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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 174 KB, 500x686, zombie-billy-mitchell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1116553 No.1116553[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There is so much more about this "Documentary" Anyone here really knew what is going and who is lying. Is it

Pic Related: Silly Bitchell.

>> No.1116558

I love this movie great jogability wonderful moviementation

>> No.1116560

Not sure what the fuck you said, but Billy is a douchebag

>> No.1116568

I've always felt the documentary is incredibly condescending to the competitive retro gaming community. They make them all out to be weirdos and assholes and the one guy who's legitimately stupid, uninteresting and probably autistic, Steve Wiebe, is made out to be the hero while everyone else is infinitely more interesting. The interviews and people are great, but as a film, it's mediocre filmmaking with cheesy musical moments and a terrible slant. It represents all my problems with documentary filmmaking.

Retro video gaming seems ideal for a great documentary, but the documentary field is filled with bad filmmakers who can't write, act and don't know how to shoot, so they make documentaries.

>> No.1116569
File: 531 KB, 640x556, 1380827056891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's the effect the documentary was intended to do. In any case, I still seriously doubt he IS a douchebag. Or at least, as much of a douchebag someone whos only thing is a retro game high score can be.

In any case, I read somewhere that the "good" guy in the movie has some serious brain trouble.



quit it with the jogability. You did that yesterday and you are no better than a tripfag. Nobody cares

>> No.1116571

Exactly this. Wiebe is a huge fucking douchebag that was being ultra autistic over the DK score while Mitchell is just this cool guy that's playing it up for the cameras and trying to get a rise out of the asshole Wiebe.

>> No.1116574

>Mitchell is just this cool guy that's playing it up for the cameras

"Cool guy" is something I'd never use to describe Billy. Ever.

>> No.1116591


Indeed. Go to twingalaxies and look at the highscores. Imagine all the training time.

Imagine all the wasted life.

Imagine you were a criple of some sort, and just for a night, you are Billy Mitchell or Autism Wiebe. Only you can't control where you go.
Damn, I thing that when this 2 guys die, they'll be fighting for the regrets highscore.

>> No.1116614


It's not pouring lots of time in to having a super-duper high score (and a former world record) that makes me think Billy is sad. It's how he acts and what a total douchebag he is. Like somebody who isn't a big shot but thinks he is. Huge ego with a paranoid streak; like the scene when he's fucking around with the hot sauce in the grocery store.

I'm glad that Asian doctor came along and blasted apart everybody's Donkey Kong high score.

>> No.1116616

>They make them all out to be weirdos and assholes

That's because they are?

Everyone acts like they're gaming gods, but the only reason Billy Mitchell has held the Donkey Kong high score for so long is because he's one of like four people in the world who still play it seriously.

Being the world champion at Pac-Man is like being the world champion at Bohnanza, Stratego, or fucking Senet. It's a game only a small niche of gamers still play, and those who still play it probably don't play it competitively. "Champion" is an utterly meaningless title in this context. Who's the world champion of Joust? Like, who gives OW I just bit my fucking tongue. Who's the world champion of Joust? Like, who gives a shit, right?

>> No.1116623

"What do you mean how is it possible? It's because I'm Billy Mitchell."

>> No.1116626

Not in the way you seem to think. I meant compared to dick Weibe, he just tries to play it all off.

He's still an ubernerd that plays a videogame ultra-obsessively and wants the high score. He's just not as fucking retarded about it as Weibe is. The filmmakers just wanted to make a "good guy" and a "bad guy" and decided the guy that seemed the most relatable (Weibe) was the "good guy".

He was playing up the douchebag role for the movie because that's how they were portraying him. They're still both crazy but Billy wasn't as bad as he was portrayed.

>> No.1116627

This is why people don't respect professional gamers.

Professional athletes: "I'd like to thank God for giving me this wonderful opportunity, and my fellow players and the best coach in the world..."

Professional gamers: "I'm Chong-hang Gwonglao, bitch! Salty free cheddar pringles cocksucker!"

