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File: 31 KB, 380x262, Super_Mario_All_Stars_(game_box_art).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11526571 No.11526571 [Reply] [Original]

This was the first shitty cash grab remake.

>> No.11526574

Unfortunately people had fun playing it.

>> No.11526586
File: 987 KB, 880x720, 1734341738741876.mp4 [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11526590
File: 932 KB, 640x642, Ys1and2_turbocd_jp_cover1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was actually.

>> No.11526592
File: 1.37 MB, 1050x770, Ninja Gaiden Trilogy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The not only remade 4 games with 16-bit graphics but gave you all of them on 1 cart with a save battery. They managed to fit it all on one 8 megabit cartridge which is pretty fucking incredible.
Ninja Gaiden Trilogy is the real stinker, basically no graphical improvements and a password system, 2 years later, $60 please.

>> No.11526593
File: 3 KB, 256x237, demakequest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11526602

>literally given away for free

>> No.11526776
File: 252 KB, 640x720, 54573_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11526849

I thought that was its sequel; all stars + world

>> No.11526852

Nah everyone loved it

>> No.11526926

stay filtered, speedtranny

>> No.11526932

He jumps earlier in the webm

>> No.11526934

It's a legit bug in the game but you can get a rom hack to fix it if it bothers you. The tranny's only argument for why the game is bad is that one minor thing, though.

>> No.11526943

>The tranny's only argument for why the game is bad is that one minor thing, though.
your only argument for why the game is good is because it has more bits.

>> No.11526945

man if they considered Ys1+2 ancient back then, wtf is it now?

>> No.11526958

It has nicer graphics, combines 4 games into one and most importantly has saving.

>> No.11526972

The originals were already shitty and soulless.

>> No.11527058


>> No.11527076

That's more of an expansion pack.

>> No.11527081


>> No.11527113

What about all those fucking atari 50 games in 1 bullshit cartridges that just aped an ass load of other atari games, but worse

>> No.11527198

That's a lot more reasons than it having more bits.

>> No.11527224


>> No.11528110

Allstars + World was a pack-in. You could still buy Allstars separate. >>11526602
is full of shit.

>> No.11528116

Nah that was Super Mario World copy pasting 3.

>> No.11528129
File: 2.01 MB, 1188x1028, s-l1200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is full of shit.
Oh no, you got too cocky bro.

>> No.11528138
File: 340 KB, 1600x1600, demake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did sell it separately however.

>> No.11528147

Troll thread so bad it's good.

>> No.11528154
File: 1.17 MB, 1216x832, 0de3407f-0fd7-453c-8c49-d6b663aac008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11528163

Couldn't you also mail proof of purchase and get it for free that way too? Honestly you had to pretty much go out of your way to not get it for free.

>> No.11528209
File: 772 KB, 1700x2775, 1694878947673288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game was sold for free so they didn't even bother trying to make it good since they didn't need to earn sales
Makes sense.

>> No.11528215

I like it though.

>> No.11528221

remakes made a lot more sense when emulation and digital storefronts weren't ubiquitous. if you had an snes getting all those cartridges and an nes may not have been a reasonable option for you.

>> No.11528238

thats not even the problem. its jumping over piranhas that allstars completely destroys fucking trash ass port

>> No.11528249

There are people who had fun playing Bubsy 3D and other shitty games, what's your point?

>> No.11528338

No one gives a shit about Europe.

>> No.11528351

If only Super Mario Bros Mini run that smooth

>> No.11528362

>all visual effects



>> No.11528374

Wrong video retard


>> No.11528426

>cash grab remake.

Nintendo was practically giving it away for free at times.

>> No.11528510

Not even close. Here is what it has going for it...

