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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 480 KB, 969x676, mini colors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11200020 No.11200020 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>11185858

Retrosizer: https://retrosizer.com/
Handheld screen tool: https://shauninman.com/utils/screens/
Compatibility pastebin: https://pastebin.com/g97EXzC5

>> No.11200030
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>> No.11200035

Fuck muOS

>> No.11200036
File: 818 KB, 950x406, retroid.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11200065

My fucking TSP should have been here yesterday, not today.
Bur surprise, it's not here today either.
Fucking chinks and fucking kike mailman cocksucker

>> No.11200092
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I hope both chinkheld fags and smartphone fags can have another peaceful /hhg/ thread together, anons!

>> No.11200101
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>fake sd slot

>> No.11200137


>> No.11200147
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It's here, it's top tier, but will it play PS2 games fully and perfectly?

>> No.11200162

Cmon, the Wii U doesn't have the power for that!

>> No.11200203

Probably not at 3x resolution like the Odin 2/Mini but since it's most likely more powerful than the 4 Pro, it should run PS2 very well.

>> No.11200448

TSP arrived today.
Should "CONSOLE_XYZ_BIOS".zip folders be unpacked before putting into the BIOS folder on crossmix?

>> No.11200501

>home and back buttons
assdroid is garbage

>> No.11200506

Yeah Linux is so much better bro
>look at your SD card the wrong way and it explodes

>> No.11200546
File: 84 KB, 1024x768, 1694312069752243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this idea of installing MAME on an old TomTom GPS (you can get them for peanuts these days) since it uses Linux and touch exclusively.
The idea was then to launch MAME to play Megatouch games in a portable form factor.

I managed to get the OpenTom build working on mine but installing new programs is beyond my expertise, don't even know how I would compile MAME on this thing without a bunch of libraries.

Not my pic, just throwing this idea out into the ether.

>> No.11200563
File: 83 KB, 939x1065, honest reaction cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these cunts speculating super high prices for the RP Mini and 5 are going to ruin the price. You're supposed to be lowballing right now with shit like "hmm yeah maybe I'd buy that for $100 :^)))" so they panic and price it as low as possible.

>> No.11200571

They probably already have the prices set anon.

>> No.11200576

Maybe, but I tend to think they gauge how positive/negative reactions are, how much excitement there is, etc before finalizing a price. Anbernig definitely does as they held surveys on the price of the RG 556 and Cube.

>> No.11200592
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based and monkey island rule pilled

>> No.11200605
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I will not allow it.

>> No.11200624

oh fuck off already

>> No.11200630


I always like the idea of putting software on things that were never meant to play them. However, having used a TomTom for a little while - the touch responsiveness was horrible compared to a modern smartphone - I don't think it would be great to play things on it.

>> No.11200631

imagine being unable to use your phone while you game

>> No.11200635
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That's exactly why Megatouch games would be ideal. They use big buttons and don't require fast response times.

>> No.11200716

Considering the emulator is dead, no.

I'm sure they'll sell it at a loss if we all speculate it's only going to cost $50

>> No.11200737
File: 17 KB, 474x479, s23u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s23 MASTER RACE checking in

currently playing: banjo tooie, mvc2, ridge racer 5, G.O.D.

>> No.11200763
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My fucking Razer Junglecat died. In the end it was dogshit and a hassle to custom print cases that made it fit on anything.

What do you recommend?

>> No.11200786
File: 44 KB, 510x294, Screenshot_2024-08-31_06-58-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm half tempted to get an Anbernic RG505. How good is screen casting for this thing?

>> No.11200832


>> No.11200838

i have a backbone, its expensive but controller quality is perfect imo

>> No.11200938

will we ever get a chinkheld like this or the odin 2 that doesn't have like 80-150 ms of added input lag? also i hate the glass front, i don't see how anyone could like that shit.

>> No.11200958

Hold out on that MiSTer handheld?

>> No.11200968

linux solutions on both arm and x86 don't have this issue. even old android phones are way better than the current crop of androidshit. it's an issue on their end.

>> No.11200973
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It doesn't matter, it never mattered.
None of this matters.
Put the "list" to bed, and learn to live with shuffle enabled.
Let the river take you and go with whatever it decides.
You will save yourself so much time, effort and obsessiveness.
As an elder autist ex coomlector, this is my only advice.

>> No.11200975
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Get a linux or high refresh rate handheld then.

>> No.11200978

Okay, but what's her name though?

>> No.11200979

>it has to be shit it just has to!

>> No.11200984

where's this from? I'm not super sensitive to input lag but when it's bad enough for me to notice it then I just can't deal with it at all

>> No.11200989


>> No.11201000

interesting, thanks bro

>> No.11201015

How many high refresh rate handhelds are there? All that comes to mind are the Ally, the Steam Deck OLED, and the upcoming Ayaneo Evo. And even then the latter seems to be the only one on Android.

>> No.11201038

thats not how things work you silly basement dwelling neet

>> No.11201076

shut the fuck up chris you're the basement dwelling neet. shilling on discord and xitter is not a real job.

>> No.11201092

Chris Covers is a faggot with lame facial hair and I could beat his ass irl

>> No.11201113

Seconding this, Yandex comes up with nothing.

>> No.11201136

Just bought the rg353v
am I retarded?

>> No.11201196

This gave results but not sure if super accurate.
She could look radically different frame by frame let alone on other days/ years.

>> No.11201203

>all this work for a mid-30s broad who looks like she probably works as a gas station manager

>> No.11201210

We ARE Anonymous.

>> No.11201216

In times of great need. We, the anons of 4Chan were called upon..

>> No.11201229

I don't understand this logic, unless you're some TikTok addicted faggot do you regularly use your phone while you're gaming or doing anything other than intentionally using your phone?

>> No.11201248

I spent way too much fucking time making my own emulation station theme bros

>> No.11201254

eh kinda. Just enjoy a decent amount of N64 which is the top that it can barely work. Now im just using it as a portmaster machine but still play my MM+ more

>> No.11201257

Cool, maybe try playing a game for more than 5min for a change

>> No.11201259

>pause game or save state
>use phone

holy shit so difficult

>> No.11201269

Jannies, please nuke this "tsp" botposter infecting all these threads

>> No.11201290
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how much stress am I in for if I buy a chinkheld and try to put rom hacks and custom GBA games on it? I recently recovered a 3ds from a friend who didn't want it anymore and jail broke it and whatnot. My sister expressed her desire for a 3ds and I'm quite happy to wipe the one I got and give it to her and replace it with a handheld emulator as I only really play castlevania and Pokémon games, along with other random GBA community games (also the GBA bookworm game by popcap is so fucking fun just trying it trust me.) my question is most of these handhelds seem to come with custom firmware, is it finicky? how hard is it to mod and or replace if I want to? any information is welcome such as particular picks, advice, ad hominems, slurs etc

>> No.11201296

What happened to Knulli? Are they ever going to update again?

>> No.11201302

with few exceptions, most chinkhelds are trivial to set up taking between minutes and a couple hours at most to be set forever

>> No.11201303

why would I do that?

>> No.11201359

Look man, I like fishnets and I like fullnelsons. Tried it once on a chick, changed my life. What do you want from me?

>> No.11201373

If you can mod a 3ds you can setup a chonkheld. It's no harder than setting up an r4 card with twilightmenu++

>> No.11201378

right, fishnets is the reason why you need a specific porn actress' name

>> No.11201384
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>> No.11201396

when did retroid start teasing the 4? whats it looking like for a date on this new one?

>> No.11201426

What do anons think of the 406V and inevitable 406H (presumably well before the end of the year)?
Assuming they are 4:3 Cubes in screen res and build quality, with the V probably having similar design and D-pad to the 40XXV, these look like potential end game handhelds for 4:3 enjoyers.

>> No.11201497

Specs reveal is next week and then they'll probably start taking pre-orders the week after. That's how they usually do it now.

>> No.11201513

pre-order for when? was it november last year and released early jan or something? i forget

>> No.11201607

For the price you'd be better off with a base model Retroid Pocket 4. Better specs and has hall sticks/triggers.

>> No.11201785

you get the two best cfws so no

>> No.11201808


>> No.11201814

Stick on top, so into the bin it goes.

>> No.11201967

Pre-orders were December and started shipping January.

>> No.11201975

Just got my TSP, how do I know if it is the newer version?

>> No.11201980
File: 218 KB, 1000x1000, Sfcff9b1550804b4ab85f51d6b17747a0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been running in to these suitcases while trolling around Ali. Does anyone have any experience with these things? I've never used a Pandora Box so I don't have those for a frame of reference and many of these things say they're Pandora based.

>> No.11201987
File: 1.16 MB, 1594x884, gamesir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all those handhelds are legit e-waste

a smartphone with a controller is good enough

>> No.11201991

For like 15 years now I have occasionally had the thought of how cool it would be to build a pc or something to a suitcase like this until I eventually realize that I'm just building a shithole-tier laptop for more money than it would cost to just buy a decent laptop.

>> No.11202009

By opening it up, the box is a decent indicator but the only sure fire way is to open it and to check the date printed on the mainboard.

>> No.11202015

Cool story bro.
I ain’t removing my phone from it’s case when I want to play a game nor will I be using a bluetooth controller.

I’d rather have a second device in my work bag or something and use that in transit or when on break.

>> No.11202041

this is what you tell yourself when mom says no

>> No.11202052

Which handheld is most ergonomic for my wife's boyfriend's son's dbz, naruto and NBA games?

>> No.11202091

my 720x720 'held is far more powerful than the blackberry it was in

>> No.11202095

how does it close?

>> No.11202110

If it's anything like the powkekky A13 you can unscrew the stick
That one had a compartment in the inside of the clamshell, dunno where you'd store this one

>> No.11202119

>the box is a decent indicator
How come? I also read the triggers on the first version where borderline unusable and mine feel good.

Also is it normal that if I plug it to charge it while turned down I don't see any light at all?

>> No.11202126

Scratch the last question, I'm genuinely retarded, I was using the host port instead of DC.
Also crossmix looks really good on top being literally just works tier and easier to install than garlic os.

>> No.11202138
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>> No.11202146
File: 286 KB, 1080x805, this FAT BITCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She still uses my R36S as a pillow, the FAT BITCH.

>> No.11202159
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I like this thing.

>> No.11202239

>bezelmaxxed and hudmaxxed

>> No.11202242
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Why not, anon?

