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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 214 KB, 658x1000, 2146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1135418 No.1135418[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Talk Shit, Get Hit!
>that feel when you can't go back to playing SOR 1 because it feels clunky as shit in comparison to it's sequels

>> No.1135502

beat em ups are the shit. too bad the genre died a long time ago. im currently playing alien vs predator ive 1 coined it 3 times recently and working on level 8! also op you should try SoR remake..

>> No.1135732

>also op you should try SoR remake..
I have. Seems like they just copy and pasted the levels from all 3 games into a program

>> No.1135745

Why is it that modern 3D gaming comes up with lame beat-em-up games? For some reason, I'd rather button-mash my way through a 2.5D pixel-art beat-em-up game then, say, the combat portions of Arkham City any day of the week.

>> No.1135754

>what is Dragon's Crown, Scott Pilgrim etc.

>> No.1135797

Still though, the genre is for the most part dead save for a few games. I mean it's no where near as popular as it once was, same with fighting games

>> No.1136290

Haven't there been like three of these generals in the past week? Not that I'm complaining, I love this genre, but if we're going to make generals we should try to keep them alive for more than a day.

I've one-credited Battle Circuit. It's on the easy end of Capcom's arcade beat-em-ups, but I thought it was still pretty challenging. I want to eventually 1cc Alien vs. Predator and Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, too. I love Capcom's genre offerings.

Scott Pilgrim kind of sucks though. But Dragon Crown seems legit (although I haven't played it).

>> No.1136305

Because beat 'em ups in the 3D era are either too simple for their own good, or complicated to be taken advantage of efficiently. Also they are way too easy.

>> No.1136313

Fighting games still have a lot of pull, though.

The main thing people are having problems with are casual fighting games like the new KI and the fact that Capcom can't be trusted for anything, and there's not a good Street Fighter replacement in case they fuck that up too. (King of Fighters doesn't count since they are too busy trying to turn it into Marvel with SF footsies).

>> No.1136460
File: 354 KB, 500x342, vandamme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haven't there been like three of these generals in the past week?

This is my third one, the other two have been scattered weeks a part. Seems no ones really interested in talking about this sort of thing sadly :/

Yeah and I wouldn't exactly call Mortal Kombat steep competition, not anymore at least

>> No.1138241

What games have people here 1cced?

>> No.1138279

I remember Streets of Rage. Me and my brother loved playing the fuck out of it. I hadn't even remembered that I had a Genesis for some reason, but every now and again I find some game I vaguely remember and it hits me like a pipe. Bottle. Knife. however you see fit. I recently fell in love with Battletoads on the NES, and every now and then I find myself playing Goldenaxe (dat foken music) again. For me, no other genre of game holds that nostalgic charm that a beat 'em up does. Can I get some recommendations for good beat 'em ups? I only know of a few to be honest, and it is definitely a genre I wish to get into again.

>> No.1138291

Definately look into Streets Of Rage Remake, it's a really nice mash of the original trilogy, unreleased, and brand spanking new (can't entirely confirm this) levels

Spent half the day today playing through the 1st game on there. Hell, it even let's you play with a CPU partner with varying ranges of intelligence

Also, you might want to look into Knights Of The Round & King Of Dragons if you're partial to Golden Axe I & II

>> No.1138302

Also wanted to say that the game itself uses a engine similar to that of SOR 2 and 3. Really makes playing the SOR 1 stages a lot less of a hassle

>> No.1138307
File: 37 KB, 855x407, 364765364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent, I shall check 'em out! Where would I be able to download the remake at? I checked the owners forum, but it appears he removed the link, and replaced it with a redirect to the same thread.
>pic related

>> No.1138332


>> No.1138421

Thank you friend.

>> No.1138427

>sticks head in window

knights of the round is better than golden axe


>> No.1138440

Once I replayed Goldenaxe as an adult, I realized it wasn't as great as I use to boast it being, but it isn't a bad game either. Thanks for the heads up though, I may try it tonight.

>> No.1138445
File: 124 KB, 800x600, StreetsOfRage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't go back to real street of rage because of the godly remake. the gameplay options really help. I don't want to stray far from /vr/ but dragon's crown is really fun. could have used an "arcade mode" without the town/items/levelup system, or just tone it down to be less apparent because its murder when you have a group playing it locally and trying to access menus.

>> No.1138464

I think golden axe is fine its just really old school the AI is brutal. I mean that in the sense is they will always try to pincer you. it really plays like an old school game in the sense its unforgiving I love it though it being a love letter to Conan the barbarian makes it even better.

