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1120807 No.1120807[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Was it murder?

>> No.1120812 [DELETED] 
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Samus is a bounty hunter, murder is nothing new to her.

>> No.1120814

Self-defence. It was clearly attacking her mind with invisible mind bolts even before it appeared..

>> No.1120817


>> No.1120818

>Enter a planet
>In a hour the planet explodes


>> No.1120824

An hour if you're gud

>> No.1120832

well, if it is your first time and you arent familiar with sidescrollers it could take you arround 6 hours or so.
Still pretty badass time to blow the shit up of an entire planet...

i have completed it more than 25 times, so i play kinda cool

>> No.1120842
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>> No.1120974


>> No.1120978

justice for crocomire!!

>> No.1120990

Am I remember it wrong or has Samus basically killed all the Space Pirates? Because if she did that's 2 genocide she committed (if you could metroids as a race). And anyways if you have read the manga she doesn't really give a fuck about Space Pirates so sure let's say it's murder.

>> No.1121026

Those guys were dicks, anyway. Nobody will miss 'em.

Samus was getting paid for this, so you can consider her some sort of pest exterminator.

>> No.1121252

are space pirates a race? Or are they a subset of a race?

>> No.1121273

disu shitto agen

>> No.1121282


Artist is Zealk, just checked and there is no more. sorry kiddo.

>> No.1121305

Except that's just retarded. Samus didn't set up the destruct sequence. Samus is not responsible for the destruction of the planet, the space pirates are.

>> No.1121309

Neither. They're a group. Like the federation. It's made up of various species. Though the most prominent species related to them are the Zebesians as the primary grunts.

>> No.1121372
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The most "genocidal" thing she did to the space pirates was inadvertently activate their self-destruct mechanisms.

As for the metroids....well I think Sakamoto fucked up. He later retroactively made it that they were created by the Chozo to deal with the threat of the X Parasites. But why didn't they make it so they just fed on the X, and nothing else?
It's understandable that Samus eliminated them from Zebes; they were never meant to be there and they were being mass-produced by the Space Pirates with the intended use as a bioweapon. But why SR388? There was no space pirate activity there at the time. Why did she kill all of them except for a new hatchling which she promptly smuggled to the federation? If their numbers were getting out of hand, surely reducing their population by a half and maintaining the population every few years would have been sufficient.

Sakamoto plain and simple just fucked up.

>> No.1121396

If I remember right, he only came up with that Metroid origin storyline because he heard the Metroid Prime series was planning on showing the origin of the Metroids.

>> No.1121456

From what I've heard he doesn't like the Prime series and wanted to try making it noncanon.
"The games that I've been involved with in the Metroid series have been on the NES, GameBoy, Super NES and the GBA. I actually didn't have a lot of input on the Prime series. But when they're doing with Other M here, it's not so much a different universe, it's just a different part of the story. You can't say that there's no relation here; it's probably best to think of them as being in parallel in this world. "

And I was just joking about the mass genocide. I just like thinking Samus as a girl that was pushed to the brink after what happened to both of her families (Human, and Chozo) and just sees red whenever she sees a Space Pirate. And just does her best to eliminate every as many as she potability can. Which is one out of many reasons why I (and so many others) view Other M as non canon. Always thought as soon as she sees even one Space Pirate she will go around the whole planet just to see how many she can kill. I was actually joking the other day that I almost wish they made a Metroid game like Dead Rising where it gives you the number of Space Pirate and if you happen to kill them all you get a nice little achievement.

>> No.1121487

I tend to make the parallel that the Klingons as they are originally depicted in Star Trek (not bound by honor, conniving, would rather destroy themselves than be caught) are Soviet Mongolian humanoid versions of the Space Pirates of the Metroid universe.

>> No.1121507

Well the data log in Prime did say that if they better die fighting or they suffer even worst. My theory on Samus bloodlust for the Space Pirate is based on the data logs in Prime. In them the Space Pirates are mostly talking about what they find and them getting off the planet but as soon as they found out "The Hunter" is on the planet they become completely paranoid. As you go deeper they seem to view her more as a demon then just a person that is a bounty hunter.

>> No.1121563

Oh right, I should add this to my list of reasons I'm not as big on Fusion as a bunch of people here.

Not that I play Metroid for the story.

>> No.1121610

I personally found Fusion fun but it's not a Metroid game. It blocks you off way too many times. There's very limited exploring. There was way too much story that I personally didn't really care about. In Prime it had the data logs but that could easily be skipped but even if you read them they give bit size bites in the world then just one long exposition.

>> No.1121649

This game is one of the fondest memory of my youth.

(Non-vr content)
That being said, I recently came in possession of a wii. Should I play the Prime trilogy, or will it ruin those memories?

>> No.1121669

I liked the Trilogy but that's if you enjoy the Prime series. I hated Echo's pacing with the dark world but that's just me. And 3 was too easy for my taste. But the control with the Wiimote works wonderfully and the shooting is even better in my opinion. Also you can download Super from the VC and it plays amazingly well with the Classic controller Pro.

