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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 716 KB, 256x224, GotW - Castlevania Symphony of the Night (PS1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1146267 No.1146267[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>What is this week’s game?

Considered one of the greatest 2D action games of all time, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night made its debut on the PlayStation in 1997. This game features a huge Metroid-style map, a vast array of weapons and enemies, an amazing soundtrack and excellent gameplay.

>Available Platforms for this week’s game
PlayStation, Sega Saturn, Tiger Handheld, PSP, PlayStation Network, Xbox Live Arcade

>What is Retro Game of the Week?
A weekly thread on 4chan.org/vr/ for people who want to play and discuss retro video games. Each week a thread is created for a new game. Feel free to discuss anything you want related to the current game.

>What kind of games are chosen?
Anything in the /vr/ catalog. Original OP took recommendations and ultimately chose the games himself each week. Feel free to discuss and recommend future games and methods for choosing games in this thread.

Week 1 – DuckTales
Week 2 – For the Frog the Bell Tolls
Week 3 – Clock Tower
Week 4 – Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (CURRENT)

>Emulators allowed?
Of course, play the games in whatever way you prefer.

>Where can I download an emulator?

>Site with more info started by original OP

Have fun!

>PS1 ISO DOWNLOAD (extract the .BIN files for most emulators)


>> No.1146270
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Richter Controls

>> No.1146271
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Alucard Controls

>> No.1146274
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>> No.1146280

Does anyone have a hacked LV 1 file? As in a file where alucard doesn't advance past LV1 status? I wanna do a LV1 run

>> No.1146282
File: 181 KB, 467x599, tumblr_kvymicDtLy1qafqfoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here's the permanent level 1 save. you can opt to do a no equip/sub weapon run too but its still kinda easy. the save has you at level 99 but level 1 stats. you'll never have enough mp for soul steal, nor will your familiars level.


>> No.1146283

sweet thanks

>> No.1146284


Awesome that works. I did a luck mode run and it was too easy still. This should be interesting

>> No.1146285

So we've decided on Symphony of the Night?

That's fantastic, OP. We should play Doom next week. I mean, not EVERYONE has played that, right?

>> No.1146290

Go back to the troll thread faggot

>> No.1146291

>Week 1 – DuckTales

>> No.1146292

sup OP

>> No.1146295

Duck Tales was a sensible choice because it coincided with the release of the remake.

This is just pointless and stupid. "Hey it's October, what's the most cliche Halloween-spirited game we can think of?"

Listening to you guys, one would think Castlevania is the only video game series in history to have vampires in it.

>> No.1146307

yeah SotN is way too popular IMO. I mean seriously how many people that are into retro video games haven't played through SotN? If I had to guess I'd say at least 75% of this board has played through it already, and many have played through it multiple times. oh well, have fun if you've never played it before, I'm sitting this one out., we need to get a better system in place for picking games ASAP if you want more people on this board to get into this.

>> No.1146308

Both were chosen because they received positive feedback in the previous threads. Feel free to contribute ideas for future games and ways for deciding games. I have never played SotN, and I'm sure many others haven't

>> No.1146309

Psx or Saturn version?
saturn version has more extras, but the new areas kinda feel like filler. honestly I'd prefer saturn but having to press start and then L to access the map is a chore.

>> No.1146313

These comments have popped up at the beginning of every thread since DuckTales. Even Clock Tower and FtFtBT were to well known for some. Let's fix the system and throwout ideas for selecting games. In the meantime play SotN and discuss if you want

>> No.1146317
File: 39 KB, 490x217, new-psp-sotn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

However you want. Discussing version differences might be interesting as the week progresses

>> No.1146321

>Feel free to contribute ideas for future games
Ocarina of Time.

I mean, there's got to be a few people who haven't played it!

>> No.1146324

I think psp version was psx but includes 2 of the saturn familiars and it's maria?

