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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 298 KB, 560x800, Ts1box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11526789 No.11526789 [Reply] [Original]

Too hard

>> No.11526882

What's the retro equivalent of "git gud"?

>> No.11527047

Isn't this just bot battles like Quake 3 or am I mistaken?

>> No.11527053

Git gud.

>> No.11527069

Practice until you're sweeping every stage and going for best times.

You're mistaken.

>> No.11527085

And so am I.

>> No.11527120

For pc gamers it would've been "l2p n00b"

It's basically Goldeneye/Perfect Dark except the framerate isn't barely-playable garbage.

>> No.11527134
File: 1.09 MB, 640x480, slowlysurelythroughTS2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm terrible as well but having fun. I wasn't enjoying the first few levels of 1 too much so I'll go back once done with 2.

>> No.11527169

It's some multiplayer maps with enemies in preset locations. The single player is an obvious afterthought.

>> No.11527181

Call him a noob

I beat that game the first month I bought it as a teenager. There were games way more difficult than this

It's a medium hard level difficulty at best

>> No.11527184

Just use save states bro

>> No.11527492

Let me guess, Mansion? I don't remember anything as hard as that, not even the challenges. Overall, it's an easier game than 2.

>> No.11527929

The Mansion and the final challenge I think are really the only "truly" frustrating sections.

>> No.11527931

>this cover art will sell our game

>> No.11528851

Played this game thinking it was going to be a cool action adventure game but instead it was just some dumb shooter, cringe.

>> No.11529160

>Overall, it's an easier game than 2.
Big disagree. iirc I never made it past the third stage while I was finally able to beat 2 with platinum in pretty much everything except for Nice Threads.