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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 818 KB, 1024x3840, 40yrsold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1146043 No.1146043[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

this might be christmas 1985, not really sure. cant believe i found these.

i know im one of the old fuckers here, but computer gaming to me was always better than consoles.

>> No.1146047
File: 45 KB, 335x252, richard garriott approves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat Ultima map

You, sir, are a gentleman and my nigga.

>> No.1146051

How old are you in the photo, man? You look 18 in those shots?
As a 25 year old, I find it interesting to know how it must have felt to have that system around as an adult. I started vidya at 4, first on NES, then to SNES, Playsation, so on.

>> No.1146052

1989, out of the blue for me. My mom got us up one morning in the summer and said, "We're going to go get a Nintendo." My little brother and I didn't think she was serious.

>Ninja Gaiden

Good times.

>> No.1146054
File: 17 KB, 200x200, 1349493512614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice legs

>> No.1146057

fuck i wasnt 12 in that pic, probably 15 at least. 87 or 88. i lived in the boonies so i got stuff a few years later than normal i guess.

>> No.1146059


>> No.1146061

ultima 3 exodus map, god i wish i still had those

no perving on my juvenile legs

>> No.1146063

>Ultima Maps

And sweet pants.

>> No.1146065

I think both consoles and PCs have their place much like arcades did and handheld currently have now
Though I didn't grow up with PC gaming of any kind

>> No.1146074

yeah shit, its weird. i grew up reading choose your own adventure books, and now and then playing d and d with some friends though we were too young to stay serious. playboy mags were starting to take over.

then computers hit the neighborhood. 3 of us got c64's and i didnt lose my virginity until i was 19 years old. lol not saying i should have stuck with the playboys, but i cant complain how ive turned out.

sorry for bloggin, just nostaggin a bit.

>> No.1146090

these are great photos bro : )

>> No.1146093
File: 55 KB, 414x528, 1371780208114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retro as fuck
I like it OP

>> No.1146098


That number on the map looks like "IV" more than "III"

>> No.1146102

look to the left my anon

>> No.1146127

You're a pretty handsome dude, OP.

>> No.1146134

unhuh ty. 25 years ago we had color pictures and i still had hair lol.

my first graphic rpg was called rings of zilfin. i ordered it out of some huge magazine catalog my friends dad had. those catalogs were great, and compute magazine i think. i used to be in a club called ultima dragons on prodigy in about 91 or 92. (had first cyber with a girl from hawaii cause we both like dragonlance books)

>> No.1146139

fuck, these pics make me want to make most of my life..life is so fleeting. :<

>> No.1146148
File: 18 KB, 657x440, zilfin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know most people would look at pictures like this now and think "wow, I don't know how you older people tolerated those graphics back then, but they must have!"

But I distinctly remember, even back then, hating everything about anything using CGA graphics

>> No.1146153

omg hit return

>> No.1149046

Wow you're even a little older than me. I used to love the Ultima games back then.

>> No.1149790


;_; awesome

>> No.1149806 [DELETED] 


>> No.1149810

So you're like 40?

>> No.1149815

>Ultima map

I wasn't even born in 1985, and yet I can relate more to that image then I can to my own current life.

>> No.1149821

I miss when people took photos of people just doing things and not posing. All that awkward glory.

>> No.1149829

Man this reminds me of how much older kids looked when we were growing up. It must have been a nutritional thing.

Fucking awesome though OP.

>> No.1149834

Yeah, CGA graphics have always been terrible.

>> No.1149838
File: 27 KB, 378x312, rad-movie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have I seen that guy

>> No.1149847


He doesn't look any different. The rest was due to steroids.

>> No.1149862


Wow epic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.1149867

Totally radical.

>> No.1149873
File: 96 KB, 451x633, 1377648027218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I opened that while listening to I Was Lost Without You from the Mass Effect 3 soundtrack. How poignant ;__:

>> No.1149874


>> No.1149918

I love old photos like these. I have always enjoyed taking photos and keeping them in a safe place so every couple years I can look back on them.

How excited were you to be playing mario bros? Also what is the storyline in these photos? You are sitting beside some presents then running down the hallways with a wrapped NES? Then you are playing it in your room and somebody is taking pictures? I am also curious to see what you look like now OP.

>> No.1149946

I feel sorry for the girl.

>> No.1150539
File: 210 KB, 600x857, i have never seen a vagina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i didnt lose my virginity until i was 19 years old
tfw 25 and I will never lose virginity

>> No.1150613


33 here.

Beat that

>> No.1150701

Those images reminded me of Christmases from my childhood, thanks for the nostalgia

>> No.1150712


go to a fucking whore you guys
its not that hard
just sayin
cunts don't deserve that much thought
you will feel a weight lift off your shoulders afterwards

>> No.1150748


i'd 1-up that notion and say save up some cash and go to rio de janero and lose it there. you'll get a much better price, a way younger/hotter girl, and she'll treat you like a person instead of some loser trying to get 14000 bucks or whatever the going rate for an hour with an american escort is these days, and then you can enjoy one of the most beautiful and unique colonial cities in the world.

>> No.1150826

That must've been the best wake-up call you've ever gotten.

>> No.1150970

But then before that it was a lot of people posing. And not smiling.

>> No.1150975


>> No.1150996

Better yet, you don't have to pay for it, just find an equally desperate woman online. twoo.com go there

>> No.1151005 [DELETED] 

That's the doctors said about your mom.

>> No.1151007

I'd rather not get herpes, thank you very much

>> No.1151012


I like the look on your face as you run down the hall.

>> No.1151018

You look like Neal Schon of Journey.

>> No.1151334

lost my virginity to a prostitue @ 27.
one of my best decisions in life.

im a person who thinks a lot. after my first experience, a weight fell of my shoulders as the anon said.

you should of course do you research in your regional hooker forum. yes, there are forums out there where most girls are rated like a product: looks, etc.

-does she provide a "girlfriend experience"?
-does she kiss?
-does she blow you with our without a condom (huge difference)

look for one with the best ratings.

>> No.1151383


I'd fuck a whore if it weren't for the fact that so do minorities and bikers.

>> No.1151825

OP got any more photos from when you were younger enjoying games? Or anything recent so we can compare?

>> No.1151860

>girl from hawaii

i think you mean 13/f/cali