with the post i made that got my post history pic related from /doom/ after i slept on it, and they only gave a 3 day local and let me in my [s4s] containment field, but if no one cares about competitive SC, i'll reinstall discord and see if artosis is running one for his youtube channel

>> No.11541791 [DELETED] 

Why are you encouraging this deranged, barely-coherent asian to write essays about competitive gookclick in this thread? Do better, idiot.

>> No.11541794 [DELETED] 

Im not super into pro scene but I do watch ASL(now rebranded as SSL I think)

Im hoping Flash gets back into shape so we can have a Flash vs Soulkey final

>> No.11541795 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 682x400, Oldfags2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you hate it because you're bad at it, and i'm not a gook, there are multiple Yuji Sakais on [s4s] and i'm the 40 year old one

starcraft: brood war is chess 2. people will still be playing it at least 100 years from now, maybe 1000

>> No.11541802 [DELETED] 

I don't hate SC, it just has nothing to do with this thread and you are clearly suffering from some kind of mentall illness. For example:
>"i'll leave now"
>continues to post schizphrenic, off topic ramblings
You shit up doomgen and decided to migrate here. Your global ban can't come soon enough.

>> No.11541806 [DELETED] 

>very hairy
That's what I was thinking. My assumption was that anything to be gained from having multiple targets would be outweighed by the time and energy spent on trying to reconcile the different codebases and compiler quirks. Thanks for the interesting link.

>> No.11541810 [DELETED] 

>I don't hate StarCraft, it just has nothing to do with this thread...
>>Popular mods and custom content for StarCraft, Diablo, Diablo 2 and Warcraft 3:
>>Guide to StarCraft mapmaking:

>> No.11541812 [DELETED] 

>Starcraft has nothing to do with classic Blizzard

>> No.11541814 [DELETED] 

i have autism *shrug* and i got a friendly reply, and then some guy flame me for enjoying one of the best games ever made. i'm tabbing out now

>> No.11541817 [DELETED] 

The Castlevania SOTN guys have automated quite a bit of the decompilation process, if you're interested you should check out their tooling and processes. It is definitely applicable for industry.

>I don't hate SC, it just has nothing to do with this thread
Bot post

>> No.11541818 [DELETED] 

Sorry, let me clarify: SC is on topic, your schizophrenic essays about SCR, SC2 and twitch streamers is not.

>> No.11541823 [DELETED] 

I like jinjin's videos, it's a fun insight into the korean starcraft pro scene


>> No.11541824 [DELETED] 

>Sorry, let me clarify: SC is on topic, your schizophrenic essays about SCR, SC2 and twitch streamers is not.
Talking about SC is on topic, unless you talk about uhhh certain topics related to SC


>> No.11541828 [DELETED] 


>> No.11541836 [DELETED] 

read the OP and tell us what SC2 has to do with this thread. oh right, nothing. plz kys senpai

>> No.11541840 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 640x203, Screenshot from 2025-01-28 10-32-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the one claiming that SC discussion has nothing to do with a Blizzard thread which explicitly allows SC discussion.

Kill yourself, swarthoid.

>> No.11541842 [DELETED] 

SC2 certainly doesn't, stay mad tranny

>> No.11541849 [DELETED] 

Based jannies dabbing on the schizo asian

>> No.11541854 [DELETED] 

janny doesnt fuck around in this thread

I wonder if we are allowed to discuss ASL which happens twice a year. I've seen some /vr/ starcraft threads where there's a fair bit of interest while it's going on. It's THE major starcraft(THE CLASSIC GAME, NOT STARCRAFT 2) tournament. I think it would be doing the thread a disservice if it's a forbidden topic

>> No.11541862 [DELETED] 

>janny doesnt fuck around in this thread
Just stay on topic and all is well. Classic means classic.

>> No.11541876
File: 412 KB, 994x516, RoC1999trailerend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blizzard really were trailblazers in pre-rendered cutscenes, that looks INSANELY good for 1999.
Ending with some classic Blizzard ultra violence is a wonderful touch.

>> No.11541882

shame warcraft 3 was barely about orcs vs humans

hell both factions are barely a thing in frozen throne

>> No.11541883 [DELETED] 


i was lurking, watching your shitshow, and while he deleted a few of my posts, i'm not banned, only warned. thank you purple palm tree man

oh, btw, about the warning regarding gibberish text, it was actually a command chain on what you'd type when you attack someone while macroing some probes, lol

i wish you help you guys out with the editor, i figured so many things out in JASS that I released tutorials of under the alias Overpowered and just released everything into public domain and some of them got used in Dota 1 but that was decades ago and I don't remember anything

>> No.11541968

Are there any download links for WCIII?