>> No.1146331

I've only played Ocarina of Time Master Quest

>> No.1146337
File: 147 KB, 720x480, wiisxbanneram0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been able to get SotN working on Wiisx. Anyone else have any luck? I have an old Wii with the Gamecube ports on top

>> No.1146368

Fuck yeah I love this game. Top 3 all time personally. I own the PS1, PSP and 360 versions and would like to get a Saturn version, but I have an NTSC model and I'm not sure how to configure that to work.

Anyway, as someone who loves this game and has beat it 200.6% multiple times, what's a good challenge run to start on?

>> No.1146369

damn, i haven't even started yet. you're making me look bad

>> No.1146372

You're going to have a blast! Which version are you playing?

>> No.1146374

Emulating the PS1 version, unless my eBay PS1 copy come in time. I'm looking forward to it. First Castlevania game for me

>> No.1146382

Is it a black label or greatest hits?

Without trying to spoil anything and without trying to get ahead of ourselves, when you think this game is over, it has only just begun (if you do it right).

>> No.1146386

>Tiger Handheld


>> No.1146390
File: 439 KB, 976x758, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone pick a name for me.

>> No.1146402

black label. I'm a collectorfag


>> No.1146409


>Tiger Handheld

What a horrible night to have a curse.

>> No.1146450 [SPOILER] 
File: 429 KB, 300x300, 2spooky4me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been meaning to play this game. This October sounds like a good opportunity

>> No.1146482
File: 147 KB, 745x1230, sotn2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's do this!

>> No.1146514

I'm looking forward to this. Never played it yet

>> No.1146519
File: 1.43 MB, 400x300, 12.27_Funny_Gifs_7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW you beat everyboss as Richter.
>TFW you beat Galamoth with the whip.

Richter kicks so much ass.
Took me forever to get to that point though, jeez.
Took a lot of "HYDRO STORM" to get here.

>> No.1146551


Using magic as Richter is cheating.

>> No.1146665

do you all hate me for doing the "keep Alucard Gear" glitch?

>> No.1146672

I've been thinking about playing this game for an eternity but somehow never did

So here goes

>> No.1146679

No hate, but honestly the game is a bit more entertaining the other way. You end up trying what it offers to you instead of skipping the first castle worth of items. And also using familiars and such.

Really, with that equipment always making it easy for you you're kind of missing out on cool stuff. The game had a lot of weaponry, equipment and items that are worth using once in a while.

>> No.1146719
File: 147 KB, 1366x728, Castlevania Symphony of the Night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, time for Symphony of The Night. I haven't even heard of this game until this thread, thanks OP!

>> No.1146724
File: 143 KB, 1366x728, SotN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh it looks like this is a sequel. I should have played the previous game in the series, Rondo of Blood.

>> No.1146725
File: 175 KB, 1366x728, SotN2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These must be the metroidvania elements I heard so much about.

>> No.1146727
File: 179 KB, 1366x768, SotN3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww God dammit I didn't expect there to be a bigger ghost.

>> No.1146729


You so funneh.

just kidding faggot

>> No.1146732
File: 160 KB, 1366x728, SotN4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What is making you so upset?

I'm just playing the hidden gem that is SotN, you should try it.

>> No.1146734
File: 191 KB, 1366x728, SotN5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That last part of the boss was pretty funny.

I don't understand how this works, am I supposed to add the numbers or something?

>> No.1146737

>lol I troll u

Nice try. Have fun with your shitty spinoff

>> No.1146739


Go fanboy over Classicvanias somewhere else, this thread is for giving people a reason playing retro video games which they might have not had the chance to play before.

>> No.1146740


a reason to play*

>> No.1146742

Just adopt a tripcode so I can filter you already.

>> No.1146745



Fuck off back to /v/

>> No.1146746

>I'm gonna post screens of Kid Dracula and shitpost


>> No.1146751


What the hell are you talking about, this is SotN, it's one of the less talked about Castlevanias so it makes sense you wouldn't recognize it.