>> No.1138498

>first time playing the game
>get to the boss with one life left
>lose all of your continues
Goldenaxe was amazing in multiplayer though, and if you and your co-player were worthy enough, it flowed like water over rocks. Too bad I always did suck, but it only took me nearly 20 years to finally decide that I need to git gud.

>> No.1138697

even betterer though is this

>> No.1138741

It's such a shame nobody decided to make a remake of Golden Axe.

>> No.1138757

Everyone should emulate the revenge of death adder, that should have been on sega saturn for fuck sakes. Its so pretty.
Yeah it requires patience you can't just rush in and fight you might have to dance around for a few minutes first. I think thats sort of what turns people away but I really like that feature.

Streets of Rage I thought I wouldn't be able to play again because the graphics arent as nice, and its not as smooth. It still looks great though and still plays fine, beat the fuck outta punx golden axe and the music is as good as ever.

>> No.1138810
File: 29 KB, 200x290, main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While everyone was talking about Fighting Force back then (which was mediocre and overrated), Die Hard Arcade/Dynamite Deka was the real deal in 3D beat 'em up. Sega should re-release it for PSN/XBLA along with Dynamite Cop.

>> No.1138853 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 325x322, PS2FightingForceCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was supposed to be Street of Rage 4 for Saturn
>Sega pulled out the SoR name because people in Core were jew enough to wanted port it to Playstation.
>Renamed as Fighting Force instead and never been released for Saturn
It's very hard to think this game as a 3D adaption of SoF. I didn't even had the kickass soundtrack of Yuzo Koshiro.

>> No.1138858
File: 40 KB, 325x322, PS2FightingForceCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was supposed to be Street of Rage 4 for Saturn
>Sega pulled out the SoR name because people in Core were jew enough to wanted port it to Playstation.
>Renamed as Fighting Force instead and never been released for Saturn
It's so hard to think about FF as a 3D adaption of SOF. It didn't even had the kickass soundtrack of Yuzo Koshiro that is so well-known even today.

>> No.1138869

You got the story wrong there. Core Design pitched the game as a new Streets of Rage for Sega, who shot it down saying they had other plans for the name. Those other plans never materialized, and we don't even know exactly what they were, although we know that at least one Sega pitch was done on the Dreamcast.

The farthest FF made on the Saturn was a non-playable rolling demo, which used the final games code (or very close to). We also have a prototype of it but it's way earlier.

Also, it was called Judgement Force before being renamed to Fighting Force.

>> No.1138887

>You got the story wrong there. Core Design pitched the game as a new Streets of Rage for Sega, who shot it down saying they had other plans for the name. Those other plans never materialized, and we don't even know exactly what they were, although we know that at least one Sega pitch was done on the Dreamcast.
If your informations are accurate then somebody should edit Wikipedia's fucked up entry. Not that it's the first Wikipedia video game entry with false information (see DKC for example which was supposed to not be appreciated from Shigeru Miyamoto).

>> No.1138906

>mfw all you niggers are saying SoR1 is clunky and the sequels were better
>mfw all the sequels were okay, SoR2 being the best one
>mfw I'd prefer the first one anyday

>> No.1138912 [DELETED] 

Played and finished SoF2 last year. Is it me or it was incredibly long for a beat 'em up? Not to mention how boring it was.

>> No.1138914

Played and finished SoR2 last year. Is it me or was it incredibly long for a beat 'em up? Not to mention how boring it was.

>> No.1138924

Actually it was remade for PS2 as part of Sega Ages label.

>> No.1138936

sor1 had better jogability.

>> No.1138960

Oh shit

The one with the crab robots that shot poles at you that you could pick up and beat the shit out of them with?

And the quick time events between levels?

>> No.1138982

Just got SoR2 on my Genesis the other day. Music is amazing.

Where do you guys think this game stands in terms of best Beat em Up?

>> No.1139087

if you guys are up to it theres a chinese program called GOTVG that has beatemups being played live daily and scenes for each game ive encountered including AVP if you ever wanted to give it a try.

>> No.1139135

what's jogability?

>> No.1139160

A meme being forced by a shitty Brazilian indie developer in the hopes it will move his game.

>> No.1139171 [DELETED] 

I just seatrched it and some crappy Ice Cream game for iOS is what I see.

So, he's saying the word over and over in hopes of people googling it? Odd.

>> No.1139202


Seems more like an ass backwards way of referring to the ability to get around in a game or something like that. It must be mechanic related.

>> No.1139324

You can't go wrong with most of the arcade games Capcom made. Out of those, I would most strongly recommend Alien vs. Predator and Battle Circuit.

It is a very solid game, but compared to a lot of arcade beat-em-ups, it's kind of slow and unchallenging. It doesn't really excel in any area other than its music.

