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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 124 KB, 508x397, mindblown3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1126662 No.1126662[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Classic Mindfuck:

Holy shit...

>> No.1126683
File: 63 KB, 622x469, 1212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Little Nemo
You're not really borrowing powers. You're actually wearing the frogs/bees/whatevers skin as a costume.
Dreamland Buffalo Bill.

>> No.1126718

I don't get it.

>> No.1126735

there is a minturize map of Zelda one in the southern region of Zelda 2

this is news to no one

>> No.1126768
File: 37 KB, 480x152, super-mind-fuck-3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

news to me

this is my favorite. old as shit though

>> No.1126781


shit, never noticed that

>> No.1126783
File: 17 KB, 501x176, Game_SMB3_WorldMap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the 3s in smb3
pretty neat

>> No.1126784

That's because Zelda 2 takes place in the northern regions of Hyrule. Not much of a mindfuck.

>> No.1126812


what the fuck

ive played this game for years and didnt even know the right area on the map existed. so you smash the rock in the upper right with a hammer im guessing

>> No.1126815

Yes. And the Hammer Bro. beyond that rock is carrying one of the Warp Whistles.

>> No.1126835
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>> No.1126856 [DELETED] 

pleb status: confirmed

>> No.1126891
File: 252 KB, 394x300, homu74.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing a Zelda marathon
>that feel when I can't get into ALttP again

I've been spoiled the the perfection that is Zelda 2.

>> No.1126991
File: 235 KB, 1638x1160, mmx frost walrus stage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1127007 [DELETED] 

>I was born in the 90's and have been playing SMB3 for the past 3 years on an emulator abusing cheat codes and savestates.

>> No.1127048

Take this shit back to /v/, kid.

>> No.1127128


>> No.1127148


World 4 is shaped like a turtle, also.

>> No.1127165


Not that guy, but I was born in the 90s and have been playing SMB3 physically on a NES since I was four years old and I found out about that area maybe... 2 or 3 years ago. Quit being a tool or go do so at /v/ where it's expected.

>> No.1127167


Not necessarily retro, but in Megaman ZX Advent, in the Tower of Verdure you can see Wire Sponge near the bottom of the tower as part of the vine background. I was so mindfucked when I saw it, it is really hidden

>> No.1127238


Don't be such a little shit. I was born in 92 and had an NES my entire life, and I only found out about this a few days ago myself.


>> No.1127320 [DELETED] 


No ladies, you need to calm down or take your sensitivity to reddit where they recognize that kind of thing, just a reminder you're on 4chan here. Don't take it too seriously/Get good plebs.

>> No.1127327

neat, didn't notice that

>> No.1127354

please stay on /v/ this is such a nice board

>> No.1127402

I vaguely remember one of the overworlds in SMB3 shaped like japan. Is that a thing?

>> No.1127405

didnt mean to reply to you

>> No.1127416 [DELETED] 

I'm not from /v/ that wasn't even me that originally posted that, and one rude little comment doesn't take away from the content of this board. If you want things sugarcoated take it to le reddit. This place was people calling each other casuals for the entire first week, the bitch ass janitor is trying to turn this place into a hugbox. If his little comment about you not finding that area really bothered you that much seriously get off 4chan.

>> No.1127427

Wow, I never knew about this either.

>> No.1127506

I actually saw it on a tv show when I was just a kid, this guy used to show video game secrets and one night he did Mario 3.

He also was one of the first ones to show the trick that makes bowser stop shooting fireballs at you at the end boss battle.

>> No.1127523
File: 1.89 MB, 4096x4096, dw2-over.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon Quest II did this as well.

>> No.1127585

>You're not really borrowing powers. You're actually wearing the frogs/bees/whatevers skin as a costume.

What. I knew this as a kid. I thought it was weird.

>> No.1127587

>I've been spoiled the the perfection that is Zelda 2.

Agree fully.

>> No.1127637

I have no idea what im supposed to be mindfucked in this one.

>> No.1127641
File: 392 KB, 1984x1984, alefgard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The highlighted area is a smaller version of the first game's overworld.

>> No.1127853

I really like that one, because it gives the feeling of time passing. The Mega Man X mavericks would be old as shit by then.

>> No.1127857

Not really mindfucks, since it's supposed to be part of the story that you are returning to those old areas, especially in DQ2

>> No.1127861
File: 12 KB, 466x224, smb3_japan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. World III. The Castle represents Kyoto, where Nintendo's HQ is. Also, the king of that world looks like Mario.

>> No.1127902

>ive played this game for years

I'm calling bull shit on that. I found it when I was 9 like the first time I got to the second world. fucking Arino found it himself on his SMB3 challenge.

>> No.1127942

Not everyone is as inquisitive as Arino.

>> No.1127950

I grew up on Metroid and Zelda, so I was used to bombing the living shit out of every square inch of the map. I figured out the hammer thing immediately, but I guess I can understand how some people might not.

>> No.1127958

how does this not cross anyones mind
>Oh i got the hammer that smashes the fuck out of rocks
> hmmm that one rock that totally looks like it can be smashed but its on the edge of the screen so it won't since I know everything about this game already

>> No.1127983
File: 128 KB, 363x500, watchmen-tmnt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1127986

I always saved the hammer for later worlds.

>> No.1128017

Well, isn't that something.

>> No.1128237

Are you implying that the Turtles listened to Nirvana?

>> No.1128243
File: 40 KB, 1024x768, Watchmen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, that's the Watchmen logo. Look up the comic series.

>> No.1128247


Raphael probably did...and still does.

