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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 14 KB, 250x301, 250px-Blood_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1140791 No.1140791 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1141203

aaaaaaaaw shit, shit just got real
kick ass game, best build game ever made honestly

>> No.1141343

thats sexual. let the gameplay do the talking.
dat 144p tho
truly a relic of time gone by

>> No.1141346

*Btw the guy playing in trailer was a nub.

>> No.1142572
File: 34 KB, 640x480, blud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame the default controls.

>> No.1145214

Why is a boxed copy so hard to find?
I've only seen 2 (maybe a third, can't remember) on ebay. Both overpriced, of course.

>> No.1145249

My favourite build game after douk. They've remade RoTT and Shadow Warrior - any chance they'll do this too?

>> No.1145257

IMO, I doubt it.
If I had to take a guess at why, I'd say the game would have too many weird copy-right problems.

>> No.1145393

Devolver Digital already showed interest in trying to get the IP, depending on how well Shadow Warrior sells.

>> No.1145414 [DELETED] 


I hope they do not. That Shadow Warrior remake could have any other name cause it doesn't look a 90's sw game and i'm not talking about graphics at all.

>> No.1145427

Is the new Shadow Warrior worth a shit?

>> No.1145451

No, it's basically Serious Sam with a reskin and Bioshock magic hands

>> No.1145468
File: 27 KB, 320x200, blood_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be worst. You can't even change them in the Alpha vesion of the game.

Speaking of that, what do you guys think of the cut features of Blood? Like, being able to play as all the chosen, and tranforming into monsters when your bloodlust level is full? Would that ake the game better or not?

>> No.1145514
File: 52 KB, 576x432, Blood_(1997)(Monolith)-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's unique about blood:

>Caleb, the most awesome of the talking fps characters;


>Religious fanatic cultists, the most "we love to hate" enemy on any videogame ever;


>Improvised Weapons (pic related): dynamite, spray & lighter, flare gun, pitchfork, etc. etc... (also had a shotgun and tommygun);

>Lots of old movies references and easter eggs;

>And a good mix of violence and humor.

It was not perfect technically speaking, but the 90's were gone and we never had so much production values on a videogame again. Maybe a retro-remake is the best choice, i don't think game studios nowadays would understand what make Blood so good.

>> No.1145530

Depends what you want.

The sword fighting is extremely good.
Guns feel very weak in the beginning but get betteer with upgrades.
It has no maze levels.
Its very long compared to other fps of today.
Enemies are pretty good and need different tactics.
Enemy variation could be bigger (because game is long)
Story is much better than expected.

>> No.1145532


It's a really good game. It's not a DOOM-like game like the original, more like Painkiller, but overall it's a superior game to the original

>> No.1145535

>No, it's basically Serious Sam with a reskin and Bioshock magic hands

You say that like its a bad thing.

I mean, its not worth the price it is now, but I pirated it and had a blast

>> No.1145537


Caleb sounds like Tom Waits

>> No.1145567
File: 403 KB, 1024x768, Blood-2-The-Chosen-0002-Wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's the voice actor in action!


>> No.1145578
File: 21 KB, 180x282, Stephanweyte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shit, he's not stephan weyte lol. My fault, /vr/. My fault.

>> No.1145602

Vagina hand

>> No.1145652

The Beta and Alpha versions of games always seem better than the final product...

>> No.1145821

>but overall it's a superior game to the original
thats a big statement youre making son

>> No.1145827



>> No.1145878

The game is over 15 years old at this point. Even liquidator stores and salvation army shops would be hard pressed to have box copies.

I'm not >>1145451 but I agree with a lot of it. I played it on hard and lot of the later fights become no-fun-allowed arena juggling. The SW remake is a lot closer to Serious Same than the original Shadow Warrior. The weapons had balance issues (at least the sword was surprisingly fun). Enemies were dumb; chargers that can only be hurt by shooting them in the back were outright obnoxious on harder difficulties.

I gave the alpha a try, and I just didn't see the potential. It felt too slugish and try-hard. A lot of the ideas seem like it would make better movie material than game play. It looks like a good thing that they went with a fast-paced, campy shooter.

>> No.1145891


A big statement, but true none-the-less. Shadow Warrior 2013 is a better video game than Shadow Warrior 1997. All it needs is an arena mode, and I've heard they're going to patch one in

>> No.1146485

Fucking love this game. Just finished making a custom launcher for it so I don't have to dick with settings any time I want to play it on a college computer or something. Just uses a bunch of batch scripts instead of a GUI or anything; automatically launches BMOUSE and NOLFB, includes CD audio in mp3 format, a host/client style multiplayer set of batch scripts (for Blood as well as Cryptic Passage), and even has a functional mousewheel to change weapons. All the DOSBox settings are controlled from a single config file as well, so if some setting needs to be changed, it's just one file to edit rather than several.

I would have just put it on my flash drive to play it at school, but I lost it. Got sick of having to always redownload and change the settings every time I wanted to play some Blood while waiting for my next class to start, so I just did this and uploaded it somewhere I can download it on campus.

>> No.1146505

most satisfying shotgun in gaymen

>> No.1146521

I'd have to give that award to the Doom II Super Shotgun, but I'd play Blood over Doom any day, personally.

