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11526649 No.11526649 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: games in which the final boss is a GIGANTIC difficulty spike

>> No.11526651

Demon's crest.

>> No.11526661

super mario bros

>> No.11526674
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Don't get hit!

>> No.11526827
File: 134 KB, 263x379, Ninja_Gaiden_(NES).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The boss itself is still manageable but that fucking bug that sets you all the way back to the beginning of the act is obnoxious. They should've made you replay just the third stage BUT all three phases of the boss in a row, not the other way around. I don't know what they were thinking

>> No.11526861
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yeah i think sonic 2 is fair to say it's a bit of an unfair spike especially because it has no save states. never been a fan of boss fights where you NEED to no-hit.

OTOH pic related i think is also a massive spike but a much fairer one especially because it's the FINAL final boss, the death egg boss was just a little too easy, and you can farm as many extra lives to your heart's content then jump right into the fight.

>> No.11526916

RotNM final boss while really cool is not very difficult to beat especially if we are comparing it to the final bosses of RoS and Shadow Dancer.

>> No.11526950

Any Mega Man game

>> No.11527109

You beat me to it.

Honestly of the top of my head I can think of at least two bosses in Mega Man 2 that are harder than the final boss (the dragon thing and the room with the little jellies on the wall you have to hit with the crash bomber). Mega Man 3 gave me more problem with the Doc Robots than anything in Wily's castle, but I can't even remember what the final boss was. But I think Mega Man 4 really did have a final boss that was really difficult.

>> No.11527127

revenge of shinobi last boss is actually easy. crouch to dodge the hair whip move, go all the way close to him to hit him, double jump directly upwards to dodge the hair throwing move. that move cant hit if you do that.

but i would throw in shinobi legions, the last boss in that is way harder than any of the megadrive games.

>> No.11527306

Renegade or Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun on Famicom/NES.
The rest of the game is standard beat-em-up fare, with bosses that can be challenging but fair. The final level throws you into a maze that dumps you back out at the beginning if you take a wrong turn, throws previous bosses at you in multiple numbers, is 2-3 times longer than any other level, and the final boss has a 1-hit-kill GUN. It's actually far more brutal than the arcade original. There he had a 1-hit-kill gun too, but you didn't have to fight multiple packs of previous bosses to get to him.
Jumping Flash 1 and 2 on PS1 both have very brutal final bosses. It's already tough enough getting to them, but good luck beating them.
Pirates! remake's big bad guy can actually become impossible to beat on the harder difficulties if you don't fight him soon enough. As you age your swordfighting skill declines, and his is always top notch. So when you go to fight him in his stronghold, he'll easily be able to parry every attack you make, and strike you before you have time to block. On the easiest difficulty there is no decline in skills due to aging, so those who never played anything harder never noticed any major challenge. To make matters worse, odds are his forces will outnumber yours, which has a massive effect on the battle against you in the harder difficulties. Which is also a bigger problem on the higher difficulties, due to how much harder it is to get a large crew and have them still content and not trying to throw you overboard.
Power D.O.L.L.S. (DOS) final level might as well be a final boss. The game is already difficult, but the final mission expects you to have a full crew fully loaded. So if you've lost anyone and not gotten them back, or lost too much hardware along the way, you're pretty much fucked. Even if you are fully loaded, it's still hard to get all the bombs planted before you run out of people.

>> No.11527318

Not the final boss exclusively but the castle in every Mega Man game is when the real game starts

>> No.11527442
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>> No.11527453

100% this, this is the most brutal difficulty spike in gaming. By the time you get to the final set of stages, your getting pretty good at the game, but they through the three hardest levels in a row at you which are a big bump up from the previous ones, then that three stage boss fight where the fire breathing head alone feels almost impossible. Then they kick you back to 6-1 and you have to play the three hardest levels of the game over again.

The reason I say this is the hardest in particular is due to the fact it kicks you back to 6-1, you don't get to try and learn a technique for the boss, you have to play through 3 levels before facing him once each time, this gives you almost zero ability to master or learn the timing on the boss stage.

>> No.11527465

Shadow Dancer's easy so long as you write down the patterns of the ninjas and know when a rolling boy is due. The real kick in the teeth is Room V every time you continue, I just bum rush that and use my ninjutsu as close to the door as posible.
Agreed on the other two.

>> No.11527474

The real kick in the nuts is saving your Ninjutsu for when the boss has 2 HP left only to find out the motherfucker closes the helmet during the cutscene

>> No.11527489 [DELETED] 

lessons learned the hard way
incidentally also part of the reason why I prefer not having ninjutsu for one attempt at the boss than to try saving it and potentially lose 1~3 lives in that room instead

>> No.11527506

lessons learned the hard way
incidentally also part of the reason why I prefer not having ninjutsu for one attempt at the boss than to try saving it and potentially lose 1~3 lives in that room instead
When I do have ninjutsu at the boss, I use it on the double rolling boys that spawn on like the third cycle in normal and up. Fuck that shit

>> No.11527515

>Fight starts
>Spin jump to instantly end phase 1
>Die because phase 2 is bullshit
>Quickly return to boss fight because only the last 2 jumps of the last stage is hard
>Spin jump into final boss
>He dies instantly
>Game over

If you were forced to fight all 3 phases in a row it would be a million times harder if not outright impossible because of how poorly made Ninja Gaiden is.