Also, read Watchmen. It's great.

>> No.1128267
File: 271 KB, 639x901, Castlevania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first village in Castlevania: Simon's Quest is the same village in the opening stage in Rondo of Blood.

>> No.1128270
File: 9 KB, 245x239, RightWily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just noticed this today, the batteries in Magnetman's stage have an RW logo on it, standing for Dr. Light and Wily.

>> No.1128325


This would only be shocking to English dudes who played the JP version. The sign explitictyl says the name of the town

>> No.1128368

it was obvious to me them beautiful red bricks. speaking of which whats with that fuckin filter? is that supposed to be scalines? PC engine colors are supposed to be bright and beautiful that hurts my eyes.

>> No.1128374

Bullet Bill and Torpedo Ted's Excellent adventure

I did not catch this reference until like 2 years ago. I felt pretty dumb.

>> No.1128383
File: 50 KB, 640x480, 23-hell70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grobyc <-> cyborG

>> No.1128391
File: 170 KB, 360x250, kenseiden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not much of a mind fuck, but thought i'd share

>> No.1128398
File: 80 KB, 400x550, super_mario_bros..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mario dies on the cover ;_;

>> No.1128417


Mario dies in Donkey Kong Jr. at the end of a level cycle.

>> No.1128443

What in the hell is with all of those mountains holy fuck.

>> No.1128678

Not really a mindfuck, but something I just discovered recently:


One Must Fall 2097 has secret bosses!

>> No.1128697


That was sort of the point of the story in DQ2, though.

>> No.1128707

>you meet the king of Nintendo, who looks like Mario
>in a Mario game

That's awfully meta, isn't it?

>> No.1128716

The entire boxed area is the first Dragon Quest region. The entire first game world inside the second game's world. Makes sense since it's the same world plot-wise, but still a nice throwback.

I wouldn't be surprised if, in this case, it was to boast of the scale of the new game. Granted I haven't played DQ2 and don't know if it's 1:1 scale, but if it is then I would be shouting it from rooftops if I could such large worlds into an NES cart.

>> No.1128789

That's a composite photo actually, someone pasted mario over that background, notice is foot is in front of the brick wall.

>> No.1128792

Didn't the king of every world look like mario?

>> No.1128815
File: 23 KB, 320x240, 1211456209756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X has Sex with Zero

>> No.1128847

No, they all looked different.

>> No.1128852

Right before Mario died, he had a surge of adrenaline that caused him to buck futilely and kick with superhuman strength, lodging his shoe in to the wall.

>> No.1128851

One did specifically look like Mario, though. Think it was world 3's, the one that looked exactly like Japan.

>> No.1128853

>First two Mario games (DK and DK Jr.)
>Relatively more down-to-earth... well, at least compared to later games
>Fast-forward to the end of DK Jr.
>Mario is shown fall a couple of stories on to his head where he "dies"
>He's actually in a coma and all of his future games (which are wild as shit compared ot DK and DK Jr.) are dreams

>> No.1128878

At least that beats the "LEL MARIO DOIN SHROOMS" explanation

>> No.1128880

Oh holy fuck. I never knew that. I fucking loved that game, and in fact had a thread about it here a few days back but it disappeared one night on me.

>> No.1128886


Been playing DQIX. Is DQ1-3 still playable to a casual like me?

>> No.1128890

1 is easy enough. Some mild grinding early. 2 is a relic though.

3 However, is a masterpiece even for nes, but I prefer the SNES remake.

>> No.1128894

I really enjoyed the remakes. 2 doesn't have party customization and 1 doesn't even have a party, but they give you a nice big chunk of overworld to explore without strangling you with quest hooks and I really appreciated that. 3's just all-around good.

>> No.1128896

So Mario (Ma-Rio) might actually be short for Master Roshi.

It all makes sense now.

>> No.1128913
File: 73 KB, 235x279, 1350419472205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1128923
File: 96 KB, 349x325, mariro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It-a-me, Mariro. Mariro want kung pao chicken!

>> No.1128957 [DELETED] 

>If you want things sugarcoated take it to le reddit
Reddit is magnitudes more hostile than 4chan. They doxx people on a daily basis, engage in community-based censorship, and accuse people they disagree with of being transphobic (and according to a Redditor a transgender is above criticism and should be pandered to despite their delusions). Don't think for a second it's 'nicer' than 4chan, it's not, it's more toxic than League of Legends.

>> No.1128965 [DELETED] 

>was too much of a fag for reddit even

>> No.1129039

The one that I get is the one that tells of the ghosts in one of the castles. So the letters are randomized hints or something?

>> No.1130247 [DELETED] 

Its been forever long since I last played, but I do believe that the letter you get is speciffic to the castle you clear. Some letters just tell you about things after the fact becuase the princess is blonde.

>> No.1130250

Been forever long since I last played so I could be mistaken, but I do believe that the letters are castle speciffic and not random.

>> No.1130378

Yeah, they're not random. It's just that they might refer to an area that you've already cleared.

>> No.1130408 [DELETED] 

Go back to your radical-leftist echochamber of a hugbox. I'm sure a moderator could use some fellating right now.

>> No.1130413
File: 28 KB, 256x207, stage-colosseum1-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

behemoth corpse from rondo of blood in the background of the colosseum in symphony of the night

>> No.1130537

>it was all a dream
>(or was it???)
>it was all a coma fantasy
>it was an alternate timeline
>Mario is actually in an insane asylum
>Mario is actually really high
>all the characters died and now are in purgatory
Am I missing any? I could just take a quick trip to Cracked to see.

