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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 66 KB, 3840x2160, Blizzard-Entertainment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11527007 No.11527007 [Reply] [Original]

I genuinely don't understand the Blizzard obsession. People seem to act like they made the greatest games of all time and are untouchable. They made some good games yeah but it's not like Diablo or Warcraft are the best games ever.

>> No.11527024

Let me rephrase the shit you said correctly. In a few genres they made some of the best games of all time in those respective genres, this is indisputable. But the genres are restricted to RTS, action RPG and MMO. And this is coming from someone who dislikes Diablo and Diablo clones, and MMOs in general.

>> No.11527048

Because a few of their games were extremely good. It may depend on what kind of games you like though.

Diablo isn't the best game ever, and it's a rather simple game (not really much of an RPG in any real sense), but it also does its simple dungeon crawling action extremely well and with great production value and presentation.
Starcraft on the other hand is an extremely full fledged and well crafted RTS, together with that kind of really high production value and strong presentation.

Both these games look and sound phenomenal, and they're also still a lot of fun to play. Diablo 2 doesn't do all that much more roleplaying, but it expands and builds on the complexity a great deal and it's a comparatively more deep game, just the same with extremely good production and presentation.

>> No.11527061

I liked Blackthorne and Diablo 1 a lot. I was never interested in their other stuff.

>> No.11527063 [DELETED] 

Just PCfag cope. These people abuse quicksaves then say console kiddies aren't as hardcore as them lol

>> No.11527078

>Lost Vikings
do you just not like good games or something?

>> No.11527083

Their turn of the millennium hot streak was incredible if you played anything on PC. It took a long time for them to wear out that goodwill.
Rock n Roll Racing is also pretty fun.

>> No.11527140

None of those games are Tony Hawk 2

>> No.11527150

for me blizzard begins and ends with diablo & starcraft. i don't really care about warcraft, lost vikings, that MOBA they abandoned or anything they really did early on.

i would've cared about overwatch outside of porn but blizzard pretty much made damn sure that was never going to happen pretty early on with how they've handled that game.

>> No.11527159
File: 133 KB, 550x367, 2004 Proleague Grand Finals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 4chan so there will be contrarians that insist otherwise but Brood War is objectively the greatest RTS of all time.

>> No.11527161

Diablo 2 and WoW pre-cataclysm are the best games ever though

>> No.11527182
File: 3.72 MB, 1440x1440, 1737320259472652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this thread and >>11525503 a psyop to make the classic blizzard general we were supposed start today get deleted for spam?

>> No.11527186

/v/ermin refugee thread

>> No.11527206

meds, now

>> No.11527234

The essential millennial game company. Their focus on polished mechanics and looks set them apart initially, and that became a defining characteristic. Sort of like calling TikTok overrated by zoomers because there are so many other social medias.

>> No.11527240

By gum, I believe you’re correct! I doubt the spam is that coordinated, though. They just have a general license to flood most boards on this site with trash.

>> No.11527249

for the less negative nancys... come join us

>> No.11527272 [DELETED] 

there's a guy on this board, i don't know if it's "auster" or somebody else, but he will deliberately make threads about things people are talking about in other threads to fuck with everyone. these two WC3 threads popped up right after blizzgen anon said he'd post the gen last night/today. believe me, he will continue to be a faggot until he moves onto his next target. just ignore it though, the real gen is up now so go post there.

>> No.11527276 [DELETED] 

stop shilling your general faggot no one cares

>> No.11527282 [DELETED] 

stay mad

>> No.11528692
File: 146 KB, 800x600, IMG_2233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

path of exile is my favorite classic Blizzard game

>> No.11528741

They made good games in the 90s, but not after that.

Blizzard gets gamers into their games with cinematics, at first it might be fun, then it gets patched to death with changes that make no sense, it's always the same.

Let's be honest:
Diablo 2 had absolutely nothing new, Divine Divinity then showed what a Diablo 2 should have looked like.

World of Warcraft destroyed the Warcraft series, from strategy to RPG. To a bad RPG on top.
WoW is by far the worst MMORPG ever, the game consists only of grinding and leveling, it has absolutely no endgame.
PVP consists only of skirmishes, without significant influence.
If you are lucky you can experience the story, but only if you play or have played at a very specific time, because the entire game consists only of time-limited events.

Starcraft was all about who could build their base the fastest

Overwatch was supposed to be a new MMORPG and when they realized it wasn't working, they turned it into a worse Warframe

>> No.11528852

>Diablo 2 had absolutely nothing new
It was new to Diablo.

>> No.11528887

WOW is not the worst MMO ever. Have you played a modern MMO? They are essentially queue simulators.

>> No.11528890

>WoW is by far the worst MMORPG ever
>the game consists only of grinding and leveling, it has absolutely no endgame.
>PVP consists only of skirmishes, without significant influence
>because the entire game consists only of time-limited events
what game are you talking about?

>Overwatch was supposed to be a new MMORPG and when they realized it wasn't working, they turned it into a worse Warframe
actually what the fuck are you talking about, i think youre in the wrong thread

>> No.11528950

There's a million MMOs out there, most which don't have a fraction of the quality and design of WOW, and I say that as someone who doesn't like WOW.
There have been more failed MMOs which had their plugs pulled than there are stolen bicycles in Neil DeGrasse Tyson's garage

>> No.11529273

I'm more baffled by Bethesda. I didn't like any of their games. They always manage to fuck them up somehow.

>> No.11530336

Morrowind is the only game of theirs I've played which I would consider excellent, they peaked a very long time ago.

>> No.11530359

diablo 1 the only actually good blizz game.