>complete remakes, with upgraded graphics and music
>added save features, 4 slots each game
>brought us SMB2, the real deal Jap one
>back in 1993, lot of people never had the NES, or got rid of it after the SNES, so lots of people never really had the chance to play these games in the first place

It was well worth the money. It was part of the reason my parents got me the SNES back in Christmas 1993. Nintendo had this as a bundle with the SNES and it was super cheap, or free. I forget. We already played SMW from friends so I was ready to finally have the games I played at friends' houses on their NES all to myself and I loved every minute of it. Between my brother and I, it could have been the best gaming experience I ever had for months. It was magical.

Funny thing this might have been the first remake, or cash-grab, but it was certainly one of the best. Not perfect but it kept the original games intact, added some QoL improvements and a new coat of paint. Something we are begging to be done with remakes now, which completely ruin the original game now.

Now this might be it.

>> No.11528526 [DELETED] 

I killed your retarded jewish mother. You didn't think it was important because of the jewish cultural nonsense. But she's dead. And I did it. She liked being raped to death, doe. Her last words were "Heil Hitler." Also I'm going to kill you, brown boy. What are you going to do about it? JD Vance faggot, I will step on you.

>> No.11528528 [DELETED] 

anti-allstarsfags have gone insane

>> No.11528530 [DELETED] 

It's necessary.

>> No.11528535

if people had fun playing a video game it wasn't shitty

>> No.11528538

absolutely not

>> No.11528541 [DELETED] 

>uh that's fucking racist
Tell it to the grandpa that pajeet fucked. Kill all indians.

>> No.11528547

The infamous xylophone of doom

>> No.11529119

I wanted to get that bundle, but my mom convinced me to get the Mario Paint bundle instead. She was right. I had a ton of fun with MP. Plus, we still had our NES with Mario 1-3. I did later pick up a copy of MA+SMW at a flea market we frequented back in the day.

>> No.11529162

>but my mom convinced me to get the Mario Paint bundle instead...Plus, we still had our NES with Mario 1-3.
wow an actual intelligent consumer, what are the odds?

>> No.11529168

The real story is the Mega Drive had backwards compatibility with the Master System so Nintendo made this game as a response because the SNES couldn’t play their most iconic games from the previous generation.

>> No.11529796

Anon those are ports. Remasters would be the most appropriate term by today's standards. They are all using the original NES code. The transition didn't go perfectly as observed by the blocks in SMB1+LL, but one bug doesn't suddenly mean it's a remake.

>> No.11529801

I like the All Star versions of 2 and 3. I'm not so keen on the style of 1.

>> No.11529874

>"shitty cash grab"
>complete graphical and audio overhaul of 4 games

>CD audio tracks for the main themes
>way better graphics than the original PC88 versions
>voice acting (first vidya to have it, IIRC)
>"shitty cash grab"

>> No.11529948

>CD audio tracks for the main themes
The new music is worse than the PC88 music
>way better graphics than the original PC88 versions
The 16 bit style looks way worse, everything is blobby and small
>voice acting (first vidya to have it, IIRC)
tenkai makyou has voice acting, much more too.

>> No.11529958

really like this one, they later released it with super mario world too,

>> No.11529970

>Allstars + World was a pack-in. You could still buy Allstars separate. >>11526602
>is full of shit.

When All-Stars was originally released in 1993 (in North America), Nintendo has a mail-in order deal for SNES users where they could send in a proof of purchase and $3.50 for S&H, and they would send you a free copy of Super Mario All-Stars. A lot of people ended up getting the game through this promotional deal.


Nintendo, later created a Super Mario Super Set bundle that came with All-Stars and SMW in the same cartridge and that became a default pack-in option for multiple years.


Super Mario All-Stars was a free give away for a period of time. And yes, it was also sold at retail.

>> No.11529996

I understand Dragon Quest because admittedly I prefer the 8bit versions myself but if you pretend that PC-88 versions of Ys I+II are the 'definitive' ones then you are the reason we rarely have any genuine discussion about anything here and everything feels like a hipster dick measuring contest

>> No.11530015

>I understand Dragon Quest because admittedly I prefer the 8bit versions myself
So you should be able to extrapolate why I like the PC88 version more.