>> No.1131434

>it's only a theater stage and nothing is a real threat

>> No.1131475
File: 65 KB, 569x318, BattonM501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda weak one.
In Megaman X, in Armored Armadillo's stage, near the beginning there is a hall full of bats, and among them, there is a single Classic Megaman bat.
There are no others in the entire game, and 9/10 times, it drops an extra life when you kill it.

>> No.1131476
File: 152 KB, 631x681, mm7_vanpookin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Shademan's stage, there's a completely different path you can take, depending on how you kill the pumpkin midboss. If you kill the inner weakspot, you take the basement, and if you shoot the eyes on the outer shell, you go up. You can also find the energy balancer on the latter path if you make Rush dig under a portrait of Wily.

>> No.1131898
File: 315 KB, 1161x889, 1381360587992.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe my eyes are retarded but I swear I see a face on the bottom of that map. Here is a poor trace to further illustrate what I mean.

>> No.1132069

How do people cap maps of games?

>> No.1132074
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>> No.1132076

compositing lost of caps

>> No.1132092 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1132120

Nah they shrunk it a bit and removed a lot of the areas. It was still reaaaally cool.

I owned DW1 and played it a lot when I was young so when I rented DW2 and saw that I was pretty impressed.

>> No.1132128
File: 302 KB, 600x800, Alucard[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alucard is dracula spelled backwards

>> No.1132134

i guess no one else saw the 1943 film "Son of Dracula"...

>> No.1132135
File: 53 KB, 500x298, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1132139

My dad used to tell me this story about a guy called Alucard who turns out to be a vampire/Dracula. I forget exactly how it goes. This was before I ever played a Castlevania game.

>> No.1132141

Really, I never had that pointed out to me before...

it's also partly how SMB's entire tilesheet is like 9 pixels. saving memory you know.

>> No.1132149
File: 64 KB, 776x329, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1132151

fuck off, you saw that on AVGN, admit it

>> No.1132152
File: 140 KB, 629x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look in starman's visor

>> No.1132154
File: 92 KB, 620x433, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look in Joanna's eye

>> No.1132172

What is this? I don't remember it.

>> No.1132191

while I will admit his Cinemasacre Monster Madness reviews are what got me into classic horror, I now have a love for it myself, and have a bunch of b-movie posters around my room and love watching all horror movies.

>> No.1132509
File: 28 KB, 256x333, laughing elf man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucked up the error/bug joke in the translation

>> No.1132516

Alucard can't throw the boomerang weapon because it's a crucifix
also his wussy Holy Water toss vs. Richter's fast pitch

>> No.1132579

It's news to me. I didn't have the patience or self-hate for adventure of Link.

>> No.1132637

Error isn't actually an error.

>> No.1132639

he's talking about Bagu not being translated properly for the Error/Bug joke to work

>> No.1132737


The thing that always stuck out to me is that Nemo RIDES some animals... but with others, he hollows them out and wears their ruined husks. It just seemed really wrong, not so much in a horrific way as with respect to basic consistency. Why is the purple lizard privileged to survive as a steed while the toad is nothing more than a costume? Of course it's a dream so "anything" can happen, but the dream is pretty consistent in many other ways. I think they should have just transformed Nemo into the animals, instead of making him wear them. Somebody might dream about flying like a bee, but who the hell would dream about wearing one.

>> No.1132750


a lot of people, casual players and young kids and such, play games just to kind of get told what to do and then do it without much questioning

it's strange yes, but it's also very ordinary and common

>> No.1132762

That's not exactly a mindfuck, though.

>> No.1133530

are these really mindfucks or just creative design

>> No.1133556

I don't have the image, but in Wind Waker, most major areas in OoT line up with their locations in the great sea. Forsaken Fortress is at Gerudo Valley, Kokiri Forest and the Lost Woods line up with Forest Haven and the Lost Woods, Lake Hylia lines up with where Jabun lives, and Death Mountain lines up with Dragon Roost Island.

>> No.1133703




I've head of this before, but that dosen't really look all that similar to the original layout. Is this conformed, because it looks different enough that it might just be a coincidence.

>> No.1133738
File: 13 KB, 504x221, SMB3_World_4_(Giant_Land).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't see it

>> No.1133779

mouth is near level 1, tail at the castle

>> No.1133820

Not sure how well known this is but Cotton 2's 5th stage is a remix of all the stage themes from the original Cotton. Typical nostalgia trip, but kinda mindblowing how well the tunes mix together.

>> No.1133825

i can kinda see it, the proportions lead me to believe it might just be a coincidence though.

>> No.1133863
File: 1.12 MB, 1996x1335, pokmn facts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1133875

Those two pools of water towards the right side are its eyes.

>> No.1133886

When I was a kid I always thought Ness would go on to pilot a giant mecha that looked like a Starman

>> No.1133902


I feel like the name "Bagu" works better in the zelda universe than "bug".

all things considered, his name goes well with others: rauru, jabu-jabu, nayru, deku, valoo.

then there's the other names which end with vowels - saria, shiekahs,kokiri, ruto, gerudo, etc.

it works regardless of whether people like it to or not.

>> No.1133921

Yes, but remember those names were all themselves translated from Japanese. Regardless of whether it works "in-universe" in the context of the story, it's an in-joke that was lost in translation. And I think it's also part of the reason why some people don't get that Error is not an actual mistake. the main reason being that they haven't fucking played it

The best of both worlds would be to give Error a similarly vowel-ending name, like Errata. Bagu and Errata, does that work? i dunno

>> No.1134026

They're not coincidences. They're pretty obvious if you look closely. Games have always been full of little easter eggs like that.