Doom is awesome, but Blood is better.

>> No.1146958

What does that mean.

>> No.1146961

>I'd have to give that award to the Doom II Super Shotgun
>not Daikatana shotgun

>> No.1146987 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 800x600, blood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>What does that mean.

see >>1145537

>> No.1146991
File: 135 KB, 1030x792, blood imagem 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What does that mean.

see >>1145514

>> No.1147001
File: 18 KB, 528x288, sd2.ghost vomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those misaligned parallaxed sky textures
>that renderer ruining shading

>> No.1147003
File: 127 KB, 800x600, blood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yep, things bug sometimes. Dosbox fault.

>> No.1147006

that screenshot wasn't dosbox

>> No.1147013


no u.

also err ur rite. That's something even less suitable for the task called Glidos.

>> No.1147092

Anyone wants to play Blood deathmatch?

>> No.1147928

dont forget the killer gameplay
gunplay was visceral and satisfying as fuck
loved dat dynamites
some of the best shooting ever to be sure
Monolith are gods of gunplay to come up with this and FEAR

>> No.1147931

Oh, it's definitely up there
especially with that alternate fire double barrel blast

>> No.1147935

it fucking amazing.
you gotta try this out /vr/
how can we play it?

>> No.1148286

You take your computer over to his house (bring a null modem cable), hook 'em up boot to DOS, set up your IPX network and set up the networked game using SETUP.EXE.

Couldn't be easier.

>> No.1148387

Or DOSBox over TCP/IP using its built-in IPX network emulation.

Or Meltdown if you're lucky enough to find a game going (google it).

>> No.1150470
File: 34 KB, 500x422, 1327665224878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't the creator remaking the tittle or something like that? With hi-res sprites and all? What happened?

>> No.1150492

Atari shut it down 'cause they're so awesome.

>> No.1150628
File: 73 KB, 640x543, 1327474627046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well thanks for the news anon.

>> No.1151004


that shit has backdoors, m8.

use YANG

>> No.1151037

What is Meltdown, exactly?

>> No.1151669
File: 65 KB, 589x600, 1368788575085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem bro

>> No.1152724

>Caleb, the most awesome of the talking fps characters;
>Religious fanatic cultists, the most "we love to hate" enemy on any videogame ever;

To be honest, I don't think Caleb's oneliners are the best of 2.5D fps. But the cultists are indeed f'ing genius. Their voices are an excelent mix of violent, hate inducing and hilarious

(Didn't knew it was an made up language)

>> No.1152736

dunno, but look up BloodTC.

Complete remake in the eDuke3s engine, and he's making high rez textures too.

First two episodes are already done

>> No.1153858
File: 64 KB, 540x628, Woody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the creator got the rights back last year and was trying again. Did this change?

>> No.1154003 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 350x220, dirty-harry-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1154021 [DELETED] 


>> No.1154791

Why do you guys like this game? Aside from the very cool first episode, character and over the top violence the game is filled with nothing but hitscan enemies.

>> No.1154810

Can you post a link?

>> No.1154886


The only hitscan enemies in the game are the cultists, and they flinch when shot and are easy to shoot before they shoot you

>> No.1154885
File: 104 KB, 678x1024, Strawberry Shortcake epic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, it stops being Hitscan once you're past normal mode. Hell, even in Normal mode headshots count as headshots and it's possible to blow limbs off. Remember: this game was released in 1995 so even this much is impressive.

Anyway... why we like it...
> Hilarious homage to the Horror Genre
> Fun and creative main hero, Amusing mooks
> Classic monster types to beat up, some were firsts. Ex: zombies that barf acid.
> Plot in which EVERYONE LOSES yet still surprisingly satisfying
> Great atmosphere. Many actual horror moments have no monsters involved.
> Great assortment of weapons and powerups
>Awesome music by an actual band: Type O Negative
> Politically incorrect

I love this game. Ignore Blood 2, just play Blood!

...someone already uploaded my picture so have something unrelated.

>> No.1154896

>Awesome music by an actual band: Type O Negative

I remember hearing midi when playing it back in the day. Or did it come on a CD with actual tracks? Thought it was a floppy disk release.

>> No.1154910

Not to mention they drop health upon death

>> No.1154914

>Plot in which EVERYONE LOSES yet still surprisingly satisfying
You might have spoiled that, I'm going through blood for the first time since /vr/ seems to honour it so much

> Cultists are so enjoyable to blow up
> Even now it's still a bit disturbing
> Challenging

>> No.1154948

It was a two CD gamepack. Disc 2 contained a music video by Type O negative, but not the full soundtrack of the game. You can still find rips of the songs from the game, though, and there have been re-creations done.

Here's the recreations page: http://markmcwane.wordpress.com/music-central/music-central-blood-gt-interactive-for-the-pc-music/

Sorry about that. The game is almost 20 years old so I figured spoilers weren't needed. Also TNT is so much fun!

>> No.1154991

>>Plot in which EVERYONE LOSES yet still surprisingly satisfying
Wtf? Caleb doesn't lose. He kills the final boss and that's that.

That faggot was talking out of his vagina, ignore him,

Sorry for the spoilers, huehue, but really >spoilers

Come on. It's not exactly story driven and all these old FPS's are the same in that the dude kills everybody including the final boss and then the game is over.

