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11215606 No.11215606 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite games to still play through for the original gameboy or its colored successor?

>> No.11215608

What's the kino:dogshit ratio of the gameboy? Is it worse than the NES?

>> No.11215613

Link's Awakening is my favourite 2D Zelda and I replay it once a year around Christmas. I play the original Game Boy release in either B&W or original GB pea soup green. Then, for every dungeon, I use one of the GBC's color palettes and cycle through them on a per-dungeon basis. It makes each dungeon feel unique and otherworldly compared to the dreamy black and white of the overworld.

>> No.11215623

>donkey kong land
I have intense nostalgia for it and I appreciate that it was an original game instead of just a demake like the others but the gimped physics make it unplayable, you're so slow and you just barely, barely have the oomph to clear the most modest jumps.

>> No.11215637

I actually have 4 of those games. DKL, Kirby, Mario & Pokemon. Wish I had Metroid. Used to play that one and Gargoyle's Quest at the babysitter's. I personally really enjoy Gen 1 Pokemon. I need to get Pokemon Stadium for my N64.

DKL was so hard for me as a kid. I never made it past the first few levels that I remember.

>> No.11215639

Rent free

>> No.11215681

he is supposed to control that way in donkey kong faggot. of course the kiddies here havent even played the original. 94 is already too easy, would you like it more if he could flying cape over the obstacles too?

>> No.11215689
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Game Boy
>Dr. Mario
>Super Mario Land 2
>Harvest Moon GB
>Donkey Kong '94

Game Boy Color
>Wendy: Every Witch Way
>Sabrina Zapped
>M&M's Minis Madness
>Harvest Moon GBC

I still need to try more GBC games. Some of the licensed titles are surprisingly good.

>> No.11215695

MegaMan 3,4,5
Super Mario Land 1 & 2
Pokemon Puzzle Challenge
Lufia: The Legend Returns
The 3 Castlevania games (Legends really isn't that bad)
Kirby's Block Ball

>> No.11215697

Donkey Kong Land 3 is great, it's like a remix of Country 3. Land 2 was okay but it sticks too close to the original so there is no reason not to play Country 2 on GBA. The original Land is the most unique but it is sooo clunky.

>> No.11215698
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Completely forgot about Santa Claus Jr. and The Grinch, going to be time to play those soon

>> No.11215707
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>> No.11215817

Wario Land, Link's Awakening, and Tetris.

>> No.11215857

GB: Kirby’s Dream Land 2, Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins, Donkey Kong ‘94, Mega Man IV and V, Kirby’s Block Ball, Tetris, Trip World, Dig Dug, Bomberman GB series
GBC: Hamtaro: Ham-Hams Unite, Shantae, Game & Watch Gallery 3, Bomberman Max, Bomberman Quest, Mr. Driller

>> No.11216610
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I've just finished the Game Boy Color version of Tarzan. It's not as good as the PS1/N64 version I think, but still worth playing for what it is. It's an odd one since you literally can't attack, you have to dodge enemies pretty much, though moving Tarzan around feels great, and level design is a treat. It's difficult, but you get a ton of health, extra lives and passwords to continue, it's fair.

I did struggle a lot in the Sabor boss fight, I have to admit, the controls feel delayed and, for the only part where you can attack, it's not too fun, but I guess it captures the fight's atmosphere.

>> No.11218198

I have never played a Game Boy game other than Pokemon

>> No.11218953
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Gonna play the gba one next?

>> No.11219121

kinda, nes had 3 good turtles games while gb had 1

>> No.11219221
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Paperboy for me. You could only play the first level and be content, as its randomized each play.
>that song
>that destruction of property
>that bonus level

>> No.11219403

I can't go back to KDL2, too much of Shimomura's design rests on "hey, I bet you don't have the setup you actually need to get the secret here, time to restart the stage!"
Good list besides that.

>> No.11219425

Having a great time with this on PSP. I can't believe how charming it is, you save the princess from a Dragon and so she give you her love in the form of an item which you can use to find out how much exp you need to get to next level, and you get a nice little message.

Now that's comfy.

>> No.11219430
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Forgot pic

>> No.11219431

You are a strange person but I really rate this post.

>> No.11219441

Donkey Kong 94 is the greatest handheld game of all time

>> No.11220647

Only GB(C) games I played were SML1, 2, PokeYellow, and Mario Tennis. All good to great.

>> No.11221656

Super Mario Land 2
Wario VS Bomberman
Links Awakening
Kirby's Dreamland 2

>> No.11222018

Arcade ports: Game Boy Qix has cool sound effects. Space Invaders is decent and when run on the Super Game Boy it can load an SNES version of the game. There's also the arcade classic series including Joust, Defender, Centipede, Milipede, Galaxian, Galaga and I think a couple of others. Donkey Kong '94 is excellent. Pac Man seems OK, it scrolls because of the small screen.

Game Boy Tetris is my favourite one, though Tetris DX is smoother. Super Mario Land 1 and 2 are great. There is a good ROM hack of SML1 called The Second Super Mario Land, new more difficult levels but same graphics and music.

The Game and Watch Gallery series are good. Lots of addictive high score type mini games. Mega Man 5 is very good. Kirby's Dream Land 1 and 2 are Kirby kino. I'm not into Pokemon but I like Pokemon Pinball. Link's awakening is a solid Zelda game. There are also two Zeldas on the Game Boy Color.

>> No.11222042

Anon, he's talking about Donkey Kong LAND, not 94, you're a blind retard.

>> No.11222995

favorites not mentioned yet:
wings of fury
f-1 race
battle city
bionic commando
ultima runes of virtue

>> No.11224046

>gimped physics make it unplayable, you're so slow and you just barely, barely have the oomph to clear the most modest jumps
This is all fine to me, it makes all your moves more deliberate instead of just seeing that you have to jump and going for it, you have to be sure,
What I don't like though is that a lot of platforms don't feel right at the edges. Like the visual of the platform doesn't always coincide with how wide the actual usable platform is.

>> No.11224103

I mean it's worse because now you can play on a portable the games you want instead of a downgraded port. But that defeats the purpose of the machine.
It's the 90s and the only way to play Killer Instinct when you're not at home is through your game boy. The game is impressive at how close it is to the SNES version, but it's not. It's good enough to scratch the itch though.
Same can be said fo rmany of those games like Donkey Kong Land II, Mega Man II, the arcade games etc. They get the job done, but when you have access to the real games they're kind of pointless so the dogshit ratio has risen.
Even bad ports like Mortal Kombat II, it was cool to play as sub zero on the bus. So yeah, just think of much of the ports on GB as being shittier versions of the console one. If the console version was slop the GB version was usually worse.
Though there are exceptions like Jurassic Park GB being better than the NES one despite being the same game.

>> No.11225352
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i play this everyday.

>> No.11225367
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for me, its Double

>> No.11225370

Final Fantasy Legend II
Great Greed
Fortified Zone (it's like metal gear on gameboy)

>> No.11226797

I've heard that spooked is better than zapped, any opinions here?

>> No.11227393

Daikatana, Conker's Pocket Tales, Mickey's Racing Adventure, RE: Gaiden

>> No.11227667
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I'd really like to! I have the ROM for it already, I did just finish both the PS1 and GBC titles to be fair, so I might play something else before I get back to Tarzan, but I definitely want to try this.