>> No.1134076

>thought I'd pilot a huge golden spiked robot


>> No.1134086
File: 391 KB, 478x358, JOJOOOOOOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NInja Gaiden arcade, stage 6

>> No.1134101

I don't get this.

What's special about the letter.

>> No.1134116

>the thief is in the east
>hmm there is no thief
>maybe there's a secret path

>> No.1134120


So what's on the secret path?

(I'm 28, I don't remember what happened in a game that I played 15 years ago)

>> No.1134124

The thief who stole the whistle

>> No.1134126


Oh, read your green text wrong.

>> No.1134249

I knew about the pipes and japan, but I don't know if I ever knew about this one.

>> No.1134429

in Fez a modern game inspired by growing up with Zelda there's a poster of the NES Legend of Zelda, and they use the circular lake as their company logo

>> No.1134441

i find LttP enjoyable but the challenge of Zelda 2 is something i wont get in forever,but that doesnt make the rest of the games crap

>> No.1134541

>in Fez a modern game inspired by growing up with Zelda

>> No.1134545


3 is widely regarded as one of the best games in the series. Definitely play it.

>> No.1134585

I think Kars-sama appears too.

>> No.1134592
File: 298 KB, 1244x700, zeldaposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's a modern game but the entire thing was inspired by the feeling of exploring Zelda, and this is kind of a mindfuck.I guess it's just because it's 8bit I thought you guys would be interested in it.

>> No.1134596
File: 49 KB, 480x448, tumblr_lflw7tkTWH1qbw2q1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1134606
File: 484 KB, 640x478, 2dSMj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think this is supposed to be the lake in the NES zelda.

I'll try to find more things to add from actual modern games, sorry if this is too unrelated.

>> No.1134604

Find the image, will you? I'd like to see this. Wind Waker was the last Zelda game I really enjoyed, and I think it's vastly under-appreciated.

>> No.1134620

you should play more games, more often

>> No.1134621

I think they're all on one of the Zelda wikis.
Even Spectacle rock makes an appearance. It's in OoT as the fire dungeon I think. It's even in Pokemon Black/White of all places.

>> No.1134625

Does this game postdate the JoJo manga? That would be pretty sweet if it did.

>> No.1134629

The winter world in Kirby 64 looks like Earth. It's got robot factories and shit so some people think it's post apocalyptic Earth after another ice age or nuclear winter.

>> No.1134630
File: 293 KB, 453x337, 1381634219679.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blatantly references a Nintendo game
>is not on a Nintendo platform

Why is this a trend with a lot of these new faux-retro games?

>> No.1134631

If you play I or II, at least play the GBC remake. Streamlined as hell. Then definitely play III and IV, remake or not.

>> No.1134632

No, it's actually a pretty blatant rip-off of Cave Story. Despite this, it won some award for "Best Video Game Art-style", or something to that effect. But guess what? The award committee included close friends of Fez's douche-bag creator. Go play Cave Story if you haven't already, and you'll see what real talent and dedication can produce in the field of "retro-inspired" games.

>> No.1134634


because the people making them were influenced by nintendo games

>> No.1134635

Wait, spectacle rock makes an appearance in OoT's fire dungeon? This I have to see.

>> No.1134638

>No, it's actually a pretty blatant rip-off of Cave Story.

>Implying Cave Story invented the platforming genre
>Imply Cave Story invented 16 bit and 8 bit.
>Implying Cave Story used a perspective shifting in its game play
>Implying Cave Story used hidden puzzles that requier you to translate another language.

What? Fish is a massive manchild though, that I agree with.

>> No.1134642

I got the location wrong, but here are all its appearances.


>> No.1134643


im assuming he meant the visual style, which is pretty much directly ripped from cave story

>> No.1134647

Cave Story didn't invent 16 and 8 bit style though. The NES Zelda poster should tell you it's inspired from NES era videogames, and so was Cave Story.

There's also a gameboy, viritual boy and NES themed level. One hast hat green screen the gameboy had, the other has the red and black screen the virtual boy had, and the other has an 8bit colourscheme. All had similar tilesets too, the gameboy place looked like it was in a sewer.

>> No.1134649

Third party, I honestly don't see it.

>> No.1134658

I think it's more of a meta commentary on how Nintendo used to be this company that not only made great games, but also had the best third party games. Now, Nintendo barely does either, ever since Sony killed them overnight with the PS1.

>> No.1134664

none of those were implied. your implying meter is broken.

>> No.1134668

dont forget Pixel made it by himself with and actually filled it with thought and passion.

>> No.1134669

The 6502, a processor that the NES main CPU is based on, has a total of 190 op codes, but 151 of them are actually functional. The first Generation of Pokemon were meant to be 190 of them, but due to memory restraints, they brought the number down to 151.

The Z80, a processor that the Game Boy's main CPU is based on, has 251 op codes. There are 251 Pokemon in the second generation games.

>> No.1134678

Nintendo's earliest games weren't programmed by Nintendo themselves. The work was outsourced to Ikegami Tsushinki, the hardware manufacturing company.

>> No.1134698

Besides Popeye and Donkey Kong, etc, they also supposedly programmed Sega's Zaxxon.

>> No.1134719

Yeah, I guess that would be because, at the time, game programming was a field of engineering. And technically speaking, Atari and their programmers were all engineers, not game designers. The infamous TOSE is also a software division of the hardware company Toa Seiko, and again, were a bunch of engineers tasked to make a game based on someone's design.

>> No.1134728

If you hate the game that's fine but you're being a retard about it...