>> No.1154995
File: 83 KB, 1280x1122, Caleb_by_dr_kalashnikov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blood ost (cd ver.) is all over the youtube:


Also some awesome fan-made remix:


Blood 2 (as good as first? better yet?)


>> No.1155007

How come I just want to keep playing this game over and over again?? I played through the whole thing about three months back but now I just want to do it again. Is this normal?

>> No.1155019


>Hell, even in Normal mode headshots count as headshots and it's possible to blow limbs off

Isn't it random? I don't think it counts actual locational damage, just when you kill a zombie there's a chance his head will fly off. I've had heads fly off just by spraying their body with the aerosol can. I think the head/limb removal is either random from any weapon besides explosives, or caused by excess damage.

>this game was released in 1995 so even this much is impressive.

1997 actually, which makes Blood 2 even weirder when you realize it came out one year after the first game and feels nothing like it

>> No.1155115

Blood 2 was rushed which is why it sucked. There wasn't enough time to really develop it well.

I have had headshots count, but only on harder modes. Of course everything is harder past normal mode so go figure.

>> No.1155818
File: 60 KB, 266x284, caleb jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suspect the soundtrack to be full with subliminal messages or even bewitchings, (like this one at 1:25 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lr9S0XxlD1A ) which make you buy every blood game and addicted for life.

>> No.1155846

>it stops being Hitscan once you're past normal mode. Hell, even in Normal mode headshots count as headshots

That's not what is meant by hitscan. Hitscan weapons are the ones that have no projectile you can dodge.

eg: You round a corner and a cultist down the hall immediately fires a shotgun at you. The game instantly draws some random vectors within the weapon's spread between him and you and if any of them intersect your hitbox you take damage, unavoidably.

>> No.1155847

Hitscan enemies around every corner: The Movie: The Game


>> No.1155858

>Came here to make a BLOOD thread
>BLOOD thread on the first page

Fuck year. Been playing the first campaign, but I'm stuck on the first boss, the giant Gargoyle, he just fucking won't die. I unloaded ALL the ammo on the level on him and then I kept dodging him and stabbing him with my pitchfork, quick loading and saving for what felt hours, but he just doesn't friggin die

>> No.1155869
File: 4 KB, 98x212, cultist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marana Infirmux

>> No.1155938

Why the pitchfork?

>> No.1155939

Because I completely exhausted all the resources on the level by that point, I emptied out every single bullet I could find on him

>> No.1155950


Cheogh is fairly annoying to fight in the first episode, his main weaknesses are the Tesla Cannon and the Voodoo doll (both of which you don't get access to obviously)

The best thing to use is really just the shotgun due to it doing more damage per bullet then the Thompson machine gun, and the napalm cannon only hurting him on direct contact since he is immune to both fire and splash damage

>> No.1156094

well shit

>> No.1156179
File: 146 KB, 800x830, abandoned-boy-holding-a-stuffed-toy-animal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't think so (sadly), there are no news to be found in this regard.

>> No.1156325

Yeah I remember. I had the luck to find the "i can't believe you found this" secret stash in that map :)

>> No.1156356

There's any way to set decent controls and mouse aiming?

>> No.1156360

yeah there's a thread on an internet forum. search google for: blood game mouse settings

just edit a few lines and you can have standard wasd + normal mouseaim.

>> No.1156370

GOG forums?

I found a couple of links there, but the web is down atm.

>> No.1156373

It was my router's fault, got it, thanks.

>> No.1156380

how do I get the best framerate on dosbox? when I'm killing shit I get around 30-45.

>> No.1156415

gotta play at a lower resolution I'm afraid, in the 300s

>> No.1156553


It sounds like you're missing all of your shots. He doesn't take THAT much damage. I remember hitting him with napalm and shotgun blasts and he died pretty quickly

>> No.1156639

Love this game.
Just downloaded it today actually (re-install)

>> No.1156641

I'm here to donate some blood... someone else's.

>> No.1156803
File: 340 KB, 904x904, taste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favourite game of all time and that doesn't come without stiff competition. Awesome right down to its cover and name.

>> No.1156829

Is it me or is Episode 3 rather dull. No more graveyards, cemeteries, hounted houses, boats,... just tunnels.

Can't wait to fight myself trough the next episode atm

>> No.1156841


>and that doesn't come without stiff competition

Going by that terrible 3x3, it's practically your favorite game by default

>> No.1156907

Ok, 4 napalm rockets, a bit of electricity and cerberus is dead... This episode sucked to be honest

>> No.1156917
File: 84 KB, 640x815, 196781_125380_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably my favorite FPS of all time. Turned me into a Monolith fanboy in the mid-90s.

I saw this cover in the store behind the counter and just knew I had to get it. Blew my mind when I played it. I was a big horror movie fan even back then so alot of the references were awesome too.

>> No.1156953
File: 28 KB, 430x320, duke-nukem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blow it out your ass.

>> No.1157774

Welcome to the Cabal follow Bloodite. Remember: you're here FOREVER!

Honestly, I liked that episode the least, too.

