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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 60 KB, 733x540, Batman-nes-gp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1150175 No.1150175[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You have 20 seconds to name an NES game that looks better than Batman.

And go.

>> No.1150183

Combat Amphibians

>> No.1150182


Double Dragon 2

>> No.1150184


>> No.1150196

motherfucking SHATTERHAND

>> No.1150206

Batman is a pretty game. The animations on Batman himself always impressed me. Subtle cape flutters and stuff that not just any game at that time would have taken the effort to add.

>> No.1150207

Recca or Crisis Force

>> No.1150385


>> No.1150389

Kirby's Adventure

>> No.1150393

You have 10 seconds to name an NES song more impressive than the solstice theme
protip: you can't

>> No.1150401


>> No.1150412

good choice of words, it is amazing they managed to make that song so long with the space limitions to hold the game itself.

music wise? i like just about any song from journey to silius better.

>> No.1150413


>> No.1150416

"Batman: Return of the Joker"?
Y'know, the Batman shooter game.

>> No.1150418
File: 64 KB, 320x453, mig-29-box-art-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About half of the songs from this soundtrack.

>> No.1150427

Mega Man 6

>> No.1150432

That technique you see there when pixels of two colours are laid out in a checkerboard pattern to create a new colour is called 'dithered rendering'.

It was a technique invented by Ken Williams, the CEO of Sierra Online.

>> No.1150438



>> No.1150439 [DELETED] 

None lol. All NES games look like washed out brown shit.

>> No.1150441
File: 807 KB, 609x710, compvsrgb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Genesis extensively used that technique. After switching to RGB on mine, it becomes really clear, because they were banking on the crappy connections to mix together the colors a lot of times.

>> No.1150454 [DELETED] 



>> No.1150478

what game is it?

>> No.1150481 [DELETED] 



>> No.1150503

Hard Drivin', a crappy port of the arcade version.

>> No.1150510 [DELETED] 

Oh my fucking god what the fuck why haven't I seen that before I'm dying

>> No.1150525 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 534x400, Stop Shitposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop that. Report. Hide. Ignore.

>> No.1150526

Summer Carnival '92: Recca

>> No.1150532

Little samson


>> No.1150764

Beat ya to it, but I personally think Crisis Force looks better.

>> No.1150773

This is a neat game, but why did IGN and Screw Attack constantly suck it's dick like it's the best thing on the NES.

>> No.1150774


>> No.1150781

>brown/green/blue/pink: the game

>> No.1150790
File: 10 KB, 256x224, 253931-little-samson-nes-screenshot-the-main-maps[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Batman only really looked good in the cutscenes.

>> No.1150850
File: 17 KB, 256x224, zen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Batman is probably the most beautiful pre-90's NES game, but in the 90's plenty of games had mastered what the console could go technically speaking.

Like, Shatterhand, Zen The Intergalactic Ninja, or Little Samson and Megaman 6 (already mentionned itt). In terms of animations Moon Crystal is pretty good, though very Pince Of Persia like.

>> No.1150852


>> No.1150987

Can't believe no one didn't say Little Nemo yet.

>> No.1150991
File: 4 KB, 256x240, kirbysadventure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1150993

Honestly Snake Rattle n' Roll

>> No.1151580
File: 73 KB, 622x626, b8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1151585
File: 207 KB, 768x672, crystalis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1151586

The NES had a limited color pelette and the colors are bright and pleasing

>> No.1151592

>brown/green/blue/pink: the game
this post is satire

>> No.1151595
File: 7 KB, 256x224, 320145-batman-return-of-the-joker-nes-screenshot-stage-7-1-you-re.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Batman: Revenge of the joker

>> No.1151598

Bio Force Ape

>> No.1151605
File: 18 KB, 320x224, batman_revenge_of_the_joker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

return of*
revenge of was the crappy 16bit version

>> No.1151608

on of my favorite games of all time

>> No.1151668

better than batman....

Mega/rock Man 6

>> No.1151675

Castlevania 3.

>> No.1151686

Except that screenshot is way more colorful than anything in Kirby's Adventure, and it uses the same hardware.

Yeah, but look at the games posted ITT. Kirby's Adventure rarely stepped out of the four colors and their shades, especially with stuff like this


>> No.1151705

Bullshit, dithering has been around since the 60s. At best he might have been the first to implement it in commercial software on the Apple II.

>> No.1151706

Sunsoft really worked magic with the NES.

If only Nintendo could have made a Mario game with the kind of graphics Sunsoft was capable of producing.

>> No.1151786


>> No.1151810

Goddamn I haven't played this game in years. I should replay it.

>> No.1151819
File: 994 KB, 486x289, robospaz-anim.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The C64 version of this song is better but still

>> No.1151824

I'm pretty sure dithering is actually as old as art itself. It's especially similar to the traditional art technique of pointillism.

>> No.1151876

agreed 100%

i try to post that in every robocop thread i find

>> No.1151891

Nintendo very rarely were (and still are) on the cutting edge of graphics and musical advancements. In the cartridge days, Nintendo was better for making new cartridge tech. It was almost always third parties that pushed hardware boundaries. A modern example, Conduit on the Wii looks on par with a PS3 and 360 game. The Need For Speed game for the Wii U is one of the best looking games released for the console, as well as the best looking version period. Third parties are important to push hardware boundaries. Without them, the Wii U will be an underpowered Mario box.

>> No.1152238

Too bad third parties are only interested in making multiplat shitware.

>> No.1152241
File: 189 KB, 250x350, dreammaster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1152247
File: 38 KB, 287x400, littlenemo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1152246


My sister loved this game and made me play it after school. I enjoyed it also.

I have the cartoon burned somewhere on a disc.

>> No.1153104
File: 50 KB, 234x234, PennyFUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That fucking train stage.

>> No.1153201
File: 6 KB, 250x219, Faxanadu_NES_gameplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1153209

yeah, but once you beat it once, it's easy peasy. I played Nemo a couple weeks ago after not playing for at least 10 years and I still knew that level like the back of my hand and beat it my first try.

>> No.1153563

That and they no longer have the ambition to make games that really push the envelope, much less doing so for a console with an uncertain future. It did have some exclusives, which proved that the programmers were more than willing to put in the extra elbow grease, such as Rayman and Deus Ex.

>> No.1153726

Street Fighter 2010.

Say what you want about the gameplay, but that is a fantastic looking game.

>> No.1153754

Crisis Force has some amazing layering effects for an NES game.


Especially when the ground opens up at around 3 minutes in.

>> No.1155342
File: 61 KB, 512x480, Nightshade-car-and-booth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that that Batman game looked awesome...one of the best, certainly. I'll toss out Nightshade (sorry, not finding many decent screenshots).

Fun little game, too! Underrated.

>> No.1157025

Follin is love, Follin is life

>> No.1157126

Kirby, Mr. Gimmick, Batman 2, Battletoads, Battletoads and Double Dragon, Crisis Force...

>> No.1157139
File: 7 KB, 256x240, a7ffa5054c8aaa95a04e12f8a63deaab[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vice Project Doom

>> No.1157146

>Journey to Sillius
>great music

You sir are a gentleman and a scholar.

>> No.1157157

Great game. Boss is bullshit hard though. How the hell do you beat it?