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1131626 No.1131626[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's your comfiest FF, /vr/?

>> No.1131638
File: 27 KB, 588x500, Final Fantasy V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1131642


>> No.1131669

I have never even played a FF, what are the ones worth playing for someone who is new to the series?

>> No.1131676

You're better off playing a bit of all of them and deciding for yourself.

The games are all very love or hate

>> No.1131687
File: 9 KB, 252x252, comfy-guy-YLLulO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

V and IX


this really


Though I will say, the first I played was VII shortly after it came out, then VIII after it came out then the first six, then IX and then X and X-2. I have played all those games multiple times since but I never played anything released after X-2

>> No.1131705

We all know that IX is the comfiest. It's designed with comfy & nostalgia literally written into the game design.

>> No.1131707

I would recommend avoiding 2, but beyond that the world is your oyster. Marathon them in order if you like.

>> No.1131710

Start with 7. It's just a good starting place for newcomers. Then I'd play 9 since it's also very user friendly to the newcomer.
Then I would play 6 and introduce yourself to a little more diversity in classes and such.

>> No.1131740

wouldn't recommend V as a first if rgps are new to you

>> No.1131753
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I really love playing IX, it's fantastic.

>> No.1131757

I wish the whole game was like it's first 5 hours.

>> No.1131758

I played 9 in high school and a girl in my class looked uncannily like Dagger. It was a very confusing time.

>> No.1131762

I think, like, one third of the girls in my class looked exactly like her. The only interesting-looking characters in IX were Steiner, Freya and Vivi.

>> No.1131763

Really, up until like, late disk 3 is really nice and comfy, after that you have to put up with typical FF story stuff.

Now I want to play FFIX but I don't want to pull out my PS2 to do so (PS3 has too much latency to get 100/100 nobles impressed).

>> No.1131767
File: 28 KB, 540x405, FFIX_Despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>greatest fear is being forgotten
>game writers forget about her the moment the Cleyra arc ends

Being Freya is suffering.

>> No.1131770

She isn't forgotten if she's on your final team.

She was on your final team, wasn't she anon? You wouldn't leave her to be forgotten would you?

>> No.1131772

>(PS3 has too much latency to get 100/100 nobles impressed)

The one unimpressed guy. Fuck that guy.

>> No.1131775

Of course she was.


Master race.

>> No.1131776

It's the queen who's always unimpressed.

>> No.1131778

Why not just play on a goddamn freaking emulator then? Last time I played FFIX, I played it on my cellphone.

>> No.1131780

With all the lag and slow as shit loading times, I can't imagine not playing FF9 on an emulator with a speed up button anymore.

That said, I will happily play Chocobo Hot & Cold for real-world days at a time.

>> No.1131785

Eh, gotta play on original hardware if it's available...and it is in this case.

Plus, I have to get 100/100 nobles impressed; it's a curse you see.

>> No.1131805



>> No.1131807

>The most pleb team.

Steiner is useless in combat with out Vivi, and Eiko outshines Dagger.

>> No.1131810

>Eh, gotta play on original hardware if it's available
Not at all. You don't owe anyone anything. As for the original hardware, quite often it's simply inferior.

>> No.1131816

It's just a personal preference friend.

>> No.1131815

His 9999 move costs a shitload more MP than Freya's, isn't guaranteed unlike Freya's, and he has a lot less max MP than Freya. Worse in every way.

Summons don't even come close to 9999 damage, so no point in using them. And she's a worse white mage than Eiko since she doesn't get Full Life or Holy.

Same problem as summons. Even with Auto-Reflect & Reflect x2 (a hefty ability investment) he doesn't guarantee 9999, whereas Quina's ability does, again for a lot less MP.

It's like you enjoy being shit.

>> No.1131821

>I'm a power gaming pussy

>> No.1131824

You said you can't play it unless you have a PS2/3 at hand, which is not true. If you can post on 4chan, you likely have the hardware to play FFIX.

>> No.1131823

So you do in fact enjoy being shit?

Fair enough.

>> No.1131829

That said, Dagger does have SLIGHT merit with Odin's Sowrd, since she can quickly clear random battles rather than having to fight them by summoning Odin. But when it comes to bosses she is shit.

>> No.1131836

You seem to have missread my post.

I said I want to play it, but I'd have to pull out my PS2 to play it on, instead of playing it on my PS3, which is currently hooked up. The reason I'd play it on my PS2 instead of the PS3 is because of a small amount of input lag on the controls which makes it impossible to do a few small things in game (such as impress 100/100 nobles, and do the jump rope game).

I can emulate it, sure, but I prefer to play on actual hardware instead of emulating it.

>> No.1131839

>tfw when you got the Key Item to say you mastered the Jump Rope AND the Race The Fat Kid minigames

I am the boss.

>> No.1131841

It's a nice feeling; only out-shined by getting Excalibur 2.

>> No.1131857

Speedrunning like a motherfucker, opening the disk tray to skip cutscenes. Ah the memories.

>> No.1131865
File: 47 KB, 495x343, Final_Fantasy_Mystic_US_boxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1131919


Obviously, you'll have to play X first.

