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/vr/ - Retro Games

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11502081 No.11502081 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like Condemned, you fucking idiot?

>> No.11502130

Strange unnecessary aggression, but yes I like this game a lot actually. Among the best urban noir classics of the 2000s.

>> No.11502214


>> No.11502218

Not retro

>> No.11502241

Cool game

>> No.11502247

According to the board rules it is. Released for PC in April 2006.
I applaud OP for making you mad.

I’ll also say Condemned was like the ultimate sleeper hit. Amazing game that seemingly came from nowhere. Strange it hasn’t been considered for a rerelease.

>> No.11502250

Your sister is not retro and yet we talk about her every day here.

>> No.11502254

Is the PC version any good?

>> No.11502281

With its fixes it's the best way to play it. Just find a repack and give it a go.

>> No.11502292

It was interesting
Levels were a bit too dark for my liking

>> No.11502295

my sister IS retro

>> No.11502347

That's exactly why we love her

>> No.11502353 [DELETED] 

honestly not really. it has a few viral moments that everyone knows but eh, the way the story develops into the standard sci-fi conspiracy is lame and it's really just a primative batman vision game when you get down to it. I'm obligated to commend it for being an edgy AA game I guess.

>> No.11502365

It runs like shit without a patch (FEAR also has this problem) but I didn't come across any other problems after finding a fix for that

>> No.11502374

it scratches my urban exploration itch well. its not aging well tho.

>> No.11502503

I enjoyed it at first mainly because the graphics are genuinely insane for back when it came out, but it gets repetitive pretty quickly and the story hasn’t proven to be all that interesting to me.

>> No.11502513

I do, you ugly cunt

>> No.11502540

Scariest horror game ever made. Kind of mind blowing a game like this was a launch title for the 360.

I disagree. The sound design and lighting are phenomenal.

>> No.11502614

Great atmosphere, trash gameplay

>> No.11502752

Gameplay is chunky.

>> No.11502757

This is a 360 game therefore rot netro.

>> No.11503187

some of the best atmosphere in any game, the brisk 4-5 hour it takes to beat it is appreciated. it doesn't outstay it's welcome imo
i just wish the story was so much better. it's what kills everything. i've never seen such a messy story take itself so seriously
haven't played condemned 2 since it came out, wish it had a pc port. looking back, it looks worse than i remember
>tfw actually remember being impressed by how fucking amazing the graphics looked in the intro
legitimately remember the opening cutscene and exploring the apartment to look amazing. now they're ugly and covered in bloom

>> No.11503472

>trash gameplay
Name one survival horror with better gameplay. You can't because there is none. The combat in Condemned is extremely fun.

>> No.11503489

I tried to get into it but the sci-fi super soldier turn was lame and the horror gimmicks weren't that great. it's fine, i'm just too jaded against 7th gen games at this point. couldn't get into deadspace either.