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1134017 No.1134017[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello /vr/
Which mega man x is the best one overall in your opinion?
I think I' ll have to go with mega man x2 Not entirely sure why.. Maybe because it added more to the series but not too much. Also the music was fucking sweet.
Also general mega man x thread i guess..

>> No.1134045

it was the best because it had morph moth

>> No.1134043

Megaman X was the best game in the series, but I enjoy X2 more.
Probably because I owned a copy of X2 as a kid and played it more than rental copies of X1 and X3, nostalgia and all.

>> No.1134080

I had the most fun with X4.

>> No.1134090 [DELETED] 

Hard for me to really chose between X, X4 and X8. Absolutely love all 3 of them.
But I guess I'd probably chose the first one as the best.

>> No.1134097

I like X1 the most. X4 is great too but i hate the final boss in that game. Also the voices are so horrible.

>> No.1134165

X5 maybe isn't the best but it is super overlooked.

>> No.1134267

X2 probably is my favorite with X3 a close second. Somehow X feels like the most polished package but it's too easy for me. You can beat all bosses with buster without much effort. In later games it gets more challenging with buster only.

Contrary to popular opinion I don't really like X4 but I think X5 is pretty great. X6 is just WHY. So much annoying shit.

Not even gonna comment on X7 and X8.

>> No.1134519

X2, mainly because the bosses and powerups are more interesting imo

>> No.1134523


X8 is fucking great.

>> No.1134525

X4 easy. It has some flaws (although I don't hate X's voice, his voice in X8 is much better) but overall it's the one with the best powers, the best armours, the best gameplay and stage design, and great music. The game is among my top 10 best games ever created

>> No.1134526


mattrex theme is incroyable

>> No.1134529


Agreed, I love X8. It's my second favourite in the series. Some of those secrets are extremely well hidden.

>> No.1134575

Got X6 at Goodwill the other day because I tought it would be great. So much annoying shit.

>> No.1134603

So this is kind of weird but I think there's something I don't "get" about Mega Man X.
People say it's a really easy game.
I've beaten Mega Man 1, 2, 3, 5, 9 and Gameboy Mega Man 1.
I find MMX really difficult, couldn't even beat a single boss for about an hour and even though health drops all over the place I still Game Over on pretty much every stage.

maybe it's the controls I don't know. I wish I could enjoy it as much as the NES games.

>> No.1134624

Are you using the dash effectively?

>> No.1134675
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I have a friend who's good with the original MM games, but has difficulty with the X series, for whatever reason. I think the originals are much harder, personally.

I think Mega Man X is hard as fuck, mostly because of Sigma and that spider.

I suck at games, though. I didn't beat Mega Man X until I was 22 (first played it when I was 8 years old, and tried to finish on and off through that time!). Then, I played and finished X2 and X4.

X3 is hard, and honestly, I don't really like it that much. The power-ups are really shitty and the level design isn't very fun. Might just be me.

I like X5 a lot too.

>> No.1134679



>> No.1134727

I have more trouble with X than I do Classic.

>> No.1134732

X2 because it's X1 but slightly more refined.

>> No.1134742

>You'll never going to find X2 at flea markets for reasonable price or cheap before the scumbag resellers or "coleccionist" do.

>> No.1134759
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While I'd love to have an english version, I just ended up importing a japanese copy.

Still hoping to find a copy one of these days though.

>> No.1134856

I'm looking for that one X game where you need to utilize your special weapons in order to stand a chance. So it's like, classic megaman levels of challenge, but with wall jump and dashes.

>> No.1134861

>So it's like, classic megaman levels of challenge

MM classic isn't challenging, and how many times in the entire series do you actually need to use special weapons to stand a chance?

>> No.1134954
File: 55 KB, 640x480, gfs_77359_2_6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


X6 is your only answer. The rest are just too easy.

>> No.1134968


That's one thing I'd really like. I know, the levels are so designed that it doesn't matter where you start the game. But they could make a second level-cycle after you have all the upgrades where you actually have to use them in order to advance.

Oh well, one can dream.

>> No.1134992
File: 153 KB, 895x897, MMX4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mega Man X4. Two characters that play very differently to choose from, each with their own story and endings. Beautifully detailed sprites, some of the catchiest music of the whole franchise, really cool anime cutscenes (dat opening cinematic), and voice acting so bad it's great. I've always loved Mega Man games, but that was his peak in my opinion.

>> No.1135002

I like how in X1 when you beat a boss a stage changes.

Beating Chill Penguin freezes the molten metal in Flame Mammoth's stage.
Beating Launch Octopus floods Sting Chameleon's stage.
Beating Storm Eagle breaks the electric tubes in Spark Mandrill's stage.

Did any of the other Mega Man games do something like that?

>> No.1135003


>> No.1135005

How so?

