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File: 272 KB, 403x600, 2987773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1140384 No.1140384[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well, last one got wasted, let's give it one more shot.
>GTA 1
>GTA: London 1969
>GTA 2

Let's talk about the 2D GTA games.

>> No.1140390

what about them?

>> No.1140407

I think this game was the first time I heard Liquidator until the Inland & Revenue ads came up again. Aside from that, the London game was shit. Like really shit.

>> No.1140564
File: 115 KB, 400x232, darkel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone notice how Darkel from gta 3 kinda looks like the narrator guy from gta 2?

>> No.1140575
File: 4 KB, 136x176, 27865217856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always hated this guy.

>> No.1140578


>> No.1140580


>> No.1140598

>Darkel from gta 3
Where was he in the game?

>> No.1140605

He's from the beta version of the game

>> No.1140616
File: 85 KB, 412x383, 1381356590866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

London was my favorite by far.

>there will never be another GTA in europe

>> No.1140626
File: 108 KB, 498x453, 1113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking nigga.

>> No.1140682

Jesus, my savior = My favorite flavor.

>> No.1140704

Taxi drivers must DIE

>> No.1140996

Unused Text

Can The Real Claude Please Stand Up
The very first string found within the game's text file. This could be a reference to Claude Speed, who was the protagonist in Grand Theft Auto 2, and if so, they likely intended to give the player character in this game, who is normally nameless, the same identity.

So Claude is the protag in 2 and 3?

>> No.1141001

>So Claude is the protag in 2 and 3?

All Rockstar said was "Maybe"

I can't remember the newswire they said this on, but they just shrugged on it.

>> No.1141030

I remember a friend of mine got the demo for this game, played the hell out of it. Eventually got the full version on my PC, plus both London's, played them non stop for years.

GTA 2 on PSX was loads of fun. I remember the PSX struggled to keep up every time I'd pack a bunch of cars together and blow them up. It still has my favorite story and soundtrack out of any GTA game.

>> No.1141081

Quit calling them 2D.

>> No.1141115
File: 10 KB, 102x141, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should we call them "Pre-III GTAs" then?

>> No.1141121

Or top down GTA or retro GTA. Just about anything that isn't fundamentally wrong.

>> No.1141126
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>> No.1141131

but... they are 2D

>> No.1141167

ive played them all except V and london, what am i missing out on from gta london?

>> No.1141169


Doesn't Rockstar themselves call them 2D?

Regardless, does it matter? The games aren't played on a three dimensional plane. In fact, only the buildings are really 3D. The games are 2.5D at best.

>> No.1141173
File: 44 KB, 640x689, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A slightly better but shorter version of GTA 1.

>> No.1141179


The best deigned game pre-GTA III. Now, you said that you've played them all except V, so I can explain this stuff to you and relate it back to the classic experiences of 1 and 2.

Gameplay wise, the game is pretty damn balanced. The missions are easier than what you find in 1 (though you still get some ones that aren't that well explained...protip: in the last area, you'll get a message that someone is leaving town, but the game doesn't explain what you're to do. Blow up the car. Don't steal it, don't try to run the person over, just nuke the fucking car).

The city design is also pretty good and better than the crammed streets of GTA1. The bigger streets and alleyways allow for easier escaping of the police.

The missions don't get ridiculous like they did in GTA1. In GTA1, some areas of the game (Hello, Vice City!) would throw a ridiculous amount of enemies at you and expect you to take them out with the awkward aiming controls. London does not expect this of you. The missions in this game are just plain fun, and don't get as tedious as GTA2's or as hard as GTA1's.

And what I find most interesting is that the game has an actual narrative. It's nothing compared to what you saw in GTAIII onward, but it's more than what GTA1/2 had. Most of it is pieced together through mission dialogue, but it's still pretty neat that they decided to do more than "aimless thug looking to make some money"

>> No.1141191

You still have height levels, can jump and climb stairs.
GTA 3 doesn't really offer much more than that.

>> No.1141204

>GTA 3 doesn't really offer much more than that.

You're joking, right

GTAIII is fully in three dimensions and has 3 dimensional movement

>> No.1141206

Cars will jump on occasion but there are no aircraft like in the later games.

>> No.1141210

>there are no aircraft like in the later games.

what the fuck am i reading


>> No.1141216

The Dodo doesn't fly, it jumps.