>> No.1121689

Sakamoto's never said anything about not liking Prime and he's never tried to make them non-canon. Those are rumors based on the fact that Other M contradicts the Prime series, but it also contradicts nearly every other Metroid game, so it's probably just because Sakamoto's a bad writer, not for any malicious reasons.

Prime Trilogy's pretty good. They replaced the old controls with motion controls, but I think they work fine. They patch some stuff that prevents some sequence breaks but if you're just playing casually it's not a problem. If you've never played the Prime games, then it's a good way to experience it.

>> No.1121704

One of the best games in the history, i played it much times like fusion and zero mission and the prime saga. And i'm waiting for a new metroid... metroid V please

>> No.1121796
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It doesn't contradict nearly every metroid game, it contradicts them all.

>> No.1121802

I found it fun, too. Just a definite tier or two of fun behind everything that doesn't have Hunters or Other in its name.

>> No.1121847

just started other m. doesn't seem too bad, but the dialogue... I think the problem is Japanese writing in general. I swear if I ever went over there, it would be like I was at an Autism Convention

>> No.1121860


>> No.1121870

I have a theory that Sakamoto wanted to become a light novel author, so he adapted his dream plot into Other M.

>> No.1121924

Zebesian isn't a species it's a civic identity like being murrikan.

>> No.1122052

Yeah, that game doesn't seem bad at all when you start.

Then its weaknesses become more and more apparent. It's not just the absurd characterization, either. It's fighting enemies being optional because of self-regeneration and no item drops. It's pixel hunts, including the weird one at the end. It's Ridley's life cycle. It's metroids maybe but not really being immune to ice. It's one-hit KOs on elaborate auto-run moves that make fire fights unnecessary. It's using a control pad in a three dimensional space. It's refusing to use your power ups at the risk of life just because some dude didn't say you could use them.

It's just so awful.

>> No.1122067

They aren't even native to Zebes, if Prime 3 is to be believed.

>> No.1122076 [DELETED] 

One of the things I think is one of the worst in the game is Samus fight with Ridley. With everything she had to deal with. From fighting with the Space Pirate twice (if you could only 1 and 3) and the near total destruction of the metroids in 2. Somehow seeming the guy he fought twice already (1 and 3). I understand if she felt shocked but somehow seeing Ridley again brought her to her keens and turn her into a little bitch.

>> No.1122078


>> No.1122080

One of the things I think is one of the worst in the game is Samus fight with Ridley. With everything she had to deal with. From fighting with the Space Pirate twice (if you could only 1 and 3) and the near total destruction of the metroids in 2. Somehow seeming the guy he fought twice already (1 and 3) makes her a crying bitch. I read the manga and I understand why she has a weird emotional connection I guess to him but in was should Samus break down to a point of uselessness just because she has to fight a guy she defeated twice already in her life.

>> No.1122084

Crocomire only wanted to get the doritoes in the next room, and Samus threw him into magmacid. God damn, it was murder.

>> No.1122285

I'm fucking terrible with metroidvanias. I never got past the magmoor caverns in Prime 1. How do I stop sucking at them?

>> No.1122293

play 2D metroid games.

>> No.1122297

You just want to pay close attention to the environment. Check out anything that looks even slightly out of place. You also want to keep a mental log of places that you can't access, so whenever you get a new item you can go back and try it out.

>> No.1122304

I'm pretty shit at video games in general but I made my way through Metroid Prime alright. It's one of the few games I've actually beaten.

Get the game on Wii if you've got one, I've never played the Gamecube version but I'm sure the slightly better resolution and revamped control scheme doesn't hurt.

>> No.1122902

so i just got Super Metroid (emulator + ps3 controller on pc)

my parents had an SNES for me when i was a kid (from my 20 year+ older brothers) and, after looking at many "top 100 snes games" to get some ideas for games, i realize we had just about every good game out there that wasn't an rpg.

but super metroid is supposedly competing with zelda for #1 and i've never had it. i started playing and it seems like a solid game.

just curious, are other people out there willing to put super metroid as #1 snes game?

>> No.1122913

>willing to put super metroid as #1 snes game
yes, my opinion at least.
heavily influenced by my metroid loving childhood

>> No.1123019

>It's refusing to use your power ups at the risk of life just because some dude didn't say you could use them.

This is what made me the most mad.

>> No.1123038

Super Metroid is towards the top of my list for favorite games ever. I just feel like everything from its design to its atmosphere is excellently handled.

Whether or not it beats Zelda is really a matter of preference, but just comparing SM and ALttP? I'd go with Metroid.

>> No.1123269


It's my #1 game, period.

That said, it has its idiosyncrasies. Bomb everything that looks out-of-place, and don't feel bad about asking where to go after you get the High-Jump Boots.

>> No.1123271
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>> No.1123371

Samus is not liable for Crocomire's Death. The fact that that animal was vulnerable to the lava even though it lived so dangerously close to it is its own fault. Furthermore, it only fell in due to the structural integrity of the bridge under its feet. Why wasn't the bridge built to support its weight? Why was Crocomire there in the first place?

