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File: 577 KB, 1400x1046, IMG_4073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1141557 No.1141557[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Diddy Kong Racing
Why do people put Mario Kart above this? This game is much better than Mario Kart.
>Bigger, more complex tracks
>Better music
>Better graphics (compared to 2D cut outs in Mario Kart)
>World to explore not just a track list
>Secrets and unlockables (space city amirite or amirite)
>Multilayer has more modes and is much more fun

Also the girl I bought this from. oh god I almost spaghettied

>> No.1141569

>Also the girl I bought this from. oh god I almost spaghettied

did she use the cartridge as toilet paper? what a disgustingly dirty cart.

>> No.1141575

Eh It should rub up fine. Remember that's a close up macro shot.

>> No.1141628

It's because of the licensed characters in Mario Kart.

Also you should call that girl and ask her if she has any more games to sell, and that she should always contact you if she does or just to get drunk.

>> No.1141643

She had a few other games but I'm poor and she sold this one for less than she was asking to me.

>> No.1141654

invite her to play with you and have some pizza, you faggot.
good luck

>> No.1141659
File: 1.68 MB, 2592x1944, 1377053813771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people assume that more popular means better. dkr stomps mario kart but its not mario so yeah...

>> No.1141745

It's simple
MK64 was the better pure racer, it didn't need a bunch of cheap extras to try and sustain itself when it kept the basics and did it solidly

>> No.1141756

>>Multilayer has more modes and is much more fun

I like DKR better than MK64 and agree with your other points, but that's pure malarkey

>> No.1141760
File: 76 KB, 600x500, trackcomparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bigger, more complex tracks


>> No.1141803

what makes a track complex anyway? bowser's castle is cool because of the many obstacles and changes in terrain. wario stadium is pretty straightfoward though. unfortunately i played very little diddy and zero crash so i can't comment on them.

Out of the 16 tracks of mario kart 64, the ones i'd dare call complex are koopa troopa's beach,
toad's turnpike, the one with the penguins, bowser's castle and yoshi's valley.

>> No.1141848

>Better music
>Bigger, more complex tracks
Only in some cases. Not to mention that Mario Kart 64 is still full with shitton of memorable tracks.
>World to explore not just a track list
Maybe better to you, but I like to just get on with the racing, without backpedalling and exploring the world just to enter a race. Crash Team Racing handled this much better.

>> No.1141949

>Maybe better to you, but I like to just get on with the racing, without backpedalling and exploring the world just to enter a race. Crash Team Racing handled this much better.
you know there is a track and adventure mode. in track you just pick the track...

>> No.1141985

>CTR has better graphics than MK64

How that was possible?

>> No.1142007

cherry picking.

Although I do agree Diddy Kong's level design is less exciting but probably because I have it all memorized compared to MK64

>> No.1142046

CTR is much better.

>> No.1142172

>Crusin series > all this kiddie furry shit

Don't mind me. Just playing the superior racing games on N64.

>> No.1142392


Now, extreme G 1/2... There's an overlooked racer.

>> No.1142407

Yeah, I could see calling DKR the better game, but it is NOT because of the overworld. That's a downside, not a plus.

>> No.1142436

>knock off poor mans F-zero x


>> No.1142476
File: 509 KB, 1296x968, -1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op here
my collection

>> No.1142507


i would fly that airplane for hours

>> No.1142505
File: 96 KB, 217x230, 1379287161468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, thanks for reminding me. Gonna play it again.

>> No.1142536
File: 28 KB, 219x219, Snake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying F-Zero X was released first

extreme G was first, handled better, had more varied tracks, and didn't try to compensate for a lack of said variety with 'GOTTA GO FAST' late-sonic game design.

>> No.1142541

>extreme G was first

F-zero X was better

>> No.1142552

Such a shame that the DS port wasn't so good.

>> No.1142557

Bad trolling is bad, kid.

>> No.1142580
File: 371 KB, 1409x1365, crash-team-racing-ps1-1999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crash Team Racing
Why do people put Diddy Kong Racing above this? This game is much better than Diddy Kong Racing.
>Bigger, more complex tracks
>Better music
>Better graphics (compared to lolnotextures)
>World to explore not just a track list
>Secrets and unlockables (space station amirite or amirite)
>Multilayer has more modes and is much more fun

>> No.1142595

Best kart racer ever created. Played that shit daily.