Can you link it? I'm interested.

>> No.1139418
File: 94 KB, 640x943, sengoku3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the pinnacle of beat 'em ups for me.

I loved SoR and Golden Axe on the Genesis and the Capcom arcade ones but this was something else

>> No.1139949

mah nigga

>> No.1139964

I liked SoR 1 way better than 2 and 3, they both felt so slow, from the walk speeds to the punchings.

>> No.1139972

wich remake would that be? The fanmade one?

>> No.1140127

give me a few cant link stuff cuz this site finds it as spam but i will make a full rar and update the guide for anyone interested on joining the fun.

>> No.1140174


>> No.1140379
File: 64 KB, 646x512, sorr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, the streets of rage remake. basically its all 3 games put together with a lot of options and extras. you can even choose character versions and make your own stages.

>> No.1140992

Sweet, thanks.

>> No.1141018
File: 145 KB, 640x1066, 573960_33840_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi i'm an amazing beat 'em up, please play me.

It's on Xbox Marketplace too

>> No.1141026

>Scott Pilgrim
Man, that game is such a shame. I mean, it looks and plays ok, but would it have hurt to add a fucking lifebar to the enemies? I never know if an enemy is dead for good or not until I knock him down and wait like 3 seconds to see if its sprite disappears or it stands back up. It doesn't even help that there's no actual "death" sound or anything.

>> No.1141680

i forgot to note. turn off anti virus when running this itll find it as a virus is some programs but its not its just foreign program that it doesnt recognize

>> No.1142482
File: 26 KB, 125x125, robothead_escape.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not liking a god tier beat 'em up because of lack of enerby bar at the enemies
At least the bosses flash red when they are near to be K.O.

>> No.1142628


Fucking love that game.

>> No.1142915

In no order, my faves-

Sengoku 3
SOR Remake
Battle circuit
AvP(Does anybody know if Linn is owned by Capcom or Fox? Love to see her in a fighter)
The Punisher
Turtles in Time SNES
Spider-Man Arcade
D&D Shadow over Msyteria

>> No.1142925

>SOR Remake


>> No.1142982


>> No.1143212

Scott Pilgrim is nowhere near god-tier (unless you're only talking about the music and art). It's pretty much a beat-em-up made by people who think beat-em-ups are shallow button-mashers.

>> No.1143648

Check out this site, it features some of the best games; their description and some details.
Also, here you can find ROMs you need

>> No.1143686
File: 194 KB, 1095x730, streets_of_rage_hd_by_modusprodukt-d45t4dw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't go back to real street of rage because of the godly remake
One of the main problems with the original SOR is the fact that there's tons of low level grunt punks just lying in wait to beat the crap out of you and rob you of a quarter of you health.

In all honesty, it's bullshit and HUGE design flaw that really hinders the game. It's one of those games where it's pretty much imperative that you play with a friend

No, the Sega Ages one was a horribly done remake of the arcade only sequel, Death Adder's Revenge

I think you're confused. SOR 1 has an overall slower pace and feel in comparison to the sequels. You also can actually run in 2 & 3, though I do miss the Police back up special attacks. And the sequels just really can't touch the first in terms of the musical score, it's just so classic

>> No.1143804

>One of the main problems with the original SOR is the fact that there's tons of low level grunt punks just lying in wait to beat the crap out of you and rob you of a quarter of you health.

thats why you can hurt enemies by throwing other enemies into them and the grapples/throws have huge invincibility frames. theres also plenty of health items. SOR is way on the easy end of the brawler spectrum, so as much as i hate to give in and say it, git good scrub

>> No.1143812

>so as much as i hate to give in and say it, git good scrub

I've been playing the game since I was six. I'm just a little rusty

>> No.1144071
File: 109 KB, 640x480, soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too bad the genre died a long time ago.
>He actually believes this

o u

>> No.1144104

i played sor1 years later after playing 2 and 3. I don't remember it being difficult but the music was nice. sor 3 was hard at times.

>> No.1144108

I wonder if those other plans became SpikeOut.

>> No.1144117

>i played sor1 years later after playing 2 and 3. I don't remember it being difficult

It wasn't so much difficult as it was tough going back to the SOR 1 because SOR 2 & 3 improved upon the fist so much. It just kind of feels rough and a bit unrefined is all

IDK, I'm just being nit picky I guess

>> No.1144127
File: 50 KB, 320x240, Captain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Captain America and the Avengers (Arcade) is my favorite beat'em up. While it may not technically be the greatest when compared to its peers, it is a fun ass game and has amazing sound and graphics for its time. I could hear this game calling me from across the arcade, "AMERICA STILL NEEDS YOUR HELP". You got it America, you fucking got it.