There is no way to rationalize crocomire being relocated to this dangerous area without admitting he was placed there as a trap for Samus Aran. As such, any action she took against the monster was clearly self defense, and the fatality itself was due to Neglect on the part of the space pirates.

>> No.1123381

She's also wiped out the X, Ing, and possibly the Leviathan (I haven't played Prime 3).

>> No.1123386

Yeah, why was that person walking across a shaky bridge with physiology clearly incapable of surviving the landscape below? You shooting at him had nothing to do with his death whatsoever.

>> No.1123391

No. It's a large animal and it caught her by surprise. Nobody would call you a murderer if you shot a bear that was eying you funny.

>> No.1123398

yeah the planet was done for
and you save the little cute animals at the end so you balance the scales for shooting an eldritch horror with a plasma cannon

>> No.1123405

See this is why nobody likes environmentalists. They say "MUH BIODIVERSITY" but in the end all they really care about is cute things.

>> No.1123406

I like some of the discussion on here, and would like to relate my own personal theories(I know there's holes).

Consider that every other Metroid you come across(save for the mutated strains because of Phazon in Prime 1) only come in one form...except the ones on SR388. My theory is that the X provide some nutrient that enables this growth, which is why you never see a Metroid Queen again. The Omega Metroid in Fusion is iffy...but is it ever specified how long that Metroid was cruising through the station? Maybe it got lucky and found enough food without getting fucked up by the SA-X.

>> No.1123421
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Was it murder?

>> No.1123438

It's an interesting idea, but I don't think eating X is what causes metroids to mutate/evolve/whatever you want to call it.

They state in-game that the Federation was trying to create omega metroids, that was the whole point of the SR-388 space station. Near the end of the game you go through a lab that has glass tubes full of metroids at various stages of growth (excluding omega, obviously they're trying to build suspense). I think it's safe to say that omega metroid has been on the station since before Samus brought the X infection aboard. It must have Hulk'd its way out of containment when it smelled X.

>> No.1123443


It's the complete rape and ruination of a once proud and independent character.

Has everyone seen this?


>> No.1123449


>pretending Samus isn't a cold, nearly inhuman bitch

>> No.1123468
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>But she saved da baby metroid

>> No.1123472


I said 'nearly'

>> No.1123502
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Touche, have another picture anon.

>> No.1123741

Not sure about the other games, but I think the multi-stage metamorphosis is part of a metroid's natural growth.
All these "one form" you're referring to is the larval stage.
If I remember correctly the Space Pirates captured a few metroids and bombarded them with beta radiation to cause them to reproduce via fission, in order to amass an army.

Considering the fact that the amount of time between the theft from Ceres to the final confrontation in Tourian in Super Metroid was only a couple of hours at best, there would have been no time at all for them to grow past larval stage.
Plus all that radiation probably fucked with their growth ability anyway.

>> No.1123828
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Are you sure it was Sakamoto?

I thought all the Prime lore was this guy's fault.

>> No.1123837

None of the stuff mentioned in that post came from Prime. The stuff about the Chozo creating the Metroids to deal with the X was from Fusion, which Sakamoto was behind, and Samus going to the Metroid world to wipe them from existence was from Metroid 2, which I think was Gunpei Yokoi but I'm not sure.

>> No.1123841
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>> No.1123935

This makes me think of a Wild West vigilante that snaps when he sees Injuns.

>> No.1123937

3 is one of the pinnacle wii games that I played.

>> No.1123949

Is it still murder if there is no judge to condemn you?

>> No.1123954

God will judge you.

>> No.1123956

>implying God exists

>> No.1123958
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>> No.1124001

I mostly felt Ridley was the point where I really felt that whomever was making this game didn't understand Samus. Like I said I read the manga and know what he was trying to do. But by that point she already fought him multiple times. And I was wrong she fought him 3 times. Once in 1 and twice in super (right in the beginning and in the middle). Hell in Prime when she fights Mech Ridley it shown Samus as a bit worried looking for cover but after that brief second she recovered and kicked his ass. So you can have your stone cold warrior worry for a second as long as she recovers and remember her training. Not have her a shivering little bitch.

>> No.1124210

He'd look like a decent dude if he's shave that shit he calls hair off, got contacts, and worked out. But then, so would most people who are balding, ot think taking a photo from 5 feet is a good idea.

>> No.1124218
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>> No.1124235


not /vr/

>> No.1124323


Given her backstory, it's arguable that she doesn't even really have any response to human emotions at all, at least certainly not to that degree. She's definitely frighteningly cold and reserved most times.

>> No.1124414

I actually really like Prime 3 because when you were on the ship everyone was in awe of just your present but also had that worry sound in their voices (could have been just my imagination). Like they know of her and know that if she wanted to could blow up the whole ship and wouldn't think of it for a second. I wouldn't say she has no emotions but I would say and she was train to hold back emotions. The only time I can think of when she ever really had time to actually relax a bit was in Prime 3. And in that nearly everyone around her was in awe of her and even acted a bit worried around her. Like if they looked at her funny she would snap their neck like a twig. I feel Prime 3 perfectly shown how she appears to others. She just frighteningly powerful who does things her way and no one really stand up to her.