>> No.1134736


>> No.1134743

Did you not read the entire post?

>> No.1134748

Yes, but there was never a pokemon game on the NES, so why is there a restriction built around that?

>> No.1134751

It's a coincidence I was pointing out.

>> No.1134765

>Cloud is level 6 at the beginning of FFVII
>the first battle raises his level to 7

Well played, Square.

>> No.1134772

>Well played, Square.

*tips fedora in agreement*

>> No.1134787

I don't know if this is what that guy was referring too, but when Sega was coming up with characters they created a character very similar to Robotnik. They didn't want to get rid of him when they made Sonic their mascot so they made him the villain and reworked his design.

>> No.1134795

Rhyhorn was the first Pokemon added to the game. That's why all the random statues in the agme look like Rhyhorns.

Some of the guys that worked on Mother 1 (Earthbound Zero) went on to do Pokemon Red and Blue. That's why there are so many similarities between the games. The overworld and modern setting, family dynamics of the main hero, a mom who stays home and heals you and an absent father, amain hero rides a bike and wears a hat. Mewtwo is inspired by Geigue who lived in a cave near the ending of Mother 1. Alien Pokemon could be inspired by the aliens from Mother 1. This might be why Lucas and Pokemon Trainer teamed up in Brawl. Theres even more specific stuff in Black/White but it's not really a classic game.

>> No.1134807
File: 30 KB, 640x480, 2013-10-13 20_18_21-Greenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about Cave Story breaks my heart. Even the best ending is far from a "happily ever after", and there's something about that small world that Pixel built that leaves me yearning. It really humbles me, because I don't think I could ever make a game that has such an effect on people.

How the hell can anyone look at a frame from Fez and not immediately think "Cave Story"?

>> No.1134814

The amount of OP codes on a CPU is not a restriction on the amount of pokemon. He's either pointing out an uncanny coincidences or presenting evidence that it was done intentionally as a reference or tribute to the hardware.

>> No.1134821

With their eyes?

>> No.1134858

Their color palettes are way different.

>> No.1134876

go away Phil

>> No.1134893

stop talking about fez and cave story pls

>> No.1134903


i played this game like 1000 times when i was a kid, the music was fucking great.

also whats the mindfuck here?

>> No.1134909
File: 22 KB, 826x331, 1250646530291.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1134914
File: 17 KB, 336x282, 1224817976221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This maybe?

>> No.1134920

It's Alex Kidd in the lower right.

>> No.1134936
File: 173 KB, 1274x611, If you rearrange the letters in Mr Hyde you don&#039;t quite get Rygar but almost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno if this is "mindfuck" or just "hey, look at this thing I bet you didn't know".

>> No.1134948
File: 472 KB, 857x600, Chrono_Trigger_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marle has six fingers on her left hand.

>> No.1134956

Basically, the conspiracy goes that Robotnik was just trying to make a utopia for humans and save animal lives by making them into cyborgs, but before he could use the chaos emeralds to do the job, Sanic came along and fucked it all up. Slowly, Sanic drove Robotnik insane until he adopted the name "Eggman" and went full evil mode.
It's pretty fun to think that's how things played out because it just makes sense.

>> No.1134965

It makes sense unless you take into account that his name has always been Eggman.

>> No.1134974

actually, that "finger" above her thumb is the palm of her hand.

>> No.1134989


>> No.1134991

dat image title

>> No.1135013

shut up this is 'murica bitch
>Customary Units
>Not understanding McDonalds isn't exclusive to the US
>Unless the govt says we aren't allowed to have those
>Bald Eagles
>Christianity is the norm
>Eggman's name used to be Robotnik

>> No.1135036

Ill agree with the venomoth & butterfree thing but the gyarados one looks like a magikarp evolution to me.
They have the same face with their whiskers & its gills.

>> No.1135038

Robotnik is his name backwards.
Julian Kintobor of house Ivo.
If you're gonna go 'murrican, you go full 'murrican with Archie Comics.

>> No.1135040
File: 73 KB, 682x264, 1359696293289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1135043
File: 133 KB, 900x641, carp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It comes from Chinese mythology story

>> No.1135054

This. It wouldn't make any sense for a Carp to become anything but a Chinese dragon. And its a pretty obvious reference to that legend.

>> No.1135067

Well gyarados looks more like that than dragonite to me.

>> No.1135084

The two lakes as eyes is too bizarre to be incidental. Having two small circular puddles right there wouldn't make sense otherwise.

>> No.1135173
File: 907 KB, 915x1100, Beethoven[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure many of you played the first gen Pokemon games, so this will come as a major surprise to you. There are 3 legendary bird Pokemon, if you line them up the right way you can notice something strange
It spells MOZART, the legendary musical genius.

>> No.1135185

Alex Kidd in the bottom right corner

>> No.1135187


>> No.1135190

Where did my spoiler tags go??????

>> No.1135256

Already said here >>1134920
Turn on your backlinks.

>> No.1135415

JJBA part 2 is old as fuck, 80's old

>> No.1135436

this is old and obvious but I like that it's:
artic UNO
zap DOS
mol TRES

>> No.1135438

alright 3-2-1 LETS JAM

>> No.1135448

I think its meant to be the visor's relfection. He's looking down at Ness.

>> No.1135461

No he doesn't. He'll get turned back into regular Mario. Unless he was the one who threw the fireball.

