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11526870 No.11526870[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So people told me the Mega man fandom is autistic as fuck.
>The Mega Man fandom can be just as autistic as Sonic's, it's just their own Chris Chans aren't as publicly recorded or held as "celebrity fans" (e.g. Reploid REVO) rather than lolcows. And with said autism,

1) The original games have no real plot or lore

2)Then I did see this:
Some internet fagot tries to explain the megaman lore in a 8h video and he is ineffectively summarizing the classic games.

>So like Dr. Wily is like in a UFO
>And then he turns into an alien
>And then this is only a trick projection

These clearly are bullshit games where the story is made up crap.

>Yea and this robot has this serial number in this Japanese only commercial, this is not in the game or manual however
>Then they (Dr. Light and Dr. Wily) work together in the 3 game for some reason.
>And here is this sequence where Wily turns int an alien however it is a fake projection.
JESUS FUCK! This is some ultra mega autism right here!

WTF did I walk into?

>> No.11526875

You're just as autistic.

>> No.11526890
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All fandoms are autistic, I tried explaining this to you earlier. All games make up stories to justify gameplay, fans stitch stories together to make lore.

>> No.11526891

why did you make another thread about this? more importantly, why are you ban evading to make another thread?

>> No.11526895
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Only some games have real lore while others like the classic mega man are nonsense.

I was expecting there to be some deep philosophical lore in the jap only versions or manuals not some fagot stumbling to recap the meaningless events of the games.

>, fans stitch stories
However the classic mega man games are about anthro face robots jumping around.

>> No.11526897

IS this how mega man autists hide their fanbase?
>Ree stop pointing us out.

Mega Man is about retro games.

>> No.11526898

If you want to hear autistic, you should listen to some of the criticisms people have around here about Mega Man 3's gameplay.

>> No.11526904
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first time ive ever heard of people lorefagging mega man honestly. at least mega man games are actually fun unlike sonic, which is probably why that fanbase is so deranged. they spend their times making porn and fanfiction because the games suck and most sonic fans dont actually like them

>> No.11526905

>If you want to hear autistic, you should listen to some of the criticisms people have around here about Mega Man 3's gameplay.
Examples of this?

>> No.11526910

sad bait

>> No.11526913
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All lore is fictitious and exists in the name of fun, but you seem to think lore doesn't count unless it's deep and complex. Correct?

>> No.11526914
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I never was really interested in sonic.
All the sonic games I played where like 3 and I got board really fast.

Sonic looks like the most autistic thing ever. He is like a sphere with arms and a head on him. And he has this sausage nose. And these eyes...

>first time ive ever heard of people lorefagging mega man honestl
That was also a surprise for me.

>> No.11526917

Lore is like cake frosting. It adds a lot to a cake but you wouldn't want a cake that was just all frosting.

>> No.11526921

I love Mega Man, but I never paid attention to the plot. I know the classic series has the plot of a children's cartoon, but the X series seems to take things more seriously (with mixed results, I understand). I haven't paid much attention to the rest of the franchise. I guess both Legends and Z have more interesting stories.

>> No.11526927
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>, but you seem to think lore doesn't count unless it's deep and complex. Correct?
Except there are games with deep lore to explain.

>These are all the things that occurred and this is what the Enclave is!

>This is all of the elder scrolls!

In like there is a point in someoen makign lore videos on these subjects not:
>Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the president princes?
Of most NES games. FF1 for the NES somehow manages to have lore in it.

>> No.11526928

I know there is such a thing as deep lore. GTA has deep lore, it doesn't impress me. Deep lore in general doesn't impress if you play games for gameplay. If you want deep lore go read a book. Your English skills need it.

>> No.11526931

>Deep lore in general doesn't impress
It is nice to have it. However games with no story are also fun.

There is something like making up that a flat game has deep lore for fun as a JOKE.

And there is this autism I encountered. Imagine thinking classic mega man has deep lore or makes any sense.

