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11215598 No.11215598 [Reply] [Original]

Curious to hear which one /vr/ prefers

>> No.11215708

I still need to try the first one, I started with Underground because I enjoy playing as femoids and the Resistance is a less common theme for video games.

>> No.11215716

Underground is pretty boring, specially the desert missions, but that castle mission is the absolute GOAT.

>> No.11215718

Desert missions were pretty great desu, the whole casablanca vibe was awesome.

Best levels were return to Paris at the end of the game, phenomenal atmosphere and sound design.
Underground highs are better but original MOH is more cohesive.

>> No.11215803

Underground has much better enemy variety especially considering the different vehicles you can fight, and without even counting the bonus levels with the dogs and armors. But somehow the original has more soul.

>> No.11215869

I recently played through Underground and I felt I liked 1 better.
Theb I played the bonus episode of Underground and that shit is amazing

>> No.11215876

Fuck, that's tough. Both are really good games, gonna have to think about it.

>> No.11215908

>*Thot detected
You cant even tell your playing a girl character beside the load screens.

I think that's what the great thing about guns. You can be 6'6 and built out of bricks or 4'4 close to the floor but if you have a conventual firearm you can still easily kill folk. Firearms are a true equalizer.

>> No.11215927

Underground. Manon is based and waifu.

>> No.11216009

Underground is much better. The draw distance is better, the missions are better and have more variety, and the final levels liberating the streets of Paris are excellent, much much better than the slog that is the final levels of 1

>> No.11216082
File: 262 KB, 1920x1080, Underground Bonus 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underground. It was developed by a side team while most of DreamWorks were focused on Frontline, and the devs were given a lot of creative freedom as a result. It shows, to the point where it manages to be more innovative than its next-gen successor, not to mention mechanically superior but that's a different matter.
Both of the original installments are exceptional, though. One aspect I don't see talked about that much is their excellent sound design, especially the way they implement sound effects into the level soundtracks to create atmosphere within the limitations of the original Playstation's hardware.

>> No.11216091

Replaying Frontline right now (after beating it couple of times over the years on real PS2), emulating Gamecube port and I am pleasantly suprised how most of the game on Gamecube runs in smooth 60fps.

On the other hand the right stick feels like dog shit just like on the PS2. I wish devs let you choose the original MOH control scheme, if I was allowed to aim with dpad it would probably solve everything.

>> No.11216095

Keep us posted, will ya.

>> No.11216101
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Underground is a yearly replay to me.

>> No.11216413

how did the analog stick control get worse from the ps1 games to the ps2 games, this has always perplexed me.they had it almost perfect in moh and underground but then in frontlines it feels awful.

>> No.11216424

the first game is the overall better experience

>> No.11216441

Mohaa still is the best WWII game and the submarine mission in Norway still is the best stage in a war game

>> No.11216596

Frontline has horrible diagonals, that's why. They're almost impossible to pull off.

>> No.11216680

If I can play as axis power?

>> No.11217080

I really want to replay this but after years of playing on pc I can't aim for shit with a gamepad.

>> No.11217431

Literally everything is better in Underground

>> No.11218007

pacing is a lot faster with a lot more enemies... more is not necessarily better or worse, it's just different

Like how it depends whether you prefer original RE1 with two zombies per room that feel a lot more eerie and atmospheric than RE2 with rooms full of zombies. Original MOH pacing is very well measured and it can seem as better polished compared to at times way too hectic and chaotic Underground

>> No.11218027

The first game was supposed to be gory as shit but they had to basically remove all of it because of Columbine.
wonder how the rest of the series would have turned out if they had stuck with it.

>> No.11218089

>because of Columbine
That was the reason given, but I suspect technical limitations may have also played a role. Medal of Honor was pushing the capabilities of the PS as it was, and I doubt having to constantly render blood particles would have been conducive to good performance.

>> No.11218479

Man that sucks. The censored violence is a big part of the reasons I never bucked with Rising Sun etc.

I played Frontline and I'm aching to give the ps1 games a go.

>> No.11219936

The original is better.
I was really fucking annoyed by Underground in the last few stages, especially that final stand at the train station. At some point I was vocally asking when the fuck the game was going to end.

>> No.11219939

I've only played through Underground, with a friend at a sleepover we played through like 99% of that shit and loved it.

So underground.

>> No.11219952

Manon is a babe.

>> No.11219979

Oh yeah and I tried replaying it on PSP like 8 years ago and I couldnt stand the controls.
It was a nightmare.

>> No.11221080
File: 108 KB, 1920x1080, Underground Bonus 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is indeed.

>> No.11221501
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>> No.11221503
File: 956 KB, 960x960, Medal of Honor - Underground.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11221508
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>> No.11222936
File: 2.78 MB, 640x480, MOH_rockets.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11222938
File: 2.66 MB, 640x480, MOH_rockets2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11222940
File: 2.90 MB, 862x710, MOH_snowman.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11222946
File: 2.77 MB, 640x480, MOH_V2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11222949
File: 2.79 MB, 640x480, MOH_UG_Sidecar.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11222952
File: 2.77 MB, 640x480, MOH_UG_Tank.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11222956
File: 2.77 MB, 640x480, MOH_UG_DOGS.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11222959 [DELETED] 

I might have played one of them at a friends place in 2000, I wasn't impressed. Turok years before did a great job and was a pleasure to play. This shit was just some kikes pathetic power fantasy and indocrination tool. Shit everything. It would have been better had they never existed. They had nothing to offer. The PSX in general was shit for gameplay.

Fucking idiots. No passion for exploration. And somehow their infection spread and became standard.

>> No.11225020

That Panzerschreck guy on the bridge is the single hardest enemy in the game. Trying to dodge his rockets and kill him through the LOD is always a nailbiter.

>> No.11225759

Underground also has panzerfaust niggas in those late game levels in Paris.

>> No.11227171

>This shit was just some kikes pathetic power fantasy and indocrination tool.
Meds now.

>> No.11227217

I'd like to play a FPS game where you're a literal midget with a gun. I want to look up to head shot.

>> No.11227241

What would it be like if these got ported to the N64? Sure, you'd lose out on the FMVs and orchestrated music, but imagine just how much more *solid* everything would look without the warping textures and jittery polygons. I've never actually played these games, but I get the sense that they're pushing the PS1 to its limits.

>> No.11227267

UG has much worse frame rate

>> No.11227508

You can emulate them in true widescreen without warping

>> No.11228542

>I want to look up to head shot.

Halo 2 is made for you, the crosshair is below the center of the screen

>> No.11228801
File: 868 KB, 1920x974, Medal of Honor - Underground (USA) 2024-09-10-12-51-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duckstation: PGXP + upscaled x3 + widescreen

I wish I knew why mouse injector doesn't work it's supposed to support it