>> No.1141228

Say this after me

>> No.1141237


I was waiting for a moved goal post (in incorrect one at that). Fact remains: it allows you to move in all three dimensions.

On top of that, you can actually aim your gun in three dimensions in GTAIII.

>> No.1141252

>GTA 2 was set in the future, three weeks into the future, 2013
>if he was say, 25, in san andreas in 1992
>Claude is still stealing cars in his forties

>> No.1141276

How is that a moved goalpost? I said cars can jump and jump is all it does. You can't compare it to the helicopters and float plane in Vice City. It's named after a flightless bird for a reason.
You can jump in GTA 2 and keep airborne for infinite periods if you do it right.

>> No.1141324

I know what you mean, but you actually aim in 2D. But yeah I know what you want to convey.

Man I really would like a modern GTA set in London. Fuck I love London. Italian Job did a shit job out of that. And I cannot find Getaway.

>> No.1141328
File: 306 KB, 963x1375, Residential.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot stop praising the map design of residential district in GTA2. It's some kind of pinnacle of map designs.

First of all it has two missions allowing you some unlocks:
- the redneck's one allows you access to zaibatsu via over the top road
- the zaibatsu's one allows you to use old railroad to gain access to SRS laboratory with slower vehicles

>dat scripted event at every load in front of church
Boy how much fun did I had while interacting them and that guy who was always driving into the train station
>wang cars
WHOA YIPPIE! Looking for them without having any clue / maps were really interesting.
>jumping on roofs with cars

>prison mission
>remote taxi mission
They utilized every possible corner of the map making it very rich.

>zaibatsu and rednect area
I find other areas on other mission to be not such unique as these one.

>> No.1141348

Just stfu man. kill yourself

>> No.1141354
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>> No.1141363


As someone who played this on DC and thought I'd never be able to see GTA2 maps from this perspective, let me say that is dope as shit.

>> No.1141370


What might have been:


>> No.1141404

It's a 2D game with 3D graphics.

>> No.1141603

the fuck is your problem?

wake up on the wrong side of the basement?

>> No.1141626

It's a 3D game with an unchanging perspective.

>> No.1141648
File: 9 KB, 102x141, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Rockstar would release GTA 1, London, and 2 on iOS. I'd totally sign a petition for that.

>> No.1141789

>people still don't know the difference between 2D and 3D

You're just as bad as people who say "this game looks bad because you see the pixels"

>> No.1141905
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But we can still agree that these games were fun.

>> No.1141962

the ages are really inconherent with this series

IMO the 2D era is the golden standard for what GTA should feel like to keep it to its roots.

>tfw Z Car

>> No.1142025
File: 21 KB, 508x360, morash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There will never be another GTA protagonist who's as stylish and cool as Rodney.

>> No.1142028
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You mean this thing?

>> No.1142034
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>> No.1142085

He's Paul McCartney with a gun.

>> No.1142093

And that's precisely why he's such a badass.

>> No.1142107
File: 352 KB, 903x508, ZType-GTAV-Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw you can't afford the most expensive car in the game

>> No.1142128

Next GTA should be London 1969,
>environments so comfy.
>Classy English thugs.
>So many possibilities for parodies.
>Dat possible soundtrack.

>> No.1142141

Elvis has left the building!

>> No.1142157
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>> No.1142173
File: 5 KB, 192x102, 08275691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hands down, best car in the game.

>> No.1142208

where would a person download these games? Theyre no long available on the Rockstar website

>> No.1142213


>> No.1142221

What the fuck!?!?!
Acid-play is still a site!?!?!
holy nostalgia
i used to check on this site every day until one day it just stopped updating. I was sure it was dead.

>> No.1142226

one of the reviews
> Crypts

>It's better than the original in the means of graphics and actual game play, but it has a few very BAD flaws.

>One is not being able to save your game when ever you wish. That's PLAIN just stupid if you ask me. You get ONE place on each level to save and then it costs $50,000 each time. WOW! What the heck were they thinking?

>The 2nd flaw is, the game is played at an aerial view which is not only hard on the eyes, but makes it very hard to find anything unless you have a map, then its still a pain in the rear. It's like walking around in a never ending maze. 3rd and last is the phones used to do the gang jobs. Some of the phones are VERY hard to find. You will end up running into DEAD ENDS more than anything and this can be very frustrating and will make you just want to quit!

