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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1148235 No.1148235[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Before /vr/, I never thought to play Chrono Trigger, FF3, or Terranigma. I was never and RPG person (tried Pool of Radiance on the Commodore 64 and ragequit). I've played those three and son of a bitch I missed out when I was younger.

So now, I think I'm ready for Final Fantasy 7. Never played it. I know the lead character's name is Cloud and I see people dress up as him all the time in cosplay pics. I've read there are pros and cons to buying the PC version or emulating the game. What works for you?

>> No.1148242

The original PC version was a shit port and BSOD'd all over the place even back on Windows 98. Also I think the frame-rate on the mini games was way out of control. Square recently updated and re-released the FFVII PC port on steam. I haven't played it but I think I read the overall experience was better.

>> No.1148240

>comparing poop of radiance to chrono trigger, ff3, terranigma


>> No.1148250
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I wasn't comparing those games you dumbshit. I was more or less posting my resume of RPG games I've played.

>on /vr/

Yup, you belong here.

>> No.1148256


I hear the music is shit, but there's some option to change it back to the original. Not sure though.

>> No.1148259

You are probably the only person in the world who hasn't played ff7.

>> No.1148261

Now now, no need to get offensive. We're all friends here.

>> No.1148265
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Yeah the framerate on the minigames is nuts. When I played it back in the day, things were slower than they should have been and I won every time. Then I tried it once with modern technology and the bike race is over if you blink too fast. I didn't have any BSOD issues.

The music is midi format. It's not that bad IMO.

I don't know anything about the new Steam port though, do some research as they probably fixed all of this.

>> No.1148269


Wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.1148272

I think some of the dialogue was cleaned up a bit to get rid of the engrish and grammar errors (EX: "This guy are sick", "it senses murder", Zeno...gias")

>> No.1148275

The PC version is alright, but it requires quite a bit of modding to be up to par to the PS1 version (at least the original release of the PC version). The Steam rerelease is just the one they did on their own SE store, but is mostly incompatible with mods. Also, for some strange reason, they kept all the MIDI music of the PC version, except as OGG recordings of the MIDI music, which makes me wonder why they didn't just use the PS1 music as OGGs (although, there are ways to change the music to the PS1 music easily). The Steam release is also incompatible with other mods for the original PC release.

So yeah, if you're planning on playing the new version of the PC version, you'll probably be fine enough. If you're playing the original PC version, prepare to start modding.

The PS1 version is still pretty much listed as the best version of the game overall, though.

>> No.1148278

Neither of those options is optimal. The PSX version is better, but emulating it is kinda of a shitty option. If you want to pay money to play the game, buy a second hand PSX copy or even buy it on PSN if you don't care about physical copies. If you want to play for free, modchips or Free McBoot are the way to go.

If your two options are the only way you're willing to bend I'd say emulate as the PC version has poor midi music that only sounds good on a sound card that nobody has.

>> No.1148343

Personally I think playing FF7 on a psx emulator is the best way to go, for the save states at the very least.
I've played it on both pc and psx back in the day, playing it on an emulator was a breath of fresh air and with a bit of tweaking it can look real pretty, or atleast as pretty as ff7 can get.

>> No.1148405

If you choose the remade pc version, make sure to replace the .ogg music files with those:


Some guy on some forum made them, they sound much better than the ones included in the remake, which you can find out for yourself (vlc plays them). They weigh about 50 mb more than the originals. Why the devs persisted on using shitty music even in the remake is beyond me.

>> No.1148408
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>> No.1148434

If you can't handle saved states without savescumming that's your problem. Myself, I'm not NEET so time is an important commodity so save states are really helpful.
Besides, does it really matter if someone savescums? How does that effect you? Does it make you mad?

>> No.1148520

with pc you have a few choices

Ultima Edition: locked at 640x480-16 bit fullscreen, but you can patch the shit out of it to look awesome. Unfortunately, everyone and their grandma has made some kind of patch between 1998 and now. Also, this has shitty midi bgm that doesn't sound right unless you're using that obscure yamaha soundcard.

2013 standalone from squeenix:

no longer locked at a resolution, polygons graphics were re-done. Apparently this version can also be patched like the ultima edition.
Unfortunately, they kept the shitty midi bgm. Forunately, they kept it in (replaceable) ogg vorbis that you can simply swap-out.
This version also dials home to check for piracy AND because saves are stored in the cloud.

Then you have the steam version which is apparently similar to the squeenix standalone.