>> No.1157787

Somebody figure out what exactly is going on with the Blood license and if there's a way to make a sequel/reboot or even just sourceport redux it like Duke and Shadow Warrior have on Steam

I'm sick of all this urban legend shit about who owns it, just send out some emails and get some answers

>> No.1157824
File: 109 KB, 425x604, popeye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part of the issue is that the source of Blood is 100% missing. Gone. Nobody knows where it went, not even the developers. They released some of Blood 2's code, though some of it is also missing. At best we can get a remake.


>> No.1158019 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 576x432, vodoo doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let's clear things up: on Aug 2nd, 2012, Jace Hall, founder and former CEO of Monolith Productions, started a thread at BLOOD's fan site http://www.the-postmortem.com/ and talked about the possibility of bringing back BLOOD in some kind of remake.


My name is Jason (Jace) Hall and some of you may know of me.

I have been contemplating the idea bringing Blood back and was wondering how people might feel about it or if they were interested in helping me to do it.

To be clear, I am thinking of bringing the ORIGINAL Blood game back as it was, with functionality alterations/enhancements that are similar but superior to ZDAEMON's. I would also make it work on all platforms, and not just PC. There are other things as well...

I have a very specific vision in mind for what I'd like to do, but before I go off and do it - I wanted to speak directly with the Blood community and see what the thoughts are.

My goal of course is for this all to be free, and all about gameplay and fun. You can rest assured that I have the resources to bring BLOOD back properly but like I said, I'm hoping to have the community participate in all this if it wants to so we can all do it together. This site is great and it would be great to see the Blood community grow!

What do you all think?


>> No.1158024 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 576x432, vodoo doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's clear things up: on Aug 2nd, 2012, Jace Hall, founder and former CEO of Monolith Productions, started a thread at BLOOD's fan site http://www.the-postmortem.com/ and talked about the possibility of bringing back BLOOD in some kind of remake.


>My name is Jason (Jace) Hall and some of you may know of me.

>I have been contemplating the idea bringing Blood back and was wondering how people might feel about it or if they were interested in helping me to do it.

>To be clear, I am thinking of bringing the ORIGINAL Blood game back as it was, with functionality alterations/enhancements that are similar but superior to ZDAEMON's. I would also make it work on all platforms, and not just PC. There are other things as well...

>I have a very specific vision in mind for what I'd like to do, but before I go off and do it - I wanted to speak directly with the Blood community and see what the thoughts are.

>My goal of course is for this all to be free, and all about gameplay and fun. You can rest assured that I have the resources to bring BLOOD back properly but like I said, I'm hoping to have the community participate in all this if it wants to so we can all do it together. This site is great and it would be great to see the Blood community grow!

>What do you all think?


>> No.1158029 [DELETED] 


About source code he said:

>In regard to the source code, I have reservations about releasing it due to it making it that much easier for people to cheat/hack whatever new system I put in place - and part of what I'm hoping to achieve with this potential project is a game that really allows people to build measurable value in their cummulative game accomplishments.

>> No.1158034 [DELETED] 


About source code he said:

>In regard to the source code, I have reservations about releasing it due to it making it that much easier for people to cheat/hack whatever new system I put in place - and part of what I'm hoping to achieve with this potential project is a game that really allows people to build measurable value in their cummulative game accomplishments.

So source code is not lost at all.

>> No.1158037 [DELETED] 

Then in Feb 14th, 2013 Jace Halal wrote the bad news:

>Dear Blood Community:

>I just got an unusually short, one sentence e-mail from Atari, letting me know that given the current set of circumstances, they are choosing to decline to proceed.

>Obviously, I am disappointed. Particularly given Atari's continued encouragement along with the amount of time, effort and correspondence that I have put into this venture.

>The only thing that can be done at this point is to wait and see what happens with ATARI, and hope that they find themselves in a position and mindset to allow my efforts to continue on this matter at a future date.

>Tears and Sadness,
>Jace Hall

>> No.1158041

It's literally the worst game on his list. That's saying something since CS is on there.

>> No.1158045 [DELETED] 

And then there was news about Atari's bankruptcy early this year:

>Atari Inc., the US branch of French parent company Atari S.A., filed for court approval this week to auction its assets in July. Those assets include the Atari logo, as well as the Test Drive, Rollercoaster Tycoon, Asteroids, and Pong franchises among others. (...)

And google fails to find me who got the rights to BLOOD franchise. The end.

>> No.1158080

So since I'm a big fan of Quake, Doom, Duke Nukem, etc., I'll probably love Blood, right? I'm downloading it now (GOG version).

How are the controls? And how's Blood 2?

>> No.1158110

Controls are nicely customizable in Blood. The movement is a bit floaty but that's allright.
Blood 2 is a masterpiece just like its predecessor.

>> No.1158113

There was a remake mod in development for Half Life 2 but I think it has not had an update since like 2008.

>> No.1158116

I love the scream they make. The one where they go AAH! really quick. Makes me laugh when I have not played the game in forever and get back to it.

>> No.1158187

Let's clear things up: on Aug 2nd, 2012, Jace Hall, founder and former CEO of Monolith Productions, started a thread at BLOOD's fan site http://www.the-postmortem.com/ and talked about the possibility of bringing back BLOOD in some kind of remake.


>My name is Jason (Jace) Hall and some of you may know of me.

