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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.37 MB, 1414x1809, DBZ_Tenkaichi_3_Cover_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11526868 No.11526868 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me or did the concept of video games based on other media matter more during the retro period? Imagine the excitement of a boy growing up watching Power Rangers or Dragon Ball Z, and then discovering that not only are there console games based on his favorite TV shows, but they're also genuinely good. These games were fun to play with a schoolmate or sibling, standing out as enjoyable experiences on their own rather than just serving as mere wish fulfillment. You get what I mean, right?

>> No.11526876

Games are too expensive to make. Nowadays. Licenced games are pretty much mobile apps now or they don't make a game at all. All these avengers movies and we only got one forgotten avengers game outta it. We didn't get ANY justice league games. Just one suicide squad game.

>> No.11526886

The jump to HD exponentially increased the production costs for a product to be competitive.
You're never seeing anything like this again outside of the indie scene.

>> No.11526906

I dunno man, they're kinda older at this point but the Arkham games are excellent, people love the Spiderman games, DBZ FighterZ is a legitimately good fighting game and also works as DBZ fanservice. TMNT Shredder's Revenge was a huge hit.
I'd say the ratio of good licensed games to schlock is equal or better than it was back in the day.

>> No.11527106

I didn't know madthad browsed /vr/

>> No.11527139
File: 65 KB, 641x682, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't keep a good man down!

>> No.11527296

Yeah, I was a boy growing up on Power Rangers. I've got exactly one game based on the show (on Sentai, actually) and it was Zyuranger for Famicom. I finished it the same evening as it was bought.

The game's okay, I just kinda expected more from it. Like riding zords maybe, but they just show you a static image of it and call it a day.

>> No.11527315
File: 20 KB, 256x323, JLH_game_covers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> We didn't get ANY justice league games
There was a good one

>> No.11527320

Blame Arkham Asylum. That was the first high budget AAA licensed game and turned every other licensed game into a big pissing context

>> No.11527357

I think that wasn't really a thing with the 5th console gen or older. Games based on existing franchises were pure garbage aimed at stupid kids that didn't now any better. Beastwars for N64 was a piece of shit and I enjoyed the TV show.

>> No.11527383

This. Licensed games were a scourge basically up until very recently. Basically from the 80s up until the 2010s, 95% of licensed games were total cash-grabs, even in Japan just in case anyone thought they were immune to it. People fondly remember the 5% that were good because they completely defied expectations, and honestly a lot of licensed games kinda get overhyped solely because they're not outright shitty.

>> No.11527392 [DELETED] 

The only good black

>> No.11527659 [DELETED] 

Sorry to jump in and go off-topic, but I just had to say this. Reading the comments about Batman: Arkham made me realize how much the perception of a game can change over time. When Arkham Knight first came out on PC, it was a total mess—so broken that Rocksteady had to pull it from stores to fix all the technical issues. Fast forward to now, and it runs pretty smoothly on most modern systems. If you check out gameplay footage on YouTube these days, all you'll find is people praising how graphically stunning and amazing it looks.

>> No.11527816
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I love that game so much and I'm happy my brother bought it for me when it came out. I easily have more than 2000 hours on it since 2007. I was obsessed with dragon ball as a kid.
I don't feel the same way towards the franchise as a jaded adult, but I still know how I would feel if I was a kid, just can't translate those feelings over to my current self.

>> No.11529982

They were still SOVLFULL in their own way though.

>> No.11530060

Super sucks, Daima sucks, and Sparking Zero while good…is doubling down on making 100 percent of its new content based on Super and Daima so it sucks too. It’s also missing a good chunk of characters from BT3 that will seemingly never release because we need baby Vegeta and baby Goku and whatever “super saiyan beast” gohan is.

Budokai Tenkaichi 3 was the swansong of the franchise. Amazing game that covered the entirety of the series and basically gave us everything we could have ever wanted. This is the final game that encapsulates “real” dragon ball and not shitty fanfiction dragon ball.

>> No.11530123

It's always been hit or miss with anime games. Naruto got some good games and it came much later.

>> No.11530248

I'm fine narrowing things down to "real" DB but that means the movie and GT shit has to go too

>> No.11530296

GT isn’t great but it had redeeming qualities, something Super can’t claim. Not sure what movie you’re talking about either since all the DBZ movies were great besides bio broly.

>> No.11530961

Game adaptations then had a more distinctive feel, or vibe, or aura, or skibbity from the overall IP back then. I can only imagine nowadays you've got dozens of suits breathing down a dev's neck making sure everything is on-brand so it's a serviceable marketing tool. You'd get all kinds of wild shit back then, more of a grab-bag, which is also why a lot of it was also sorting through shovelware.

>> No.11530971

It takes a long time for the stereotype of "licensed game=budget shit". Video games as an industry was still so new back then that there were no standards or expectations.

>> No.11532437
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I know I'm in the minority here, and yes, I'll admit that objectively most licensed titles were subpar cash grabs... but I liked them, and as a kid I skipped on a lot of classic original IPs because I chose to play a mediocre title based on a licensed IP I liked instead. Do I regret it? Not at all, I know I'm the reason for these companies doing this in the first place, I'm the problem, but the licenses were a big deal for me, and helped me enjoy something that'd be bad otherwise.

TL;DR I love licensed IP kusoge from the 80's, 90's and 2000's.

>> No.11532446
File: 2.78 MB, 640x480, DrSlump.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11532451
File: 2.81 MB, 512x480, DBZFreeza.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11532540

This engine but it's pokemon, billion dollar game.

>> No.11532568

This got a lot of shit for having a team of 2 instead of 4 like the marvel games did. But this was actually a good beat em up, the marvel games are just a race to get your AoEs leveled so you can spam them every encounter.

>> No.11532664

>The jump to HD exponentially increased the production costs for a product to be competitive

7th gen still had a fuckload of licensed games. every single animated movie would get one
wasn't till ps4 era that they mostly died out

>> No.11532665

>Super sucks, Daima sucks, and Sparking Zero while good…is doubling down on making 100 percent of its new content based on Super and Daima so it sucks too

dragon ball characters are all twinks now, or just "normal" buff

toriyama's art style drastically declined after the 90s