If you decide you want to take on patching the pc version, then please take your inquiries to the ffshrine forums. It's pretty much where all of the mods come from.

>> No.1148534

FFVII has custom opengl drivers that work great on modern systems
For midi, you don't need a soundcard unless you plan on playing the game 13 years ago -- just fluidsynth or similar.
PSX is more stable though and the FMV is slightly better quality.

>> No.1148786

FFVII is the easiest FF game out there, and one of the easiest JRPGs overal, you probably won't need savestates

>> No.1148789


>> No.1148796

{spoiler} aeria gets killed by sephiroth {/spoiler}

>> No.1148797

What is this saves cumming?

>> No.1148803

Repeatedly reloading saves until you get the best possible result.

>> No.1148805

How could reloading alone give you a better result?

>> No.1148808

Because this board is full of people that want you to go through every trivial thingin the game or else you suck at the game

>> No.1148823

the midi soundtrack is awful

>> No.1148837

Still don't get how reloading a save state is at any way beneficial in this game. If they want to be tards, let them.

>> No.1148889

I haven't

>> No.1148982

I'm using this thread since there is no romhack thread around and I don't want to open a new thread just for a question. Please bear with me, OP

Is there any hack for FF7 which is worth your time? Like making the game more challenging without being downright unfair? I'd like to hear some reports of people who have experience in that field.

>> No.1149038

>Ultima Edition

What is this, 2002? No modder worth their salt makes any mods that work on that nowadays. They all target either the original release or the re-release.

>> No.1149056

I think either version is OK.

Prefer emulating for maximum authenticity.

>> No.1149057

do you honestly expect people modding a game older than they re to be worth shit?

>> No.1149064

I used savestates just for those stupid parts with sneaking and shit. Stupid shit.

>> No.1149068

I've only beaten Castlevania 3 using savestates.

>> No.1149073

There's a hardtype hack that makes battles much more difficult to where you'll be spamming limit breaks. Aerith actually becomes really useful with Healing Wind being usable much more often.


>> No.1149075

That makes you a giant faggot. Way to eliminate half of the challenge, pussy.

>> No.1149097

Now play Grandia.

>> No.1149121


I can vouch for this mod, im currently playing it on eboot on psp. It'so nice to be able to play the game as it should have been; not choosing attack to win 20,000 times.

Now theres individuality; certain limit breaks used as a boss strategy (you better have one, no more mindless spoonfeeding for you casual players)

Also materia setups; not overloading on magic that your hp suffers. Stealing now important as a lot of foes carry different gear. drops change too.

I could go on and on but i's tiring typing on a mobile

>> No.1149139
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>> No.1149195

Personally I think the best experience is on the PSP. You get to play the best version of the game on the go, and the smaller screen makes the shit grafix much more bearable.

>> No.1149235

There are 3 real options.

Original PS1 which was the most functioning by default and still full of the mistakes that actually make it kinda charming.

PS1 emulation with filters to make it look nicer since the resolution was pretty low back then. I've yet to do this myself, but it does look nice.

Or PC version modded to Mt Doom and back.

You can replace the music, actually you need to, with the PS1 midi files or the orchestral remakes. Redo the graphics entirely, seriously people have basically remade this damn game because Square won't...yet we get a remake of cockgobblin FFX.

Any of these is fine. I like the original way myself as the rough edges of PS1 games are almost a style by now. But I intended to replay soon modded myself to have a fresh look at it so I say do one then the other.

>> No.1149268

Play FF7 Hard Type, the mod for the PS1 game mentioned here
You can be the first person ever to begin playing with this! think how unique and fresh your perspective will be, not to mention how good you'll feel about the mechanics of the game not being wasted like the original does.

>> No.1151052


>> No.1151071

oh my god, that is painfully accurate

>> No.1151112

Nah here you go.

Main Character

Cocky Rival/Friend
Edgy Character
Furry Character
Non-Human, but not so furry
Girl Next Door
Sex Symbol Tease
Younger Sister

I have no idea why it works so well, but its like every game and I still like it.

>> No.1151536

;_; the one reason i'm always hesitant about replaying ff7

>> No.1151545

original version ps1 disk.
Decent CRT.
Smooth textures enabled.

Ah, sure is comfy.

>> No.1151551

Nah, I always spelled the default name wrong in games.
>named Cloud Clud
>named Tifa Tofu
>named Vince Vincest
and I always rename Link to Lunk

>> No.1152027

The music format in the steam release is .ogg, you can replace it.