>> No.1124668
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> That absurdly long neck

>> No.1124970

She got a bird neck.
She was raised by birds.

>> No.1124971

Her suit is so crazy, you'd have to have weird, space marine anatomy to make it work in some of its depictions.

>> No.1125031

Zebesian are the species that look like mantises.

>> No.1125040

The law determines murder. That's why killing people during war isn't considered 'murder' or wrong. Because it's legally sanctioned killing. A bunch of people agree it's okay to kill someone, it magically becomes okay. A bunch of people disagree with killing people, it magically becomes not okay.


>> No.1125353

Fun fact: He doesn´t attack you.He only starts fighting when shooting at him.

>> No.1125364

really, I never realised that this was the topic of the entire thread

>> No.1125374

He is just sitting there minding his own business until you shoot into his mouth.

>> No.1125609


huh, never realized that

I guess they have him roar and claw at you to make you panic and get the fight started.

>> No.1126519
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Bullshit. You encounter him, he does his roar thing, tramples around a bit and then starts going after you whether you shoot or not.

>> No.1126521
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>and then starts going after you whether you shoot or not.


>> No.1126524

Everyone who ever claimed this never had a video to back up their claims. Because IT'S NOT TRUE.

>> No.1126531

Well I never saw a video either but tested it myself.

>> No.1126541

post save

>> No.1126549

> playing SNES games on PC

>> No.1126552

>My dad works at Nintendo, I swear it's true!

>> No.1127749
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>not a perfect emulator
>being this much of a retro hipster

>> No.1128537

Yep. Kinda scary to think that the only thing that keeps some people from killing each other is a popular consensus.

>> No.1128854

her chin is up. She is looking upwards.

>> No.1128861


Not true.
It's just that it's more convenient to have people working all around, and remember that if you kill a man you're going to have his family against you in such a society, and unless you're the guy from those spaghetti western movies it means you're dead.

The only endangered people in such a tribal society would be women, because as Morocco and such countries teach us when they don't have rights they get raped left and right because nobody gives a shit.

>> No.1128920
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How many distinct space pirate species are there?

Not counting unique creatures like Ridley and Craig, of course.

I can think of at least four:
"Zebesian" space pirates found in the Japanese games all have a pretty consistent look. Plantigrade feet, a beak-like face, spiky heads, big crab claws instead of hands. When they cry out it's an insect-like shriek.

Space pirates found on Tallon IV are pretty obviously a different species. Big bulky reptile-like creatures with digitigrade feet, dinosaur-like talons, and four fingers on each hand. Heads jut forward from their shoulders like a beast. Deep guttural voices. About as far from Zebesian physiology as you can get while still being a mostly humanoid alien.

Space pirates on Aether have a more insect-like appearance, with lobster claws like the Zebesians, but still have digitigrade feet with big claws like their Tallonian friends (from a technical standpoint it's obvious Retro just reskinned the Tallonians but w/e)

Then there are the kihunters, which most people don't even realize are space pirates. You'd have to read the manual to know that these giant mantis-like insects, who undergo metamorphosis from a caterpillar-like creature, are actually highly intelligent.

>> No.1128950

>when they don't have rights they get raped left and right

Not entirely true. Muslim women who act "honorably" don't usually get raped (though this idea of "honor" is a pretty big problem in itself). If you try to grab any random woman wearing a burqa, her husband is probably going to stab you in the neck.

>> No.1129258

Definetely, right after Earthbound, DKC2 and Terranigma.
Know your powerlevel.

>> No.1129281

Fucking saved before it's gone.

>> No.1129308
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>Bird neck


>> No.1129317


I said Morocco because unmarried women there can be raped and it's perfectly legal if the man then asks them to marry him.
It's article 475 of their penal code.

>> No.1129934


Nah just make friends with him and then he'll share all of her soft holes with you and give you a drink afterwards.

>> No.1129937


Link for nigga who missed itt?

>> No.1130042


For anyone who wanted proof that he just stands there.

>> No.1130078

shit. he doesn't even spit stuff at you?

>> No.1130085

Nope. I fast-forwarded for a while to make sure, he just does the roar over and over.

>> No.1130115


why do you sissies get your panties up in a bunch over killing something in a game about planet wide extermination

>> No.1130116


>> No.1130136

Why are you taking this so seriously?

>> No.1130149

It's not lava, it's acid.

>> No.1130294


Here's a save if anyone wants to see for themselves.

>> No.1130342

Damn, that Crocomire is a friendly fellow.

>> No.1131298

Fusion contradicted Metroid II first, having the Omega Metroid be weak only to the Ice Beam in a hamfisted excuse to hold off absorbing the SA-X until the last minute.

>> No.1131306

The Metroids you actually fight in the game are the control group. They didn't have the weakness to ice genetically modified out of them. The game explains this.