>> No.11541980
File: 682 KB, 1024x768, wciiimaybeheresy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Horde no longer works with trolls and ogres
>you recruit and fight with them when Artie gets desperate
This is surreal.
There's some stuff here https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/wc3-download-archive-1-00-1-31-1-beta-demo.326836/
And this here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17DPgThNtQNpvNfNmB5OlG8SAryGXT40G
I'm apparently using a newer 1.31 version from archive.org

>> No.11541982

all you need

>> No.11541983

>>Horde no longer works with trolls and ogres
*forest trolls

>> No.11541984

Nice, didn't know this was a thing. Hopefully I'll learn about its physics and other nice tricks.

>> No.11541994

and then in the rexxar campaign suddenly zuljin is a jungle troll(blue) when he was what wc3 now describes as a forest trolls

bravo metzen

>> No.11542013
File: 1.26 MB, 1080x810, classicblizz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11542015

They're working for gold (and lumber). Greed and power were always the strongest motivators for at least of the Warcraft cast of characters, so that's totally consistent.

>> No.11542020
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1080, wciiihuman8endscene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checks out, and it's a prelude to a neat dickmove by the prince here.

>> No.11542076

>boy, it's a good thing our prince happened to be right on the other side of this huge forest between the ships and these ogres for some reason
Also cracks me up that the peasants are carrying the lumber even though they just needed to hack through the trees as fast as possible. Some habits die hard.

>> No.11542198
File: 179 KB, 1200x1488, ideaguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starcraft's story with warcrat 3's gameplay and diablo 2's aesthetic

>> No.11542224

God this area sucks playing as a necromancer summoner...any area with small pathways desu

>> No.11542240

Would anyone have articles/interviews on the transition from 2D to 3D?

>> No.11542241

Not only there're Battle.net servers available since the GOG times (no idea when the OG servers were closed), but there's also servers used by Combat Edition. So anon definitely has multiple options for War2 multiplayer.
>and then in the rexxar campaign suddenly zuljin is a jungle troll(blue)
Zul'jin doesn't appear in Founding of Durotar. There's Vol'jin though.

>> No.11542369

it just kind of sucks in general if we're being honest. cool aesthetics, but the design is aids. it's even worse if you don't manage to find the right branch the first time. some of those paths go on for fucking ever.

>> No.11542371

neat, although the under-table RGB is odd given that everything else in this picture is a shrine to the 80s and 90s.

>> No.11542446

>always played a bootleg of Diablo I burnt to multiple CDs six gorillion times
>never once realized Lazurus is supposed to have an intro cinematic
>still had the intro and ending cutscenes intact
>always thought he was suppossed to be some chump you pass through to get to the real enemy
>he wasn't

>> No.11542453

>God this area sucks playing as a necromancer summoners
You got that right. If the portal isn't on the part that's all completely flat I just reload and do it again, I don't wanna fight with my summons getting stuck on stairs and not doing anything.

>> No.11542508
File: 67 KB, 512x368, Duriel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sucks playing as a necromancer summoner

>> No.11542546

this actually isnt all that bad as summoner necro, you just beed a merc with a cold weapon and lots of mana.

>> No.11542549

meant for >>11542508

>> No.11542616

which warcraft books came out pre-wow?

>> No.11542680
File: 406 KB, 1038x1055, e1ck7vngll811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>500 posts
It's been a good thread, boys. Looking forward to many more.

>> No.11542698
File: 391 KB, 463x700, ofbloodandhonor_ppg94zzfaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything from there that's before 2004

>> No.11542719 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 911x267, achive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and that's when you dont count the 40 posts that got deleted

>> No.11542727

so we're not bumping anymore. since the thread author wanted to do some cleanup of the OP let's wait for him to make another

>> No.11542732
File: 170 KB, 350x350, 1637760230437.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since the thread author wanted to do some cleanup of the OP let's wait for him to make another
Working on it right now. I'm putting together a pastebin to consolidate a lot of the links in the OP, as well as some of the stuff people have posted (e.g. that one guy's Brood War map). I'm also going to edit the wording a little bit and modify the syntax. If you or anybody else has any last ideas or suggestions, let me know now. I'll post the next thread when we get close to the bottom.