>I have been contemplating the idea bringing Blood back and was wondering how people might feel about it or if they were interested in helping me to do it.

>To be clear, I am thinking of bringing the ORIGINAL Blood game back as it was, with functionality alterations/enhancements that are similar but superior to ZDAEMON's. I would also make it work on all platforms, and not just PC. There are other things as well...

>I have a very specific vision in mind for what I'd like to do, but before I go off and do it - I wanted to speak directly with the Blood community and see what the thoughts are.

>My goal of course is for this all to be free, and all about gameplay and fun. You can rest assured that I have the resources to bring BLOOD back properly but like I said, I'm hoping to have the community participate in all this if it wants to so we can all do it together. This site is great and it would be great to see the Blood community grow!

>What do you all think?


About source code he said:

>In regard to the source code, I have reservations about releasing it due to it making it that much easier for people to cheat/hack whatever new system I put in place - and part of what I'm hoping to achieve with this potential project is a game that really allows people to build measurable value in their cummulative game accomplishments.

So source code is not lost at all.

>> No.1158189


Then in Feb 14th, 2013 Jace Halal wrote the bad news:

>Dear Blood Community:

>I just got an unusually short, one sentence e-mail from Atari, letting me know that given the current set of circumstances, they are choosing to decline to proceed.

>Obviously, I am disappointed. Particularly given Atari's continued encouragement along with the amount of time, effort and correspondence that I have put into this venture.

>The only thing that can be done at this point is to wait and see what happens with ATARI, and hope that they find themselves in a position and mindset to allow my efforts to continue on this matter at a future date.

>Tears and Sadness,
>Jace Hall

And then there was news about Atari's bankruptcy early this year:

>Atari Inc., the US branch of French parent company Atari S.A., filed for court approval this week to auction its assets in July. Those assets include the Atari logo, as well as the Test Drive, Rollercoaster Tycoon, Asteroids, and Pong franchises among others. (...)

And google fails to find me who got the rights to BLOOD franchise. The end.

>> No.1158210

Blood 2 is a buggy piece of shit. The enemies move in a straight line towards you and get stuck on random objects. Walk on the stairs to get the AI either stuck or confused. Hope you also like the line

>"You will die a slow, slow death."

Repeated infinitely until the enemy isn't killed. People who praise this game must've played only a couple of minutes of it.

>> No.1158271

I might be a scrub, but I ain't THAT bad. I even used ammo cheats to make sure he's invincible and I was right. I restarted the level and he died easily.

>> No.1158280

If BlueBay Value Recovery Fund hasn't liquidated the US arm of Atari, then they probably still have it. Good luck trying to get a freebie out of any company with disgusting hedge fund tentacles buried in it.

>> No.1158341

Can someone recommend me must-see documentaries on youtube regarding blood/3D realms/2.5D gaming ?

>> No.1158350

>The enemies move in a straight line towards you
This is kinda like the first Blood.

>> No.1158503
File: 266 KB, 642x352, claymation Blood zombie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>them weapons

Flare gun is best gun

>> No.1158587

I played Shadow Warrior after a Blood playthrough. It honestly feels so crappy compared to Blood. The gunplay is just so fucking boring in comparison.

>> No.1158603
File: 116 KB, 640x480, blood17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't know any but there are some great retro-reviews. Try this:


Also the midi ver. of the music which i find much much better than the cd version.


>> No.1158715


>> No.1159047

Why dont you do it yourself faggot?

>> No.1159080

Wasn't 90% of the game done by 3DRealms and Monolith just wrapped it up like Gearbox did with Duke Forever?

>> No.1159085

Blood's shotgun feels speedier and more versatile. Perhaps Brutal Doom's SSG is comparable but slower.

>> No.1159096

I interpreted it as him wanting to take the whole world down with him but ended up saving it.

>> No.1159106

With his vaguely expressed fears that releasing the source code would lead to people cheating and making irrelevant systems designed to “build value in cumulative game accomplishments”, it sounds like Hall wanted to apply modern stat-tracking, achievements and whatnot to it.

Honestly, the whole thing was surrounded with enough of the usual talk of “enhancing the experience” and “bringing the game into the modern era” that I wholly expect he had some sort of DLC content delivery idea brewing.

It wasn't an example of the game nearly seeing a rerelease, it was just another demonstration of the fact that Blood will never be controlled by somebody who doesn't think that a fifteen year-old game will somehow be a ticket to riches.

And honestly, using ZDaemon as a positive example of what a source port should be? Good lord.

>> No.1159107

I replay this game every Halloween since I've discovered it. Marathon the whole thing from the first chapter to the two expansions.

>> No.1159117

>It wasn't an example of the game nearly seeing a rerelease, it was just another demonstration of the fact that Blood will never be controlled by somebody who doesn't think that a fifteen year-old game will somehow be a ticket to riches.
He made it clear that he wanted to re-release it for free, and he consulted with the hardcore fans at the Blood forum for ideas and what they wanted in it. Sorry but you're talking out of your asshole.

>> No.1159119

If I were him, I'd just surreptitiously leak the source somewhere, anywhere. Who the fuck knows who leaked it? eBlood will be a thing, goddamnit.