What did I do?

It's an older smartphone that I wasn't using anymore, I've turned it into a dedicated emulation device at this point.

>> No.11202334
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>community spend a month trying to unfuck XU Mini M's firmware
>devs scratching heads trying to figure out the kernel, why voltages don't make sense, etc
>turns out it's a fake RK3562, it was another RK3326 all along

>> No.11202360

is this shin megami tensei? I always thought these games were anime slop but the early ones look cool

>> No.11202387

It's just consumerism.

>> No.11202392


>> No.11202418

Latest version usually has 3 colors of tsp on the box instead of one tsp centered.

The initial batch’s issues were resolved in a few months so its rare for someone to find the problematic trigger/speaker models now.

>> No.11202439
File: 718 KB, 1127x1920, 235103bfc75f8b677ad807338d1ea67f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the PSX version with a translation patch. I like the older games a lot, Megami Tensei II (NES) is also fantastic no automap tho.

>> No.11202443

Chinese scamming other chinese, goddamn.

MegaTen is a franchise that spans along tons of spinoffs. Chances are that if stuff like Persona, Devil Survivor or any of the newer entries are too offputting for you, the older games will be more than satisfactory. Especially in terms of difficulty.

>> No.11202464

my rg353v arrives in an hour or so, what should I do with it first? was planning on using android mostly
can it run grindr too?

>> No.11202465

It has the picture of the 3 models and the analogs feel good so I guess I'm fine, with this one selling like hotcakes I doubt there's older stock laying around.
Honestly impressed with this one considered I paid 45 bucks.

>> No.11202485

>Honestly impressed with this one considered I paid 45 bucks.
That's pretty much everybody's experience with the TSP, mine included.

>> No.11202494

desu, the GBA version is better. As the text is more aligned to smaller screens and the music is quite as good as the PSX version

>> No.11202501

Yes, you can show off your pathetic running N64 games to your gay date.
I mean it. Its not as good but decent as certain games (dont ever think about actually playing Dreamcast lmao)

>> No.11202545
File: 269 KB, 607x457, brute-force-cooling-botched-mod-for-the-trimui-smart-pro-v0-e5mvvt8kd0md1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We live in a society.

>> No.11202548
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>> No.11202549

Does it at least work better?

>> No.11202558
File: 366 KB, 908x1429, 20240831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont ever think about actually playing Dreamcast lmao

I play games at 30 FPS on mine. The only game I've tested that had dips into the 15s was Psyvariar 2 which I'm chalking to being an emulator issue.

>> No.11202563
File: 2.16 MB, 1200x1600, df2da1daa9fc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear, some people should be kept away from electronics. How the fuck does that cheapshit heatsink conduct heat to the copper sheet on the inside of the case? The bigass thermal pad is deliberately oversized, so it can properly contact it and disperse heat that way.

>> No.11202570

Make sure you grab my improved NDS emulator >>/vr/thread/11153057#p11153061

>> No.11202576

What the hell is that ghetto ass mod and why is everything so shitty and disheveled.

>> No.11202583
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>> No.11202587
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>> No.11202594
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>> No.11202629

>What the hell is that ghetto ass mod
Some numpty who didn't take Vladimir Lenin's advice of "read, nigga, read!"

>1. Why Does the Device Run Hot?

>Two main factors contribute to the perceived heat:

>1.1. Efficient Heat Dissipation: The Trimui Smart Pro utilizes thermal pads connected to a copper sheet within its casing. This design, unlike those found in competitors, prioritizes efficient heat dissipation. While it might feel hotter to the touch due to the spread of heat, the device is actually running cooler internally.

>1.2. Aggressive Clock Speeds: The real culprit lies in the Trimui Smart Pro's default clock speeds. The device utilizes an A133 Plus chip, an overclocked version of the standard A133. While the original A133 reaches up to 1600MHz, the Plus version pushes it to 1800MHz. Trimui takes it a step further, overclocking it to 2000MHz. This provides a performance boost for demanding games, but at a cost. Performance scales linearly with clock speed, but heat and energy consumption increase exponentially.

>This trade-off seems acceptable for a performance gain, but the problem arises from the default configuration of some emulators. They often maintain a near-constant 2GHz frequency, even when the game doesn't demand it. This leads to excessive battery drain and a noticeably hot device. Fortunately, there's an easy fix, but first, let's understand how the Trimui Smart Pro manages its CPU frequency and the tools at our disposal.

>> No.11202637


>2. Taking Control: cpufreq.sh Files

>The Trimui Smart Pro offers two methods for controlling CPU frequency: the FN button and cpufreq.sh files. The FN button method, plagued with issues discussed later in secion 6, is not recommended. We'll focus on the more reliable cpufreq.sh files.

>Within the Trimui Smart Pro's SD card package, under the "Emus" folder, each emulator has a corresponding cpufreq.sh file. This script, executed upon launching a game, tweaks the CPU frequencies for that specific emulator. While the concept is sound, the default configurations are often illogical.

>Take the original Game Boy emulator script, for example:

>echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
>echo 1008000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq

>This script sets the governor to "ondemand" and the minimum frequency to 1008MHz. This is counterintuitive. The "ondemand" governor dynamically adjusts frequency based on demand. Setting a minimum frequency of 1008MHz when most Game Boy games run smoothly at 400-600MHz leads to unnecessary battery drain. While this might not be significant on lower-end systems, it becomes problematic with demanding platforms like the N64 and PSP.

>Let's examine the default PSP script:

>echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
>echo 1418000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq

>This script sets the governor to "performance" and the minimum frequency to 1418MHz. However, the "performance" governor disregards the minimum frequency setting, forcing the device to run at its maximum clock speed of 2000MHz. This means even simple games like Tetris will run at 2000MHz, leading to excessive heat and rapid battery depletion.

>As evident, the default cpufreq.sh scripts are far from optimal. The solution lies in editing these files.

>> No.11202652
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>pic related shows the average 'clip on controller + smartphone' user

>> No.11202657
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You're insane if you think the botched GBA OST is better than the PSX OST. If you're basing that off the iOS version of SMT1 it was a GBA rom with the PSX OST.

>> No.11202659

Why don't you guys use the retroarch settings to reduce input lag? (run ahead, frame delay, preemptive frames)

>> No.11202664

You're a dumb faggot for worrying about custom firmware being finicky.

>> No.11202671
File: 267 KB, 770x446, yulungerBIG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some examples
GBA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iV2gFp5uPvU
PSX: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhrQPA1dXic

>> No.11202674

To a new comer that barely knows about chinkhelds, I don't blame him. You have retrofw on the mips devices not working because you have to use a specific version that matches your ram timings because ambernic were being cheap fucks to cfw devs mkaing devices not boot becasue the manufacture didn't ask for permission first. Neither happened in a while, but still.

>> No.11202678

Can the chinks stop making the shoulder buttons so shitty? At least change that shitty font for the labels

>> No.11202679

What about the original snes one?

>> No.11202683

Is that a fake front firing speaker?

>> No.11202684

>iOS version was perfection
>never been rereleased
I fucking hate Atlus.

>> No.11202685
File: 971 KB, 500x376, tumblr_m8m5x46qjM1qdc388o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good. I like the PSX version the most tho. I haven't played any of the more obscure ports so I dunno about the Sega CD version.

>> No.11202694
File: 6 KB, 256x224, pascal sega cd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The CD version has some cool new sprites for certain scenes but other than that, I don't know much else about it. It'll probably never get translated.

>> No.11202763

>update daijisho
>get stuck in a boot loop after reboot
motherfuck I had everything working perfectly, why did I updoot

I don't even remember how to fix this shit.

>> No.11202862

Probably fastboot into some adb commands or whatever.

>> No.11202868

I managed to fix it by pressing home on the touch screen to go into vanilla android and then uninstalling daijisho.

Just a pain that I have to config everything again.

>> No.11202902

based gamer holes

>> No.11202925
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This. Only get the R36S if you expect to play Dreamcast.

>> No.11202968


Does crossmix come with more sensible cpu config files pre-installed?

>> No.11203149
File: 2.41 MB, 3200x2400, 20240831_181843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought I found the perfect case for my FAT DS but it's for dslite/dsi models despite the branding, the search continues

>> No.11203226
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, WHO CARES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11203265

What are they even going to do that ambernic didn't?
I suppose they could match the exact size of the actual SP

>> No.11203286

Anbernic just weaker

>> No.11203343

miyoo more like miwho hahahahha
hope you found this post helpful and i'll see you in the next one. happy gaming

>> No.11203349

Cant afford the RP4 nor RP5.. not sure is the mini will also be at a decent price.

However the 2nd hand market are selling the RP3+ at an affordable price and RP2+ for cheaper. But im on the fence.. aside from form factor I'm torn between RP3+ and RP2+ im not too crazy about PS2 games.. but im more of game cube.. also wondering if Android games holds up with the RP2+.

>> No.11203378
File: 3.90 MB, 1080x1920, 1715745625602770.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me here again.

I'm playing God Hand (NTSC-U) at 80% speed currently, I just need to download PAL versions of the games to see if it's more playable. I'm also going to fiddle around Android and the OS rom to see if I can eek out more perf tomorrow.

>> No.11203436

delete this

>> No.11203438
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>> No.11203441
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>> No.11203450
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>> No.11203454
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>> No.11203461
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>> No.11203471

that's cool. i'm glad people post about ds handhelds here

i just fixed my new ds lite. it came in the mail a couple weeks back, but the touchscreen wasn't working when i got it and the screen was yellowed. i think when the guy "tested" it. he just turned the fucker on and assumed image = working touchscreen.

so, i ordered the shit to fix it, and now it's functionally mint. the screen has a weird kind of flicker to it, but it's much better now. it must be something on the mobo, but i'm not worried, it isn't an issue in games. the shoulders are a bit weird too, sometimes they don't register, but again i'm not worried.

next up: fat fuck ds. i want a black or white one, but i'd take a blue.

>> No.11203480

Go play Gayshit Aidspact elsewhere, rectum stretcher.

>> No.11203497

>implying you have to be gay to stretch rectums

>> No.11203501

Well, someone likes Kenan & Kel..

>> No.11203505

Yeah you do.

>> No.11203512


Im looking to buy a new phone. Thinking my current phone can be use for higher end gaming. But here’s the catch

Its a fucking iphone 13 pro.

Am i gay?

