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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1127974 No.1127974[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi /vr/,

For the past month I have been dieting and exercising. So far I have downed 26 pounds. That just leaves 106 pounds left to lose... at least it's a start.

One day a week, I allow myself to indulge in calories, which so far has just meant "Get drunk once a week."

So, I come to you seeking your favorite retro games to play while drinking. Drunk time is valuable to me now, I don't wanna waste it! Give me your drinking favorites, maybe they'll become mine too.

>> No.1127989
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>> No.1128005

Contra, Smash Bros, or Sunset Rider's with friends. Basically any shooting or non complex fighting game. I don't really play games when I'm drinking, if I'm just having a few beers I might play Punch Out.

>> No.1128006
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Super Ghouls N Ghosts.

And good work trying to lose weight. Keep at it man.

>> No.1128013

Drinking and retro gaming don't mix. You need your reflexes and thought process at their finest.

>> No.1128018

This is going to sound generic as hell, but check it: when you drink and play video games, you have to do it with friends, and it has to be competitive.

Your Mario Karts and Mario Parties are good choices, particularly if you make the winner drink. The fun is seeing if the top dog can stay the top dog while drunk.

You can also play something really stupid with friends, like Rex Ronan or Captain Novalin.

>> No.1128047

The unfortunate thing is that I don't have any friends right now. Everyone has either left for college, job opportunities, or, in one case, a baby.
This is the primary motive behind my weight loss--it was so much easier to make friends when I was 7 or 8/10 instead of 1 or 2/10.

>And good work trying to lose weight. Keep at it man.

Thanks anon, I will keep at it.I actually got a member of my family to agree to buy me a working, non-yellowed SNES and copy of Mega Man X if I managed to lose 50 pounds. She didn't think I could do it. The look on her face today when I told her I was 26 down was just... so gratifying.

>> No.1128051

If you have friends, invite them over and play some 2-player atari games.
Atari is always 200% more fun when not sober for some reason.

>> No.1128056

Smash TV is a BLAST with a friend and a few pints.

>> No.1128080

Well, thanks for the recommendations guys. I gots no friends left though, haha.

To go off of this, though, I am seriously considering getting a Street Fighter II cabinet for future company and my own satisfaction. Being a 1990 baby, I could use advise for which version of the SSII cabinet is worth buying if anyone could tell me.

>> No.1128081

>The look on her face today when I told her I was 26 down was just... so gratifying.

Chase that feeling, man. When I'm losing weight I like to occasionally pick up dumbbells to help visualize what I've lost. It's a good feeling.

But anyway, I just like chilling out with some old-school RPG / dungeon-crawler type stuff when I'm drinking.

I was having a lot of fun with Shadowrun the other day.

>> No.1128109

Play scary games alone. That's thrilling when drunk

>> No.1128113

Haha, I have a mediocre story about playing an old-school RPG while drinking:

I started playing Earthbound 2 weeks ago on my drinking night, and while it seems to be overrated on /vr/, I was really enjoying it. In fact, I enjoyed it so much that I ended up turning out all the lights, connecting my tv to my pc, turning off the connected moniters, and playing it from 11:00 pm until 7:00 am. At 7:00 my sister showed up to take me off to college.

I only had one class that day, but fortunately it was just a 200 level psychology test. Even though I was still drunk, the test entirely consisted of alcohol use and drug use (prescription and recreational). I luckily ended up with a 98 on that test, but haven't picked up an RPG since this semester.

I'll be playing through the rest of Earthbound and Mother 3 the next chance I get, though.

>> No.1128118

Welp. Looks like I should have proofread that.

Such are the posts of drinking night. Grammar all over the place.

>> No.1128119

Start smoking weed, no calories, better feeling

Being high>being drunk

>> No.1128128

Considered and tried it a couple of times.

I do not work well on pot. It is in no way relaxing or good for me. Not going to condemn people who love weed--by all means, pick the poison that's right for you. I've just never partook without having an anxiety attack.

>> No.1128186


o-one, t-two, th-three.

>> No.1128187

Streets of Rage series.

Also, as >>1128051 2600 is better when inebriated.

>I've just never partook without having an anxiety attack.

I know that feel bro.

>> No.1128192
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Sorry, OP here.

I tried to post previously but I was told I was permabanned for using a proxy/tor exit node. Not only have I never done that, the IP address listed in the ban wasn't even mine. Don't wanna miss out on my /vr/ bros, so I was just seeing if I could post again.

>> No.1128207

not that i'm trying to encourage you to do drugs, but if you're ever looking to smoke without freaking out, i've found two things that work for me

1: make sure you're with a bunch of people who you actually like, and this is important, make sure you're not really big on impressing them

i found that if i'm around people who i'm really worried about thinking highly of me, you know, pretty girls or "more popular that me" people or whatever, i flip out because i feel like a total retard while high

2: just do a tiny, tiny bit, and then watch your absolute favourite comedy movie or favourite old TV show

then when you're more comfortable... REZ

>> No.1128279

Unless you used to play the game all the time as a kid and it's like riding a bike. I was so drunk a couple of months ago I couldn't stand. Got the urge to play SMB and got all the way to 6 - 4 without warping in one playthrough. Passed out after that.

>> No.1128381

>getting drunk
>doing things
When you're drunk your best activity is being drunk, stop doing thing.

>> No.1128392


This person has never been drunk before.

>> No.1128442


>> No.1128460

The most hilarious thing to do while drinking is play games that involve driving or piloting. The first time I got drunk I played San Andreas and drove drunk. I assume it's similarly bad playing something like tony hawk or gran turismo