>> No.1152029


>> No.1152097

Emulate! the pc version has horrible midi tracks

>> No.1152375

PC version. Get Tifa's Package.

Package jokes incoming.

>> No.1152379

OP prepare your anus for the inevitable. FF7 is so gay it will ruin the franchise for you. It's shorty scifi it has nothing to do with the original games. All you need to know is two words: Gun hand.

>> No.1152383

I expect no less than five reasons as to why you have a beef with VLC, an open-source mediaplayer which ignores region locks, has a higher volume limit than WMP, and has subtle features that make things easier to use.

>> No.1152385

There was sci-fi in FF6, what's your point?

>> No.1152387


Five letters. MPC-HC.

>> No.1152390

Yes, and?

>> No.1152435


Actually, by throwing away its former identity FFVII made itself the only game worth bothering with in a franchise full of mediocrity. Kinda like Dragon Quarter did to Breath of Fire.

>> No.1152446
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Great names. For some reason, when I played Dragon View for SNES recently, I named the character "BLURP" and it made the game infinitely more enjoyable.

OP, emulate on pSX (google psxemulator), because it has a turbo button for random battles you just have to hold O for.

>> No.1152461



>> No.1152471

Mednafen has turbo buttons, too.

>> No.1152480

Steampunk is a style of science fiction, same as dieselpunk and retro future.

>> No.1152576

>savestates are for fags!
>plays PC wrpg with quicksave/load

>> No.1152605
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>it has robots in it
>uuuuh robots don't belong in fantasy
>therefore it's gay and dumb and it's not a real final fantasy game

Dude, there's like two dozen Final Fantasy games. Did you really expect ALL of them to be nothing but castles and wizards?

That shtick was getting old when the series was new. Even Ultima has you jack a starfighter and tear it up in outer space. And Final Fantasy 1 has this. I guess it's not a real FF either.

>> No.1152619

This is also why I'm not too crazy about Elder Scrolls. It's like an off-brand version of D&D in video game form. Just really generic and "safe." But all the best RPG series are the ones that dare to stand out from the others.

>> No.1152626

In all honesty, the only 'Castles and Wizards' game of the FF series is Vagrant Story, which was retconned into being set in Ivalice so it only barely counts.

>> No.1152902

>generic and safe

Do you have any idea how revolutionary D&D was when it was new? The only reason it feels "generic" now is because of all the copycats.

>> No.1153017

Yeah, copycats like Elder Scrolls. Your point?

>> No.1153071

>Elder Scrolls
>generic and safe

I suggest you actually look into the lore of either of those before you make such statements.

Elder Scrolls is a very weird setting. One of the oddest in games.

>> No.1153083

Current PC Steam version has .ogg music instead of midi now. It is now a superior port to the PS version in all respects but occasional odd glitches that seem to always fix themselves.

Modding it is pretty much not worth it since it is filled with Sonichu type shit and very little honest to god necessary and easy to install mods.

>> No.1153095

It's a pretty decent game. You can improve the Steam version pretty easily but it'll take a little bit of work.

My preferred version is the PSN one or the PS1 version.

>> No.1153180

I've been wondering are mods like Tifa's Package workable on the original PC version?

I have a few different versions of the game as is, and really can't be asked to buy yet another one so I'm hopeful that newer mods do.

>> No.1153186


They all are for the OG PC version. Tifa's Package downgrades your version to it if it isn't the OG version. This also ruins cloud saves, achievements, and that cheat stuff on the steam version.

>> No.1153197

Should I play FF4 or FF5?

>> No.1153208

Okay awesome then I can just use the one I already have. I've played the original a lot so playing a revamped edition sounds fun.

>> No.1153212


V has wayyyyyy better gameplay.
IV has a better story arguably. (hint: both have shit stories)

>> No.1153219

Huh? FF2 has no real technology funk outside of airships. Same with FF3.

>> No.1153240

Some people have self-control and use savestates in place of the built-in save systems so they can pick up where they left off later.

I do it all the time with RPGs. I happen to lose my saves a lot because of dumb keybindings for saving and loading.

>> No.1153312

Agreed. Living in a place with old wiring or frequent storms, or needing to stop to change laundry etc will do it too. I do so miss Saturdays when I could just sit down and go start to finish.

>> No.1153491

Emulate, it's really the only way to do it.

The PC version was a port of an already mediocre port of FFVII, that was only just recently un-fucked slightly by upgrading the music. The only reasons why you would play this would be for modding, as the retranslation is used that way.