The only person shitposting here is you, I'm trying to talk about the game.


So it turns out this mini game is just a roulette.

>> No.1146753

Welp that just made me lose all my coins.

Has anybody found out a way to rig the game?

>> No.1146754

>trying this hard

Well carry on then. Kid Dracula is somehow worse than OMGULTRARARESOTNDISCONLY$500NONNEGOTIABLE

>> No.1146756


This fuckin OST mang

>> No.1146759
File: 168 KB, 1366x728, SotN6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that's the first time I've ever seen Jason in a Castlevania game.

>> No.1146760

Which shader are you using give me the scanlines

>> No.1146771

>Feel free to contribute ideas for future games and ways for deciding games.
Serious reply:
The current OP could just run with the gauntlet's random selection, then there wouldn't be anyone to direct the hated at. Or have OP pick a few games and make a poll (there's a quick and easy little site that's basically vocaroo for polls, forgot the name).

Or you could keep making authoritative, shitty selections and deal with the anal frustration this causes to resident posters.

I sure as hell won't be joining this week, it's the least inspired pick so far. But I'm also not going to stay in the thread to shitpost like some others. Enjoy your game, those who are participating. I'll be back next week in hopes of a better thread.

(PS. If "Halloween" is the theme, at least do something like Monster Party. Castlevania doesn't have the right vibe)

>> No.1146773

>One of the less talked about Castlevanias

>> No.1146774

>Hidden gem

>> No.1146776


Yes? Why else would it be picked for /vr/ game of the week?

Just because you played it doesn't mean everyone else did.

>> No.1146778

Lots of people did, otherwise it wouldn't have sold enough to be a Greatest Hits game. And given the high prices and demand on Ebay, this is a popular game. Belmont's Revenge gets less talked about

>> No.1146783

So troll
Much edge
Never lose
God is on my side
So win

>> No.1146784


No, you must be confused. Not even the OP who is in charge of picking games that all of /vr/ might not have played and will be interested in has played Symphony of the Night, most people never even heard about it before.

>> No.1146794
File: 262 KB, 500x375, ornstein and smough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sarcasm stops being funny after a post or two fyi

>> No.1146806



>> No.1146809

Whoever the fuck has it out for me, ur a faget.

>> No.1146837 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 640x480, 2r6cy1k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parasite Eve should be next weeks game.

Not many people know about it, for the time it was great. The battle system is something that hasn't been seen since (PE2 tank controls/no battle system) 3rd Bday

it's a short game most people can beat it in 10-12 hours. And it fits with the whole spooky Halloween shit.

>> No.1146840

I dont get why everyone is mad at the choice.

This is called /vr/ game of the week not /vr/ obscure game of the week.

>> No.1146847

Parasite Eve should be next weeks game.

Not many people know about it, for the time it was great. The battle system is something that hasn't been seen since (PE2 tank controls/no battle system) 3rd Bday

it's a short game most people can beat it in 8-12 hours. And it fits with the whole spooky Halloween shit.

>> No.1146949

Good suggestion but I'd advice not to run with the same console several weeks in a row, so maybe not next time.

>> No.1146982

There's a serious lack of miserible piles of secrets in this thread.


>> No.1146996

Are people really complaining that the game of the week isn't obscure enough? I mean today, sure, it's a classic, but when it was first released it was completely ignored due to "disgusting pig 2D sprites" because the public wanted 3D and 3D only. And considering how the N64 Castlevanias turned out, it's a good thing the stuck to sprites.

But enough talk, how about next week we play either Deep Fear for the Saturn or the PS1 Vampire Hunter D game? Are those obscure enough to meet everyones requirements?

>> No.1147000 [DELETED] 
File: 559 KB, 1280x800, 1286119823027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1147005

Why did this thread devolve into shitposting?

Can we discuss other /vr/ Metroidvania games as well?

