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11215450 No.11215450 [Reply] [Original]

I love this game to death, but holy hell, what were they thinking with the Colosseum? Whoever decided it was a good idea to make the battles go on auto-pilot with zero player input needs to get fucked. I know there's ways to exploit the AI so it (mostly) does what you want, but who the fuck wants to do that? It's just an exercise in frustration and tedium otherwise.

Anyway, FF6 thread too, I suppose.

>> No.11215458

you forgot to mention the fact that you lose the item you wager even if you win

>> No.11215493

Well, I think I get why they did that. If you didn't lose the item, you could potentially farm OP shit like the Illumina, Force Shields, etc. That said, there are some items where they really didn't make it easy to get more than one, such as the Genji Helm, where you're forced to sacrifice another potentially good item you only get one or two of.

>> No.11215512

>ways to exploit the AI so it (mostly) does what you want
and how do you do that

>> No.11215530

The best way is to use Gogo, since you can choose his commands. You can, for example, give him all Fight commands, then equip him with a Merit Award so he can equip the Fixed Dice, together with the Offering. Now he's guaranteed to attack with 4x Fixed Dice rolls, which will likely destroy almost all enemies at a decent level. Another popular strategy is to use Shadow with DragoonBoots and a Dragon Horn with the Stunner equipped, which has a good chance of casting Stop on most enemies.

>> No.11215603

>WHAT!? GAME HAS CONSEQUENCES FOR FAILURE!? In a place where you can just save before you fight!?

>> No.11216416

Yeah, kinda defeats the purpose too lol but again it kinda goes back to the tedium, since once the battle starts it's effectively out of your hands and if your character decides to just sit there taking hits while using shitty skills like Runic or casting useless spells like Safe, welp time to press Reset and start all over again, and hope your character acts less retarded next time.

>> No.11216436

Genji Glove and Offering tends to do the job when you bet Nutkin suits to get Relm, Gogo and Strago's best stuff.

>> No.11216445

If I remember correctly, you can also send a character with zero MP to prevent them from trying to cast magic.
A Black Belt + Offering combo also works wonders against physical attack oriented enemies.

>> No.11216465

Betting Nutkin Suits nets you Genji Armors, which those three can't equip. It's Heal Rods that net you Magus Rods, which is what I assume you're talking about.

>> No.11216478

why did they waste time designing this stupid system? just treat them like normal battles only 1v1. the arena is normally a highlight for jrpgs but this one just makes you set the controller down and reset

>> No.11216530

FF6 doesn't want you to play it

>> No.11216551

You are right, I'm wrong. I don't know what was I thinking about, blargh.

>> No.11216571

My theory is they were going for an actual recreation of the Colisseum, with your party members being gladiators and you being among the spectators. Or something like that..
Well, at least Mog can function perfectly well without relying on Dances.

>> No.11216572

>FF6 doesn't want you to play it
dont forget cyan, whos ability is "set the controller down while you get attacked"

>> No.11216670
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>what were they thinking with the Colosseum?
It was the devs fucking around and having some fun, because they had nothing better to do since they were ahead of schedule

>> No.11217007

What was it like playing eff eff six without a strat guide?

>> No.11217040

Is there a guide or list that uses the Pixel Remaster names for getting the best gear for characters in the colloseum?

>> No.11217052

Caves of Narshe has a good one that uses the modern names.

>> No.11217171

>Caves of Narshe
Damn. Blast from the past. Forgot about that site. Thanks, fren.

>> No.11217176

>I know there's ways to exploit the AI
You mean the CPU

>> No.11217212

Honestly they might as well have just given you the items cause you're just gonna save scum it anyways. They actually fuckin recommend you do in the official walk through. Just level up Umaro and you'll be fine.

>> No.11217217

This is why you level up Umaro

>> No.11217235

It's a fun side thing, trying to figure out how to prepare the characters by removing their bad options and picking the right setup for different battles. Though I don't know anybody who didn't reload a ton or use a guide for it, nobody wants to give up a great item just because they weren't prepared for the monster (you can't back out after seeing it). It would've been cool if they added multiple modes in the Colosseum, the automated battles along with more standard one-on-one or team battles. I'm sure some hack has done that already.

Beating Mr. Chupon is a fun use of the Genji Glove/Offering combo.

>> No.11217247

Its like a game from Y2K. Games are so much better nowadays despite the contrarians

>> No.11217495

>Winning is failure
Wow niggers man I dont understand how you people are even able to breath.

>> No.11217536

T-Edition did in fact overhaul the Colosseum so that you can actually control your character. It's still pretty brutal, though, as the enemies are MUCH harder.

>> No.11217635

nobody did that

>> No.11218037

I have played through FF6 countless times, but I never have fucked around with the Coliseum.
As a kid I thought you weren't able to win against Typhoon. My mind was blown when I once beat him.

>> No.11218053

It was fine. Certain things I already knew about because of some older friends, like how to get Gogo.

>> No.11219116
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Yeah, it's pretty cool when you do it. Siegfried is the real son of a bitch, though. He's fucking ridiculous, and low-key this game's real super boss. I only managed to beat him once.

>> No.11220443

Umaro will get his shit kicked in by the likes of Tonberries unless you get him up to like level 60. Gogo is a much better Colosseum fighter on the whole, and at much more reasonable levels to boot.

>> No.11220573

How are you going to the colosseum without a level 99 umaro anyway? Kids these days. I swear.

>> No.11220640

>even if you win