>> No.1131326 [DELETED] 
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Regardless, you're full of shit, and you damn well know it. This fucker here doesn't attack until you do, but Crocomire does.

>> No.1131439


This, most people blindly hating on Other M's plot just didn't pay any attention to it. Still boggles me that people can't figure out who the Deleter was when the game drops every hint in the world.

>> No.1131460

Super Metroid is one of the best games I've ever played. No nostalgia goggles, I played it in April.

my snes knowledge is pretty limited though, but any snes game I haven't heard of would have to be godly to displace Super as my top snes game.

>> No.1132904

"Hello! Hello!"

He's making small talk. He's just trying to be your fucking friend.

>> No.1132976

Contradicting only one game is a hell of a lot better than contradicting the entire series.

But I'll compromise: We'll make both Fusion and Other M non-canon; Adam never existed, and they were both gaiden games so the more linear gameplay is somewhat more excusable.

>> No.1133075

>ics comic
>not ending in some weird rape fetish

>> No.1133107


wha... does he advance forwards after you shoot him once? there must be a reason for the spike wall? i've just... i've never not killed crocomire.

fuck. well i guess his skeleton is the only magic material that can break through that wall anyway.

>> No.1133110


would agree. i played it for the first time in 2009, on my friend's snes. he had never crossed the noob bridge before. i'll never forget the look in his eyes when i got to the next area, as he turned to look at me and say "you're balls deep in super metroid now."

>> No.1133132

I just went and tested it, he actually only advances if you shoot him twice. If you shoot him just once he backs up a bit and continues roaring indefinitely.

>> No.1133304
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He screamed for help.He thought someone finally arrived to save him.

>> No.1134357

Yeah, Crocomire's clearly not supposed to be there. Everything else in Norfair can waltz in and out of lava/acid all they want, but as soon as Crocomire touches it, his skin falls off. Samus's suit is more resistant than him. There's no way he would've surrounded himself with acid voluntarily.

>> No.1134365

You're making me feel bad /vr/.
I was not ready for this.

I can kill innocent humans all the time in videogames, but if it's an innocent animal/creature?


>> No.1134521

Crocomire's room isn't superheated like most of Norfair, is it? I seem to remember messing around years ago, disabling upgrades in that room, and not taking damage from unequipping the Varia Suit.

What about that blitz tackle he does if you stop pushing him back? He won't do it because you never significantly pushed him back to begin with?

>> No.1136979

Self-defence. Once you start shooting him, he realizes you're not there to rescue him.

>> No.1137303

This was the best thread I've read on 4chan in forever.

>> No.1137320

Why make Crocomire's death into such a big deal? Samus is murdering aggressive (and sometimes just docile) creatures from the moment she makes contact on the planet. What's so special about Crocomire besides the fact he's not working for mother brain? If anything his death is more justified, he's a fucking gargantuan predator thing.

>> No.1137321

Agreed, also. Everyone complaining about Samus vs Ridley confuses me, too. I mean... the guy that massacred your family and your people, and if you killed a muthafucka twice already, and there he was AGAIN (because of the government agency you work for?) wouldn't you be scared, angry, and more than a little confused? I mean, this is the guy that traumatized you, and there he is, and why in the HELL did the government think it was a good idea to clone him and bring him back? It takes a second for all that to register. And then you kick his ass anyway. That was actually a pretty good fight. Fun, but a little too easy.

>> No.1137323

sorry guys. unnecessary bump (x2) is sage not working for anyone else?

>> No.1137328

What makes you think that? He lacks any normal predatory characteristics.

Eyes on the sides of the head can denote a prey animal accustomed to keeping track of its surroundings. Those long arms would be perfect for gathering food from high places, and those short stubby legs could never chase down something to kill and eat.

The acid spit is simply a defense mechanism as well. The poor thing is vomiting up its own fucking organs in hope that you'll just leave it alone.

>> No.1137327


So we should go around killing lions and bears just because?
You insensitive fuck.

>> No.1137415
File: 2 KB, 32x32, Kago.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying these aren't the most tragic enemies ;_;

>> No.1137443

The only way to get out of there is to destroy it. It's regrettable, but stop stooping down to PETA fanatic status, it's completely fictional.

>> No.1137449

i don't trust anything with 8 or more eyes.
i also don't trust a man with suspenders and a belt.
how can you trust a man who can't trust his own pants?

>> No.1137457
File: 319 KB, 800x692, 7024539343_ca8885512a_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try faggots but it's obvious that Crocomire is simply a predator specialized on small slow prey that inhibits upper Norfair, using its mass and intimidation to overwhelm them. It howls at you, trying to get you to flee into the spike wall trap on the other side and only starts to fight when its usual methods of killing do not work. Maybe it even uses its tongue to lure small predatory prey right into its mouth - which is shaped like a trap.

>> No.1137471

What makes you think it even belongs on Zebes? The whole room is set up as a gigantic death trap, from the locking door to the spike wall to the acid bath intimidating the creature to aggression. It was put there by the space pirates, most likely tortured and trained, expressly to kill unwanted guests.

