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File: 169 KB, 640x876, ghostngoblins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1152067 No.1152067 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you guys ever beat Ghost n' Goblins? No save state bullshit, I'm talking really beat it.

I played it for over three hours tonight and am giving up. I got really close to beating level 6 one time. Here is a video of it.

I hit the Satan at the end like 7 times with the cross instead of the required 8 times. Then he ran into me.

I took a video of my last attempt.


>> No.1152349

pff, hell no man. And this is coming from a guy who beat castlevania in his first sitting.

>> No.1152361
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Took me two hours. It was my first time REALLY trying to beat it (when I played as a teenager, I got game over on 1st on 2nd stage and then I'd give up)

I was so excited when I beat the game I took this incredibly shitty photo
Red Arremers are the shit. The bosses though, are literal shit. I have a 100% win record against Satan and the final boss. They're very easy.

>> No.1152365

Don't forget you gotta beat it twice to "beat it".

>> No.1152378
File: 59 KB, 640x480, 137131204773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played the arcade version through in two sessions. If the sixth level wasn't so motherfucking hard I probably could have beaten it in one session, but it was just too much.

>> No.1152396

That shit pissed me off that I threw my controller on the ground and broke it. I was 6 years old when I first played Ghost n' Goblins.

Also, I know people hate on the axe, but I found it to be incredibly useful if you got your timing right. While the dagger was fast, the axe could attack in an arc. Against multiple enemies or ones that would move constantly like those demons, the axe was great to use. Slow as shit, but like I said, once you got the pattern down and observed how enemies move, the axe does a little damage.

>> No.1152397

That filter made me throw up a little in my mouth.

>> No.1152398

No, but I can beat Super Ghouls n' Ghosts without too much trouble.

>> No.1152403

That game was MUCH easier than the original.

>> No.1152406

But still, I do feel a bit of pride in having defeated it on a legit console and everything. You don't (or at least I don't) get that kind of feeling when you beat a game nowadays.

>> No.1152414

>You don't (or at least I don't) get that kind of feeling when you beat a game nowadays

I remember when I bought Journey to Silius, The Guardian Legend, Crystalis, Blaster Master, Metal Storm, and Little Samson a few years ago and loved the shit out of them. I was born in 1990 so I missed out on NES. Luckily my older brother gave me his old system and I tracked down some of these classic games.

>> No.1152423

I beat the second quest on a real NES and it was really just a waste of time. It involves memorization and cheap tricks mostly.
I much prefer playing Ghouls n' Ghosts on MAME. It's easier but also a lot more fun because it isn't bullshit hard. Graphics are great and the music is my favorite in the series.

>> No.1152428

Love the word strongth.

>> No.1152528
File: 8 KB, 248x168, 1363302860097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beat the whole series every Halloween.

>> No.1152556


No, but I spent the Summer of 1993 trying to beat Ghouls 'N Ghosts on the Genesis. Took me about 2 weeks of on-and-off playing to memorize level layouts and enemy placements. To this day, beating it (twice in a row because you have to) is one of my greatest vidya accomplishments.

>> No.1153096

OP here.

My thumb hurts, and I am tired from staying up late last night playing that game...but for some reason I want to try beating it again. I can't stand having a game be so hard that I give up.

I'm thinking about trying again.

Also, did anyone watch my video? I should've use a better video hosting site, that one kinda sucks.

>> No.1153252


I've beaten Ghosts 'n Goblins, Ghouls 'n Ghosts, and Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts. The one on the Super Nintendo was the hardest by far, but it was also the first one I beat so that may have just been a matter of experience. Ghouls 'n Ghosts, which kicked my ass as a kid, was comparatively easy afterward. Ghosts 'n Goblins was challenging, but didn't have me cursing until I made it to the castle.

Well, I take that back. I spent an hour fighting the dragon before I found out that the sword couldn't hurt it. That's absolutely bullshit. Swords kill dragons. This is common knowledge. It'd be like if you had a vampire and the only weapon that *couldn't* hurt it was the stake. But I digress.

I've beaten some other hard games on the NES. Battletoads is the one which really made me tap out and give up. I made it to Volkmire's Inferno (without skipping) four or five times before I'd finally had enough.

To date, I think that TMNT is the hardest game I've beaten. Most rank G'nG higher in terms of difficulty, so I guess I'm just not a good ninja.

>> No.1153260


Ooh, awesome tradition. I'm thinking of trying Castlevania for the first time. I'm currently trying to get through the second quest of Legend of Zelda, but that's next on my list.

I was well on my way, but then the NES glitched and erased my data. I can beat the G'nG trilogy, Ninja Gaiden, and TMNT, but Zelda's second quest eludes me.

>> No.1153281


i tried but it freezes every fucking second. that site blows

>> No.1155321

I have beaten it, meaning both rounds for a full completion. Don't give up OP, it seems hard the first time but once you know the routes and tactics through the levels you will breeze through it. It took me 7 hours to beat it the first time, one sitting, and I was exhausted. A few days later I got it down to 3 hours, and then 1.5.

IMO stage 2 is the hardest, because of those ogres in the mansion. Once you can get by that you're good as long as you know how to deal with the red arremers in stage 3. Also, obviously, stick with the dagger, it has the highest DPS and is the most versatile. There's just that one spot in the final stage with the arremers that is tricky, and I admit I think it comes down to luck somewhat, but if you've made it that far you can't quit yet.

>> No.1155594

Is the 3DS virtual console version good? I don't have a controller for emulation

>> No.1155609

My friend Tom Evans and I beat it when we were like 11. Stayed up all night to beat it the first time, it restarted. We paused it and spent all day the next day beating it again.

>> No.1155630

i really don't understand how level 6 is even possible...i don't mean the boss either, just getting up those ladders without getting hit. even if i don't wake the devils, the skeletons or those guys that drop shit down on your head will find a way to get to where i'm going before i do.

>> No.1155637

Castlevania 1 is one of the finest games ever made. You're gonna love it.