>> No.1159123

If my understanding is correct the development team moved from 3D Realms to Monolith. Somebody posted an interview here with one of the key creators of the game who was there from the beginning and he said something like that. Pretty sure the team stayed on at Monolith.

>> No.1159124

>TFW you get the distance just right on the alt-fire so it splits just before it hits a guy
>Dat BOOM of all the clusters hitting at once for 9999999 damage

>> No.1159126

Yeah, some fucking asshole has to leak it already jesus christ. Even if it was leaked Atari wouldn't even fucking know. Nobody cares.

>> No.1159148

75% of the game is good fast-paced action. The rest is boring boss battles.

>> No.1160037

>overall it's a superior game to the original


>> No.1162047

If fallout can be resurrected after a decades long wait, maybe Blood can, too. I hope Jace buys back the rights to his game. The fact it's over 15 years old might drive the price down a bit.

>> No.1162727

Whats the best way of playing this game?
Is there a good source port or I'll just have to use DOSbox?

>> No.1162741


Dosbox using Bmouse is just about as good as it will get unfortunately

Messing with the ram amount for dosbox helps a little, as well as setting the scaler to none

>> No.1163734

Just bought this on GOG. Installed, tried launching... and nothing. DOSBOX window pops up, goes full screen, then jumps back out to a window and closes.

Tried starting dosbox manually and running blood.exe. Game starts up, then gives a low memory warning, then throws up a sound error, something about an incorrect IRQ.

Anybody have this kinda trouble with the GOG "One Unit Whole Blood" version?

>> No.1163970

I found a portable version of this game:

>> No.1164072

just run as admin and it'll work

>> No.1164095

Atari owns license to the first two games (and source) and don't want to do anything with them. Warner Bros. owns the IP and doesn't want to do anything with it.

The source code is not lost, there are multiple people with it backed up but with no rights to release it.

>> No.1164184
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I sometimes like to pretend I'm the Kacho while playing Blood and live in a bizarro world where GameCenter does old PC games.

>> No.1165403


>> No.1165589
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Despite all its flaws I enjoyed Blood 2 a lot. I miss FPS of that time. Unreal, HL, Shogo, Blood 2, Kingpin, Requiem, SiN, ... fucking golden era man.


>> No.1165798


>> No.1165805


>> No.1165973

I have seen petitions. Sadly this is the era of Madden 15 and companies not listening to players anymore then wondering why they are dying. Fucking morons.

>> No.1167729


>> No.1167730


>> No.1168535

You know what I hate? Faggots that try to put this game down because they don't have the skill to play it. It fucking pisses me off. There's too many of these idiots on /v/ and /vr/.

>> No.1168642


*Ah, I found the interview:

You guys might wanna check this out. It's an interesting tidbit with Blood's lead game designer, Nick Newhard, and it walks us through the game's developmental history.

>> No.1168735


Thanks bro

>> No.1168765

I wish the pitchfork was better

>> No.1168769

Blood isn't really THAT hard. It's a bit tricky learning how to use dynamite and flare gun at first, but it's pretty fun after that.

>> No.1168791

I know it's not... I beat the game when I was 12. In fact I was shocked to see people complaining about it being 'cheap' the way they do. Shows the state of the fucking industry.

>> No.1169964
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Dat fucking Type O Negative.

>> No.1170442
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Amazing, thanks.

>Don't get me wrong; Quake was a fantastic game, and if we had it to do all over again, I'd love to have built Blood with a more flexible technology than we had at the time.

So, would they have done Blood in Quake's full 3d engine if they had the chance?

Interesting, but i think there is something very unique about 2.5d engines. Gore, blood and guts spreading around do work better in 2d than in 3d even with nowadays engines.

It could have been done right, though.

>> No.1170847

I played Blood 2 a few months ago to see whether it really was as bad as people made it.
It was pretty shitty to be honest. Ugly as sin, dumb enemies, bugs, bad voice acting, you name it. The game looked like an unfinished mess to me, but I have trouble imagining a good game out of that.
The absolutely worst thing were the bosses. It was basically "shoot until it dies" bosses where you had to hide behind a wall and shoot them before a missile exploded in your face. Couldn't even run around to avoid it, no sir, if you tried to move the boss would wreck your ass and you'd be dead.
Also those goddamn phrases they shouted. The NPCs' "NO NO PLEASE NO" will be stuck in my head forever.

>> No.1170853

Blood and gibs COULD be done right in 3D games, developers just don't care.

>> No.1170905

Jace Hall found the source code but Atari wont let him release nor will they let him make a source port himself. They're not ever going to do anything with the franchise, they are just being assholes. He said that if the Duke3D and Shadow Warrior sourceports are successful, he'll go after the rights to Blood as hard as he can.

We'll probably never get a good source port though, unless the XL Engine guy gets his shit together.

>> No.1171385

Too bad there arent that many powerups in the game, tho the dual weild is preety neat, especially with shotgun
Makes tesla gun dual weild so fucking overpowered

>> No.1171401

Everytime someone says "open for business" I can't help myself thinking about Kaleb opening chruch doors

>> No.1171572
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What exactly is 'the source code'? WHY CAN'T SOME HACKER JUST HACK IT OUT OR SOMETHING?

>> No.1171953

I thought Doom 3's gibs were nicely done, but too bad it only works on zombies.

