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11526662 No.11526662[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So people told me the Mega man fandom is autistic as fuck.
Then I did see this:

These clearly are bullshit games where the story is made up crap.

>Yea and this robot has this serial number in this Japanese only commercial, this is not in the game or manual however
>Then they (Dr. Light and Dr. Wily) work together in the 3 game for some reason.
>And here is this sequence where Wily turns int an alien however it is a fake projection.
JESUS FUCK! This is some ultra mega autism right here!

WTF did I walk into?

>> No.11526663

viral marketing thread

>> No.11526664

You're just as autistic.

>> No.11526673

>anon discovers his first deep dive lore YouTube video
They do this for everything

>> No.11526676

>>anon discovers his first deep dive lore
LOL no I love these videos.
The difference is that Mega Man has no fucken lore.

The story is a excuse to push a game, the guy tries to find some deep lore of what essentially is a nonsense game.

>> No.11526678

>I will obsessive talk for 8h about megaman story snippets.
>Forgive me other megaman people for not reading every jap entry on the dos games and pinball machines.

>> No.11526681

>(Dr. Light and Dr. Wily) work together in the 3 game for some reason

Wily just pretended that he's reformed so he could use Light's help for building a huge ass robot. The only autistic part in this is why the fuck Light wanted to build a huge ass robot to achieve a world peace.

> where Wily turns int an alien however it is a fake projection

I think it's just to fake out the player, like you're not fighting Wily this time but guess what, YOU ARE! I agree this is dumb but for the time, it must've worked. Then they did a real good twist in 4.

>> No.11526682

You're doing a good job of proving them right.

>> No.11526685

All games invent lore to justify gameplay, YouTubers commonly create long videos discussing it

>> No.11526687
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>Wily just pretended that he's reformed so he could use Light's help for building a huge ass robot.
Why are you taking seriously something that clearly is a joke? None of the writers for this game did think further then a retarded story for toddlers.

>autistic part in this is why the fuck Light wanted to build a huge ass robot to achieve a world peace.

How many times did Bowser do his shit in Mario games? These are games who reuse the same villains in the same formula. Literally no one did think deep about this.
This is not some zoomer game 890% hidden deep lore. These games are made in the 80s!

>> No.11526689

>REEEE fanbases do not exist
Is this how the megaman fanbase stays hidden?
You fucks are the most autistic thing I have ever seen in my life!

>> No.11526693
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>All games invent lore to justify gameplay,
True especially for 80s and early 90s games.

LOL perfect example there is no lore
1) Bowers did bad thing
2) Stop him by completing multiple levels!

More modern games started to include real lore like Halo. Halo has real lore and a world that is not
>Cartoonish bad man did bad thing.
>Complete levels to defeat him!

PS: The lore deteriorated in every future halo game to the point that it is some incest based fat sniffing lobotomy at this point.

>> No.11526695

>The story is a excuse to push a game, the guy tries to find some deep lore of what essentially is a nonsense game.

This is every faggot online though.

>> No.11526696

"Lore" has terminally crippled people's ability to be interested in a form of fiction.

>> No.11526698

>This is every faggot online though.
Hmm debatable.

There are games who have deep lore I can not think of a good example right now.
System Shock?
Bioshock 1&2 ?
DOOM3? (the game play was ass)
Elder Scrolls???

There was a shift from non story based games to minimum excuse story games like in the 80s to games who take themselves seriously, I think System Shock was the first however I think halo actually was the most popular one out of them all.

You can try to say Half life however there is no real deep story in half life other then
>Wow things exploded and aliens!
>Also strange suitcase man!

Halo actually talked about the covenant as a real force.