>> No.1131924

Eh, I never played more than a couple hours of X, but X-2 is one of my top three favorite FF games simply because of the combat system. The story isn't that great, and neither are the characters, but I'll be dammed if it isn't a ton of fun.

>> No.1131929

The MAIN story with it's Charlies Angels shit was terrible.

The side stories were actually kind of cool if you took the time to seek them out. And yeah, the combat system is the best in FF.

>> No.1131934

Yeah, I'll agree with you on the side story bit. Also, 100% that game was a pain in the ass.

>> No.1131941

>can't skip any cutscene or you lose 0.01%

Yeah, fuck that shit. I just cheated and played through it a second time picking the other side, since the other cutscenes give you about 6%, so you can make up for any mistakes the first time.

>> No.1131942

I don't know why, but I've never felt comfier than with the original FF.

>> No.1131946
File: 235 KB, 720x408, 1379711969586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a lot of fap material.

But I digress. The story is def not easy going, but for me, I can cuddle on the couch with my pooch and play this game for hours of no stress relaxation.

>> No.1131948

Yeah, I had to play though it twice to get 100%. But only because I cheesed the via infinito with the gunner/catnip combo.

>> No.1131950

>But only because I cheesed the via infinito with the gunner/catnip combo

>implying you can beat it any other way

Seriously, fuck those final two bosses.

>> No.1131952

V is maximum comfy

I played it all day in bed once when I was sick

>> No.1133352

FFV is right there in my comfort zone, I did four FJF playthroughs of it in a row, loved all of it.

>> No.1133357

>I did four FJF playthroughs of it in a row, loved all of it.

are you me

>> No.1133374


It's a pretty patrician move to play them in order.

After X or XII you might as well quit. Also no spinoffs. None.

>> No.1133409

I think everyone could agree that VIII is the least comfy.

At least in the beginning.for me ;_;

>> No.1133440

No, that's 6.

>> No.1133459

>skipping X-2

>> No.1133492
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Though not my favorite, I had the comfiest time playing IX not too long ago.

>> No.1133495

>no FF Tactics

>> No.1133508

V without a doubt.

>The story isn't horribly serious or tryhard.
>Do whatever the fuck you want.
>Go wherever the fuck you want.
>Based Galuf.
>If GBA, Cannoneer is fun as hell.

Second place goes to IV or IX, just for nostalgia.

>> No.1133514

comfy? I guess VIII

>> No.1133541

FFT is not a Final Fantasy spinoff. It was branded FF for commercial reasons, but it was more of an Ogre spinoff than FF, and by Vagrant Story all Final Fantasy references have been completely purged.

>> No.1133583

Okay buddy, that's why it's filled with Final Fantasy jobs, equipment, spells, and creatures.

>> No.1133620

VIII is about as comfy as a barbed wire condom studded with glass shards. The level scaling mechanic punishes you for grinding, which you'd probably be doing if you were taking the game slowly.

>> No.1133631

All FFs have their comfy moments, I can't really decide. But since I'm playing IX right now:


>> No.1133670

my nigga, this is the only final fantasy I have been able to stand

>> No.1133671


>> No.1133681

Crystal Chronicles.

>> No.1133686

oh for crying out loud I'm talking about the locations and the music. Contain your neckbeard.

>> No.1133712

Narshe is the comfiest location in 6

>> No.1133724

>basing character usage on stats.

Fucking idiots. You guys take the fun out of games. You can beat Ozma easily without leveling/grinding the fuck out of your characters.

You just gotta have fun.

>> No.1133723

FFVII has some of the comfiest FF moments. Costa Del Sol, Icicle Inn..
I also found the Forgotten Capitol comfy and eerie at the same time.

FFVI is probably the least comfy FF game.

>> No.1133771

>implying FF8 is remotely hard in any way, no matter how you choose to play

>> No.1133776


I beat Ultimacia by the skin of my teeth. I had unlocked nothing except magic. I was actually on death's door. Over the 40 minute battle, everyone had died one by one, leaving only Zell left. By then, he had so much of his junction magic absorbed that his stats were pitiful. With no cures left, I went all in with one last Limit Break... and won.

It was amazing.

>> No.1133930

OP here. I couldnt beat her on my first play through. I've gotta git gud at FF8 and try again. I struggled with every boss in that game :(

>> No.1133990

Since I got to play FF1 when it came out, as a child that is my most memorable one. But 4 an 6 are the best by far. They are much better than any of the 7-12. I've played all of them except 11, 13, 14.

>> No.1134253

I'm not a fan of jRPGs for the most part, but I have to say I really enjoyed 3, 7, and 9. 9 especially, so I guess that's my comfiest.

>> No.1134262

Don't feel bad, I struggled with the very first battle in that game. But I guess that's a good thing since most other rpg's are laughably easy.

>> No.1134884

Dat 45 minute long paralogue where Cloud retells the story of nibelheim.

-I'll make my hot cocoa with whipped cream on top.

>> No.1134917
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Mah sibling of african descent.

Game had some kickass music