>> No.11203516

RK3326chads we can't stop winning

>> No.11203529
File: 1.69 MB, 4624x2600, IMG_0293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but unironically

>> No.11203926

>Does crossmix come with more sensible cpu config files pre-installed?
Unfortunately no, since they appear to gave been copied over from stock.

>> No.11203996

My TSP works great and it's way more comfortable than my RG35XX. Already installed crossmix and all my games.
Today it's customization, optimization and checking if I can get my saves working here.

>> No.11204004

thats not true, I love (pre MS) rare

>> No.11204007

>Its a fucking iphone 13 pro.
Why would you buy another phone? Shit's expensive. Besides, it's an iPhone, Apple's gimmick is supporting the shit out of them. Somebody gifted me an OG X back in 2021 (new-in-box, never started, had to do some finagling to get it to update) and I was surprised to discover that it regularly received OS updates until this year.
Just buy a chinkheld on sale. It's going to be cheaper than any phone+grip combo.

>> No.11204009

>any apple device
>am I gay?

yes, and also stupid

>> No.11204010

>apple supports the shit out of their systems
>release firmware updates that purposely nerf everything that isnt new shiny edition 2025

my fucking sides

>> No.11204015

At least they give enough of a shit to throw a pityfuck to older device owners. My Xperia 5 II's last OS update was October 2022 (still gonna buy another one, it's the only non-Samsung, non-Jewgle, non-chinkphone Android on the market).

>> No.11204098
File: 89 KB, 666x622, 1558445063993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minui basically fixed all my problems with the RGB30, the sleep mode works and it boots in 10 seconds
Does anyone know if the miyoo mini paks for extra emulators work on the rgb30? I'm not talking about the official extras folder, I found this randos github with a ton previously not supported emulators but it's from 2022


>> No.11204145

Just tried, they don't work, shame, I wonder how you can make these pak things

>> No.11204152

hello sir
which handheld is being played in this video?
thank you

>> No.11204193

this is an actual fucking jeet holy shit
fuck off go learn some more english before using 4chan stinky

>> No.11204267

retro gaming is a jeet/third worlder hobby faggot

>> No.11204278
File: 1.09 MB, 500x342, aight I'm out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what you should do

>> No.11204280

oh man i remember using that in crontab on boot to lower my clock to minimum clock speed when i used laptop with linux on it to preserve battery life
this is nostalgic

>> No.11204293

he is not wrong though. im not jeet but let's just say my government wants to ban internet, what is the only thing available when there is no internet or cloud infrastructure? retro games that never required online connection

>> No.11204294

were there ever any (good) handheld options released by legit companies other than Nintendo? I remembered the psp while writing this, but I can't think of any other

>> No.11204298

neo geo pocket color.
and to a lesser extent the wonderswan.

original psp was great too, but imo it was only good because of emulation/ps classics on the go, the actual library. its alright, about a dozen good/unique exclusives, but is still shit compared to any nintendo handheld. sorry but your reddit-core deckie and vita are both garbage e-waste too. game gear was shit, and required mountains of batteries. never had a lynx but by all accounts its even worse than GG. everything else, n-gage game.com were all nothing but memes.

the neo geo is dope, though. both the hardware and software

>> No.11204303
File: 348 KB, 640x640, brick_game_9999_in_1_3d_model_c4d_max_obj_fbx_ma_lwo_3ds_3dm_stl_2594169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are better than anything else the competition put out

>> No.11204324

>game gear was shit
stopped reading there

>> No.11204334

I figure this is appropriate thread for such question: the Game Gear has a PowerBack accessory that extends battery time and the Wide Gear/Super Wide Gear/Big Windows for amplify the screen. I simply can't find pics, videos or even info to see if it's possible to use both together, since both use the screw hole and the Powerback seems to have a little space to allow the Wide Gears to slide in. Is it?

>> No.11204343

Anyway, what device is this?

>> No.11204345

trimui smart pro

>> No.11204348

Nice try, but I have one you don't fool me.

>> No.11204349

then go play some wind waker on it

>> No.11204353

Joke is on you, I'm actually enjoying my road rush playthrough.

>> No.11204521

I saw someone referring to TSP emulation optimization last thread, can any of you verify this resource?

>> No.11204543 [SPOILER] 
File: 377 KB, 1600x946, IMG_0294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why i chose picrel w/ 256gb for my private landfill

>> No.11204580

S24 here, what are you using?

>> No.11204592

s23 ultra with a backbone controller. retroarch for most stuff except for duckstation, dolphin and pcxs2. use it as my 24/7 main console, about 4-6 hours a day plus normal phone use and still never run out of battery.

not sure if s24 is worth the upgrade, but Im too happy with current phone to even think about it. battery life, performance and display are all top notch. S-pen for ds games is peak comfy and Ill never go back

>> No.11204607

Probably right but I went from s20 to pixel 7 so to 24 is a massive upgrade

>> No.11204608


>> No.11204612
File: 64 KB, 800x800, ERYING-Gaming-PC-Motherboard-with-Onboard-CPU-SRKT3-I7-11800H-i7-11800H-NO-ES-2-3GHz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is picrel a chinkheld? it runs retroarch, is chink and i hold it in my hand when placing it on my desk or on a table

>> No.11204630

It’ll work but you’ll obviously will have slightly less performance then when you simply toggle the fn key as that sets it to the max.

>> No.11204639

Why is screenscrapper so damn picky? Lots of NES/SNES games failed to fetch the cover, and even the ones from NES that did are not showing them.

>> No.11204641

nope Ive got a backbone and its great but gamesir is cheaper and has pass through charging which Im jealous of so Id probably go with that. I will say the backbone is super portable and feels great in the hands so you cant go wrong there either.

>> No.11204668

Probably the 353v.

>> No.11204675

nvm turns out im retarded and the backbone had passthru charging this entire time

>> No.11204706

The OS is a cut-down distro, so, if you know scripting, you can do a fair bit of efficiency tweaking.

>> No.11204796
File: 1.18 MB, 1816x2810, 20240507_113406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow phone bro

>> No.11204927

i wish this was real. No fucking way

>> No.11204994

Probably runs better on gammaos

>> No.11205041
File: 231 KB, 750x750, TBD06044695_B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love dispute system on Ali, it really puts the fear of God into piece of shit sellers. Bought myself RG35xx H, it came with a case for vertical version, I DM seller, he says nothing and throws $1 coupon in my face, I open dispute, he immediately begins kowtowing before me and sends me tracking code for a new case. Handheld itself is fine, I always wanted cheap chinkheld like that.

>> No.11205102

How's the dpad?

>> No.11205172

Fine, a bit small. Now stick placement is rather inconvenient, and I don't like the shoulder buttons, but I don't like shoulder buttons in general, I grew up on Genesis and then moved on PC so I met them quite late in my life and they are alien concept to me. If I'll ever buy a cheap handheld again, I'm definitely going for vertical one, though.

>> No.11205181
File: 1.41 MB, 3088x1440, Screenshot_20240901_112922_Nova Launcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinkheld plebs are so amusing to me

>> No.11205182

>snapchat and jewtube
lmaoing at your life

>> No.11205184
File: 39 KB, 687x150, yikes like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11205203

seethe snoy

>> No.11205232

>he doesnt throw game at bitches on snapchat

not the flex you think it is

>> No.11205245

Cum brained retard.

>> No.11205247

Hey, that's a really cool way to use both your telescopic controller and smartphone! I had never thought of it, might have to get into playing more vertical/arcade stuff now on.


>> No.11205257
File: 153 KB, 690x920, BbKINO1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shitcess peach
Roselina/Toadette nigs, end this fuck
>Sony leh bad, even tho the ps1 is kino
We both know you only use it for to pay for some bitches nudes. Spoiler alert and truth nuke: Check booty forums, that shit is constantly leaked.

>> No.11205373

Not unless it has built in controls.

>> No.11205648


>> No.11205674

Maximo: Ghost to glory

>> No.11206124

Don't scare them with toilets, they already shit on the streets enough as it is

>> No.11206281

>anything but shovelware

>> No.11206458
File: 357 KB, 1080x527, prine.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a good handheld out there around the size of the sony xperia play to maybe the psp slim? Ive been using it for about a year and a half but now I kinda want to not dirty it too much more since the dumb hinge is probably gonna get loose anyday now and just wanna keep it as a collectors piece
what game is this?

>> No.11206479
File: 68 KB, 1000x750, 787655743545786786567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you use anything other than the steamdeck for retro games?

>> No.11206510

I would go the phone/controller combo but I depend on my phone too much, I don't want to wear & tear the device or drain the battery when I need it for an emergency.

>> No.11206527

this guy gets peg'd

>> No.11206530

has anyone bought a RGSP recently? apparently they kind of fixed the buttons feel

>> No.11206532

Did they fix the grenade issue though?

>> No.11206556

flopped and shitted extremely badly

>> No.11206716

Fixed how?

>> No.11206868

ashamed to have snorted reading this

>> No.11206870

dangerously based fellow snoy fanboy

>> No.11206874

>So asshurt at the resident nintendo hater, he now insults the second best console of the 5th gen.
Perhaps a clamshell? Sadly your only option is the anbernig sp and that's beyond shitted.
Super robot taisen og saga.
Stop fucking with me jamal-sama. Give me your top 5 weeb games. I've seen your library

>> No.11206914

PSA: 4Chan X users can see those who post from the same IP, samefags.

>> No.11206919

expose them right now

>> No.11207019
File: 1.47 MB, 2502x2171, RGPS3SSV+.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been away for a bit, seeing shit about crossmix.
Is it a real OS, or is it turboshit like tomato? Or is it like tomato (but actually good).

Anything can be a handheld if you work hard enough at it bro.

>> No.11207106

how is ps2 emulation on these things when compared to aethersx2?

>> No.11207193

Where are saves (both states and in game saves) stored in crossmix? I want to see if I can use saves from my rg35xx here.

>> No.11207220

The .retroarch folder in the retroarch folder.

>> No.11207280

There are a lot in similar size but none of them are sliders atm.
If you really need a slider then you can wait for the MagicX slider which was teased with leaks

>> No.11207298

>only 1 screen
how do you play ds and 3ds games on this?

>> No.11207308

Side to side or with a playstation 3d tv and ar glasses.

>> No.11207326

Thanks, let's see if this works.