The question you should be asking is: Was killing it merciful?

>> No.1137540


Do those plants lure tourists into putting their dicks into them?

>> No.1137702
File: 162 KB, 535x892, 1369584598382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all just know it was wrong.
You bastards

>> No.1137916

Pretty much this. It's like some redneck who gets a pit bull just to beat the shit out of it and make a "badass" guard dog, and some innocent victim has to shoot the dog when it flips. Is it the Doug's fault? No, but it's not the shooter's fault either, it's the owner of the animal who decided its fate.

>> No.1137998

I'd love to see some fanart of Crocomire peacefully walking around Brinstar, grabbing fruit from out of reach places which he shares with Etecoons, Dachora, and the other natives of Zebes.

>> No.1138040
File: 55 KB, 500x632, 1378516123438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I feel bad now.

>> No.1138059

"I hope these days last forever"

Cut to him burning to death in the lava with Samus looking over him.

>> No.1138129


>defending other m

shit bait m8

>> No.1138131


>> No.1138674

Crocomire is really neat!
He is filled with Croco-meat!
We're all melting Crocomire!

>> No.1139298

You haven't lived until you felt that tingly sensation of plant enzymes trying to dissolve your throbbing penis

>> No.1140875

I hope Crocomire is just a single member of a larger race of Crocomires and not just one of the Space Pirate's experiments.

>> No.1141741
File: 99 KB, 1032x774, keen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flies to alien planet
>kills every man woman and child in sight
>later finds out they were victims of mind control and actually a peaceful race
>Fucks given: 0, now gimme my medal

>> No.1143916

I don't care if it's "self-defence" or not. I want to know exactly when the trigger for that is activated.

>> No.1143923

Didn´t you read the fuckin thread?

>> No.1143925

>and if you killed a muthafucka twice already,
and this is where it falls apart. If you've already killed Ridley twice then you know damn well he's capable of showing up a third time.
I think the biggest problem is the pants-on-head-retarded henshin/concentration retcon of the Power Suit. If that was a legitimate thing that was around since the conception of Metroid you damn well know we would have seen it during the fight against Mother Brain's second form in Super.

>> No.1143930

That's a case of predation though. When you were playing, did you ever shoot these things when you were at full health and ammo? No, you did it to restock.

>> No.1143935

Yes. There seems to be a bit of an unsure verdict on when his varying degrees of aggression are triggered.

>> No.1143942

This is what happened when I tested it: shooting him once in the mouth will cause him to back up some, but he doesn't attack. He just does the roar over and over. Shooting him a second time will cause him to attack like normal, shooting fireballs, moving forward, taking swipes at you. He does the swipe when you first walk up, I'm not sure if getting hit by that triggers anything.

That's as much as I've done. Someone posted their save earlier in the thread, you should get it and test things yourself.

>> No.1144378


>> No.1144483

The last of its species, the Crocomire was a powerful and docile herbivore that lived in the greener parts of Norfair, a lush subterranean jungle enriched by the volcanic activity beneath it.

When the pirates came to Zebes, they saw Crocomire's potential as dumb muscle, and tried to train it as one of their war beasts. But they couldn't force Crocomire to obey them. Angered by the pirates' abuse of the planet's resources, Crocomire violently lashed out, crippling and killing any pirate who approached it.

Eventually the pirates gave up. Disappointed with the lack of results, they decided that training the Crocomire was an impractical waste of man-hours, and left it to rot in some random acid pit. If nothing else, it could at least deter intruders from trying to explore the caverns.

Now free from its tormenters but terrified by its hostile new environment, Crocomire could do nothing but hope someone would defeat the pirates and rescue it. With cloudy eyes blinded by the acid fumes and skin melting in the heat, Crocomire was slowly dying.

Shortly after, Crocomire heard footsteps in its cave. Was it a space pirate? No... This was something else. There was urgency in its movements, not the slow arrogant strut of a Zebesian conquerer. Was this the rescuer Crocomire had hoped for? Unable to speak any language, Crocomire could only hope that its desperate bellowing would be understood.

>> No.1144590
File: 58 KB, 650x842, 1367724562527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck you anon you made me hurt

>> No.1144608

It's only behind Yoshi's Island for me, and I have no trouble with anyone putting it No. 1.

>> No.1144651


This is now canon.

>> No.1144660
File: 443 KB, 900x929, murdering crocomire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

contains ceslates

>> No.1144702
File: 33 KB, 512x448, Djhackedroom12ao (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last of its species

>> No.1145235
File: 63 KB, 310x308, 1326659667060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With cloudy eyes blinded by the acid fumes and skin melting in the heat, Crocomire was slowly dying.
>skin melting in the heat,
>the heat

I want you to try something here.
Go to Crocomire's lair, and unequip the Varia Suit.

>> No.1145253

>if a genetically engineered superhuman with years of combat training can survive in that heat, so can Crocomire.

