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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1143794 No.1143794[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do old vidiya prices even work?

Shouldn't they reflect both supply and demand?

I can understand asking a lot for a banned/discontinued game or some shit.

But stupid Earthbound is all over e-bay and at the same time good luck finding it for less than 100 bucks used for cartridge-only.

You can buy some classics for that fucking price. Sometimes even new and packaged.

>> No.1143805

Oh look. This thread again.

>Muh overpriced retro
>but itz snes gaems y rnt $1 each

>> No.1143809

>How the fuck do old vidiya prices even work?

Games go for the prices that people buy them for.

That's it.

There's nothing else.

This is not a mystery of economics.

>> No.1143814

This anon has it right

Op, you stupid

>Find out how much people will pay for something
>Sell it for that price and no less
>This is doubly true for AUCTION STYLE THINGS LIKE EBAY, YOU POOP where things are inherently that way

>> No.1143818


>> No.1143836
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>How the fuck do old vidiya prices even work?
>Shouldn't they reflect both supply and demand?

Did you not just answer your own question?

>> No.1143842

itt underage thinks demand meets supply. kids there are far more snes games out there than anybody knows what to do with them.

>> No.1143854

You mean my bubsy game isn't worth $500?? You mean the guy at the retro store lied to me?? YOU MEAN ALL THOSE CRAIGSLIST AND EBAY POSTS I MADE WHERE PEOPLE EMAILED ME AND LAUGHED AT ME AND CALLED ME A NOOB WERE FOR NOTHING??

Yea I see what you saying though. Kids, amirite?

>> No.1143864

You can't really complain about the price of The Holy Grail of hipster cred shit, OP.

Hundreds of people were and are ready to shill out half of their salary for it even if they are not really into collecting. Just because it's one of those "cool underrated oldschool retro games everyone knows about".

Needless to say that you are most likely one of those faggots.

>> No.1143878

In the case of stuff like Earthbound, price gouging. People think it's a rare game. It's not.

>> No.1143884

>that pic
That doesn't even seem possible, when you think about it.

>> No.1143904

I think it's this and old people going into their attic and finding their kid's SNES and NES games thinking they will be millionaires because they heard of Nintendo World Champions being sold for a lot of money so all the other old games must be worth a lot too.

>> No.1144395

Why not? There are plenty of tools that are capable of doing that.

>> No.1144408

Look at something like Turtles in Time on eBay though. There are all these copies priced above $30 which don't sell. In fact the ones priced at $30 often don't sell, but somehow $30 remains the established baseline even though there are hundreds of copies available, far exceeding demand.

>> No.1144427

Economy sucks, wages are stagnant relative to inflation, you end up with more people desperate to make a buck. It isn't just retro. I like watching cl and see shit like tv's and games being bought and resold regularly when the original sale was a good deal. Or take the oculus rift... Can buy a brand new one right from manufacturer. Won't find one selling on eBay for less than about 100 more than new.

>> No.1144465 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1144703
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>Shouldn't they reflect both supply and demand?
I think the problem here is that people who complain about Earthbound prices (or any other high priced game) don't understand what "supply" actually means. It's not the total number of cartridges that exist, it's the total number of cartridges that owners are willing to part with. Because there are a large number of owners of Earthbound cartridges who are not willing to part with their copies, like myself, it makes the supply much lower than the number of existing cartridges. And 150,000 copies in North America, while not a terribly low number, still makes if much rarer than other "unpopular at the time JRPG's" like Final Fantasy 6, at 860,000 copies, and Chrono Trigger, at 290,000 copies, both games of which also command higher than average prices for SNES games.

tldr: Yes, Earthbound cartridges are actually worth $200. Deal with it. If you don't want to spend so much money on actual cartridges but still want to play on the real system, get an SD2SNES.

>> No.1144769


This is completely correct. I remember watching some show on NatGeo with some rummagers, and they found a shitty dusty NES with no cables, and they thought it'd be worth $20,000.

>> No.1144773

Was that the guy who saw the model number was NES-001 and thought it was "the first Nintendo DS" or something like that? That dude killed himself, you know.

>> No.1144775


Found it.


>> No.1144780

But professor, there are currently over 400 copies of Earthbound on eBay right now.

>> No.1144784
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Oh god, the other guy. That's great.

>> No.1144807

You're forgetting the "demand" side of the equation.

>> No.1144907

What? This cult classic game that was never released outside of US (under that name at least) and barely sold any copies due to being packed in what essentially is proto-limited edition only goes for 150+ dollars on jewbay?

Good thing they re-released it on Wii U out of all available,consoles! That totally helps the case!

If there is a game that actually deserves it's major price for non-retarded reasons only collectors care about then it's Earthbound.

>> No.1144935
File: 246 KB, 640x360, 2013-09-09 20-28-00.805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think that's bad? you should look at turbo grafx 16 stuff. it fluctuates wildly from week to week so you have to wait a while to get anything decent.

one week air zonk is $50, the next it's $150 (not going to sell but it's there)

oh and i guess there is shit like magical chase where a opened but mint condition copy sold for like $5,800 back in june or so.