>> No.11207449

>tfw rk3326 is more powerful than a cell cpu
brb running kof13 in rpcs3.apk

>> No.11207479
File: 20 KB, 400x400, sweaty tom hanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mega man x msu-1 with the ym2612 arrangement ost
>on 1:1held w/ cpu overclocking, scanlines & genesis NTSC shader for extra rainbowing
the blast processing is maximum

>> No.11207559

Well ingame saves from garlic os work, save states do not.
Also is there any way to turn down the speed in forward mode using crossmix? This renders any RPG unplayable as it is.

>> No.11207562

States need the same version of retroarch (or cores, I can't rememebr) for ff, Settings > Frame Throttle > Fast-Forward Rate. Mine is at 3 for fba rpg's

>> No.11207570

>Settings > Frame Throttle > Fast-Forward Rate
Well I just did a proper in game save and moved on, no big deal.

>> No.11208017

S23 Ultra bro here representing
How would you rate the backbone on a scale from 1 to 10 anon? does it fit the phone fine or do you feel like it barely fits?

>> No.11208104
File: 948 KB, 2333x2624, why is this so fucking big i already reduced the res to a quarter of original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chris is a gayass bitch nigger.

>> No.11208115

>What did I do?
There is a type of person who comes to handheld threads and bad mouths dedicated emu handhelds while extolling the virtues of phone + controller. It's a legitimate option but instead of treating it that way they are trollish and condescending about it. Basically you triggered people who are tired of dealing with them.

>> No.11208135

cus of Le boomer eyes and brick complainers.
better buy it then you fucking NIGGERS

also, it's safe to say that the mini's usb-c video out is going to work with drastic like 4 pro, yes?

>> No.11208140

So is PS2 emulation on the RP4 Pro really as good as claimed?
I had nothing but bad experiences with PS2 emulation on ARM devices.

>> No.11208142

I meant the size of the image anon, not the handheld. The handheld is the same size or a even a little smaller than the Odin 2 Mini.

>> No.11208145

>cus of Le boomer eyes and brick complainers.
Heh, that would be me.

>> No.11208149

based itzah wallpaper user
if you export the psd as a gif you can actually use the animated version on android

>> No.11208156

if it's bigger than a psp, then it's too big

if you are going to buy it, then it's alright

>> No.11208173

It depends. I have a device with a similar chip inside it (Ayaneo Pocket Air with D1200), and it's pretty competent for the most part. On the highest performance mode I would have zero issues playing games like Yakuza, Silent Hill 2 and 3, GTA3 and Persona 4, Viewtiful Joe was even fine running at 1080p with widescreen hacks, though it would have more frequent framedrops. On the other hand, stuff like Gran Turismo 3 and 4 really push the device hard and you would experience more audio slowdown. And some games like Drakengard 1 are borderline unplayable, any 2D elements appearing on screen would cause the framerate to tank.

>> No.11208178

>And some games like Drakengard 1 are borderline unplayable
Not the anon you were replying to but I appreciate you mentioning this and 2D elements.
DoD is pretty much one of the few PS2 games I really have a hankering to play handheld that doesn't have a port etc.

>> No.11208179

Is the emulator the dead AetherSX2?

>> No.11208184

Yup. No idea if NetherSX2 runs any better, but from what I hear there really hasnt been any performance optimizations done on it.

>> No.11208189

i wish phone users would make their own thread, or go to /g/ or /v/

>> No.11208194

Chinkheld and phonefags are comrades.

>> No.11208195

The source was never released, wasn't it?
So they can only patch the binaries and any complex changes would be an immense struggle.

>> No.11208205

I doubt the source was ever truly released, which is a shame. The one developer truly crazy to get PS2 emulation working on Android was also smart or crazy enough to not let people continue the project.

>> No.11208207

you are (not) right.

>> No.11208218

He doesn't want to reveal all the PCSX2 code it stole.

>> No.11208221

It's really their fault for not taking the lead like Dolphin, they knew this would happen.

>> No.11208224

So how powerful is this new retroid? What are the expectations?

>> No.11208251
File: 21 KB, 200x176, 1394653265927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually smaller than I thought it would be considering it has a 5.5 inch screen. It's almost exactly the same size as the Odin 2 Mini. Considering I can already fit my TSP in all my pockets, an extra 10mm doesn't seem so bad aside from the sticks sticking out more. The only thing I need now is for them to land the specs.

>> No.11208307
File: 27 KB, 714x180, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Powkiddy looking to skip T820 entirely waiting for a better MediaTek deal. Also, they joined the Ayn = Retroid truthers.

This isn't right. Everyone complains the h700s are laggier coming from the original 35xx.

Mini is stated to be "better than D900" and "smokes 406 (T820)". People have been throwing random SD chips around but nothing concrete, we expect it to not step on Odin's toes and keep the pricing relatively low in usual Retroid fashion. Not keeping track of RP5.

>> No.11208396

I think I'll open up my 353 and switch the X and Y and A and B buttons, I keep getting confused.

>> No.11208479
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, IMG_0308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11208497

I'm still really not sure which Snapdragon SoC they mean. It seems that on budget phones you get at most 695, next step up being Snap 7 gen 2. Is there anything in between?

>> No.11208538
File: 2.80 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to replace the capacitors on this bitch. Wish me luck, bros

>> No.11208556
File: 64 KB, 500x500, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your thought on RG40XXV? Never owned an Anbernic device before. I'd be interested mostly in playing GB, GBA, and SNES games on it.

>> No.11208567

Horizontal triggers suck.

>> No.11208570

Dumb. You want good shoulder buttons for SNES and GBA, go horizontal.

>> No.11208571
File: 2.44 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this salvageable?

>> No.11208574

he left it in a good state at least. Ive probably tried about 30 different games and only one of them runs like shit (nightshade).

pretty crazy to think without the work of one single autist I wouldnt be able to ps2 game on the go. thank you based autism

>> No.11208579

jesus if you need analog sticks/shoulder buttons just get a horizontal setup. they always look and feel like trash on GB-likes

>> No.11208580
File: 1.24 MB, 1024x671, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mainly want something with a big screen and good scaling.

>> No.11208586

Yeah this isn't pocketable at all. I'm guessing they're going to focus more on power than pocketability now, but that's also weird since they are then competing against themselves with the Odin line.

>> No.11208628

If you're super careful.

Think retroid will drop the pocket name from this thing?

>> No.11208702
File: 55 KB, 320x420, RG28XX V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Powkiddy V10 or Anbernic RG28XX?

>> No.11208712

idk what made you think I was gonna defend the deck or vita, both were and are shit. I appreciate your assessment tho, I might grab a neo geo sometime
as much as "x-in-one" makes me think about gaming in the third world, I think I mightve actually heard of this one. seems based, might look into it.

cheers anons

>> No.11208720
File: 1.87 MB, 416x346, 1690360153954581.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know on the archive where a complete GBA set is? But without the 5-10 versions of each game in the specific games zip? Even the tosec has dupes and romhacks.

Is the hearto 1g1r the best bet?

>> No.11208729
File: 64 KB, 800x418, RG28XX orange orange orange and orange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it, I just might end up getting both.

>> No.11208734

Both will sit unused while you use your android to emulate anyway

>> No.11208759

Tendies always gonna tendo, segabro.
That will be unused too. Assuming he has a phone in the first place.

>> No.11208817

Best chinkheld for ps1? I would just use my vita but I can’t get over touch pad triggers

>> No.11208824

shoo nintendo

>> No.11208826


>> No.11208828
File: 126 KB, 800x1401, S5c6f58d41f6744a1b7ee22a45dede81f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New 3566slop just dropped.

>5" 720p 100hz touchscreen
>metal shell
>USB-C and USB-A port(?)

RP2S by virtue of the controls' quality. TSP gets you there too at 4.1" on 4:3, supposedly the d-pad is solid but 2x rendering should be an uphill battle and you can basically forget Duckstation.

>> No.11208846

Oh yeah, should add TSP doesn't have L3/R3. Did PS1 ever use those?

>> No.11208848

i'd buy that for $55

>> No.11208856

Only Ape Escape

>> No.11208929
File: 1.30 MB, 3072x4080, R36SX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're one of those unsupervised iPhone kiddies just jealously, impotently raging at people being able to afford things.

>> No.11208937
File: 253 KB, 540x590, unpleased-gangar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you doing here, BOY?

>> No.11208940

Swanstation works just fine. You can't upscale with widescreen, but I don't yhink that's a thing anywhere else. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Who cant afford the average 3326 device?

>> No.11208943

Unsupervised iPhone kiddies.

>> No.11208956

He mentioned android...

>> No.11209106
File: 232 KB, 808x1025, Amazonpsp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Psp comes in the mail
>Packaging, ie lack of padding, is nightmare inducing
>Comes with a bunch of mysterious fake memory stick duo card each with micro sd cards in them
Yeah... that shit ain't going anywhere near my computer.

>> No.11209121

The only people with the backdoors needed to do what you're afraid of are the government, and they already probably have access to your machine

>> No.11209178

That device looks very large in those hands, which look suspiciously small. I thought this device was supposed to lack magic.
FWIW I can see why people use sd adapters for the PSP.
Sony's memory cards have a dread inducing failure rate, MS, MSPD, M2 aaand the Vita memory cards all have issues.
They should have used SD, Mini and then micro SD like sane people. They even weighed down.
At least you can use a good adapter unlike the poor PSP Go..

>> No.11209275

how the fuck do I add sharp shimmerless to knulli? that fucker russ told me to just add to the sd card, locate it and use it. shit doesnt work brother!!!

>> No.11209286

His written guide has a section that says what to do for Knulli.

>> No.11209296

doesnt work man

>> No.11209303

Uncle Reddit played you bro.

>> No.11209314

yep, it's clear he doesnt even test it, bro just do this it works on all cfw trust me

>> No.11209315

I risked it. The sticks got pretty much entire PSP library on them. Both God of Wars, Dante's Inferno, Final Fantasy 1-4, Tactics, Crystal Defenders and Crisis Core, Birth By Sleep, both Dissida Final Fantasys for some reason, Breath of Fire III, Star Ocean 1 and 2, Patapon 1-3, Gran Turismo, Bubble Bobble Evolution, Metal Gear Acid 1&2, Peacewalker, The Third Birthday, MG:Portal OPs Plus, Me & My Katamari, Metal Slug Anthology and XX, Ultimate Ghosts and Goblins, Strikers 1945, Harvey Birdman, Gradius Collection, Darkstalker Chronicles , Castevania The Dracula X chronicles, and a bunch of minis and that's just on one stick. I'm really starting to get the impression the guy that sold me this didn't know what he had.