>> No.1147004
File: 559 KB, 1280x800, 1286119823027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1147008

Besides SOTN and Castlevania 2, are there any other Metroidvanias that are considered retro?

>> No.1147025

Oh boy. Finally a GotW game that I have the means to play

>> No.1147024

that kid dracula guy is a douche but i agree that we should be featuring obscure stuff instead of games that everyone here has already played

>> No.1147035

brain breaker
legacy of the wizard
slime world

theres loads of metroidvanias or lite metroidvanias that are obscure and retro

>> No.1147047

>but when it was first released it was completely ignored

that's not true. at all. stop making shit up to support your distorted memories.

>> No.1147052

oh look, it's one of those kiddies that thinks every single action-adventure games is a "metroidvania"

>> No.1147058

i specifically said that some of them were lite metroidvanias

no need to be a dick anon

>> No.1147475

RetroArch's default scanlines, 1 pass.

>> No.1147506

OP am I allowed to shield dash, level up clip, wolf stair clip, infinite wing dash and all that kind of shit?

my /srg/ is leaking

>> No.1147512

you can play it however you want but if you are going to do cool skips you are obliged to share them

>> No.1147667

Is there something similar to this for the PSP version?

>> No.1147685

You sure get OP as fuck fast in this game.

>> No.1147748


can I start this game on my PS3 (PS1 disc not PSN version)?

>> No.1147750

Week 5 – Super Mario Bros. 3
Week 6 – Doom
Week 7 – The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Week 8 – Sonic the Hedgehog

>> No.1147772

Luck mode is front-loaded. Your critical hit rate is absurd, and it just gets easier as you progress and (easily) find better items and increase your other stats.

I liked to use wolf form to get to the clock tower straight away and get Muramasa. If your damage is low it often does the rusty sword thing.

>> No.1147791


Everything you need to know is on this channel, including a sadly unfinished tutorial.


Romscout's personal best.

>> No.1147794

>no good games allowed

>> No.1147823
File: 102 KB, 640x480, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if it wasn't an extremely well known best-selling game, it sucks

>> No.1147929

>no well-known good games allowed
>m-muh obscure games

>> No.1147946

obscure? SotN is way beyond not being obscure, it's one of the best known and well played retro games of it's era

>> No.1147949

This needs to be an autoban.

>> No.1147968

so does tripfagging

>> No.1147986

There's 52 weeks in a year you aspies, we don't have to do obscure shit for all of them.

>> No.1147989

You don't get the point behind 4chan, do you?
Go back to whatever forum you started out on, shithead.

>> No.1148121
File: 319 KB, 976x756, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These things are destroying me. Maybe I'm just terrible.

>> No.1148127


I'm not saying I agree, but you know 4chan has had countless wordfilters before, right

>> No.1148134

Yeah, and moot himself thinks they're bad. That's why he's been removing them.

>> No.1148141


My point was that it's silly to act like something that's been around for years isn't "4chan". We can move away from them, but they've been ingrained in 4chan too long for us to think about them like that.

I'm not saying I'm for them, either.

>> No.1148151
File: 21 KB, 369x378, richter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just beat this for the first time a few months back. It's lots of fun, though, so everybody have fun. :3

Also, I highly recommend a Richter run. And if you like that, try Rondo of Blood (a game I actually like even better)!

>> No.1148175

its probably possible to convert emulator saves and transfer a real psx memory card but expect to buy something extra.

you can just run the psx version on psp and use cwcheats

_S SLUS_00067
_G Castlevania SOTN
_C0 perma level 1
_L 30097BEC 0000
_L 30097BE8 0063

>> No.1148397

As much as I love this game I always get pissed off in the end because there's always one block that I miss to fill out both maps.

>> No.1148706


i meant to put the save on a USB stick and put it on my PS3 'virtual ps1 memory card'.