>> No.1145278
File: 32 KB, 512x446, lore.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about him

>> No.1145298

Federation trooper who got killed by the boss door.

>> No.1145317


>> No.1145612

What heat, though? There is no "heat" in the Crocomire room. In other parts of Norfair if you aren't wearing the Varia Suit you're going to be taking constant damage from the heat.
You don't take such damage in the Crocomire room if you remove the Varia Suit.
Therefore there is no extreme heat in the Crocomire room.

>actual logic

>> No.1146296
File: 334 KB, 551x550, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1146335
File: 325 KB, 1024x1024, ing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Ing were just trying to survive, and Samus wiped them out so she could get off the planet quicker.

>> No.1146336

>being this autistic

Jesus, dude, it's obvious Norfair is supposed to be a pretty hot, dry place. It looks and sounds like a hostile volcanic furnace, even though not every room is hot enough to harm Samus.

Keep in mind: Samus is always wearing armor. Crocomire isn't.

>> No.1146345

>slaughtering the Luminoth
>Ing were just trying to survive

>> No.1146346

Try browsing slow boards an youll realize how much of a newfig you are

>> No.1146351 [DELETED] 


>> No.1146360

>Luminoth kill Ing
>Ing kill Luminoth

Samus only sided with the luminoth because she heard their side of the story first.

I really never liked Metroid Prime 2. It feels too Zelda-y, with temples and keys and "collect ye divine energy." Plus the derpy dark world, and the black aliens being evil because they're black.

>> No.1146365
File: 40 KB, 422x317, umos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't one-sided. U-Mos was trying to wipe out the Ing using the Luminoth power plants.

>> No.1146380

The Ing drew first blood when they discovered portals to Light Aether and invaded, nearly wiping out the once peaceful race.

>> No.1146387

Aether's split was harmful to life on both sides of the divide. The Luminoth could retreat into their stasis shelters, but the Ing had no such technology. They had to act, or they would die out.

>> No.1146391

>The Ing drew first blood
Yeah... According to the luminoth.

Every nation at war claims the other side started it. Look at Jews and Muslims in the middle east, for example.

>> No.1146404

Series canon says the Ing struck first.

>> No.1146429

What canon?

>> No.1146649

I think the door to that boss shoots at you, and has to be defeated with a Super Missile.

>> No.1148847
File: 191 KB, 720x480, 1382178283291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it hadn't been rushed you would have found out in Zero Mission that it was an attempt at revenge that failed. Notice how "melty" he is in Super compared to this sprite?

>> No.1149040


I only played the first Prime, it was AMAZINGLY good considering that it was a jumping-focused FPS on a console... but it's still not as good as Super Metroid (and, slightly related to the topic of this thread, the inclusion of looooooooore is the worst thing about it)

the other bad thing about it is that games like Zelda and Metroid rely in part on discovery of hidden paths, and in 3D it's a lot harder to hide paths than it is in a 2D tile world; if this bothered you in Ocarina of Time then it'll bother you again here (but people mostly loooooved Ocarina of Time so I suppose it probably didn't bother you there)

it's definitely a solid, well made game so play it if you want but... skip it if you want

>> No.1149084


>says hello to you, waves, bellows for help, doesn't attack

>> No.1149110

>sperging continues

>> No.1149148


>dealing with obvious facts

It's amazing how hard it is for people to deal with this.

>> No.1150749
File: 58 KB, 800x600, 1360628979584.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I'm saying is, is in Super, he was trying to get revenge for whatever Samus did to him in the cut scenario in ZM (that made his skin melty:possible first acid bath?), but failed.

>> No.1150756

>Obvious facts
>Something you came up with due to lack of information

>Sperging continues

>> No.1150761

But he literally does nothing. He stands around until you attack.

>> No.1150768


>pretending everything I said about his behavior isn't true

Do you know what 'revenge' means?

>> No.1150784

where is his tail?

>> No.1150807

What's with all the Metroid threads lately? Fuck off, you don't belong here, no one cares about your pseudo dungeon crawler mess of a dead franchise.

>> No.1150809

probably up his ass!

>> No.1150825


Not the same creature, in your pic it has 4 legs, in Super it has 2 legs.

>> No.1150830
File: 136 KB, 355x495, 1335813107225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a more in-depth look into how this game falls apart in every conceivable aspect.


>> No.1150831

check again, dumbass. The super version's arm is blocking the front legs.

>> No.1150872

>splices in my little pony clips any chance he can
never seen so much closet brony seepage

>> No.1150884

>putting a few extremely brief pony clips in the beginning of his hour long analysis = splicing in my little pony clips any chance he can
Please go back to /v/ or whatever shit hole you crawled out of, scumbag.

>> No.1150885


I think there's too much sperging in this for me.

>> No.1150890

uh-oh the closet brony is mad

>> No.1150891

You're in a thread discussing whether killing a video game boss is murder. What do you mean it's too much sperging?

>> No.1150892
File: 44 KB, 604x433, waternoose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Zero Mission version of Crocomire looks like this guy.