>> No.11209420

He probably did, but just sold it because he needed any money or just didnt use it enough to justify keeping it.

It would be surprising if they werent related, since it looks like they share the same parts. It's not like there's any shame in them being owned by the same parent company.

>> No.11209430
File: 154 KB, 496x348, nobi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it to me straight, /hhg/. Are N3DS prices ever going to come down again, or will I have to fork over nearly 500 leafdollars just to play Link Between Worlds?

>> No.11209435

Launch RA, look up the shaders path under directories and dump it there.

>> No.11209439

It's 0 dollars on your pc.
The price will not go down.

No touchscreen

>> No.11209443

tendies are so fucking retarded holy shit. just emulate. you'll be able to upscale and have better screen/controls/ergonomics/so on. or don't because link between worlds sucks ass anyways.

>> No.11209454

its in /usr/share/batocera/shaders
the batocera folder is not there on pc. no idea

>> No.11209461

Is it Vulkan doing the heavy lifting for Swanstation then? Because 3566 struggles a bit.

If you can't mount ext4, just FTP it over. Alternatively, just dump it on the ROM partition you can see and move it within your chinkheld.

>> No.11209481

I got no idea man, I can locate to where it the folder is but the glslp files aren't there on the device but they are you know?

>> No.11209483

3ds emulation is trash

>> No.11209493

ah holy shit i finally understand. used od commander to move it to /usr/share/batocera/shaders. thanks brother

>> No.11209506

You're welcome pal, first steps into Linux can be confusing and those guides don't actually teach you anything. I suggest setting up FTP to make your life easier.

>> No.11209531

your 300mhz piece of shit is fine to emulate just like the rest of them

>> No.11209537

Nintendo won

>> No.11209552

...All the furry troon money.

>> No.11209556

But enough about Sega

>> No.11209603

So killing myself with a bomb in my pocket aside, is abernics sp model any good? Thinking of pulling the trigger on one, would love to have a clamshell device again

>> No.11209620

Apple and Samsung won

>> No.11209627

That's the yet-to-be-released 720x720 RK3326 masterpiece, the RGB20SX

>> No.11209632

tbf ps custom firmware is easy to setup, and pretty common even back in the day. He didn't really sell you anything anyone with a psp couldn't setup themselves in an afternoon

>> No.11209646

> Is it Vulkan doing the heavy lifting for Swanstation then? Because 3566 struggles a bit.
Vulkan is broken with swan so you have to use software mode.

>> No.11209663

Powkiddy insider here. Will pester the engineer over the x19
Citra is shit and you know it nigga. Also,
>Most chinkhelds look like gayboi or switch lite clones after jxd died.
Odin 2 mini and the shartui dumbo are the obvious exceptions of course. And controls? Aside from ayn/retroid, that shit isnt universal. Anbernig fell off hard after the 351v with the arc as the ultimate saving grace.
Not worth the risk. You're better off waiting to see if the sneedyoo flip is a piece of shit or not for an sp clamshell. At the very least, they wont make the same mistake anbernic did. You're kinda fuxked with wider clamshells, since the flip has a shit hinge and the x18s got completely discontinued for development to focus on it's successor

>> No.11209692
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Has the chip already been selected or are they gonna wait like here? >>11208307
Fun fact, when they went under after nvidia pulled their contract, a former jxd went on to make ayn with the odin. No joke.

>> No.11209754

Does anybody know the FTP password for the stock os on the RG35XX+?

>> No.11209795
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Should I play NES games on my PSP 2000 or n3DSXL?

>> No.11209919

Steamies are so annoying

>> No.11209989

Whichever dpad you like better.

>> No.11209990
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New patient from the 030s guys. Same old rk3326. Gameforce chi/Chaddei/Powkiddy a30 bros, what do you think.

>> No.11209991
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>> No.11210002

*and surface duo. Folding phones having the screen itself as the hinge is peak gook. I personally want to see what the magicx dual shit will look like since it's not a
Wait it out. I think the plan is to use the same chip in an x28 successor since that did even better domestically.

>> No.11210018

>and pretty common even back in the day.
I was working in a 2nd hand store back in the day 2004 > 2014 and we had people coming in with PSPs using CFW all the time, store policy was to just reformat & reset.
We also had people sell their DS with R4's in 'em.

>> No.11210159

Was half asleep

>> No.11210302

I had some anerbic devices in my time. the SP is overall the best. Surprisingly comfortable. Buttons are harsh clicky, but I like that. Dpad has no pivot, which is weird, but it works. Hinge seems sturdy.
The explosion thing is kind of a meme I think. It's concerning, but nothing new with anbernic, older devices probably always had the same issues. Using the battery as heatsink is definitly not something new.
Speaker sounds fine. Screen get bright enough, but colors are somewhat muted (again, like most anbernic devices). It beats original SP by miles though and I mainly use it for handheld stuff, NES and Master System, so the low color volume is okay. On the plus side it has next to no ghosting. I don't like how SNES looks on it though.

>> No.11210306
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>> No.11210309


>> No.11210312

this could be the R36S killer

>> No.11210314
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>> No.11210323

>weighs 2.3 RGB30s

>> No.11210434

>use screenscrapper to downlowad game covers
>fetches all nes games
>all images size is 0
Fucking hell, I'll have to do this manually

>> No.11210435

>solder pads intact
what's the problem?

>> No.11210453

my only gripe with the rgb30 is that, like many pow kiddy devices, they have the case snap together with little plastic clips in addition to the screws, which means if you open it up too much it'll probably break, although I wonder if the screws would keep it together even if the clips broke.
After installing a new OS, I don't have battery issues anymore, so I don't think I'll need to be opening it up all the time, but having an easily replaceable battery would be nice.

I genuinely think I could use it for years to come, especially if the square screen stays unique, but I have a suspicion I'll need to replace the chink lithium battery sooner than later.

>> No.11210464
File: 53 KB, 690x727, replace-your-chink-sd-cards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jogger wants upboats, they clearly don't belong here

friendly reminder to replace the SD cards that come with your chinkhelds

>> No.11210465

phone fit is a 10/10

overall controller is a 9/10 for me. I dock a point because the face buttons are small and click like switch buttons which is not my style. but the analogs (make sure you set a dead zone, id reccomend .3) d pad and shoulders buttons are super duper comfy. especially the shoulders, I think I like them more than any "real" controller.

hand feel is really really nice. its incredibly comfy. highly reccomend if the price doesnt bother you. just dont bother installing the app, its shovelware

>> No.11210486

I did not know this and its now my top priority, thank you anon

>> No.11210489

>my only gripe with the rgb30 is that, like many pow kiddy devices, they have the case snap together with little plastic clips in addition to the screws, which means if you open it up too much it'll probably break, although I wonder if the screws would keep it together even if the clips broke.
I've broken one or two, it's holding together with the screws in for now. The plastic is way too weak.

>> No.11210494

What's with the no right stick trend? It's PS1/N64 res. No GT, AE, AC, MML2. Can't do C-stick. Excludes some Portmaster stuff. I can understand excluding it on 1:1.

>> No.11210505

Which OS are you using? I'm using minUI and it's pretty great, it boots up in 10 seconds now, sleep mode is that fake "save the game, shut the system off, reload the game on boot" thing, but it beats the thing dying in sleep mode.
The only emulator I miss is CPS1 through 3 and that's only because I want to play the 3:4 shmups on the square screen.
N64 and dreamcast were nice to have on the other OSes, but they ran like shit anyways so I don't mind using a better device to play those.

>> No.11210512

It's basically just for N64/psp and some arcade stuff that people prefer analog sticks for.

>> No.11210517

Tried to use JELOS for the longest time but it would only give me headaches. Later I tried Rocknix hoping it'd have improved things, but it has a critical issue where launch units drain power while off. Settled with ArkOS, it's disorganized at times and I miss the brightness button control dearly, but it's stable.

>> No.11210518

it's a shame they couldn't put a bigger screen on it or make the entire thing smaller

>> No.11210562

Also do you guys know a better alternative than The Cover Project to download covers manually?
The website performance is absolute shit and on top of that images are 3-5MB

>> No.11210623

Also with ArkOS, it's a full OS so you can tweak whatever you want.

>> No.11210628

I map the joystick to the right stick for 1 handed gaming. Very useful for when you are holding a baby with or get shit on your left hand.

>> No.11210634
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>waiting for the next drip feed of RP5 news

>> No.11210638

It will the chip reveal. d1200

>> No.11210643

Would be disappointing, that's barely an improvement over the D1100. Also it'd be weird to get a Snapdragon chip for the Mini and not the flagship model.

>> No.11210662

PLaying while my baby sleeps is why I can't get clicky buttoned devices, I wish some of these things would have psp style shoulder buttons with a membrane

>> No.11210673

I said this before: what are their Snapdragon options, anyway? 695 is worse than D900. But the next step up is either 7 gen 2 or 8 gen 2, this is $300 Odin tier and not $150-200 RP tier.

>> No.11210680

It'd probably be so that there would be an actual competitor to the Ayaneo Pocket Air RG556 is too weak and the stock software is too much of a joke to count, but with the D-pad on top so its not a dealbreaker to many. Because if they are basically owned by the same company as Odin, they're basically reaching the point to where they're stepping on the toes of their premium brand.

>> No.11210682

8 Gen 1 or maybe the G3X in the Razer Edge. For the Mini, people are speculating the 6 Gen 1 which isn't a flagship chip so it's not as powerful but is still recent.

>> No.11210710

8 gen 1? I don't even know, it's an old chip that had heating problems. 6 gen 1 is barely better than 695.

>> No.11210713

>pushing 500g
>heavier than several of their handheld pcs
>literally the heaviest arm handheld announced to date that is actually likely to release
>not heavy
what did arthur mean by this

>> No.11210747

I'd expect a new Odin to come Q2 at the latest anyway.

>> No.11210753

Kishi 2

>> No.11210759
File: 402 KB, 622x675, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you boomers have recommendations for PS Vita memory cards? I can buy a Funturbo adaptor + a 128GB Lexar microSD for about $27 on Amazon –should that be enough?

>> No.11210767

>Funturbo adaptor
That's the one I use.
Someone else will tell you if that's a good price, but it's fine on my smart pro.