>It's FREE so it's alright to mess around with but it surely will not win any awards!

kids are crazy nowadays

>> No.1142231 [SPOILER] 
File: 31 KB, 640x480, seinfeldnignogtheory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also those links redirect to rockstar which doesnt have it up anymore

>> No.1142243

Damn really? I'm sorry man.

>> No.1142251

its cool i found another site

>> No.1142253

Well just look at michael and travis. They are in their 40's or 50's or something.

>> No.1142264

The perspective isn't great. You can't see very far so it's easy to take the wrong turn even with the arrows leading the way. Of course you memorize it after a while but sometimes you just want to have fun.
The telephones aren't bad. There is no pressure to find them and you get a guiding arrow as well as the ringing sound.
You don't really have to save after each mission. Messing up isn't the end of the world.

>> No.1142294

Link please.

>> No.1142301


>> No.1142312


>> No.1142315

If Rodney ever reappeared in a modern GTA, who do you think should voice him?

>> No.1142339

any Englishman, they all sound the same
Paul McCartney

>> No.1142353
File: 327 KB, 1378x913, original-gta-1-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm a britbong
>tfw your statement is true.

OP here, glad you guys are keeping this up, I love you all.

>> No.1142361

Original GTA was awesome. GTA: London had style and a great soundtrack, but was far too short and easy. GTA2 was still fun, and had some interesting new ideas, but the controls/balance somehow didn't "feel" right like GTA.

>> No.1142371

Britfag here. It always amused me how easy it was to find a parking space in GTA: London.

Other British GTA hilarity: The BBFC (film classification) gave GTA an 18 certificate (adults only). I thought that was a bit steep, as graphically it wasn't much worse than, say, Cannon Fodder, although it did have a few swears. I suppose it was because the violence was directed against the police and innocent civilians. Anyhow, when GTA 2 came out, which was if anything more violent, they only gave it a 15 certificate.

>> No.1142417

its cool dude, I envy your accent. Id be swimming in pussy here in the States if I could do it well. Unfortunately im only good in a cockney accent, that never brings you anything good.

>> No.1142421
File: 1.35 MB, 1600x2143, Grand-Theft-Auto-Directors-Cut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be swimming in pussy too, but I live in Naziland, so my accent's pretty much useless here, now combine that with the fact that I'm a socially crippled NEET who gets near heartattacks when stuck in social situations.

>> No.1142426

OP ist eine schuchtel, lauer meer.

Also the first GTA was great.

>> No.1142435

Sorry, it was called PSX since the start, at least in the emulation scene. You're just going to have to deal with us old timers using old timer lingo.

>> No.1142440

Doesn't make it any less gay a name.

>> No.1142450

I'm comfortable with that

>> No.1142475

>not liking gays
what are you gay?

>> No.1142528

>old timers
>since the start
I've owned my first playstation in '97 and NO ONE referred to it as a PSX back then.

Do you call the ATARI 2600 Stella?

>> No.1142538


Hey, this argument is retarded and has nothing to do with GTA. All of you please fuck off to another thread.

>> No.1142542
File: 375 KB, 350x498, Murica1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember that one mission in GTA 2 where you had to take a bunch of people into a bus and drive them into a factory where they're turned into Hot dogs. We'll never see that shit in vidya again.

>> No.1142547
File: 375 KB, 350x498, GTA-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolwut, pic related was the actual file, didn't know why I got the anime pic instead. Renaming ftw

>> No.1142556
File: 326 KB, 640x480, hot-dawg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1142562

>those russian gang cars were so powerful they could take a rocket and keep trucking

>> No.1142569


You might.

It's not retro and it's not exactly recent, but there was a mission in Liberty City Stories where you cut up a man and deliver him to his own meat shop.

I can't believe I just typed that shit. It sounds a lot less weird in my mind.

Also, the best GTA2 mission is the one where you have to get arrested and cause a riot in the jail to kill one guy.

>> No.1142573

>tfw you will never get missions to blow shit up from MC Ride

>> No.1142579

I remember that! It was because he disrespected Tony Cipriani's mom. A highlight from an otherwise forgettable game

>> No.1142601

I'm surprised no one ever ripped GTA 1's player sprites.

>> No.1142643

theres better top down sprites out there

>> No.1142658
File: 402 KB, 863x648, bubba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man... gta 1 had some creepy ass cutscenes

>> No.1142661

>El Burro wants to fuck your character

I'm out.

>> No.1142668

I reward you personally.

