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/vr/ - Retro Games

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11215769 No.11215769 [Reply] [Original]

What are some fun FMV point-and-click games like Gabriel Knight 2 and Phantasmagoria?

>> No.11215785

Star Trek: Borg and Star Trek: Klingon are kind of cool.

There's an X-Files FMV game. No idea if it's any good.

Trev to the Rescue.

>> No.11215834

Goosebumps Escape From Horrorland

>> No.11216124

What's regarded as the funniest and comfiest one of these games? Fast paced and not slow burn shit like that detective one

>> No.11216305

Under A Killing Moon and the other Tex Murphy games.

I remember Black Dahlia getting good reviews but I never actually played it.

>> No.11216318
File: 270 KB, 1280x960, the_daedalus_encounter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly a p&c adventure games (it's more on rails with very little free exploration) but if you like logic puzzles, The Daedalus Encounter is pretty fun. It has a lot of 90s cheese and prime Tia Carrere. There's some mouse shooting segments similar to the Rebel Assault games, but mostly it's like an R2D2 simulator where you're unlocking doors and stuff with puzzle mini games.

>> No.11216324

I've heard good things about Braindead 13 and the Discworld games but never played them, it's classic 90's animation though if you like that

>> No.11216379
File: 105 KB, 615x800, 4357310-burncycle-windows-3x-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a similar vein, Burn:Cycle. But yeah then we're getting away from the point-and-click adventure game genre.

>> No.11216435

please don't post turds here

>> No.11216871

Are there any other licenses/movies/shows that have ntoeworthy point and clicks like that?

>> No.11217253
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Are You Afraid of the Dark: The Tale of Orpheo's Curse is also fun.

>> No.11217559
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who /schattenjager/ here?

>> No.11217573

>Star Trek: Borg
Does anyone know if this suffers a lot from having to make the right decision or picking the right thing without much of a clue what the right one is? I think that's a complaint I heard about it once. It seems great otherwise

>> No.11217918
File: 1.19 MB, 1209x918, Titanic-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Last Express and Titanic aren't strictly FMVs but they are definitely relate to that subgenre.
Truly nice games.

>> No.11218523
File: 221 KB, 1238x816, 15de449e65edf555c95797cb49f01aa4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riven is the GOAT
The other Myst games are pretty good too

>> No.11218529

too boring for and backtracky for me and too much about finding the right pixel clicking some random thing

>> No.11218536

i also find the environments too random. the screenshot you posted is good, organic, relatable bust the buildings and constructs are hard to relate

>> No.11218561

He'll Cab

>> No.11218587

Tex Murphy series.

>> No.11219352
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>> No.11219358

sorry not fmv

>> No.11221123

bump for answers. dunno if i should put the game in my retro list

>> No.11221153
File: 122 KB, 1024x640, return to zork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know if i'd call it fun but gyatt damn is it an experience

>> No.11221157
File: 51 KB, 705x344, zork grand inquisitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and actually if you want fun, play this one instead. one of the best adventure games ever period.

>> No.11221513

such a shame we never got a Twin Peaks point and click

>> No.11221892
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>finding the right pixel clicking some random thing
I don't remember that happening in Riven.

I think they're cool.

>> No.11221895
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Oh wait that pic is from the remake.

>> No.11221906

Shivers 2. The first is better but barely has FMV. Both have top notch atmosphere and good puzzles with the obligatory handful of bad ones.

>> No.11221948
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Based Shivers 2 enjoyer. Seems like everyone shits on it, especially when mentioned in the same breath as the first one.

>> No.11222060


Discworld games are fantastic, they're not FMV though.

>make the right decision or picking the right thing without much of a clue what the right one is?
>too much about finding the right pixel clicking some random thing

These are just what it's like playing adventure games - there will always be a section you get stuck on like this, part of the appeal is working it through with the clues in your environment to work out what to do.

There are some great games in this thread - give some a go.

>> No.11222102

Brain Dead 13 isn't really a point and click I don't think, but it is an interesting FMV game.

>> No.11222269

I actually liked 2 more. It was cool slowly piecing together what happened to the town.
But of course they kept the fucking Chinese checkers puzzle.

>> No.11223514
File: 17 KB, 250x187, gk3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how's Gabriel Knight 3? I see it has a puzzle so bad that there's a whole wikipedia page dedicated to it, yet there's another puzzle that has a page and people seem to say it's the best puzzle ever.

>> No.11223537

i thought it was super comfy. best vacation game

>> No.11223880

It's fun. The cat hair puzzle is one of the first puzzles (Gabriel wants the motorcycle to travel in style to places outside town) and after that most puzzles are more serious. It's got Tim Curry back in his element overacting as Gabriel, and everything you can examine, which is a lot, has recorded comments. I mean first game had that too, but there the descriptions were narrated by the Voodoo lady. Here it's all Gabriel and Grace.

>> No.11223971

>Discworld games are fantastic, they're not FMV though.
Is there a best Discworld game most people agree on?