>> No.11542758

Add all the Brood War modding links to the op

>> No.11542763

Do me a favor if you want, and quote all of the posts with links that you think should be added. Going through 500 posts on my own and parsing every bit of good info takes awhile.

>> No.11542767

Do we want to do a news post, or do we just do that later when we have things rolling more?

>> No.11542771

I'd like to replace all of the links with this to make things simpler. This is just a test since I plan on adding other stuff like >>11542758 mentioned, but tell me what you think of the wording/formatting, I'm open to suggestions.

>> No.11542782

I can't find any links to BW modding anymore (?), but there's this:

I really want Linux tools to handle archives, import/export images, and lots of info about data

>> No.11542793

news? what news? we're talking about a company that no longer exists

>> No.11542798

One other thing, if the anon who made the OP pic is still here, I'd like to edit your pic to remove the "1.0" in the corner as another anon suggested, if you don't mind, since it would be a little nonsensical for future threads. I would like to continue using the same picture though. It's very good, and I think it's kind of become the soul of the general now. It makes the thread instantly recognizable. We talked about this a few days ago as well, but I'll mention it one last time: if there's any major opposition to using the same picture for the foreseeable future, then tell me now and/or post your own candidate. Otherwise, I'll proceed with the same one.

>> No.11542803

Might have been deleted for some reason, I'll check the archives. I will add that though, thanks.

>> No.11542805

Modscene stuff, if there's anything interesting. The Doomguys use the first post in their thread as a newsblotter for releases, maps, tools, updates, dev leaks, etc. Not just for Doom, but any of the 90s and 2000s shooters, so there's people who swing in there every now and then just to check the blotter.

For Blizzard themselves, the train has long since sailed from the runway, I would not expect anything interesting from them regarding any of their classic games, unless they do some new remaster or something (but those aren't exactly all that great).

>> No.11542818

>Modscene stuff, if there's anything interesting. The Doomguys use the first post in their thread as a newsblotter for releases, maps, tools, updates, dev leaks, etc.
Definitely wouldn't mind linking to new maps, tools and general news about the older games but yeah, like you said, we're not there yet. Also, we need to be careful about what we link to, because I'd rather not have the whole general turned into some Reforged, esports and "latest Blizzard remaster!" thread.

We're doing good right now, and I think our priorities should be creating the highest quality OP possible with the most braindead simple links to the content that matters, and encouraging people to play online and pick up the editing tools so we can get some homecooked content going. The rest can come later.

>> No.11542829

not him but the pic without the text in the corner was on the warcraft 3 thread, he added the text after by request

>> No.11542832

Oh I know, but I like having "/cbg/ - Classic Blizzard General" in the corner, just not with the 1.0 for future purposes.

>> No.11542851

Ehh, actually I removed the 1.0 and it looks kind of off center now. If anon shows up and wants to edit this to center the text better then that would be awesome, otherwise I'll just use the textless version from now on.

>> No.11542862

why did the WC3 thread start saging at 300 posts but this started at 500?

>> No.11542865

it didnt, it autosaged when [certain amount of days] passed

>> No.11542885

Posts on /vr/ automatically sage after 14 days, because there used to be a big problem with like empty necrobumping to try to control the catalog (trying to keep dying threads alive when everyone else stopped caring, trying to crowd certain threads out prematurely, etc).

It really sucks, because I remember when we could have really comfy threads about certain games on a very slow burn over almost a month, and it was so fucking cozy. The board was less fast back then too, so it could actually work without just being one guy keeping one thread on desperate life support.
You can still do that now up to two weeks, but it's not quite the same.

>> No.11542886
File: 50 KB, 682x1023, depositphotos_11120377-stock-photo-seriously-fat-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>StarCraft is spelled with a capital C
>Warcraft is spelled with a lowercase C

>> No.11542891
File: 616 KB, 609x469, basedfabio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because "Warcraft" is an actual word, and StarCraft is a conjunction of two.