>> No.1148763
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>> No.1148826
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>> No.1148828
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>> No.1148831
File: 2.39 MB, 2100x3300, Aria_of_Sorrow_Artbook_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1148832
File: 2.61 MB, 3510x2100, Aria_of_Sorrow_Artbook_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1148834
File: 497 KB, 884x1368, 151074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1148835
File: 18 KB, 197x309, Maria_Kojima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1148838
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>> No.1149289

Alright, I've been playing it for about an hour, and here's what I think so far.

Music: Top notch. The baroque style fits the setting way better than the jazz-fusion soundtracks of Castlevania 4, Rondo of Blood, and Castlevania X68000, and the quality of the composition is just what I've come to expect from 90's Konami.

Graphics: Awesome. The spritework is gorgeously detailed, and I love the animations of Alucard's cape.

Gameplay: Really gives me no desire to play any more of it. It's a bloated, pompous, incoherent mess of a game. Very few games can actually do the "platformer with RPG elements" thing well, and I'll say this isn't one of them. I feel like it... kinda tries too hard?

>> No.1149426

Nice review! Very thoughtful and well composed. Thanks!!

>> No.1149489
File: 136 KB, 256x249, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to see this game for next week.
I'd normally say Illbleed, but DC is banned

>> No.1149604

>platformer with RPG elements
What games do this well?

>> No.1151207

Having finally had time to get to it, I started a new game and got to the Library.

I'm going to say, as much love as I have for the game, and as much enjoyment I still get out of it, I can see where the haters are coming from. This is not a game you go to in order to push your limits as a gamer. If you're used to associating "Castlevania" with "hard as balls" and like it that way, I can see being turned off by this one. Your first moments as Alucard involve you gliding through monsters and fucking them up, and this is basically what you can expect from the entire game. Even when your swag gets jacked, it's basically just a minor annoyance until you pick up the Basilard (or Rape-In-The-Face Knife) and can resume your life of ease.

So yes, this is not the meat and potatoes of the game world, it's more like an elaborate frou-frou dessert. It's not chewy or filling, just full of incredible flavor. And that's okay.

>> No.1151226

Can't we start next week's game early? This thread sucks.

>> No.1151228

This thread does suck, but I blame the people complaining about SotN instead of participating.

What was decided on for next week?

>> No.1151248

Is this the first non-porn game to be released in the West with uncensored penises in it?

>> No.1151257

enemies are like grass to a lawnmower. i can't wait to walk down castle hallways after castle hallways, going across the map on a 20 minute trip only to find out it was all for a piece of armor that's +2 more powerful than what i was wearing. that was totally necessary because hopping and spamming the square button for 20 seconds to kill every boss in the game wouldn't have been possible otherwise.

oh, but it's okay because the art style looks cool, right? Right?

>> No.1151272

I typed up a long answer that got lost as usual, fuck posting from Mimi.

I vote for Monster Party on NES, to have a proper entry for the Halloween theme. Easy to get into, really bizarre setting/visuals.

That or Slaughterhouse for PC Engine. It's kind of a shitty game for masochists, but I'd like a reason to retry it. In no way obscure, it might not be very interesting for most /vr/ posters though.

>> No.1151276

>oh, but it's okay because the art style looks cool, right? Right?

Right. It looks good, sounds good, and feels good. A game doesn't have to beat the crap out of you in order to be fun.

>> No.1151465
File: 135 KB, 533x800, castlevania_sotn__alucard_maria_renard_by_theideafix-d4iloi5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't even started this yet. Can I still finish it before Sunday?

>> No.1151474

Sure you can.

>> No.1151512
File: 88 KB, 441x494, SOTN___Maria_by_shadowcatxavier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon

>> No.1151581

This wasn't a joke post, by the way. I'm honestly curious.

>> No.1152542

The reason I love this game is all the details. Like Alucard in a ready stance takes a classic fisticuffs pose with downward turned fists, as if he learned to fight in a bygone century. The confessional room (and being able to sit in the background chairs in general). The seagull nest. All dem Tolkien references, the amphibians in the sewers dropping pizza(and the nunchaku being found nearby), the skeleton apes throw barrels, the holy snorkel, I could go on. Turning over all these little nods and gags is half the fun of this game.