>> No.11526937

You scoured the archives for two posts to disagree with, and found (or more likely, made) a video on the subject.
Your "lore" examples are throwaway, one-off plot lines to justify their associated games existing. You might as well be citing episodes of Ed, Edd, & Eddy as deep lore.

Go back to being banned.

>> No.11526940

>Imagine thinking classic mega man has deep lore
Sounds like something people would do for fun like any other lore obsession. The truly autistic thing is to never acknowledge people have different ways of having fun, but perhaps you're too high minded for that.

>> No.11526942

Everything childish attracts autistic people

>> No.11526953

>to disagree with
I agree with the posts.

>> No.11526957

I don't care.

>> No.11526962

>Why are people discussing the games
Maybe because they like them.

>> No.11526963

I don't care.

>> No.11526965

Then why did you make a thread about it?

>> No.11526968

Pathetic shit thread

>> No.11526971

So everybody knows I don't care. Also I love sucking cock.

>> No.11526976

X2 explicitly introduced deeper "lore" to the series (and even the original X could raise questions, like what exactly happened to Mega Man, Roll, and Proto Man), with the indication that Zero was Wily's last creation, plus the implication that Serges had some linkage to Wily. Later classic series games even had some of this, with 8's Evil Energy and 9's Roboenza seeming like they could've been the origins of the X games' Maverick virus. I don't know how many MM fans obsess over it, but there's stuff in the games that you could theorize about.

>> No.11526987

Have people forgotten about the Mega Man fan film?

>> No.11526996
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Going back to what I did see in this video

This is 35 minutes in and he is clumsily trying to recap the boss battle like some turbo retard.
>So like Dr. Wily is like in a UFO
>And then he turns into an alien
>And then this is only a trick projection

35 minutes into this shit! and he is in the second game!!!!

I was expecting this to be something like in pokemon some hidden dark lore that exists only in the nip manuals or something. However no these are silly games and the retards is wasting his time for so long on this that I did give up.

Blame the retard in the video. If you can think of a better lore summery that is not this level of autistic then please provide it.

>> No.11527002

>Have people forgotten about the Mega Man fan film?
The what now?

> people forgotten
From what I have seen the mega man fanbase in incredibly defensive and will purge all content that shows its autism.

>> No.11527003

DO people seriously like Mega Man and Sonic for the lore? I always interpreted those games "hell yeah we're making up shit, but it's fun". It's the same appeal as being a kid and playing with toys and you just make up new stories over time.

>> No.11527008

I'm not going to watch that video, but long form video essays about videogames make for good algorithm bait, especially when they tease lore, being comprehensive, or sooper rare secrets, or some combination thereof. There's a chance the guy you're linking to made the video simply because he thought making a 30+ minute video about Mega Man would make his channel pop up in more recommendations.

>> No.11527009

It's like your friend getting upset you forgot specific information from when you two were playing pretend a week ago and it makes it less fun for your friend, I think

>> No.11527014

This is the truth, I recall an old dead "let's play" channel made a lore video about Tekken more recently and it did really well so he also made one on Mortal Kombat.

>> No.11527021

>The what now?
When this came out I wasn't really a Mega Man fan, but I remember people lavishing it with praise. The Sonic one the guy did next got a lot more flack.

>> No.11527023

>another thread of OP talking to himself

>> No.11527026

Sonic fan gets tired of his fanbase being called autistic, so he lashes out at Mega Man fans - the thread.

>> No.11527029

It can make for fun discussions. Autistic discussions, but fun nonetheless.
But in the case of Mega Man, most of the "lore" started in the X series. The Classic games have some (the robot master profiles, Proto Man being Mega Man's brother and his arc), but around Mega Man 7, Capcom pivoted to what-may-or-may-not-be X series bait (Mega Man considering killing Wily only to be stopped by his programming, King in MM&B appearing to rebel against humanity).

>> No.11527034
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capcom, 199X
>oi inafune-san wouldn't it be cool if added some story in the new rokkuman games? it'd be like a movie!
fans, 202X