>> No.1172057
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>> No.1172076
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I'm not. pls explain

>> No.1172475

XL Engine isn't source port and face it, it's not going to be finished in our lifetime.

At least Crossmatching guys are hard at work, and even the buggy version with two episodes they've finished already is very good (seriously, you fags should go check it out).
The only main problem with it is Edouk platform: Polymost renderer doesn't support proper room-over-room view so you get white glowing shit instead of holes in the floor/ceiling (there's not many of them in the levels, however, so there's that) yet Polymer doesn't support voxels (at least so far), thus making everything look unnatural as fuck. But who knows, I've heard that Edouk guys do plan to include voxel support eventually, and all voxel parts can be converted to 3D models as plan B too.

>> No.1172587

from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Source_code
>Most computer applications are distributed in a form that includes executable files, but not their source code. If the source code were included, it would be useful to a user, programmer, or system administrator, who may wish to modify the program or understand how it works.

Basically, game files and executables do not contain the actual system code with which one could make a new version like with doom or quake.

Not sure what they XL engine guy is doing though, seems like one part custom engine and another part analizing the game data at hand and replicating it as best as possible

>> No.1172606

Akimbo and other powerups would have been way better as single-carry inventory items.
>TFW you find an Akimbo but everyone's already dead

>> No.1172615

Mah Niggah!

>> No.1172903

Akimbo is only good for the easier difficulties with shotgun. You can't use it on Well Done or Extra Crispy 'cause it kills your ammo and ammo is scarce on those modes. I only use it on the harder ones if I've got Tommy Gun going 'cause then you can just use bullets efficiently. With shotgun, if you're against zombies then each time you shoot them the sons of bitch fall with the shot and you waste ammo.

Akimbo sucks!

>> No.1173127
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W-well, I sent Jace Hall and Fork Parker (the guy who said that if we bought enough Shadow Warrior Redux, he'd go after the Blood IP hard) tweets about Blood, a-and they ignored me. B-both of them. I... I g-guess th-that's that, huh?

>> No.1173368


Ah shit, it was the Redux sales he was looking at? I already owned Shadow Warrior on GoG so I didn't pick up the Steam one, but I did buy the new Shadow Warrior. Do we even know how well each of them sold?

>> No.1173442

>Redux sales?
I don't know which one bro. Probably both.

>> No.1173513


I was thinking he meant if we bought the new Shadow Warrior, he'd try to get his hands on the Blood IP to make a new modern Blood game, while also likely making a redux version of the original. A new Blood would be kickass. It's too bad Duke Nukem is out of reach though

>> No.1173715

Probably my favorite classic FPS game. Only problem is not having proper mouse look gives me motion sickness now

>> No.1173812

>>1155007 here

Well, I replayed it again on 'Well Done' difficulty and had an absolute blast. I THEN RESTARTED IT AGAIN ON EXTRA CRISPY. I CAN'T STOP PLAYING. Anyway, reached the end boss of the first episode and unfortunately I can't kill the beast. Not because of a lack of skill, but because of a lack of ammo. I only have the pitchfork left. I found this spot I could stand in the corner in and it can't hurt me standing there. I was just standing there holding the mouse button down while Caleb repeatedly hit him with the pitchfork for like ten minutes but the damn thing wouldn't die. Kind of had enough at that point.

This makes me sad. I then decided to play Shadow Warrior Redux but it just feels totally boring in comparison.

This is very depressing. Can I ask you Bloodites a few things pls?

1) What are your favourite FPS's? Modern and old, doesn't matter. What can I play now that will satisfy me as much as Blood does?

2) Are there any decent community levels for Blood? I know about Death Wish and I downloaded it from ModDB (or whatever) but I can't get the thing to run. HOW TO PLAY DEATH WISH?


>> No.1173830


Should be as simple as placing the contents of the Death wish folder into the root blood folder, and then dragging the .bat file over to dosbox

>> No.1173859

Build engine games also support modem connections which DOSBOX supports via IP instead of phone numbers. But yeah if you're doing more than two players, IPX would be the better way anyway. It's nice to know it exists for any DOS game that might only support modem connections.

>> No.1174003


>> No.1174225

He means the new 2013 Shadow Warrior. Redux is being done by an independent team, not relevant to Fork Parker or Devolver Digital besides being published by them.

>> No.1174239


>1) What are your favourite FPS's?

Quake Live if multiplayer is included, otherwise Duke Nukem 3D

>> No.1175343


Multiplayer.....:quake 1 (almost perfect i just miss the railgun from 2), counter-strike, goldeneye and halo combat evolved (yeah it was good).

Campaign......: doom 2, blood, goldeneye and black.

I love old-school fps. They were not perfect (repeated textures or generic levels for exemple) but that's something that further tech was supposed to solve.

Unfortunately fps devs missed the point entirely. Also too much dialog and cutscenes.

Also i'm half consolefag.

>> No.1175540
File: 1.10 MB, 960x540, Chinese man visits V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>goldeneye and halo combat evolved (yeah it was good).

>> No.1175808


>too much butthurt

>> No.1175891 [DELETED] 


I'm puzzled by why you would like such shitty games, you're butthurt about my criticism

>> No.1175969 [DELETED] 

Take this bullshit back with you to /v/. Nobody cares.