>> No.1135478

>turned back into regular Mario
>from falling into lava

>> No.1135538


wrong left hand you imb

>> No.1135561

A opcode of an 6502 and 8080/Z80 CPU is a 8-bit number (256 possibilities).
6502 has 151 opcodes that has been planned and implemented but many more are functional due construction of the control unit (those are referred as illegal or undocumented opcodes).
Functional in a way that it either can do useful things like performing multiple things at once (like loading a value in both the A and X register) or just crash (jam) the CPU in a way that only a hard reset can help. The NES is using a second-source 6502 from Ricoh with the patented decimal mode removed.
I can't really say much about the 8080/Z80, because i lack experience and knowledge.
BUT the GB CPU is more like a 8080 because it lacks (in hardware) what made the Z80 superior (like separated I/O and memory space, some specific opcodes and DRAM-refresh circuits) but it has an special addressing mode unique to the GB ($FF00+nn , because the HW registers are on 0xFF00-0xFF7F and 128 bytes of SRAM are on 0xFF80-0xFFFF). Most people thought it was a Z80 because the devs where using it's easier syntax and mnemonics, and they didn't really cared what the GB CPU really was (it was more important to them that the GB runs their code in the way they intended it).

Please think before you type your post, it reminded me a little bit how Apple would explain their technology.

>> No.1135738

I always thought Eggman's name comes from I am the Warus by the Beatles because he looks like a Walrus.

>> No.1135743
File: 121 KB, 929x559, giygas-map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the easter egg was that the NA cover foreshadows the ending, when you see Ness' face reflected in Giygas.

There is an interesting theory that Ness is in Mother 3 too. The theory is that Ness is the Baker outside of the New Pork City Theatre who Porkey brought to the future and brain washed like all the other villagers. That's why he's outside of the theatre that plays clips from the old games. He has the same face as Ness and most of the other protagonists. (The ' _ ' face.) There's no real reason for him to have it. Sorry I can't find actual pictures. Pickey appears in Tazmily village too.

>> No.1135749

A few other Earthbound mindfucks. The Happy Happy cult is based on a cult that was popular in Japan that was located near a dairy farm. The ONLY cow in the game is in the Happy Happy village. The cops that beat up Ness have the same number of people as an infamous police brutality that ended up with the death of a kid that happened around the same time.

Giygas' fight is inspired from Itoi's experience of walking into a scene of a movie where someone tied up and held hostage and about to be raped or something. The fight and the area near Giygas is full of sexual symbolism because that is the moment Itoi lost his innocence. You crawl in througha vertical hole, and Giygas' liar is organic almost like an H.R. Giger painting, which was just blatantly phallic and full of sexual fear.

>> No.1135768

this is all bullshit

>> No.1135792

Nope, just some of it is total bullshit.

>> No.1135794

I don't know, the person seemed to be implying that the game was simply a copy of cave story with nothing of value added to me.

>> No.1135801

though the thread has degraded into retarded conspiracy theories, I'm pretty sure this thread was basically supposed to be "hey, look at this thing I bet you didn't know"

>> No.1135807

ok then, tell me the cult's name and the "infamous" police brutality case then

>> No.1135810



>> No.1135815

>everyone must agree with my opinion because it is the only opinion

>> No.1135820

That was my exact point. I have no clue what they were talking about for those two factoids.

>> No.1135827


>physically playing a game

a hurr durr

>> No.1135831

>LOL SO RETRO xD style
>no enemies
>no challenge
>QR code puzzlew
>instant respawn
>rotation gimmick that had been done done a million times before in better ways
Yeah, nah, its shit m8

>> No.1135836

for the most part fez ripped is mechanics off of a game called 'crush' on the PSP


>> No.1135839

you are still acting like your subjective opinion is objective fact, which it is not

>> No.1135847

It is objective fact. Fez barely has more gameplay or challenge than gone homo

>> No.1135864
File: 333 KB, 453x695, 1335674378633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1135890

Fez is not 8-bit. It's styling is closer to 16-bit but more like 32-bit color palette.

>> No.1135897

>Nintendo's first console
>151 pokémon
>first generation of pokémon

>second console
>251 pokémon in second generation

see it yet? FFS

>> No.1135901

But they're actually retro. Because they are new done in a style to remind us of the old.


>> No.1135916

Yeah, that's kind of annoyed me since this board's creation. Fez and Cave Story are retro games: new games stylized like old ones. Old games are just...old. There's nothing wrong with the term and yet people seem afraid to use it.

>> No.1135938

I prefer the term "Classic Vidya"

>> No.1135984

Even the other hand what you're seeing is the palm of her hand.

It's like you don't even have a hand to replicate her gesture and see this.

>> No.1135993

You really are retarded.

>> No.1135997

Do you not have a palm? Jesus Christ I didn't even major in anatomy and I know how a hand works.

>> No.1136007

Face it, Toriyama made a mistake and you're just grasping at straws trying to defend your own stupidity.

>> No.1136015

and you're so invested in your desire to see a flaw you can't even logically think it out.

>> No.1136079

It is flawed, not only does Marle have six fingers she is also using a fire spell when her element is ice, though this maybe just be Arc Impulse. She and Crono are also wearing clothes they don't wear in the game (coat and cape respectively), and they are fighting Heckran in the year 12,000 B.C.

>> No.1136102
File: 600 KB, 1728x1296, DSC00340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The art is based on very early screenshots of the game, where many things had not been finalized, and I can't believe I had to take a picture to illustrate what you're missing...

>> No.1136109
File: 289 KB, 1300x600, 13817270014702222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No the other guy but jesus christ you seriously are lacking intelligent reasoning if you are being serious.

>> No.1136218

Probably a mistake on the part of whoever colored it. Not sure why you can see her palm when she's wearing gloves.