>> No.11210818

you missed the $18s

>> No.11210827

You could probably go bigger if you plan on using adrenaline to play psp and ps1 games. 256GB wouldn't hurt and they're pretty cheap

If you're just using it for Vita games, 128GB will fit everything worth playing and then some.

>> No.11210847

That with a 720x720 square screen is my dream console.

>> No.11210853

Great recommendations, fellas. I even found a cheap 256GB card from Sandisk that I’ll pounce on. Thanks!

Just one more thing, while I’ve got you: my Vita is actually already hacked with Adrenaline, and I’d like to keep my existing saves, if possible. Is it easy to port everything over to this new card?

>> No.11210862
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Both Crossmix and Knulli keep giving me issues so fuck it, just tell me how to best optimize the stock OS.

>> No.11210978


>> No.11210985

What do you need to optimize? Just grab the binaries from crossmix repository.

>> No.11210992
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>> No.11211032

The closest you'll probably get to that is either the Cube or the Unicorn sadly. Unfortunately both have the left analog stick on top, but at least the D-pad on the Unicorn is positioned slightly higher to be useable.

>> No.11211038

Well, what are you waiting for? Get those new caps in retard

>> No.11211070

Sorry, I don't buy handhelds with the analog on the top. The chinks need to learn their place.

>> No.11211093

Most of the best games of all time existed before 6th gen. Why do people insist on having ps2/gc emulation on a fucking handheld? I'd rather play those consoles on a real emulator than have to install active cooling on a plastic POS that's going to shuffle about in my pockets.

>> No.11211096

Equivalent to the weight of:
>2.17 gameboy
>3.46 gameboy colour
>1.70 PSP
>3.48 N-GAGE
>3.36 GBA SP
>1 pint of milk
>4.34 Dingoo A320
>1.195 Gamegear
>1.83 PS Vita
>3.59 Nokia 3310
>3.746 Zune 120gb's with the squircle
>87% of the weight of the PS one.
>97.352% the weight of the Wii U gamepad.
What the fuck did they mean by "not heavy"? They'

>I’d like to keep my existing saves, if possible. Is it easy to port everything over to this new card?
I did it with mine, check the save location data and back it up.

>> No.11211142

galaxy chads dont have this issue and have smooth af gc/ps2. and having those libraries on the go is absolutely top notch. trying to do it on a chinkheld is just poorfag cope nonsense though

>> No.11211143

You do it on a PC instead like a normal emufag

>> No.11211148

>watching movies or experiencing games on a telephone

>> No.11211187
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>> No.11211195

dual shock > *

>> No.11211212

Fascinating how the people arguing this genuinely STILL have no idea how a Dualshock looks.

>> No.11211231

>Same old rk3326
Nothing to see, it's already dead.

>> No.11211232

>batch 1
>batch 1-2
just call it a second batch you fucking retard

>> No.11211356

At least it's not H700

>> No.11211418

All of you are wrong
Wii U controller layout chads rise up

Isn't the H700 slightly more powerful than the 3326?

>> No.11211425

h700 has nocfws

>> No.11211436

Do you guys actually play these or just buy a new one each week when a new model releases?

>> No.11211441

im playing streets of rage 2 with turborainbowing shaders on my r36s rn

>> No.11211467

It's just consumerism.

>> No.11211517

any secondhand market for these things on discord or something? I want to sell an odin 2 mini

>> No.11211559

guys is russ gay? surely he doesnt have sex with... women... does he?

>> No.11211565

He's married to a biological woman. Do whatever you like with that information

>> No.11211575

he definitely has a chair in the corner that her boyfriend bought him

>> No.11211625

new RG35xxSP update is out.
>3.Added standby mode:
>(1)Normal standby
>(2)Super standby
what is meant by that? is this different sleep modes?

>> No.11211639

LED Gaymen chair, kek. With a cupholster for his drink and a pocket for his snack.

>> No.11211715

I only have one trimui smart pro which I bought last December because I’m poor. I’m happy with the purchase, discovering old classics. More often than not I suffer from paralysis analysis. I’m jelly about this new retroid that looks like the perfect successor.

>> No.11211789

Anyone got experience with using dremels for shell trimming Game Boys?
What bits did you use?

>> No.11211790

I have a pair of Dingoo A320 systems that both just up and broke. GPi Case that had the same problem. Trimui Smart Pro and Trimui Smart that are working great, knock on wood. Zero need for anything else for the foreseeable future.

>> No.11212067

he's also an Army vet and cookbook author, which explains his guides' details.

>> No.11212112

I have seggs all the time, bruh

>> No.11212149
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>$200 for a GBA
>a non-SP, non-micro, non-IPS-modded GBA
>when you can get one on ebay for $70
What is even the point of brick and mortar stores now? I have NEVER found a good deal in them compared to online.

>> No.11212156

Look at this shit

64 dollars





>> No.11212158
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>> No.11212159

They aren't trying to sell things as fast as possible, they purposely have things priced so they DON'T fly out the door to keep their shelves well stocked. They only want to sell to whales.

So they keep some junk around for the poors, and wait for the one customer a week/month that comes over to drop thousands of dollars.

>> No.11212185

They literally give FLAGSHIP Samsung phones on obamaphone(Not what it’s called anymore) programs for free LG was a good gookphone maker. For the love a fuck anon, get a pixel. They’re good.
Probably deep sleep

>> No.11212198

I bought mine from Best Buy after it had shelfwarmed for a few years for $20. Great purchase.

>> No.11212315

>$40 for the fucking Urbz
whoever the fuck Book Off is, i hope they crumble

>> No.11212384

Maybe slightly off topic, but I’m looking for a flashcard to use in the gameboy player on the bottom of my gamecube. I already have a miyoo mini and an emulator on my phone, so I’m just looking for something I can stick in the player and leave for when I feel like gameboy advance games on a big screen.
It looks like I can buy an everdrive for $130 or an EZ Flash for half that.
Does anyone know if there’s any compatibility issues using them with the Gameboy player?
Or am I better off just getting a cheap clone from aliexpress?

>> No.11212394


>> No.11212426

Was the Retroid Hawk tuah Hello, cancelled?

>> No.11212445

honestly I'm more offended by those DS prices
either way you could get all of those CIB for less than those prices

>> No.11212471
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They had 2DSes going for $180. I got a 3DS XL on Ali for $30 less than that, and I’ve seen 2DSes at other physical stores going for $120. Which is still too much, but WAY better than this.

>> No.11212498

Most dpad games predominantly press to the right for movement. Whereas, analogue games tend to point up, towards forward direction for the majority of gameplay. Figure out where would be more comfortable and closer to the edge, to reduce thumb cramps/ strain. Dpad goes on top (or on the left), anyone who plays for long enough knows this.

>> No.11212501

There is no pixelshit, snoy or ifag thats better than an s23 u for an emulation station. Or just in general.

Imagine being this level of /pol/ brainrot in a fucking thread about manchild toys

>use a pc
I prefer handhelds

>> No.11212582

>Talking shit about the >CHADggle tensor
Tsk tsk. Least you know LG was the best when it came to korean phones before they killed themselves out of complete retardation
I did not mean to offend you, but that was the literal name of government given phones. I think they just call it the affordable connectivity program these days, but obamaphone was the acutal name if you can believe it. I set up the ps2 emu on my bro's s10. He likes forgotten(shit) survival horror and gta.

>> No.11212584

Does it have cum on it?

>> No.11212587

Also, they used to give out complete shit before, but then realized people don't overpay for older flagships on ebay, so they just gave those and ipads away. You won't be given a folding phone, but that's more because they don't like replacing shit too soon since they do it for free

>> No.11212607

Chinese deep sleep feature calms the user too, filling the apartment with soothing, special smoke.

>> No.11212608
File: 689 KB, 3461x2546, a5c6e34010b18053c711f1644172e6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New retroid line will both have snapdragons

>> No.11212617

Phone/Tabletbros. Is that chip gem or shitted?

>> No.11212619

i want the mini

>> No.11212624

You miss spelled 'cuckbook'.
What sort of urine drinking, scientology seminar did he learn to present and sell himself in?
What snacks? Chocolate raisins? Peanuts? Used condoms?

>> No.11212631

is the rp mini the rp2s2?

>> No.11212638

I already have an Snapdragon 865 Handheld (Pimax Portal Retro).

It isn't that great, it definitely can play most Gamecube games and many PS2 games well, but not perfectly. I never tested Switch games, but I wouldn't place any bet on it.

>> No.11212647

Chink back ally cookbooks are kino. Spics aren't too bad either desu. You KNOW it's shit when they talk about putting banana and popcorn pizza though.
Different lines that will coexist with each other.
So gem with skidmarks? I guess its to keep the price below 210. Especially when the chip isn't really that new at this point.

>> No.11212649

we’re the same person, playing the same game, on the same handheld…

>> No.11212653
File: 32 KB, 758x416, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost exactly the same amount the power as the D1100 that's already in the 4 Pro. It'll probably be a bit better just because emulators are more friendly towards Snapdragon drivers. So there might be a boost in Switch performance compared to the 4 Pro if it has those drivers. Not even close to the Odin 2's might though.

>> No.11212664

The portal used a modified 865 that performed worse thanks to heat issues. This should be marginally better

>> No.11212706

>What snacks? Chocolate raisins? Peanuts? Used condoms?
Fuck if I know, I do not watch youtubers, and only watch minimal youtube video content- mostly tabletop wargaming shit. But from what I've seen of Russposting on here, probably snacks that Anbernic sent him as incentive to give a six month re-review.

>> No.11212716

865 has native windows support for dual booting. 6-7th gen pc stuff could make this an actual beast if youtube is anything to go by.

>> No.11212729

>865 has native windows support for dual booting
Why the 865 specifically?

>> No.11212781 [DELETED] 

wanna be discord/steam friends?
It's Breaknoon

>> No.11212810 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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why you interested if it does?

>> No.11212832

Figure this would be the best place to ask since there doesn't seem to be a good thread for it, or anything on the stickied pastebin.
Is there a good reliable site/vendor for replacement Gameboy Color screens?
Obviously a bunch show up on google and probably some I could buy off ebay, but you can never be sure, as I've heard about cheap replacement screens that ghost or look like shit
Thanks in advance!

>> No.11212882

Aaaand blocked.