>> No.1144145
File: 32 KB, 638x397, 2616576070_625cfb4b51_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who do you choose?

>> No.1144156
File: 251 KB, 800x563, Golden_Axe_Classic_by_gsilverfish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kinda partial to all three, but probably Axe Battler the most out of all of them

>> No.1144164

>The music changing when you get the boss down to his last legs

>> No.1144181

>Implying that most retro beat 'em up aren't shallow button-mashers and greedy credit-eaters.
Have you even played Scott Pilgrim more than 20 minutes to see that it has more variety that most old beat 'em don't?

>> No.1144201

Not him, but the Scott Pilgrim game was like River City Ransom without all the things that made River City Ransom good (The open world) but with the one thing that makes it a chore to play (Grindy bullshit. A lot of grindy bullshit. You should never have to grind for basic moves in a beat-em-up)

>> No.1144273

OK GO!!!!

The guy you where replying to only mentioned the original Arcade version. I never got to play that but owned Cap and the Avengers on Megadrive and it was one of my fave games as a kid. I loved the nonsensical sound bites that would pre-empt the boss fights.

>> No.1144289

The Megadrive or Genesis version is the best port and beats the shit out of the horrible SNES port.

>> No.1144492
File: 42 KB, 596x584, 58787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw playing through and beating bare knuckle II on co-op mania

>> No.1144495 [DELETED] 

bitch, cuz she had the best magic

>> No.1144531
File: 131 KB, 256x254, WWF_Betrayal_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, can I hang out too?

>> No.1144535
File: 92 KB, 640x921, Spider-Man_and_Venom_Maximum_Carnage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked this up a few days ago.

When I first played it, I sort of hated it, but I got a couple of levels in and really started to enjoy myself.

Great game.

>> No.1144538


Is that the game that tricks you into thinking it's a wrestling game but is actually a beat-em-up?

That was bizarre.

>> No.1144547

yes, fun as a stupid 15 minute game too

>> No.1144669

Why are you in this thread if you think that? Go try beating Alien vs. Predator on one coin and come back..

Old beat-em-ups are actually pretty technical and demanding, but if you judge the genre on the likes of The Simpsons or TMNT, I can see why you would think Scott Pilgrim holds up.

>> No.1144763
File: 175 KB, 1440x914, WWF-_Wrestlemania_-_1995_-_Midway_Games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wreslemania The Arcade Game tricked you into thinking that it was a shallow "Mortal Kombat" clone (you know even though it's made by the same company) that turned out to be a beat-em-up

>> No.1144772

Diagnosis: Autism.

>> No.1144792

Autism would be if I used the term "jogability" in reference to what I disliked about SOR 1 or if I went knee deep into technical stuff which I know nothing about

>> No.1144803


I loved this game. My cousin and I played the hell out of the PSX version.

I almost don't want to download the ISO to play it so that I may keep my memories pure.

>> No.1144806
File: 77 KB, 540x405, WWF_In_Your_House_(video_game).9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still pretty good overall. Not GREAT by any means, but good. It's "In Your House" you have to watch out for

>> No.1144814

I'm actually just going around saying "autism lol" to random posts and seeing what kind of reaction I get.

>> No.1144817

4chan has designated shitposting boards. Please go to them.


>> No.1144823

Okay, now you actually ARE being autistic.

>> No.1144846

anyone ever play CANNON SPIKE? on dreamcast? awesome beat em up. u can play as mega man, Arthur from ghouls and ghosts, Charlie from SF alpha, Cammy from SF and bb hood from darkstalkers.

>> No.1144893
File: 344 KB, 1226x1952, this is my feitish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>golden Ax

>> No.1144909
File: 154 KB, 1128x870, pic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does a centaur need to ride other creatures?
why can I be a dwarf riding a barbarian riding a third creature?

>> No.1144932



>> No.1144976
File: 284 KB, 800x1270, golden axe concept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chicken leg

>> No.1144998


Don't you want to fry him up and serve him with a side of Red Dragon sauce?

>> No.1145096

Wanted to ask you guys what you thought of Beats Of Rage & OpenBOR. Really looks interesting but it hasn't exactly agreed with my Windows computer

>> No.1145097

Cool, but Street of Rage Remake happened.

>> No.1145110

You know that it's a program where you can make your own Beat-Em-Ups right? the SOR Maker is fairly limited in what it can do and as far as I know, you can't replace any of the character sprites

>> No.1145115

anybody tried double dragon neon?
i really want to play it, but i got no bro for that stellar bro-op. and its not online right?