>> No.11527528
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god have mercy on you if you chose to play these games on hard.

>> No.11527537

I wasn't prepared for SH1's difficulty! I replayed it last year for fun and didn't know it bumps the challenge up on a new game plus. Was seriously low on ammo often and made the game a lot of fun. Had to really think of strategies for the bosses. The first one and the true final one were real puzzles.

>> No.11527545

SH3 is the only that is truly hard. Especially if you play the re-release that fixes the melee exploit. It really feels like it's balanced around having infinite gun reward from a previous playthrough, it's crazy how much bullets that bitch tanks

>> No.11527548

I've only ever played 1 on hard and the final boss felt like a resource check, like you are playing a collectathon game or some shit
>have you collected enough medkits and rifle ammo packs? Okay you may pass

>> No.11527551

It's dodgeable, I've done it without healing

>> No.11527558

*I'm grandfathering in twin pyramid heads since it occurs so close to the end of the game.

>> No.11527569

Yeah I know but it's really hard if you don't know what you're doing. I usually just use a medkit in the middle of the attack and then again when he stops. I think you need to tank through like 3 of the attacks to win, so that means 6 medkits?.. That's if you only use the rifle though. Actually scratch that, not a collectathon, feels more like a JRPG boss

>> No.11527571

The trick about dodging the lightning is that you have to use the strafing run (Strafe button first, THEN press run button), something never needed in the entire game and most players probably either forgot or never even knew existed

>> No.11527583

You mean like you should be holding both the strafe and run buttons? Nice. For some reason I feel like I read about that ages ago somewhere on the internet. Next time I replay SH1 I'll try beating the final boss without healing that way

>> No.11528001

>Mega Man 3 gave me more problem with the Doc Robots than anything in Wily's castle, but I can't even remember what the final boss was.

Gamma. hes pretty much a joke, the second phase is one shot by top spin

>> No.11528007
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>>>>>>>if you were forced to fight all 3 phases in a row it would be a million times harder if not outright impossible

>> No.11528952

Fucking pleb. L2p and get gud.

>> No.11528963

This made me so angry as a kid.

Every single time I would beat Metal Sonic without getting hit and then get one or two hits on Robotnik before spikes hidden behind his fat robot would instakill me seemingly at random.

>> No.11528970

The lightning attack is difficult to dodge and it can end up killing you from full health if you get hit too many times during the strikes. I always had more than enough rifle bullets though.
Fuck the Twin Pyramid Head fight, and fuck the moths or whatever that Mary/Maria sends after you constantly. All those health items will come in handy as you deplete your ammo and run around in circles for 10+ minutes.
It was all fine until you reach the Cult's hidden church after the amusement park, then you realize that you are trapped in a world with no ammo drops and a final boss that will almost assuredly require more bullets than you saved up the whole playthrough. If you had shot everything to death, you would be rewarded with tons of ammo to gear you up for her and I believe that was the intention despite being a survival horror game.

>> No.11528979

I still don't even know how to do the spin jump trick. When you spin into bosses it just doesn't drain their HP like in Youtube vids so I guess there is a trick to it. I just game over to the second phase and then get there with the fire spell and enough MP/ammo/whatever and spam that fucker with it. And then the third phase is pretty easy but it doesn't stop me from dying to it every once in a while. I love the game but I don't think I've ever went through all three phases without dying

>> No.11528980

>ever went
Meant gone, I'm ESL

>> No.11528981

>When you spin into bosses it just doesn't drain their HP like in Youtube vids so I guess there is a trick to it.

The trick is that you probably watched TASes disguised as """longplays"""

>> No.11530675

PS2 shinobi on the higher difficulties, too.

>> No.11530680

>When you spin into bosses it just doesn't drain their HP like in Youtube vids so I guess there is a trick to it.
There's not a trick to it. I've never used the spin slash on the last two forms of the last boss though because I never died on them by the time I knew about the spin slash. Maybe it just hits weird on them?

>> No.11530714

>spin into bosses
You need to be good with managing the spin slash hitbox. If you go too far, you get hit, but the range of the spin slash itself is a little short so you need to be touching the boss in a really specific way.

>> No.11530720

Also some of the bosses actually take two spin slashes, you might just not have noticed because they're so fast. For the early bosses you have to jump at them with one, then jump straight up and do another to really finish them.

>> No.11530721

>second phase
It's pretty easy once you get the pattern down. Hard to explain without demonstrating but you can do it sword only by ex.
>wait for him to go left side
>he fires the fireballs
>while he's moving right, get on the pillar
>jump and slash with the sword
repeat x10 varying for when he moves right and you can slash on the left pillar. Most of it is just waiting for the safe time where you can get on the pillar without him firing

>> No.11530727

>take two spin slashes
That's a matter of the bosses movement.
The way it works on a technical level is that the spin slash does 1 damage per frame, so maximizing damage relies on hitting the boss as much as possible. It's not about the boss having extra health (they all have the same) but them moving away

>> No.11530731

Yeah I just remember having to do two on some bosses back when I used to play it a lot. I was just doing speedrun shit though so I'm assuming you can just get them in one if you run right up to them and jump up instead of jumping at them from a distance.