>> No.1136227

It seems you're the one lacking intelligent reasoning.

>> No.1136247

But she isn't wearing gloves.

>I'm being presented with obvious evidence contrary to my own opinion, but instead of looking at this and re-thinking my stance, I'm going to cling to my idea like a stubborn child and call one of the people against me stupid!

>> No.1136274

It does have the appearance of a 6th digit but it also looks like the edge of her palm. Now which one of those things makes more sense?

>> No.1136284

>failing to realize my complaint is exactly what I am doing

>> No.1136323

The brown continues up into her palm. Either she is wearing gloves or the painter took the sleeve too far, but there is definitely a coloring error. Gotta send this painter back to second grade.

>> No.1136351

Generally people call that shading, which isn't an error.

>> No.1136451
File: 116 KB, 475x408, 1375098653171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't think of Cave Story when I played Fez, and I think it is because they are two vastly different games in different genres. They both use a retro-looking art, that is basically the only thing they have in common

>> No.1136453


Mikey has some good taste.

>> No.1136461

>rotation gimmick that had been done done a million times before in better ways
Provide three examples I dare you.

>> No.1136560

no. you have awful taste. play some real games.

>> No.1136592

Nintendo is so fucking lazy.

>> No.1136635

>revolutionary for its time
>much more difficult to make back then

>> No.1136643

NO. you can clearly see where the skin color begins on BOTH arms, right at the wrist. What is causing all this pants on head stupid is the palm crease is a little bit too far up the hand and "appears" to be a new finger. Its just like the goldeneye optical illusion only much less funny. Actually open your eyes and actually look at the picture because anyone still arguing the point is looking at proof positive its a palm. The only mistake is what you are telling yourselves to believe.

>> No.1136696

>The only mistake is what you are telling yourselves to believe.
Tone down your butt-frustration. Someone disagreeing with you, whether they are wrong or right, is not cause to throw a tantrum like a little baby.

>> No.1136698


half of the things in that image need to be removed.

>> No.1136721

Man with that one guy complaining about Fez and the debate about Marle's amount of fingers this thread got legitimately autistic.

>> No.1136731


nothing wrong with getting pissed at a moron and correcting them.

>> No.1136748

I'm bailing on this thread. You guys are legitimately developmentally disabled.

>play what you want to play
>like what you want to like
>marle's hand is fucked up whether 6 digits or badly drawn it doesn't matter
>fuck you, fuck you, etc
>the world 4 turtle thing was cool
>the spectacle rock thing was cool
>the other anons that know what retro means are cool

And on that note, I'm going to go play some Classic Vidya. That anon was cool, too. I like that term.

>> No.1136897


>have basic perception skills

No one likes to be proven wrong but hey some people are just equal parts stupid and stubborn

>> No.1137084

Not comprehending the fact that other people perceive the world differently is a sign of autism. Actually thinking "the only mistake is what you are telling yourselves to believe" is probably enough for a psychiatric diagnosis. We all see different things, and no person's perceptions are any more right than the next person's, but even suggesting that an autistic person's perceptions aren't "correct" or universal can be enough to throw them into a rage. It's like Downs with an ego.

>> No.1137093

Except he has stated he hates japanese games and they all suck, so yeah fuck that guy.

>> No.1137132

>no person's perceptions are any more right than the next person's

Dohohoho here we go again, I will give you that it is open to creative interpretation depending on the subject matter. But the artists intention is quite clear and it in now way did he draw an extra finger.People saying it is cant be firing on all cylinders

What astounds me is you arent even trying to prove me wrong, you are just calling me retarded. I am correct. Because its fucking true

>> No.1137136

>implying all perceptions are equal
>in the same response contradict yourself that somehow a shrinks opinion is more valuable

>> No.1137150

Super Paper Mario
Sky Island

>> No.1137157

Top 10 Interpretations of Mario Games That Will Blow Your Mind!

Top 10 Amazing Background Details in Mario Games You Probably Never Noticed

Top 10 Badass World War II Stories Starring Mario

>> No.1137161

I never said he drew six fingers, sperglord.

When did I say the basis for a diagnosis carries more weight when made by a psychiatrist? It's easy to claim contradictions when you prop up a starwman.

>> No.1137162

>he's talking about Bagu not being translated properly for the Error/Bug joke to work

So you'd admit the non-translated Zelda 2 is perfect, then

Okay, glad that's settled

>> No.1137173

Well thats what the fucking argument was about BITCHTITS. If I called them wrong and they ARE wrong what the fuck are you babbling about?

>> No.1137174

your drawing on the right doesn't match up with what's actually in the picture

so congrats on trying out your strawman i guess

>> No.1137178

>Actually thinking "the only mistake is what you are telling yourselves to believe"is probably enough for a psychiatric diagnosis.

well speak of the strawman!

>> No.1137185


Got an example of this? I'd love to see the breakdown.

>> No.1137201


You are choosing to be ignorant

>> No.1137216
File: 21 KB, 850x364, MonsterSquadAlucard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Monster Squad (1987) for me.

>> No.1137226

Holy shit you need to go back to /b/ or /v/.

>> No.1137330

yeah, no, dude.
I can't remember if this is completely accurate, but you must meet like 5 symptoms of a disorder before you can be diagnosed, and even then, its up to the psychologist or psychiatrist to determine if you meet the criteria wholly enough to have a medical diagnosis.

Sorry, guys, I can't think of any classic mindfucks. the only one I know off the top of my head is from a PS2 game.

>> No.1137414
File: 435 KB, 900x675, red_flower_field_by_morningstar_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You couldn't save her.

