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11215713 No.11215713 [Reply] [Original]

I’m having a weird issue with my Saturn. Everything works, but it doesn’t hold language and time settings. I put in a new battery and it still asks for language and time. It does hold saves though. Any ideas what might be wrong?

>> No.11215757

Sounds like the chip that stores that info is dead. I know the SRAM chip is different from the internal clock because it's possible to swap that out for a persistent chip through a mod, which means your saves survive battery changes but the clock won't.

>> No.11215763

This is it OP, whatever you do please don't throw it out. Get someone to fix it, do in it yourself or sell it on ebay. If you highlight what the problem is I'd say you'd get close to working prices.

>> No.11215768

I will continue using it. It’s not really a problem for me. I saw it might be a IC35 chip. I will probably get a replacement board from Japan and try to replace that chip.

>> No.11216580

>Any ideas what might be wrong?
Several. Most being user error.
No one said anything about throwing it out. Except possibly the voices is one mentally unstable kids head?

>> No.11216992

What fucking user error?

>> No.11217092

What games have you been playing on it OP? Nice to see someone with the og Model 1 controller as well

>> No.11217128


>> No.11217978

Bug of course, SotN, Cotton 2, Silver Gunner, Gex, Alien Trilogy, Magic Knight Rayearth, Panzer Dragoon, Sega Rally… The controller is different, surprisingly comfortable. Should I get a model 2 controller?