>> No.1175974 [DELETED] 


Just FYI, a reaction image isn't "criticism"

>> No.1176007 [DELETED] 


>don't have a differing opinion or engage in conversation about controversial things

Cool, and let's all buy the new Call of Duty too.

>> No.1176165

Aye. Type O Negative really helped make Blood what it is. Everyone invlived had a great sense of humor. When a band comes on stage to cries of "YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!" and just comments "Hey, but you paid to be here, so here's some noise." you know you're in for epic win.

RIP Peter Steele.

>> No.1176283

I've played all these games. Come on sons.

>> No.1176784

Have you done Rise of the Triad yet? There's an odd sense of humor involved that, although not as prevalent as the one in blood, it's still worth noting.

>> No.1177789


Bloody Pulp Fiction is pretty fun, for the first chapter at least. There's some great map work and that mall map is one of my all time favorites. Bur if you thought getting Death Wish to run was hard, PBF is a bitch since it has modded textures and sounds, even then some of the textures are fucked up and show the animation sprites of the beast enemy instead of whatever texture was supposed to be there.

>> No.1177803
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>epic win

>> No.1177809

I thought Blood Pulp Fiction was awful.
However Death For A Wish and RATM are amazing. I recommend playing DFAW on skill3 though, I ran out of ammo rather quickly on skill4 and had to restart.

>> No.1177824


There was an updated/rescripted version released not to long ago


I personally recommend it too, might just be a sort of "nostalgia" from when I played it way back in 07, It has some cool levels like a Christmas mall, a level inspired by Manos the hands of fate, and a level inspired by Children of the Corn

>> No.1177832


There was an updated/rescripted version released not to long ago


I personally recommend it too, might just be a sort of "nostalgia" from when I played it way back in 09, It has some cool levels like a Christmas mall, a level inspired by Manos the hands of fate, and a level inspired by Children of the Corn

I also recommend taking a look at the NAITD level series





>> No.1177925

To everyone complaining about shitty framerate in high res, did anyone try to run it in emulated 3DFX mode?

>> No.1177936


Never knew they made an updated version, I'm dying to try it out with the fixed textures and bugs but for the life of me I can't get the damn thing to work, it's stuff like this that makes me wish for a source-port. Am I just supposed to throw the folder into a copy of the GoG version and run the bat file? Because when I do that it either crashes immediately, or gets half-way through the initializing screen before suddenly freezing and closing itself.

>> No.1177948


with the retooled versions all you have to do is dump their contents into your root/main blood folder, and then drag-and-drop the .bat files onto dosbox executable

Should work for all of them

>> No.1178113

Welp. Is there any way to change the FoV? I can't play the game otherwise, everything is way too nauseous. I fucking love the game but I've never managed to finish more than first two episodes, it physically hurts me too much.

What a shame.

>> No.1178280


Thanks, got it to work in the end and after some more tweaking got bmouse working along with it. Only problem now is the lack of cd music and the window dimensions, which are proving to be a lot trickier to solve.

>> No.1178403

Wtf? Why? How old are you? Are all '90sbabbies like this?

>> No.1178448

FoV has been a thing since Quake, boy. Maybe even earlier.

>> No.1178460

fov i belive is a 3d engine thing that started around the time quake became a thing, most "2D" fps engines only had a fixed FOV, though sourceports and the like have changed that

>> No.1178467

No shit faggot 'FOV' has technically been a 'thing' since the first FPS game by definition.

The point is that I can't believe there are babbies in this day and age that can't handle the FOV of '90s FPS games and are 'physically hurt' by it. Quite shocking tbh.

>> No.1178980

>Children of the Korn

And in this level EVERYONE's eyes glow! yay!

>> No.1179170

How about the fact that everyone has widescreen monitors now so the fov that was fine on 4:3 ones looks horrible on 16:10? Think before you start bitching, retard.

>> No.1179172

FOV has been a thing ever since the first raycasters. You need the math to make stuff like Wolfenstein 3D possible.

>> No.1179968 [DELETED] 

As long as you play it in a corret 4:3 resolution it should be fine.

>Waaaaaaahhhhh black bars on the side of the screen

deal with it you fucking 90s born abject faggot. if hurts your pussy that much, don't play retro games and stick to your pussy ass cod you son of a fucking cunt

>> No.1179971

As long as you play it in a correct 4:3 resolution it should be fine.

>Waaaaaaahhhhh black bars on the side of muh widescreen monitor

deal with it you fucking 90s born abject faggot. if it hurts your pussy that much, don't play retro games and stick to your pussy ass cod you son of a fucking whore.

>> No.1180963

Once I figured out how to run Blood pillarboxed it's the only way I play anything on DOSbox.

>> No.1182608

ah, I suppose I mean 'adjustable' FOV, as in you can make it as wide or as narrow as you like, which I still believe started around quake, and 3d engine games in general.

>> No.1182616

>>Waaaaaaahhhhh black bars on the side of muh widescreen monitor
not that anon, but my problem is all the 4:3 res are considered "native" by my 16:10 monitor and video card, so even with aspect correction on, AMD only allows it to function in a "non native resolution"

so basically, the game is stretched as fuck and its annoying. I'd much rather have bars than stretched out games