>> No.11212885

It is slower overall if dual booted though. I say, if they clamshell it and ask around $210 like other anon said, I'll bite.

>> No.11212903

Sounds like more of a sidegrade to the RP4/Odin 1/Ayaneo Air then, outside of putting the D-pad on top for the DualShock layout. The RP5 seems mostly pointless for anyone that owns any of those devices, but the RP Mini does sound pretty appealing.

>> No.11212929

It should still run PS2/GC pretty well and having a Snapdragon chip should see some improvements over the 4 Pro and Aya Neo Air. Plus it ticks a lot of boxes hardware wise with an OLED screen, d-pad up top and perfect start/select placement. Also the Odin 1 had an 845, it's a rung below the others.

>> No.11212964

Aaaaaaand dropped.
The 888 couldn't even do all PS2/GCN games.
Wake me up when the RP8 or 9 comes out. I'm not interested in this one anymore.
At this point I might as well just get an Odin 2 if no one is ever going to try compete with it.

>> No.11212970

It was obvious they weren't going to try to encroach on the Odin 2's territory, it's the same company. This only reinforces it even more.

>> No.11212979

it's going to be funny pricing this thing when a few dollars more just gets you an Odin2 and a few dollars less would get you an R4P.
It sucks because this probably still means the latter won't move much, if you were hoping to pick one up for cheap.

>> No.11212994

you're not considering it's a display upgrade, not a chip upgrade
with how much cheaper it'd be upgrading the screen compared to upgrading the SoC they could just price it whatever
in fact, I'm fully expecting the R5 to be priced squarely in between the R4P and the odin 2 and it'll sell merely riding on the good impression the pro made

>> No.11212996

I don't know about any reliable vendors for a stock screen
if you want to upgrade to an ips display I suggest funnyplaying.com

>> No.11213023

would it kill them to include just one girl-friendly colorway
these are all so boring or ugly/autistic-looking

>> No.11213045 [DELETED] 
File: 307 KB, 500x470, 1717321826614492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got me hands on this fella and planning to mod it. last time i played anything ds related was 6-8 years back on the dsi. any games like hotel dusk, flower,sun and rain, ghost trick on the 3ds library? dosent have to be strictly puzzle games but a nice story goes a long way for me and interesting mechanics. never played a mon hun game handheld but is the control scheme any good on the 2ds?

>> No.11213048

not sure about rp4 but i have played and completed ICO, KF4, SH4, Fatal Frame 2 and others on my phones which had sd860 and sd680 chips. i played on native res with 4:3 aspect ratio because i like it that way and the performance was great.

>> No.11213053 [DELETED] 

Drawn to Life 1 and 2 are underrated IMO. Not that complex but a fun chill time. Just make sure to get the original individual releases and not the 1+2 combo cart they released, it made some story changes in 2 that were pretty universally hated.

>> No.11213063 [DELETED] 

i keep finding ds games recommended lol, was the ds library much better than the 3ds one?

>> No.11213069 [DELETED] 

Ah, I misread. Yeah, 3DS library wasn't that great outside of Nintendo's go-to first parties and a bunch of cookie cutter JRPGs

>> No.11213084

I'll check it out. I'm not against a screen upgrade, but I was hoping for a stock screen.

>> No.11213129
File: 344 KB, 1080x1992, IMG_20240904_114705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude fucking WHAT
865 literally has the same raw specs as D1100. It's same exact performance except from Qualcomm.
So basically it's not even an upgrade, unless some emulators are better on Snapdragon.
I'm so glad I didn't wait and bought RP4P. I can't use AMOLEDs anyway but still. I can only understand if the base model is $150 for a new screen and speakers/design. If it's $200 it's seriously a joke, and in that case if RP4P goes down to $150 it's literally better performance for money.
Can anyone say if Snapdragon REALLY does anything for emulation?

>> No.11213135

I thought anything GC was fine on RP4P already? Unless you want 1080p I guess. I'm playing Metroid Prime 2 now, runs completely fine at 1.5x res in MMJR save for few heavy scenes here and there, and I'm not even using max performance settings. Lighter games are a given

>> No.11213140

I kind of gave up Switch it because Yuzu is dead and I didn't expect RP5 to have much better specs like 8 gen 2. What kind of performance bump can we expect? Also, anything beside Switch that will play better on Snapdragon?

>> No.11213141

Wow man, seriously how can I understand computers better? All I do is play Super Nintendo but I'd like to emulate stuff too. I have an old Thinkpad with Windows 7

>> No.11213156
File: 97 KB, 1147x759, 1710210526991605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like this year is already over in terms of good devices, RP4P is still kang.

Odin2 Mini was close but way too expensive.

>> No.11213172

I mean, if you don't have RP4P, could as well get RP5—unless you really don't want to wait several months. My eyes simply can't handle OLED at all, I think I might be stuck with RP4P for a looong time. 865 is a better choice but of course not a reason to upgrade. Or maybe wait for a RP4P price cut (if it happens at all though, could take months).
Though to be honest, I still have my doubts about RP5… The new Select/ Start buttons are weirdly placed, and I fear front facing speakers will be easily obstructed by fingers when playing. I also dislike backlit analogs.
Overall RP5 will be good or great as a new device, but almost pointless as an upgrade.

>> No.11213174

Modern as in PS3 and Xbox 360, but chinkhelds can't do those either. In all other cases a bigger 4:3 display is better because every 6th gen game has a 4:3 mode but only some have 16:9. And don't pretend to care about PSP, why would you play shitty handheld ports when you can play better, home console versions those same games? Not to mention PSP graphics look like complete shit even on a snall screen when upscaled, PS2 and Gamecube look way better.

>> No.11213176

Not sure if sarcastic or not
Depends on your specs, just google common emulators and ROMs/ ISOs and see how they run on your machine (if at all)
I guess PS1/N64 is a given, but an old device might not run PS2 or anything higher

>> No.11213217

NTA but I didn't get an RP4P yet because I'd have to either pay a 30% premium for it on ali because of scalpers and taxes, or wait until I die of old age while I wait for a direct order from their website then pay a 29% premium in customs and taxes
I'm happy with my unicorn for light PS2/Wii and below and just use my craptop for everything else, but if the Retroid Mini is competitively priced I might consider it.

>> No.11213260
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>Dualboot linux from the sdcard
>Paid dev support, so actual sleep mode like the shartui dumbo
>Ps2 will work better than the android version
>Also on the mini
Rockshit bros... Why would retroid KILL powchaddy? Are they still buck broken over the x28's speakers?

>> No.11213263
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>> No.11213278
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>> No.11213302

Huh really? I'm in Russia and I got one from the official store for exactly $200 and the shipping was like $10-12. I didn't even have to pay extra tax, if it was over $200 then I'd have to. I had to give up on Odin though, that tax would add up

>> No.11213305

With shipping and taxes it was 30$ more for me in Europe which would be 15% more, not 30%.

>> No.11213312

West EU tax hell, the unicorn base price was close to the untaxed RP4P already and would've almost assuredly triggered a customs inspection (plus tip) if I couldn't get it down to ~ $150 with sales codes and mergeBOSS.
Which might've happened regardless - they just are more likely to go for pricier packages.

>> No.11213318

Hope they price drop the rp4p
Pick one

>> No.11213336

Wow holy shit I thought I had it bad lol
It used to be even better in here, could import shit tax free up to $1000

>> No.11213350

Can anyone translate what this means? Is there some better PS2 emulator for Linux ARM?

>> No.11213367

nethersx2 has been pretty solid imo

also rp4p chads rise up
retroid has lost their sauce kek

>> No.11213369

>completely unmaintained spaghetti of pcsx2 code

>> No.11213373

idrc, got bios files and roms and it's worked for everything i've thrown at it both on an rp4p and a note20ultra i dock as a desktop environment

i admit tho i'm not the hugest ps2 enthusiast

>> No.11213423

Reminder that not even the odin2 is able to run smoothly the whole ps2 library on 1x resolution
Watch the eta prime galaxy tab s7+ video for regular sd865 performance btw

>> No.11213440

>>Paid dev support, so actual sleep mode like the shartui dumbo
why are you picking the one linux chinkheld that has actual sleep mode

>> No.11213441

not even my desktop pc runs the whole ps2 library smoothly, like Nightshade

>> No.11213450

Shhh, it can't do all so it's shit!

Switch is hit or miss. It doesnt run heavy 3d games, but there are some 3d games that run okay on it and then there are some indie games that have clear driver/graphic issues. It's usually ports of wii u games that run fine.

With the chip only being slightly bettet than d1100, I see no point in upgrading. I rather a bettet chip than display.

>> No.11213461

>muh actual sleep
muh savestate and actual power down the device mode

>> No.11213465

So will SD865 actually help running the 3D games much? I kind of doubt it to be honest, Switch GPU was very powerful afaik
All in all, RP4P VS RP5 all boils down to the software / driver advantage. This is hard to judge right now, could just compare to SD865 devices I guess. Best case scenario could be good, better PS2/ 3DS / Switch is exactly what most people want. Worst case though? It's a fart in the water and same exact device as RP4P which could soon be cheaper. If RP5 is $200 I'd think twice before buying it, $150 would be great but not for an upgrade still

>> No.11213475

it's soon to be time to get a RG405V

>> No.11213476
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Where do I get this

>> No.11213485

Any consolizers in here? Where do you source your LiPo batteries? I've gotten one that puffed up in less than a week and 2 that just don't hold a charge.

>> No.11213486

maybe just use the round batteries that justwork lol

>> No.11213491

muOS gets more cucked everyday

>> No.11213497

spent around $100 (inc. tip) on rg nano, r36s and rgb30. getting v10, rg405v, also have rg353v and a telephone thanks for reading my blog

>> No.11213498
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I wouldn't mind using alkalines, but they won't fit.

>> No.11213501

If you need this, you're a retarded zoomer that's afraid of Google and torrents.

>> No.11213504
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was thinking 14500 or smaller

>> No.11213506
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>> No.11213508

>we will ensure the next update of muOS won't support wget

>> No.11213510

You aren't welcome here, bro
man up and stop acting gay

>> No.11213512

on my phone nightshade is the one fucking game ive tried that's actually unplayable. what the fuck is so hard about it bros, it was such a banger. like 25 other ps2 games ive ran are all perfect but nightshade tops out at 13 fps

>> No.11213515

10mm might just fit... I mainly stuck with the yellow candybars because they were flat. Any idea what the yield is like on these?