>> No.1137601

Were the flowers in Cave Story an actual flower?

I can't remember what they look like in the game but that fanart makes me think its those flowers that Japanese people grow on graves, lycroris.

>> No.1137602
File: 229 KB, 448x330, Shiver_Star.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's more mind blowing if I actually upload a picture.

>> No.1137632
File: 21 KB, 218x265, 1380770445850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1137781

Are you saying Link no Bouken is perfection?
Or that just having Adventure of Link in Japanese would be perfection?

Because AFAIK there is no version of PAL Zelda 2 with Japanese text.

>> No.1137908

Come to /vr/ where we bitch about Marle's hand forever.

>> No.1137941
File: 56 KB, 639x399, lance boyle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but you don't even get just how lazy nintendo is! That's why they went with cartridges instead of CDs, and before that floppy discs or tapes, so that they wouldn't have to make much content to fill them up!

>> No.1138001

I c wut u did thar

>> No.1139580

>what is optimization

>> No.1142116
File: 27 KB, 290x189, 130855230958.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1142119
File: 49 KB, 600x329, f9475b03dc92f79453a4083fbc521782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell? Sorry, wrong image.

>> No.1143110

Successful programming is, by definition, being as lazy as you can.

>> No.1143123

This is unbelievably ironic.

>> No.1143154

Who are you laughing at?

>> No.1143163
File: 325 B, 32x28, Asteron-sprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone ever notice how some Sonic 2 monsters look like gen 1 pokemon

>> No.1143204
File: 29 KB, 500x340, 4581130468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1143209
File: 527 B, 56x31, Shellcracker-sprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1143217

Took me nearly 20 years to realize that his mouth is on the top and that bottom part isn't a gigantic mouth making a "HAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW" kind of face.

>> No.1143231
File: 178 KB, 1920x1280, Mother 3 earthbound Lucas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cult is Aum Shinrikyo, a happy themed terrorist cult from a milk farming town.

I think that guy is also referring to the Rodney King case. Four officers and a superior.

>> No.1143240

Go Go Gadget Arms.

>> No.1143280
File: 67 KB, 1280x1024, space_invader_by_monstercrapule[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cute, but I'd genuinely be surprised if that blew ANYONE'S mind. Especially considering there's no space invader that actually looks like that.

>> No.1143291

>blatantly phallic
You don't know what phallic means.

>> No.1143316
File: 75 KB, 435x600, starman_large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giygas is not on the cover of the North American Earthbound boxart. That's a starman. You really should know this. You only fight them all game long.

>> No.1143323

omg your right. well fuck my ear and call me biffa

>> No.1143661

He's saying that the reflection of Ness on the starman is symbolizing the reflection of Ness on Giygas at the end of the game. Like a nod to the end, but on the cover and not giving anything away.

>> No.1144015
File: 33 KB, 620x271, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would actually explain the ending of SMB2, where Mario is in hospice care, and experiences brief lucidity.

>> No.1144021

One I saw that I loved that I don't see very often is the "truth" behind Galaga.

Instead of taking place on Earth, like Space Invaders, it takes place against a starry spacescape.
The aliens attack you in orderly formation.
As you progress further, their attacks get more and more desperate, to the point of kamikaze.

YOU are the evil invader, and the aliens are desperately attempting to defend their home.

>> No.1144027
File: 58 KB, 639x449, metal legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1144029

it's so they could fit more of game on cartridge
they talked about that in one of iwata asks

>> No.1144034

Well by definition one of them is always the enemy, as a matter of perspective...

>> No.1144038


Similar to say, R-Type though, most of those games are "the last desperate attempt by Earth to take down an entire alien invasion force by taking the fight to them". Pretty much all space shooters have a similar story. Not that I know if Galaga had a story, as such.

>> No.1144168

Surrounds Rhone, the final area of the game. I guess the devs REALLY didn't want people accidentally getting inside. Not that it mattered since you can't do anything there anyway without having specific items and a nintendo power.

>> No.1144198
File: 42 KB, 354x270, jp-grandmas-boy5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>metal legs

>> No.1144757

I thought it was canon that they had their legs removed to be able to withstand higher g-forces.

>> No.1144787

>higher G forces
>in ships that don't experience G forces

>> No.1144813

At best it was inferred from the SNES box art and following Nintendo Power cover. Apparently that whole theory started on /v/ of all places.

>> No.1144842

The Protagonist in System Shock 1 had a Watchmen shirt on.

>> No.1144867

I lol'd

>> No.1144885

>lair is shaped like a cunt and a the female sexual reproductive organs
>'blatantly phallic'

>> No.1144898
File: 603 KB, 1023x723, ff6 spritework.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1144913

So is mario 3 a play he made up after his miraculous recovery?
There was more donkey kong games after donkey kong jr after all & they still seem to take place in that kinda earth world.

>> No.1144951

mask of truth?

>> No.1144963

Misinterpretations are not mindfucks

>> No.1144964

That game had so many secrets, it's amazing

>> No.1144985

fuck of fish

>> No.1144989

you are the retarded, that's clearly her palm

>> No.1144994

Missile Command was inspired by a Cold War era nightmare the programmer had. The game was going to have the domes labelled as real-life cities, but this was nixed.

Since it's impossible to "win" Missile Command and you're eventually doomed to destruction, it works as a commentary on the very real threat of Nuclear War that hung over the time it was released.

>> No.1145012

They are if you people think that's what it was really supposed to be.

His example is a little too obviously wrong though.

>> No.1145013

>you people

I need to proof read a little better.