>> No.1142673

pls no

>> No.1142690
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>> No.1142795
File: 49 KB, 610x245, wasted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you really look at it, hardly any of the GTA protagonists are "young".
Michael is mid-thirties or early-fourties, Trevor is about the same age as Michael, during Vice City, Tommy was like 35, Toni is 30, and Johnny, rest his soul, was 39 before getting killed by Trevor.

The youngest was CJ, who was 25 during SA, but that made sense because he was just a ghetto gangster.
It makes sense. I mean, there's no way any of them could do any of the shit they do without a lot of experience.

>> No.1142895


I don't think they ever gave CJ a definite age.

Also, it's kind of amazing of all the shit you do in GTA1. There are missions in the Vice City portion that have you killing the fictional president and his wife. Of course, barely anyone got to do that because this game is hard as diamonds.

>> No.1142905

Well, he was born in 1968, and San Andreas was in 1992, so during his story he was either 24 or 25.

>> No.1142908

>Well, he was born in 1968

Source? Not trying to be a smartass, here. I actually never knew this.

>> No.1142916

I believe it is mentioned during one of the triad missions.
July 4, 1968.

>> No.1143009
File: 1.06 MB, 1440x900, GTA London.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if I remember right, GTA1 and London were rated M (17+) here in the States, and 2 was only T (13+). It's strange; they're all pretty alike as far as objectionable content goes.

>> No.1143016


GTA2 has tamer language all around

>> No.1143028

Does it? I haven't played any of them in a long time.

>> No.1143031


I'm also mostly going off memory, but I don't remember the word "fuck" being thrown around so much in GTA2. It's been a long time since I sat down and played the entire game, though.

>> No.1143056

>at least in the emulation scene.
I appreciate you skipping over key details that make your comment completely irrelevant.

Whether or not you agree with it being called a PSX means very little. It's already an established term for the console, even by major gaming websites. So again, totally not going to stop using it, but I'll be sure to think of you every time I do.

>> No.1143062

2 > London > 1

>> No.1143087
File: 78 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed London the most, even though GTA 2 had better mechanics.

Also, according to the GTA wiki, pic related appears during home invasions in GTA san andreas, is that true?

>> No.1143181


Dude, piss off with this shit. No one cares about your retarded argument of what people called the PSX/Playstation. It's not GTA, so stop shitting up this thread with stupid bitch fights.


I've never seen him, and I did enough home invasions to unlock the infinite sprint.

Also, agreed on London. If it had some of 2's improved mechanics (like a fucking life bar) it'd be even better.

>> No.1143196
File: 71 KB, 640x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loved running people over in GTA 2 with pic related.

It's a damn shame rockstar abandoned the rather unique settings to the series. London in the 60's would totally work as well as GTA 2's retrofuturistic world would allow plenty of neat features, but then again, these wouldn't sell as well because people don't know what's cool anymore.

>> No.1143201


It would sell because it's GTA. Rockstar makes a good game, and the GTA name is one that players still trust.

And honestly, I'll give it to Rockstar (or DMA design rather) because back when they kicked off the series, they had an interesting setting. A modern day crime simulator. And the games that came after it were also unique. GTA2 had a retro-futuristic vibe aesthetic and vibe, Vice City took place in the 80s, and SA the 90s.

I do kinda miss the cops having the best cars in the game, though. They would need to balance it so they weren't overpowered, but nothing was quite like killing a cop and getting into his cruiser for the first time. Shit was intense. Gotta go fast. Gotta go so fast that I wreck the car. Every time.

>> No.1143393


60s London GTA would easily be the best setting since VC. I mean seriously, just the radio stations would be worth it.

Also, the main character would HAVE TO BE someone like Travis Bickle, a.k.a. Taxi Driver'

>> No.1143398

I'm trying to compile a 'Classic GTA' playlist. Thus far I just have two songs which are must haves,

>Bula Matari - Taxi Drivers Must Die
>Deep Purple - Highway Star

>Born to be Wild
might be fitting but the tempo is a bit slow. Also,

>Sex Pistols - Anarchy in the UK
would have to be mandatory whilst playing London.

>> No.1143427


Youtube links

>Bula Matari - Taxi Drivers Must Die

>Deep Purple - Highway Star

>Born to be Wild

>Sex Pistols - Anarchy in the UK http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbmWs6Jf5dc

>> No.1143429


Welcome to the Jungle dude.