>> No.11213521
File: 1.42 MB, 1440x3088, Screenshot_20240904_083632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ifaggot retard detected. Try less transparent projection next time

>> No.11213538

You can already do like 90% of GCN fullspeed on a G99 and 99% on a D900, it's literally just the soiwars games that have issues.

>> No.11213540

So is Linux on the RP5 actually going to be real and impactful or are people in full cope mode after the SOC reveal and it's the same as how the Odin 2 "technically" has Linux?

>> No.11213553

I got a PSP for $15, a DSlite for $20, a PS4 for $25, and a Wii for $25 at ValueVillage. But it really depends on who's pricing in the back. ValueVillage currently has a copy of Minecraft for the Xbox One for $60 and it's become a major joke in the local Facebook group.

>> No.11213562

Nascar 2005 is also such game

>> No.11213670

Some kid on reddit made a script that downloaded roms from one of those sites, but it's not even for redditOS, it's for stock. Little bitch is throwing a fit over nothing, I hate these faggots.

Hmm, mite b cool, depends on driver support though. Now I'm really hoping this thing is cheap as the chip implies.

>> No.11213675

This is genuinely the worst time Anbernic could show off their new handheld. Not only does it look ghetto as shit compared to the RP5/Mini, but they just released the RG40XX H to ride off the coattails of the Ayaneo Pocket DMG. Are they even going to give it a 1:1 screen or is it still 4:3?

>> No.11213684

Their offwhite looks really disgusting.

That's very clearly a 4:3. Thing's dead in the water if it's 480p IPS again.

>> No.11213689
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See you all next week when they formally announce the Cube XX.

>> No.11213690

>Some kid on reddit made a script that downloaded roms from one of those sites, but it's not even for redditOS, it's for stock. Little bitch is throwing a fit over nothing, I hate these faggots.

>> No.11213697

I can understand the understand the controversy behind Portmaster because some of those ports really did require you to own the game files, but this is just moralfagging. Not a single person uses chinese handhelds for anything but piracy.

>> No.11213707

Not even, they're preemptively panicking in case their patreon scheme ends up associated with ROM downloading by youtube videos. Absolute scum.

>> No.11213713

>destroying an uncommon piece of original hardware
>to put a raspberry pi and a screen in it
>for upvotes
Cool, now it's just like everything else instead of being interesting.

>> No.11213718

I almost exclusively use my R36S to play games I already own except for Pokemon Black 2 because I wanted some Pokemon.
The Black 2 intro is hilariously bad, just throwing clashing art styles at the screen in random intervals.

>> No.11213719

The retard only put NES/SNES/Genesis games on it too, not even any PS1

>> No.11213729


>> No.11213754

Is the RPMini the most powerful 4:3 handheld now?

>> No.11213757

Some Ayaneo thing no one bought might hold the title, UMPCs notwithstanding.

>> No.11213770

I got a job recently (yey), so i bit the bullet finally and ordered an Odin 2 Max. How are Saturn, N64, and PSX cores on Retroarch these days for Android? 3D systems usually had bad performance on RA for me. For Saturn/N64/PSX I would have to switch to standalone emulators.

Also, it's not technically /vr/ but how is Switch emulation these days? What's the current emulator to use + turnip driver? So many variants popped up after Yuzu shut down that it's hard to keep track

>> No.11213774

Can I report their patreon to Nintendo anyway? Seems like they'd approve of my strict moral code desu.

>> No.11213802

One email to Nintendo and this hypocritical moral-standing faggot is toast. He doesn't care about "fostering a community" any more than he cares about being the one recognized for feeding it and this threatens him being abandoned as a middle-man.

>> No.11213810

PSX on retroarch is the best experience
N64 on android retroarch feels really unpolished and abandoned, better to use the standalone mupen app

>> No.11213834

I’d still rather deal with any of these people than the guy who works on AmberElec btw

>> No.11213898

Thank you very much, using the cover project was far from ideal.

>> No.11213902

>>$200 for a GBA
Lmao, I wouldn't even pay 50, I don't know how I tolerated playing this as a kid, the screen is just terrible.

>> No.11213908

standalone duckstation shits on the RA core. mostly because duckstation has way superior options/ui also.

>> No.11213942
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Two layers of different tapes should thermally isolate the CPU from the battery right bros...

>> No.11213951
File: 592 KB, 1920x1080, ANBERNIC_RG_406V__A_Showcase_of_Classic_Fun_Games_and_Enhanced_Features_5-38_screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11213964

What system?

>> No.11213965

Ambernig keeps shitting out these devices that can't really do more than PS1
What's the point? The SP has the novelty form factor going for it but everything else is just a waste of money if you have any handheld released since like 2022

>> No.11213967
File: 67 KB, 577x556, 1712391228306936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the dealio with those ambernig update images having such fucked sizes?
any way to install it on 128/256gb without partition issues?

>> No.11213971

That's a T820. But yeah it's retarded, who wants a fat vertical?

They pack the 16GB and the 64GB images in the same file.

>> No.11213976

Still can't do more than ps1
N64 and DC with speedhacks and non-accuracy focused emulators is unacceptable in 2025 -4 months.

>> No.11213979

yeah but if I use those half of my SD card will be useless.
why are the chinkies so weird with their firmwares?

>> No.11213984

There are no accuracy focused DC emulators for starters. And it should run ParaLLEl RDP, I don't know (the ParaLLEl stuff aren't accurate either but no one knows how a real N64 runs).

Stock is a fool's errand, you're supposed to resize it manually, why bother.

>> No.11214017

>who wants a fat vertical?
me, bitch

there's video of it playing some ps2 with 1.5x upscaling

>> No.11214030

Its the same soc as the rp3+ right?
It can't run jack shit on ps2 without auto frameskip and speed hacks

>> No.11214042

just go to myrient and download youself

Whats wrong with the AmberELEC dev?

>> No.11214046
File: 298 KB, 1080x1926, IMG_20240904_211106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RP3+ is T618
And this is T820, which is around the level of RP4 non-Pro (Dimensity 900 chip)
Though it's just raw benchmarks

>> No.11214075

>without auto frameskip and speed hacks
well yeah you're emulating almost as many chips as the saturn on a phone cpu in a box with no cooling

>> No.11214136

the 865 actually undervolts and overclocks really well, especially with active cooling.

>> No.11214157

>no one knows how a real N64 runs
i hope nobody does and im looking forward to all the major n64 games having decomps. wanting hardware-accurate input lag, framedrops and 240p filtering is mental illness

>> No.11214159

correct. Emulation was a means to an end, not the endgame.

>> No.11214164

I'm not opposed to emulation improvements, it's just the whole "N64 emulation is accurate now you guys" parroting that makes me sick. These twerps have no idea everything would crawl to 10fps.

>> No.11214169
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>emulation improvements
bro i want the emulator to *not* emulate the duct-taping that was baked into the hardware. i want it to do LESS. picrel ran shit on my PC better than an actual n64

>> No.11214171
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linux sissies in shambles rn

>> No.11214173

GNU was a mistake

>> No.11214174

What's that supposed to mean, baguette? Even if Batocera were to throw a fit, they can't do shit if Retroid goes public with their work. Additionally, everyone's just gonna pillage the drivers and move to something lighter in a month.

>> No.11214194

An application that downloads content directly to your device?? Jesus christ the horror.

>> No.11214207

why not upstream all that stuff so every distro can have it? It's almost as if they are just using off the shelf parts and are larping as kernel developers...

>> No.11214210

>why not upstream all that stuff so every distro can have it? It's almost as if they are just using off the shelf parts and are larping as kernel developers...
They want clout.

>> No.11214234

that sounds like it too. "drivers" don't go to some distro which means it's probably a bash script

>> No.11214453


The 865 should be about equal with the dimensity 1100. I think there may be some performance increases due to some software being written better for snapdragon but Im not gonna hold my breath for it. Plus the RP4 Pro already runs PS2 and Gamecube very well.

>> No.11214630
File: 82 KB, 607x700, Faselei!-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added 3 new systems to my RG353V I've been meaning to add for a long time: MSX, Neo Geo Pocket Color (very underrated library) and TurboGrafx-16.

That's over 120 new games that I'm never going to play.

>> No.11214838

Playing F-Zero Climax on the GBA atm, this game looks incredible I'm amazed at how snappy and beautiful it is.

>> No.11215029

Clamshell this fucker, Retroid.

>> No.11215081

It's funny how everyone is so pissed about the RP5 that no one is paying attention to how good the Mini is turning out. 960p, 4:3 OLED screen, d-pad on top, able to run PS2 and Gamecube. Seems like everything 4:3 Chads have ever wanted.

>> No.11215086

My only issue with the RP5 is the lame colors. I'd be all over the Mini if the screen was a bit bigger.

>> No.11215093

865 isn't as strong as expected, but if Linux works well it might tip me over. Why are widefags mad about RP5 anyway?

>> No.11215095

To me, it kills the ayaneo micro.

>> No.11215101

The 865 is higher than people were expecting for the Mini, lower than what people were expecting for the 5.

>> No.11215109

if the 865 supports dual booting, how easy is it to swap back and forth, whats the process like?

>> No.11215114

Can anyone drop the download script into pastebin, or scrub the link?

>> No.11215121

See, you were thinking its power level equivalence was super saiyan lvl 2, but REALLY it's more like super saiyan god red Vegeta..But, without Kaio-Ken.

>> No.11215136

Ah. To me, Mini implied they'd share chips.

0hJah and leonkasovan cloned the repo on github.

>> No.11215203

Something like this but for romhacks would be better

>> No.11215318
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>> No.11215323

Apparently Linux will be bootable from a MicroSD like those 3566 'helds that support both operating systems

>> No.11215354

That'd be ideal. Dualbooting into Batocera on something like the Loki Zero for example, was much more cumbersome and annoying.

>> No.11215604

thanks reddit!

>> No.11215691

Am I missing something? Why is this faggot moralizing about piracy when he's a fucking developer (I'm assuming) of a retro gaming OS used EXCLUSIVELY for playing pirated software? Firstly, what could he possibly be losing out on because of this app? I don't get it. Secondly, does he really rip all his own roms off of cartridges he owns or does he think everyone else who using muOS does? This is ridiculous.

>> No.11215753

How am I supposed to set up multi disc PS games in crossmix?
In garlic os I had to create a "multi-disc" folder.