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11437461 No.11437461 [Reply] [Original]

Why did the PC Engine CD mog the Sega CD so badly?

>> No.11437465

More 3rd party support and no loud black guy yelling ay you

>> No.11437473

>More 3rd party support
Yea but why

>> No.11437539
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>it's another console war thread
Prefer the SEGA CD personally but they're both good. >>11435505 is probably my favorite game on it

>> No.11437542

it didn't, the sega cd sold more

>> No.11437551

sega cd is for bald people

>> No.11437553

no one in the west owned a sega cd, nor a turbografx

>> No.11437564
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Just play along and pretend to be Japanese

I-it's the best console ever, OP-sama! Sugoi!! I unironically like this game though

>> No.11437694

>Why did the PC Engine CD mog the Sega CD so badly?
A big part of it simply had to do with whom the system was marketed towards. The CD system is an add-on which requires an install base of console owners to sell too. The Mega Drive was not popular in Japan while the PC Engine was only popular in Japan. It's often overlooked because we in the west see the PC Engine as a Shmup machine but it was also a major platform for JRPG's and visual novels, two genres of game the Japanese love and the suits were sure Americans wouldn't love so they never seriously marketed them here.
Without leaning on RPG's, what did the Sega CD have for Westerners? Sega to brought games like Final Fight and Sonic CD to the system but the primary focus was on FMV games, a market in which the bottom fell out pretty fast. Funny enough the RPG's that Working Designs licensed to bring over were fairly popular. Avoiding the FMV pitfall for arcade games, popular Sega titles and RPG's would have probably helped them a lot.
Sega soon after abandoned pushing the Sega CD refocusing their attention onto the Genesis. That is another reason why I think the PCE-CD took off. The base model PC Engine was the weakest of the big three and the games on it were beginning to look outdated. NEC / Hudson at first tried to fix this with the SuperGrapfx which failed hard, after that they turned their attention to their CD Rom Drive and basically threw most of their support behind it. They didn't have a still growing console to fall back onto like Sega, the CD Rom drive was their life support for an outdated system and they just had to make it work.

>> No.11437712
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To be fair I understand why suits thought this wouldn't sell in the US

>> No.11437723

It was an 8-bit system.

>TurboGrafx-16 (a lie)
>PC Engine (also a lie)
>PC Engine SuperGrafx
>still 8-bit at this point
>release PC-FX
>right as 3D consoles are dropping
>it's 32-bit finally
>but it's slower than the other 3D consoles and has no 3D hardware
>sprites etc. aren't much better either

I don't know why anybody wastes time with this nonsense. You rarely saw NEC consoles in the US. Games? Almost never. Any exclusives worth playing are OK at best or have better versions on Japanese home computers for sure. Reminds me of the Neo-Geo in how inept the company was lol.

>> No.11437765

The head of the US branch for the TurboGrafx-16 had an interesting theory on why add-ons tended to do better in Japan.
In Japan, a kid gets money for Christmas and then can buy what he wants.
In the US, a kid needs to ask their parents to buy them something for Christmas. A kid trying to convince their mom to buy a TurboGrafx-16 CD add on would be met with "You already got a TurboGrafx, why do you need a second one?"

>> No.11437772

the pce addon cd being more successful than the sega cd is a retarded myth

>> No.11437796

I'm pretty sure people are talking about the attach rate, as in the percentage of PC Engine owners who bought a CD addon vs the percentage of Genesis owners who bought a Sega CD
In that case the percentage of CD capable PC Engine owners is almost twice as high as CD capable Mega Drive owners

>> No.11437797

Make Matei owns a legit copy of this game

>> No.11437805
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Those numbers are completely wrong. Here's a Famitsu with the actual numbers.
In Japan, The Mega-CD sold 400,000.
The PC-Engine CD sold 1.92 million.
Overseas, The Mega-CD sold 1.84 million.

>> No.11437806
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For overseas sales of the TurboGrafx-16 CD, I found 500,000 in an issue of Computer Gaming World.

>> No.11437858

Based Anon with real sources

>> No.11437909

pc engine cd has a minimal amount of lazy hucard ports. like i can count them on maybe 2 hands

sega cd is absolutely loaded with low effort genesis ports

>> No.11438228

Sonic 1 vs Sonic 2
Mario 3 vs Mario World
Aqua vs Teal

Have you ever just liked something without hating the other very similar thing

>> No.11438241
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>low effort
Just like this thread

Notice how once again OP refuses to talk about any of the actual games, not even Rondo. Has he even played either console? We'll never know

>> No.11438506
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nice. got it working on psp.
this is why nec mogs sega cd. shit has native emulator on psp made by hudson themselves on psp. and with bit of patience you can inject cd-roms into it

>> No.11438520


>> No.11438712

Retro gaming is bald and largely not beautiful.

>> No.11439487


Gringo Dingo Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is pretty good

>> No.11441102

>not even Rondo

i think more people on 4chan have played rondo and no other pc engine games, than people who have actually played pc engine

on rare occasion you might get people on /v/ who have played ys iv, soldier blade of bomberman 94

>> No.11441590

>the source is a marketing guy
>ie a professional liar