>> No.1143579
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>> No.1143591


This is what they are called. Rockstar separates the GTA series into three eras, 2D, 3D, and HD.


The main character in both 2 and III are named Claude Speed, but they are alternate versions of each other, the same way that Lazlow and other characters exist between the III era games and the IV era games.

>> No.1143594


Pretty sure none of those character ages come from canon sources. Michael and Trevor are 42 per the Game Informer preview a year ago.

>> No.1143609

>because this game is hard as diamonds.
exactly, I got as far as some of the early missions in Vice City but never made it to San Andreas in GTA1

>> No.1143613

You sound like a massive douche

>> No.1143615


>> No.1143617

Straight Outta Compton

Fuck Tha Police

>> No.1143619


Ace of Spades is pretty fucking sweet when the cops are after you.


>> No.1143626

not that guy but I don't think you grasp the concept of 3-d gaming, you need to lie down and take a nap

>> No.1143631

that phone mission where you pick up the guy's wife and turn her into bitchyn dog food (shut that bitch up) in gtaIII sugar.

>> No.1143643
File: 27 KB, 380x176, bitchn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The slogan of Bitch'n' Dog Food Factory is "Make That Bitch Shut Up", and claims to use "tasty bone meal, chicken carcasses, the scrapings off the abattoir floor and lots of other nutritional goodies". In GTA III, Marty's accountant, two thieves and Mrs. Chonks were all turned into dog food after Marty ordered Claude to drive them to the factory and use different means to get rid of the car as evidence.

>> No.1143650

If thinking it's absolutely ridiculous to impose your will on another person, when what they do has literally no effect on you, is what it takes to make a massive douche, then I'm OK with that.

I've saged every off topic comment in this thread. Calm down.

>> No.1143726
File: 69 KB, 250x188, cs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In GTA 2 he's referred to as 'Claude Speed'
And in GTA 3 he's only referred to as 'Claude'

>> No.1143763
File: 69 KB, 765x408, R4PFF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No. In the 'What GTA Character Are You?' quiz Rockstar made, he is labelled as Claude Speed.

>> No.1143803

>I've saged every off topic comment in this thread.

Dude, sage doesn't mean shit. It just stops you from bumping the thread. Your posts are still here. So please take your retarded argument elsewhere.


Like I said, when asked if he's the same person, they shrugged it off. Maybe he is, maybe he ain't. I don't think they put much thought into it.

>> No.1143837

I suggest taking a look at Riz Ortolani's work, most of the songs you hear in GTA London were composed by him.

>> No.1143956
File: 71 KB, 276x222, GTAO Claude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And this is apparently how Claude is supposed to look in a modern game.

I don't see it.

>> No.1144601

Looks like fucking shit.

>> No.1144662

I don't know what they were thinking with the special dads.
John Marston doesn't look anything like John Marston, Claude looks like a dick rather than a strong silent protagonist, and Misty--ironically--looks like more of a cheap whore than she already is.

>> No.1144695
File: 2.04 MB, 1366x768, chk_captcha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw that actor was in The Bill

>> No.1144732

So that would make Claude the most frequently seen MC of GTA, even if he's technically in only two games.

I could see Clause getting in the next Smash Bros because Reggie just so happened to be friends with Dan Houser, and Sakurai was there saying "please be patient", despite GTA not being a Nintendo series. GTA has as much history with Nintendo as MGS did with Brawl; since then, MGS has one more game than GTA. Fittingly enough, just like MGS, two of them were ports, and two of them were spinoffs.

>> No.1144735


Fun fact: GTA1 was supposed to receive an enhanced N64 port. No idea what happened there.

Read about it on IGN years ago.

>> No.1144740


Me again.

>Rockstar isn't releasing much on the Nintendo 64 version of Grand Theft Auto, except to say that it's not the sequel or an add-on pack. IGN64 has learned that the game, though essentially a port of the PlayStation original, will feature significant additions in the vein of souped-up graphics and added levels and characteristics.


What could have been...

>> No.1144778


They were also meant to make GTA3 for the GameCube, but they decided against it because the sales of Smugglers Run weren't so hot. Probably the same happened here.

Also, Nintendo is partially responsible for the GTA engine as we know it. It was thanks to them that they made Body Harvest, which featured vehicular action much like the later games. So that means GTA is technically more Nintendo than MGS.

>> No.1144797

I find DMA design's late 90s games interesting, because they all had a gimmick despite being drastically different games: vehicle switching.

