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File: 133 KB, 207x390, D_3do_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11527158 No.11527158 [Reply] [Original]

I liked it except the rotating room, fuck that. Have you guys played D? Good FMV game, I recommend

>> No.11527162

Was my first ps1 game

>> No.11527232

The rotating room really got me at first, it's fine once you work out the number of turns you need to make.

>> No.11527242

The "D" stands for "Daddy"

>> No.11527251

It was intriguing.

>> No.11527257

I thought it was completely random

>> No.11527260

The concept is basically Mansion of Hidden Souls++ except it was ahead of its time in terms of 3D rendering, a small studio putting to shame every big publisher out there. Hence why it did so well and got all those awards.
This game is just a footnote now but it was a pioneer then

>> No.11527292

The knight fucked me up but it's a really cool game. Love time limits like that in puzzle/story games

>> No.11527621

I haven't played it in years but I believe there are corresponding points.

>> No.11527623

I wish there was an actual survival horror game that felt like D. Haunting Ground is the only thing in gaming that is somewhat similar but it's still not the same

>> No.11527674

Eno definitely had plans to do that with the M2's version of D-2, but I'm convinced that the proper sequel to D is just lost to time. There's not many people that own the console to play it, and even if any surviving copies did exist, it's probably hoarded by some private collector in Nippon who probably can't even play the damn thing. And that's assuming that any playable/surviving builds werent immediately destroyed by Kenji Eno himself way back during the 90s, since he just seemed like the guy who would have let people try the game if he still had access to it.
I still like D-2 on the Dreamcast, but it isn't quite exactly the same thing. Even though I do enjoy being trapped in the Canadian wilderness and killing infected mutants while also hunting wildlife.

>> No.11527768

I still haven't played D2 and Enemy Zero too for that matter but I need to

>> No.11527789
File: 991 KB, 650x548, 1609715000047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish the original D2 was available.
Here what little has beel salvaged: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bU-xssuIbB8

>> No.11528003

when are we getting D6 or D8?

>> No.11528008

You forgot Dream Drop Distance for the 3DS

>> No.11528371

It's a vibe, but really not a very good game.

>> No.11529147

The saturn version is the best version
>elaborate on that