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11526702 No.11526702 [Reply] [Original]

Where does /vr/ stand on the original vs remake debate?

>> No.11526704

Originals are better in 99% of cases

>> No.11526710

I love both but prefer original. Remake has better police station. Original is more nostalgic and other areas are better, like Umbrella lab.

>> No.11526714

REmake really fucked the lab. I liked the bigger size of it and the new plants but they made it look too Matrixy and futuristic. In general remake suffers too much from anachronistic bullshit.

>> No.11526719

Yes, I mean exactly this. I loved the OG RE2 lab which looked like some irl abandoned facility. It was more creepy than futuristic lab in the remake.

>> No.11526751

They made it look like in the first RE movie.

>> No.11526785

Both amazing and worth playing.

>> No.11526797

RE1 remake is the only one where I think its fair to compare the two. Not a fan of the newer remakes, but unfortunately the RE4ification of the franchise must continue on.

>> No.11526803

Tbh I wouldn't even be mad at another remake of 1 if it was the treatment of RE2make. I don't think it's the ideal way to go but if it meant the expansion of the Spencer mansion even further, it could be a very good video game on its own.

There's an interesting thing about these RE4ified entries as you call them. I enjoy them a lot (2R, 3R, 7, 4R) but I have zero desire to revisit them down the line. They lack all the replay value of the old games.

>> No.11526807

At this point, I wouldnt even mind it simply because theres so many ways to play RE1 its almost funny. Each release does something small but different, that even making it like re2make i'd accept. What frustrates me is they nailed it with the first REmake, but decided to never do that ever again. Give me re2/3 like that and i'll never complain about RE4 style RE games ever again.

>> No.11526824

>Give me re2/3 like that and i'll never complain about RE4 style RE games ever again.

For me, color palette is a huge part of what makes RE2 and RE3 what they are.I don't think making them a brown monochromatic mess that REmae1 is would transpose properly the art style of those games and how big of a role it is.

>> No.11526830

The original is good all the way through. 2make shits the bed as soon as you get to the sewer.

>> No.11526918

I enjoyed a lot REmake2, but art in OG is unbeatable

>> No.11527030 [SPOILER] 
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I think it's a great debate, for me to poop on!

>> No.11527046

I don’t like third person shooters. RE to me is 1-3. Fixed camera survival horror with clunky controls and 90’s cheesy bit crushed voice acting.

>> No.11527051

RE is not clunky. RE1-3 all have very snappy and well done controls.
Clunky means slow, unresponsive. That would be REmake and Silent Hill mostly

>> No.11527057

RE1: Original, REmake sucks.
RE2: Remake, but both are great
RE3: Remake, both versions are C-tier cash in games though
Haven't played the remake of 4 yet.

>> No.11527065

I kneel

>> No.11527125

I think people should play both. The original has night-perfect pacing and the remake did a fantastic job with the graphics and gameplay.

>> No.11527128

Just play the remake. Is fantastic.

>> No.11527129

They're both good
Original feels more replay able to me tho

>> No.11528162

I don't know how anyone can defend the RE2 remake. It's literally half a game with bulletsponge zombies and the story is butchered.

>> No.11528318

Both good. Remake would've been better with proper A/B and Mr. X exclusive to second scenario, but I guess they put so much work into him, they had to made sure it was showcased in every playthrough. Would have replayed a dozen more times if not for that, though. I would crack out on A scenarios like cranking the slots. The new sidegames do introduce good pick-up-and-play content though; I like the gas station defense score attack.

Still wild to me to think that game was in dev hell and presumed canceled for so long, nothing but that "We do it" video, then years later they show a trailer like "btw this is coming out in a matter of months" and it actually did, and it was great.

Hard to measure the two against each other without bias. The original feels more complete for obvious reasons, but the remake isn't lacking in length or content for its own game. The original's more replayable, but I think that has a lot to do with it being less challenging... I think it ultimately boils down to preference between whether you like shooters or more straight adventure games. But that "apples and oranges" logic is pussy shit, so I'm giving it to remake. Being a full-fledged shooter set in the template of an adventure game is genuinely more interesting than the original just being an adventure game.

>> No.11528329
File: 932 KB, 500x281, leon shotgun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My biggest disappointment was having that badass gore system, and not bringing back Leon's torso pulverizing super shotgun to really show it off.

>> No.11528517

I can not think of a single remake that I enjoy more than the original.