>> No.1145168
File: 50 KB, 320x224, guardianheroes-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you beat me to bringing up this amazing game. It's a beat-em-up, it's kind of an RPG, it's definitely awesome. Honestly, probably one of my all-time favorites.

>> No.1145437

I'm thinking about making a page for beat-em-ups on the retro wiki. Anyone interested in lending a hand?

>> No.1145469

Page is done: http://retroconsoles.wikia.com/wiki/Beat-Em-Up

>> No.1145494
File: 860 KB, 1024x768, shanghaikid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1145524

You are almost me. I've been playing GA since childhood but only this year I decided that I wanted to finish that game and I reached the last boss and realised I didn't git gud and got my ass handed to meand in a moment of rage I decided to use savestates to win.
Not particulary fond of that decision but it happens.

>> No.1145554
File: 28 KB, 640x480, gfs_62773_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this genre since I was young. Earlier this year I decided to give it a go to some known examples of the genre like Knights of the Round, X-Men, Turtles in Time, Ninja Warriors, Bad Dudes. Yeah, I know >not playing those games b4

I don't usually go for 1cc or related efforts, but I do play a lot games that I really liked, and my favorites in the genre are Final Fight (which I've 1cc, the only one I took the effort), and also finished the Sega CD port (one of the few good conversions) in Mania, same with Streets of Rage 2 (which I found a lot more difficult than I expect).

>> No.1147262

Aside from the awful meme, a mistranslation of gameplay.

>> No.1148532

If you could be killed by any beat-em-up character, which one would you go with? I might go with Haggar - being piledrived over and over into concrete head-first sounds appealing - but I think my first choice would have to be Mack from Captain Commando, with his flesh-melting knives.

>> No.1148737

>Beat the SOR1 stages in Streets Of Rage Remake
>shop opens
>accidentally steal "Roo"
>Blaze gets pissy and bans me from the shop
>start up new game
>pick Roo as CPU partner with an "aggressive" playstyle
>pick the stage with the bloody knife icon
>wail on half a dozen kung-fu masters and ninjas without missing a beat

Seriously, I have yet to lose a life yet and it's Stage 3 on normal

>> No.1148740

Streets of Rage 2 is kind of difficult unless you're Alex or that wrestler dude.

Their special moves wrecked so much shit.
BURN KNUCKAA had so much invincibility as well.

>> No.1149702

Probably Blaze for, uh, reasons.

>> No.1152625
File: 301 KB, 900x1326, streets_of_rage_by_darkdux-d5rzvk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

figured I might bump this with some killer fan art...

>> No.1152629
File: 299 KB, 900x1409, streets_of_rage_2_by_darkdux-d5roe7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1152632
File: 316 KB, 849x1200, commission__electra_from_streets_of_rage_by_jaimito-d5rkl75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1152926

Can't wait for the inevitable steam release.

>> No.1153598
File: 46 KB, 500x375, 1313674-double_dragon_xbla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow this thread is still going on. I love me some beat em' ups. I can play them for hours. SoR2 was the my thing back then and now that I own a Genesis, it was so amazing. I almost beat it as soon as I got the game but here's a list of my favorite Brawlers:

Battletoads (Yes this game even though it's challenging I still wanna beat the game)
Battletoads and Double Double (I prefer the NES but the SNES is fun too and looks updated)
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs(FF Clone with amazing music, SFX, and very gory but enjoyable beat it in 2 hours.)
Captian Commando (Enjoyable CPS-1 game)
Final Fight (I prefer the Sega CD because Soundtrack and GBA because SFA versions of Guy and Cody are cool)
Double Dragon (Amazing title)
Double Dragon II (Love this game a lot and without this, Final Fight wouldn't have existed well if the arcade version wasn't made but the NES version rocks too)
Golden Axe (Classic Early Genesis title loved playing this as a kid on my PC)
Comix Zone (Cool art design and amazing gem on the Genesis)
River City Ransom (Classic Brawler and I can't wait for the sequel to comeout!)
Turtles in Time (Konami knew how to make TMNT beat em ups and the Graphics are colorful and very appealing)
Streets of Rage 2 (Amazing game, great OST, replay value is great)
X-Men (Fun it has it's moments and it was a great Konami title)
Simpsons (I played this game in the arcade as a kid a lot and I love trying to beat it but never made it far as of level 3 ish?)
Ninja Baseball Bat Man (Just the title makes you wanna play this game. Pretty fucking fun literally it's just amazing!)

I never played Guardian heroes but I really want to because I'm a huge treasure fan and the D&D series from Capcom. Also AvP for CPS-2. I hear it's amazing. Maybe I'll try them out