GTA, Body Harvest, and Space Station Silicon Valley all had you switching vehicles constantly to complete the game (SSSV's animals weren't actual vehicles, but close enough)

Also, as an aside, if you look at the character art in Body Harvest, it heavily resembles the GTA character art. I've never bothered to check, but I'm sure those games had the same artist on board.

>> No.1144802

There's a mission in San Andreas called Body Harvest, even. And I find it strange how DMA Design seemed to be a small but closely knit/well coordinated team. Unless of course, Lemmings DMA grew with each year.

So, just like how the 3DS got a shitty port of MGS3, do you think Rockstar will make a shitty remake of San Andreas for the Wii U?

>> No.1144810


There was also a bar in San Andreas known as Ten Green Bottles or something, which was a reference to Lemmings.

I do wonder where some of the old GTA heads are today. I know a few of the designers of the original GTA went on to make Car Jack Streets for various systems. I think Mike Daily has a website that he still updates (he's also apparently working on a 3D version of GTA1).

I think the Housers came in around the time GTA London/GTA2 came in. In fact, I think Dan wrote London.

I need to find a youtube video of some news crew going around DMA's offices back in the late 90s after GTA1 came out. The team was of course smaller, but it was a neat little video where they briefly talked to a lot of the people on the team.

>> No.1145701
File: 271 KB, 640x480, gta2a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, bonus missions A, B, and C are so much fun

>> No.1146079
File: 878 KB, 949x596, claudetrevor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I always thought that Claude resembled Trevor, though he has more in common appearance-wise with Niko. Maybe Claude lost his memory after the events of GTA3 or something. That's assuming, Claude Speed is indeed Claude.

Soon, GTA3 will be /vr/.

>> No.1146101

If it's the one I'm thinking of that's not the Liquidator they play in that ad

>> No.1146129

You wanna know what happened to Claude Speed after GTA 2?
This, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FG1qRic9XGk

>> No.1147007

To the station!

>> No.1147017

But they're also high definition if you configure them.

>> No.1147049

So I downloaded GTA London, but there are no cars on the street. Anyone know why?

Cops still appear to chase me when I kill people, and parked cars are there, but the roads are empty.

>> No.1147054
File: 99 KB, 639x588, 1382153665135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The intro from this GTA2 song sounds exactly like the intro from the Yes song Siberian Khathru. Just compare.

GTA song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4do-_M826KE

Yes song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0HnIr6jYWU

>mfw I realized this

>> No.1147086

I-IV-V is the simplest, most basic, most common sequence in Western music, period. It's banality, not plagiarism.

>> No.1147094

I never said it's plagiarism, I actually found it to be neat. And it's just not a simple chord progression, it's literally the same intro.

>> No.1147135

Well, Since I've not got an answer to this I've been playing GTA-1. It's just as fun as I remembered.

The DOS version of london has cars, but it runs like crap. ;-;

>> No.1147892
File: 252 KB, 405x322, 1969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GTA London had the coolest Protagonists.

>> No.1148061

I've never played London, either 61 or 69. What's the best way to go about it? I have the free PC version of 1 from the R* site I got a few years ago. Is there any version of London that works or can be modded to work with that?

>> No.1148109


Just download a rip of London.

>> No.1148131

>GTA III cop cars
my dick

>> No.1148145

where is the pic on the left from

>> No.1148154


It's GTA2 art. Dunno where they used it.

>> No.1148170
File: 1.18 MB, 199x177, 1366921396505.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Claude used to look like Niko

>> No.1148182


>Life is complicated. I've killed people, smuggled people, turned people into hotdogs. Perhaps here, things will be different/

>> No.1148187
File: 1.52 MB, 160x120, 1350252668832.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat mission
>"But I'm all saturated fat!"

>> No.1149651

Oddly enough, that almost seems like an intro cutscene to a GTA game.

>> No.1150014

Anyone want to play GTA2 online sometime? It could be fun

>> No.1150027

I'm definitely up for some fun

>> No.1151460

And here we have Claude Speed beating the fuck out of his brother.

>> No.1151571

>Soon, GTA3 will be /vr/.

How does that work anyway? Are using a sliding timescale? Will we be able to talk about games made in 2000 next year?

if so my balls are tingling with anticipation of the coming Morrowind threads

>> No.1151826

>/vr/ can now talk about games from 2000
>Deus Ex threads all day, err day

>> No.1152939

"You're brown bread!"