>> No.1152779

It's sad that despite every other detail in Alucard's movement, he fails the Rare litmus test.

Also play the retranslation. Among other things you also don't get Tonfa incorrectly named Nunchaku, or most of the LotR references, and it's fun to compare to the cheesy but endearing official USA release. Norio Wakamoto is included too.

>> No.1152863

This game is fucking awesome. Don't really remember any bosses but still really good

>> No.1152870

Play vampire the masquerade bloodlines next week

>> No.1152887

>Rare litmus test
the what?

that game isnt even marginally retro

>> No.1152893

Super Mario Bros 3. Great classic NES game that I feel like more people should have a chance to play.

>> No.1152938


During the Conker's developer commentary playthrough, one of them mentioned that a test of whether a game will be shit or not is if your character, when hitting a wall or barrier, just keeps walking in place without reacting in any way.

>> No.1152943

SMB 3 sucks dude.
>game of the week should only be about obscure titles
Fuck right the hell off.

>> No.1152954

>SMB 3 sucks dude.

you have some great opinions there faggot. this is the exact type of people that doing games like SotN will draw in

>> No.1152959

>this is the exact type of people that doing games like SotN will draw in

But this kind of person hates games like SotN. Why would it draw them in?

>> No.1153971

Do you guys say Symphony of the Sotn or Sotn of the night? which is correct?

>> No.1153987

The abbreviation is SotN. And it's pronounced Symphony of the Night. There's no "S O T N" like with SNES.

>> No.1154230

>There's no "S O T N" like with SNES.
Yes there is.
That's also an option.

But what's not used is Super Nintendo SNES or SNES entertainment system. It's a SNES or it's a super nintendo or it's a super nintendo entertainment system. Which is what that guy is doing and it doesn't make sense unless you have a hard-on for redundant acronym syndrome syndrome.

>> No.1154269


You mean you seriously say "Ess Oh Tee En" out loud? That's as gay as saying "Sness" out loud. If you do this, grab the nearest sharp implement and remove your gonads with it.

>> No.1154515

>not pronouncing it so-ten like the developers intended it

>> No.1154520
File: 39 KB, 256x224, dragonview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1154539

It's even worse if you miss a block on one map and get it on the other and can't tell what it is you missed. I'll forever be 200.3%.

>> No.1154549

If I may suggest a game for discussion next week.

what about the original metal gear for MSX? I've been playing it for a while and I'm really impressed by how creative and sharp the game is. it definitely was ahead of its time. setting tropes that would be followed by the most recent mgs games even

>> No.1154562

What's wrong with pronouncing it "snez"? Any other option is too cumbersome.

>> No.1154725

esseniess isn't cumbersome.

>> No.1154765
File: 27 KB, 312x421, mg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frankly, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake is even better, so it would be my recommendation. Still MG1 is quite good, and I'd love to see it get more exposure.

>> No.1154769

Same guy as >>1154765

I also wanted to add that this fucking music is probably the best alert theme in the game. Even better than Encounter.


>> No.1154774

Series*. God damn it.

>> No.1154793

It's cumbersome for other people, because they're gonna keep saying "bless you".

>> No.1155212

We always just said "Super Nintendo", mang.

>> No.1155306


Oh Ayami Kojima, why did you never drew hentai?

>> No.1155446

And now I got to the Coliseum. Holy damn, I forgot how fucking sweet the taser sub-weapon "Agunea" is. It's like the dagger on crack.

Also, am I the only one who likes to try to make the "Now Loading" stop moving with the d-pad before it goes?

>> No.1155771

No! That loading screen gimmick is surprisingly fun.

There's already many good artists for that. I'm sure I've seen a topless picture of the Succubus before though.

>> No.1158287

goodnight sweet prince