>> No.11542895

>tfw arthas was based on fabio

>> No.11543014
File: 1.86 MB, 966x966, spiceitup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup guys I made the OP pic, I'm happy lots of people seemed to really like the image but you gave me way too much credit, the artwork does most of the work really.
Anyway sorry for barely participating in this thread but I've been way too busy. Just chiming in to say I really don't like the idea of using the same image over and over, just feels wrong and uninspired. Like maybe repeat it in a few threads from now every once in a while but for it to be constant just loses all impact imo.
Also, I feel like some of you were kinda mean to this anon >>11532394. It looks pretty cool to me, like someone else said some of the screenshots could be better but it's a good idea overall. And let's not forget it's a 4chan OP, it's not that serious, let's not overthink something that shouldn't be a big deal.

I'm off to bed now, made pic related really quick so if you want to use it for next thread go for it. Oh and just to be clear, since I can already see anons claiming it looks worse, don't take this post as me trying to forbid people from using the original OP, if that's really what most people want it's also fine by me. Was just giving my 2 cents but you have my blessing to do whatever you feel is right.

Well good night everyone

>> No.11543018
File: 43 KB, 640x645, 1707542788802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you being a faggot, man?

>> No.11543023

floigan thread?

>> No.11543025

How's he being a faggot, you cuck?

>> No.11543036

I initially planned on sticking with the original OP pic because I think it's the most striking, and there weren't many alternatives. What >>11532394 posted was very good as well, but your images are continuing a theme that I like, which is incorporating all of the main franchises in an interesting and slightly comical way. If you wanted to make a new pic for every thread, I'd be happy. That might be too much to ask though, at least in the long term. I'll use what you just posted for the next OP, regardless.

>> No.11543041
File: 76 KB, 1320x882, 45d43aea-823f-4d89-bd47-56fcf710fdf4-GettyImages-178897619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically meant to post that in a different thread. I am 16 beers deep and I know nothing about these games. I should probably sedoku now.

>> No.11543042

lol, come back when you're sober, maybe you'd like Diablo 1

>> No.11543043

I can code moderately well in python and I can slap some crappy spreadsheet editors together, but I need to know EXACTLY where the data is, if it's compressed, how to de/compress it, and what all the data actually means (how it's formatted).

This would be cross platform for anyone who can install LibreOffice and Python 3.

So if anyone knows the exact details about this data without any digging on my part, please share.

>> No.11543065

Forgot to say, I'm interested in the data for each job and building, plus their sprites.

Also I'm a linux retard, hence my need to code my own modding shit.

>> No.11543093

thank you for this link. very useful

>> No.11543463 [DELETED] 

Considering that WoW was in development since 1999 and Blizzard worked on it side-by-side with WoW, none of the books really came "before" the MMO.
>we're talking about a company that no longer exists
Blizzard never closed.

>> No.11543468

Considering that WoW was in development since 1999 and Blizzard worked on it side-by-side with Warcraft 3, none of the books really came "before" the MMO.
>we're talking about a company that no longer exists
Blizzard never closed.

>> No.11543508

1. DOS versions of The Lost Vikings & Blackthorne (all official Blizzard links for Setup files are botched right now, except for Diablo 2 ones; will link MyAbandonware instead).

2. Refurbished patch for War1.

3. Switch the "starcraft-universe.html" to "scc" for Classic Battle.net Starcraft site and add the one for War2 and its community site for Multiplayer.

4. Community site for Warcraft2.online if anons want to play War2 Multiplayer.

5. DevilutionX for Diablo.

6. Project Diablo 2.

7. Why NexusMods instead of Hive Workshop for War3?
8. Hive Workshop's thread for rolling back to older versions of War3 (1.26-1.27a/b, 1.29.2, 1.31.1 + original demo version).

>> No.11543512

9. Widescreen mod for Warcraft 2.

>> No.11543519

>2. Refurbished patch for War1

>> No.11543623
File: 58 KB, 640x400, entity_grouping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some absolute madlad decided to work on fan-patch adding in a bunch of QoL stuff and weird gameplay changes to Warcraft: Orcs & Humans directly. Things like Food counter on the HUD, hotkey showing on the icons and unit groups. Latest patch also allows you to pick what changes you want, so you can avoid using questionable gameplay/balance differences.

>> No.11543660


>> No.11543667

is it currently possible to download the GOG 1.22h version somewhere?

>> No.11543701

Yet to try it myself, but it's pretty damn good.

>> No.11543704

Make the thread before this one archives so you can link the new one here

>> No.11543724

I'll be posting it in a minute.

>> No.11543737



>> No.11543882

So fucking zased...