>> No.1150897


It's better now I'm past the pony shit and uncomfortable unfunny reference jokes.

>> No.1150917

>it's better

Would you say... twenty percent cooler?

>> No.1150928

There's no flat evidence to either case, therefore anyone trying to describe the motivation of his behavior is only speculating.

He rawrs and flails, and is an immediate obstacle to the completion of your mission. These are the facts.

>> No.1150930


Samus not being able to use abilities until her daddy boyfriend says she can pisses me the fuck off.

Who the fuck is Adam Malkovitch anyway? Has he saved the universe multiple times? He's just some pathetic commanding officer in a military. I'm okay with Samus having a relationship with him and even fondness for him, but she shouldn't be letting him tell her what to do. Not at that level.

>> No.1150935


I'm not saying you shouldn't kill him when you play the game or anything, but the evidence is pretty solid that he doesn't want to hurt you. You're just wrong about that. It just means Samus is a cold, scary bitch. Barely even human, really.

>> No.1150940

>You're just wrong about that.
You're confusing me with someone else. I have no stance on the matter. He's a boss and needs to doe to complete the game. That's it.

>> No.1150941

I know someone is going to sperg out over that typo.

>> No.1150943


I agree. Is anyone actually claiming you should stop playing the game at this point? I certainly hope not. Haven't heard anyone say that.

But there's still pretty unassailable evidence that Crocomire is friendly.

>> No.1150959



>inexplicably has the ability to fire masses of destructive energy out of his mouth, like so many other residents of this biological terror planet

its ok to eat cows and kill snakes, but when an obvious threat to your own life appears you need to join greenpeace

lets turn this into a real argument because you seem super dumb

>> No.1150960

>Cocomire needs to die to complete the game
I know what you're saying but Crocomire is like the most "optional" boss in this game. You don't need to kill him.

>> No.1150957

Or at least nonhostile to start. I wouldn't automatically assume friendly. His actions may be a "Get away from me I'm big and scary." type of behavior.

>> No.1150969


But he doesn't try to hurt you.

>> No.1150972


I could accept that.

>> No.1150976

its called an encounter script

you know these things are just lines of code right

he is obviously hostile

the boss music starts playing and both doors lock, thats like getting raped in an alley

"Sorry honey they had us boxed in this alley, I could have sworn they were just going to make chit chat, is your vagina ok?"

>> No.1150985


More like getting trapped in a box with someone who repeatedly says hello. You're creating a hostile intention that isn't there.

>> No.1151000

or trapped in a box with someone capable and equipped to kill you who stands there yelling "Stay away from me" while flailing a weapon.

Nonhostile is not friendly.

>> No.1151013


>this long-ass voice acting montage

Oh my fucking god, I get it.

>> No.1151017

If only real life had musical cues to tell us when something bad is about to happen. :/

>> No.1151062

What if when Crocomire breaks down the wall, he was doing that to let Samus escape and defeat the Space Pirates because he knew they were to blame for setting up the situation?

>> No.1151079
File: 72 KB, 466x444, 1333589424495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might get some flak for this, but I am saying, this would be a interesting design choice for "a" Metroid game.

I wouldn't mind it taking on some more of the RPG aspects like the Castlevania games have done.

Though as I type that. Metroid is so solid cause it is based on player skill and preset numbers rather than a Castlevania, which is structured around loot drops.

It'd be a careful balancing act, but it'd like to see a attempt.

>> No.1151139

What if when he was charging at you, he was actually trying to break the wall and you just happened to be in the way?

>> No.1151143

>Might get some flak for this
>I wouldn't mind it taking on some more of the RPG aspects like the Castlevania games have done.
Wow, yes, you're right. Even the idea is making me angry.

>> No.1151196
File: 41 KB, 951x501, did he seriously just murder a guy for saying hello.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread just reminds me how when someone looks dangerous, even a friendly gesture can be interpreted as a threat.

>> No.1152142
File: 3 KB, 300x57, sadsta experience.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All he wanted to is help Metroid get through the wall, he even died to do that. Most cruel robot ever ;_;

>> No.1152165
File: 97 KB, 800x560, 1217370730030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If by RPG aspects you mean grindan and equipment/item drops than I don't think that would work for the reward of exploration in Metroid games. Maybe if used for a side-quest or mini-game it would be nice if done right. But leveling up and hunting rare drops just wouldn't work for Metroid.

>> No.1152195


It's a bad idea because Metroid isn't made so you have to kill each and every monster in every area, and having XP would force you to do exactly that.

>> No.1153375

That's a great idea. Except replace "RPG elements" with "exploration" and "loot drops" with "searching for powerups"

But seriously, a good Metroid remake would take advantage of procedural dungeons to keep the exploration theme fresh.

>> No.1153395

>background checks abolished
>guy has access to military equipment
>guy has clearance as military personnel

It's like they're not even trying anymore.

>> No.1153395,1 [INTERNAL] 

I google'd for "red croco ni**er" and found this thread, so … how do I beat him?
Don't ban, pls.