>> No.1154529
File: 102 KB, 1401x1051, Get Carter 1971 movie poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For youngfags and amerifags who didn't know.

Also I believe GETCARTER is a cheat code in the game. Was London ever on PC?

>> No.1154867
File: 2.96 MB, 2107x1051, 017564875619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a resemblance.

>> No.1155060

Yes it was, and it was better than the PS1 version in terms of graphics and controls.

>> No.1155105


This was so ahead of it's time.

>> No.1155665


Is that really slang for dead?

>> No.1155667


Huh. Well I guess it does.

>> No.1155670

Cockney rhyming slang, china.

>> No.1155734

How do the controls work in this game? How do you steer? Anyone have pictograms?

>> No.1155740


Everything is tank controls. Up accelerates and runs. Left and right turn your character, and down backs up.

>> No.1155739

Does the camera follow you or does it maintain a fixed perspective?

>> No.1155757


Also Michael Caine's birth name was Maurice Micklewhite.

>> No.1155785

Damn, tank controls kill me. They're a legitimate mechanic, but I can't think of a single RE game or top down game with that kind of control scheme that I've beaten

>> No.1155797


I would have preferred "normal" controls with some strafing, but they're pretty functional enough

>> No.1158060
File: 50 KB, 640x480, over the moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a few minutes ago. I decided to replay some stages.

>> No.1159450
File: 25 KB, 320x412, 1342524239238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loved these games. Payed 60 bucks for GTA2 when it came out. I miss the fuck out of London1969. I had it on PS1. Which by the way was weird as fuck changing discs out with GTA1 to make it work.

>> No.1159481
File: 178 KB, 787x172, GTA_L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always picked either Rodney Morash or Winston Henry.

>> No.1160119

Alright, you dirty bastards. Let's get that game of GTA2 going.

First off, everyone download the game (it's free on Steam IIRC). Wherever you get it, it's not going to take you long because it's only 300 MB or so.

Then download the GTA2 game hunter here >>1150027

And...we'll move from there.

>> No.1160147
File: 223 KB, 900x655, Megaman.Volnutt.full.1190413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes, please.

>> No.1160165


>> No.1160168

I know, GTA2 radios are simply fantastic.

>> No.1160172
File: 6 KB, 260x194, consider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The next GTA game should also be the next Elder Scrolls game.

>> No.1160180
File: 11 KB, 306x218, gtalogo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1160192

That's when he talks about the war times in Slavistan, did you even listen?

>> No.1160198
File: 3 KB, 186x84, JugSwinger-GTAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1160220
File: 126 KB, 716x644, GTA2_GBC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I feel like I am the only person that ever owned this game, no-one ever seems to know it existed.

Was it that bad? I know it's extremely simplistic and you could only have 4 cars on screen at once but I enjoyed the hell out of it.
Really need to buy and play GTA1/2 and it's expansions now that this thread has reminded me

>> No.1160228


I played GTA1/2 on the GBC more than I care to admit.

They're impressive games, when you consider they're both mostly unabridged versions of their bigger brothers. That being said, they're fucking awful. The vehicles handle like shit in both games. This is slightly less of a problem in GTA1 because there are barely any cars on the screen. In GTA2, however, there are too many damn cars on the screen at once, and since the collisions are ass, it's easy to get stuck often.

They're worth checking out for the pure technical aspect of it, seeing as the whole games are there. But if you actually want a crime simulator on the GBC, go with Driver. It's everything those two games should have been and more.

>> No.1160231

If only driver had a battery back up and not a fucking symbol password system. I'd play more of it.

>> No.1160232

Fucking imageswap strikes again.

>> No.1160241


>> No.1160243

So, what's your favorite London character, /vr/?

>> No.1160287

I can't get the radio for London 1969 to work (downloaded from old cans). Anyone else had this issue before?

>> No.1160765

This >>1142025

>> No.1161186

Maurice Caine.

>> No.1161215
File: 75 KB, 154x214, Caine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to attach a pic!

>> No.1161554


Bumping for this. We gotta get a game going sometime.

>> No.1161952
File: 173 KB, 1024x768, gta-london-1969-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here again, can't believe this thread is still up, you guys are fucking beautiful.

Sid Vacant all day errday. He's been my skype and steam avatar for years now.

>> No.1162281

Anyone here ever mod for GTA?