>> No.1142608

I don't want to say what has better music, track design, ect. as thats mostly opinion but I do believe MK64, for me, just has a better racing.

Should I get CTR off the PSN? Actually I feel everyone will say yes so is there any reason I shouldn't get CTR? I played it back in the day but never owned it.

>> No.1142629 [DELETED] 

No wonder that only Sonyfags believe that CTR is the best kart game.

>> No.1142634

>is there any reason I shouldn't get CTR?
There is. To play Mario Kart 7.

>> No.1142647

Don't forget deeper racing mechanics and the lack of random power-ups means races are always fair.

>> No.1142725

>implying you do not also want to go fasr

>> No.1142732


Thanks anon, I've been looking for this pic for ages.

>> No.1142929


but seriously karts are fun but sometimes you just want to take to the air in a plane.

>> No.1142954

i came to /vr/ expecting something more civilized than the 12 yr old weeaboo /v/ culture

>i almost spaghettied

welp i tried 4chan, now time to off myself

>> No.1143008

Greatest thread ever. DKR is literally my favorite game ever. I still play my original copy. I may even have the box around.

>> No.1143158

I've recently played some Diddy Kong racing and its a good game but its no Mario Kart and heres why.
>No star power
Besides Diddy Kong, Banjo, and Conker who are these characters in Mario Kart All characters are well known and beloved
>None of the Maps, Powerups, or Bosses remind me of traditional Donky Kong themes
Seriously the only reference i could find was the Balloons but even then in Donkey Kong the Balloons were usually red and shaped like DK himself here they are yellow and blue. Also weapons there isn't even a banana peel weapon if you want to slip up an enemy you use an oil slick. Lastly no levels resemble anything from a Donky Kong game wheres my Temple ruins level, wheres my red light green light mine level MIA.

Lets be honest is this game truly Diddy Kong racing in the sense that Mario Kart is Mario Kart.
This game would be better if it was simply labeled Rare All-star Racer featuring Diddy Kong but that probably wouldn't of sold

>> No.1143318
File: 48 KB, 640x480, diddy-kong-racing-timber-taj-balloon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello there..
This is for you.

>> No.1143324

Can I help you further?
Bye bye for now!

>> No.1143334

This is too obviously trolling, but not clever or amusing. Try again.

>> No.1143363

op here
obviously I love this game but I remember hearing on a
>dyk gaming
episode that it used to be random charaters. miyamoto said to change the star to diddy to get it to sell better. so in a way it really is not a donkey kong game

>> No.1143506

OP here
just 100%'d the first adventure and have the rooster guy now

is the second adventure worth playing other than just getting more enjoyment?

want another game now :(

>> No.1143512

Try something good. As in, not a game on the 64.

>> No.1143547

And they both run at around 30 FPS, since this is a Rare game, it should run at 20 FPS.

>racing games
>anything besides 60 FPS

Typical console shenanigans.

>> No.1143557

Mario Kart is more fun to play, more polished, and has tighter controls. It's also easier to pick up and provides a clearer understanding of the gameplay mechanics to casuals like cute girls and little sisters

>> No.1143568

I think it's nostalgia. Recently played both and yeah, DKR is a lot more grand, faster, and fun. Mario Kart 64 and Super Mario Kart kinda just feel outdated to me.

>> No.1143587

Well Rare developed the game without Diddy first. They made up characters they were planning on putting in future games. Timber was supposed to be the main character. Nintendo wanted Diddy Kong in it.

Find the description of the game from the guide booklet.

>> No.1143607

DKR is the better game but MK64 is more accessible. The lack of randomness in DKR is a double edged sword.

>> No.1144381

Like i said it isn't a bad game. Mario Kart was good for the exact same reason why all other Mario franchise milking games (Mario Tennis, Mario golf, and the half dozen Mario puzzle games) are good. Because they are familiar, they remind us of Mario and his games.

I'm not trolling i'm not hating on it. This game competed with Mario Kart not because of familiarity but because its a good game mechanically. Thats Impressive thats damn impressive.

>> No.1144389
File: 22 KB, 256x256, 256px-Cracingbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside y'all, for the true champion racer game!