>> No.1135014

In a similar fashion, levels and enemies change when you beat certain ones. It's a bit less obvious what boss is going to change what though.

>> No.1135303

Fucking great is going way overboard. It's passable. It has some overly horrid vehicle stages and the rest of the stages have alright level design. Not good, not great but alright.

>> No.1135553


Blizzard Yeti's stage is a lot of fun.
Gigabolt Man-o-War's stage is a bunch of shit.

Don't lump the two together, they are not the same just because they are both vehicle stages. It's pretty sad you pretty much dismiss the entire game as being 'alright' because of two stages, but whatever.

>> No.1135573

I think X2 has some of the best stages in the series and that is why you may prefer this one
Me too

>> No.1135597

The X series just got progressively worse over time. 1 is the best.

>> No.1135601

literally played through X5 yesterday as zero.
Game is fun zero is crazy strong most of the bosses i just kept attacking and they couldn't kill me before i died

>> No.1135617

I'm not sure what it is about X4, but it feels impossible to get into after playing the SNES Megaman X games extensively. The movement feels chunkier and less fluid. Graphically they relied on a little too many pre-rendered sprites.

I realize the mechanics probably have more nuance, but maybe my priorities are different since I prefer platformers that focus on fluid or distinct movement mechanics, maybe.

Megaman X2 is probably my favorite, even if it's too easy and it has some useless armors. Pretty much boils down to aesthetic preference. The helmet and the chest armor's charge attack are pretty much total crap, as far as I can tell.

>> No.1135628

X4 doesn't have any pre-rendered elements, though; that's all X5 and X6, where it's everywhere and hideous. Fluid movement becomes much less of a problem when you realize holding down the dash button and jumping is faster than moving, dashing, or dashing then jumping. Usually I map the dash button to R1 and just hold that down throughout the entire game and jump my way through. I've always liked that better than constantly dashing and jumping in X1, 2, and 3.

>> No.1135750

>likes X5
>the blandest X game in all aspects that's only remembered for X vs Zero
>hates X4, X6 and X8

Ultimate fucking pleb. I know it's the cool thing to do to be a whining idiot and hate on X6, but you just went full retard.

>> No.1135767

I don't know if you know this, but sometimes, people like different things than you do. Crazy, right?

>> No.1135968


Not the guy you're talking to, but Burn Rooster, Earthrock Trilobyte, Dark Mantis along with Giga Bolt Man-o-War's and the fortress stages are easily some of the worst level designs in the entire Mega Man franchise and I find it quite hard to forgive the game for that. Though I will admit the few stages I did enjoy are much better than most of the level designs in ALL the prior X games...

>> No.1136603

Megaman X Fanboy here.
Execuse my bad english please. I'm just a uneducated German Neckbeard.

My Mother bought me Mega Man games for the gameboy, when i was really really young. I loved them.

1995, My Mother died because of Cancer. I was 5 or 6, a couple of months before they send me to school (here in germany).

I was too young for this whole situation, but i remember one thing: My older Brother rent a SNES (we weren't poor or something, but we had a huge house with a huge garden and shit. Our Parents always handle it like this: If you want something, Earn it.) with Mega Man X. And at the day of her funeral, i played it all day and night long. I was too scared of her funeral, Too scared of the mourning and crying. And until today, i love Mega Man X for beeing this huge disctraction.

Favorite Boss: Flame Mammoth
Favorite Soundtrack: Storm Eagle
Favorite Weapon: Flamethrower/Hadoken

>> No.1136680
File: 714 KB, 1200x872, X1_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're a cool guy, sorry to hear about your Mom.

Don't get the Blues, keep on Rockin'

>> No.1136753

What's that?

>> No.1136885

Go back to /v/ please

>> No.1136905

X5 have the best song


>> No.1140628

For me

X2 > X1 > X4 > X3 > The rest

>> No.1140632


never played the rest

didnt have ps1

>> No.1140638
File: 65 KB, 768x716, snes9x-x64 2013-10-06 23-52-13-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1140640
File: 54 KB, 768x716, snes9x-x64 2013-10-06 23-54-58-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1140648

that isnt x3


>> No.1140651

>Burn Rooster, Earthrock Trilobyte, Dark Mantis along with Giga Bolt Man-o-War
I can't believe these are actual mavericks

>> No.1140678

X > X3 > X2 > the rest

>> No.1140680

I really thought X4 would be more popular.

>> No.1140685

The Maverick naming went to fucking shit around X5/X6.

>> No.1141385

I love 7, X, X2, and X3. As soon as the blue bomber went 3d I fell off. I hear X3 was the last game made for the SNES?

>> No.1141419


Every title of the X series is 2D.

Is there even a 3D MM besides Legends?

>> No.1141470

I thought that the franchise went 3d with the release of X4?

>> No.1141472

ok yeah I'm a nub