I'm looking at the modding tools and it looks like there's a lot of fun to be had here.

I'm thinking of creating a stunt arena to play around in before I try anything serious.

Everything you need to get started is here: http://projectcerbera.com/gta/1/tutorials/editors

>> No.1162302
File: 64 KB, 598x600, GTA-london-psx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy.

>> No.1163625
File: 6 KB, 156x162, Locust-GTAL1969-variants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-double cough-


>> No.1163747

If you want some really cool shit like Beatles and Elvis, Rolling Stones, Buddy Holly, etc, Rockstar is gonna have to pay top-dollars for those rights, it's one thing to license one song for one scene in one game, but there's a lot of songs that go into GTA radio stations.

Shit, their labels might not even allow it for all the money they're worth, though they're actually making record money on V right now, so I hope they'll be experimenting a bit from now on.

I personally think it could be cool to see the wacky humor and violent themes of classic Grand Theft Auto, in say, a cyberpunk setting, it'd be like Shadowrun on crack.

>> No.1163764

An upside to GTA's ever growing popularity into the franchise juggernaut it is nowadays is that as time passes they can afford more and more licenses of increasing visibility. The radios in GTA1 and GTA2 were almost solely made of in-house produced songs, 3 started bringing in some licensed stuff, the VC came, SA, etc and the ammount of hits just goes up.
A GTA game with a soundtrack of mostly all-stars bands doesn't seem that far off, and remember also their usual MO of mixing lesser known acts along with the genre defining hits to make their memorable radio stations work.

>I personally think it could be cool to see the wacky humor and violent themes of classic Grand Theft Auto, in say, a cyberpunk setting, it'd be like Shadowrun on crack.
Wasn't GTA2 at least a little like that?
Always thought it had that near future feel to it, that Rockstar surely needs to make some day into the new GTA mold.

>> No.1163883
File: 1.48 MB, 1440x984, oh-fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All units, be advised: armed forces en route.

>> No.1164081


>> No.1164713

Something I found on the interwebs, found it quite interesting

>> No.1164774


This is the video I was talking about here >>1144810

Also, I love how I can hear the game's soundtrack going in the background.

>> No.1164794

did you guys know that you can 'fly' in gta2? I found this out when i was messing about once. Just jump off a ledge whilst running and then rapidly throw either molotovs or grenades. It doesn't use up ammo and the guy just flaps his arms meaning you can move over obstacles to get to any area that's on the same height or lower- it's great especially for level 2. To lower yourself just slow the rate at which you throw the weapons and you'll drop down. If possible use grenades for this because when you hit the ground you will throw a weapon and blast your character.

>> No.1164797 [DELETED] 

Chinatown Wars counts as a 2D GTA, by the way.

>> No.1165158
File: 68 KB, 516x417, feels good man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just remembered I own GTA London big box with that "Don't mess" poster and everything.

>> No.1165617
File: 133 KB, 250x250, black-as-coal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatcha talkin' bout?

>> No.1166539


He's telling the truth. It's a well-documented GTA2 glitch.

>> No.1166859

Urban chaos for pc came out a few months after body harvest.

Featured car jacking,an open world city, shoot outs and lots of other shit. That game doesn't get enough credit.

>> No.1169014

i found it hard as balls to kill those guys at once. happened ver very rarely. I would always hit them with a bit of angle and miss 1 or 2.
what are they supposed to represent anyway?

>> No.1169023

Hare Krishnas.
In GTA2, they got replaced with Elvis impersonators (duh).

>> No.1169052

And they became a street gang in GTA2.

Their background information said something about being tired of getting run over while only having tambourines to defend themselves, which is an obvious allusion to GTA1.

>> No.1170318


That fucking mission. Call me whatever you will, I had to stop playing the game for a while after that. Still gives fucking weirds me out.

>> No.1170869

BUMPING AGAIN for trying to get an online game going. Come on, it's the weekend!


You can find a 17 MB download for GTA2 there if the large filesize of the full version scares you. Just be warned it has no music and stuff.

>> No.1171291
File: 401 KB, 1440x900, been playing this for years and ive only done this a dozen times.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I remember when I first got this game, it was on the Playstation. Few years later I stumbled across the PC version and it blew my damn mind with how much was missing from the PS port. The dusk setting alone was more than enough, then I saw a few cars I never knew about, heard lines I never did before.

I still play this from time to time.