>> No.1116628

Billy made his own fucking hot sauce to cash in on his DK success. Anyone who has ever introduced a hot sauce into the global market is an asshole.

>> No.1116636
File: 160 KB, 735x1112, 124785_1369304090_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


AFAIK, the worst offenders were the movie makers themselves. It's been a long time, but I have this memory that somehow Billy Mitchell wasn't that much of an asshole, neither was Wiebe that pathetic, neither was the old "Ref" man from Twin Galaxies as biased as the movie portrays him.

I remember reading somwhere that it was all editing bias that led you to belive that this was all a story of good vs. evil of sorts, when it was mostly autism vs. autism as ruled by old autist, and filmed by ultra autist (with random bias to boot).

All in all, I remember that this movie was a lesson as how bogus "documentaries" can be in this day and age.

>> No.1116635
File: 35 KB, 489x435, i'm not gonna live forever finn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating hot sauce


>> No.1116638

Is there some information I'm missing here? How is Steve Wiebe an asshole?

>> No.1116639


apparently, his assholery was edited out.

Selective editing and cutting clips out of context can convey any kind of crazy shit. You could even make Hitler look like he was a bad person.

>> No.1116640

I know it was an arrogant statement, but you gotta admit, that Pac-Man move was SICK.

Question for anyone on this board: How DID Billy pull this move off? Any ideas?


>> No.1116641

I don't hate hot sauce, I just hate faggots who try to use it as a vehicle to make money. I don't know where you live, but if you lived in the south east U.S. you would go to the market and see Charlotte/Atlanta radio DJ brand hot sauce/bbq sauce.

>> No.1116648

Is Billy's hot sauce any good? I think he's an asshole, but his brand is really good though.

>> No.1116663

I've never tried his hot sauce, before, but I'm sure it's the best hot sauce ever invented.


Because he's Billy Mitchell.

>> No.1116671
File: 28 KB, 446x298, mitchel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1116672

"Grillin" sauce perhaps? I know what you mean.

>> No.1116675

I question the quality. I get tired of vinegar based hot sauces that come from the south. I prefer, thicker, garlic ones from Asia or rich, smokey pepper ones from Mexico.

>> No.1116673

Billy Mitchell > You

>> No.1116685

Know any good hot sauces that are good for your health? The garlic ones sound good. Garlic is a great natural antibiotic. It can even cure Lyme disease.

>> No.1116690
File: 29 KB, 350x342, Mitchell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1116694


Billy Mitchell > You

>> No.1116703
File: 41 KB, 319x378, Tanya drinking a tab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who's the world champion of Joust? Like, who gives OW I just bit my fucking tongue. Who's the world champion of Joust? Like, who gives a shit, right?

>> No.1116741

If you're a health food eater, I'm not sure I'd recommend the garlic sauces. I've checked the ingredients in the past and they usually have preservatives in them. Here in Los Angeles you can get them and practically any Asian supermarket.

>> No.1116760
File: 167 KB, 592x320, Billy-Mitchell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1116804

Billy Mitchell is one of the greatest gamers of all-time. How can anyone dispute this?

>> No.1116805
File: 31 KB, 194x348, hotsauce_2square.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone who has ever introduced a hot sauce into the global market is an asshole.

What about those who introduced hot sauce as chest hair tonic?

>> No.1116838

I've always wondered what Maddox was up to.

>> No.1116851

Autism aside it's still overwhelmingly impressive to me that they can achieve such ridiculous scores in these games.

The 'documentary' was clearly shot more for entertainment than anything even if it comes out as skewed and cheap. Also it may poorly represent the retro gaming community as a whole yet the truth is a lot of us are fucking weird or at best a little bit 'off'.

Billy Mitchell does act the douchebag and who wouldn't if you had to deal with that autistic faggot, Steve Wiebe. In the end I mostly hated whoever was directing the whole thing.

>> No.1116863

That's not a Tab, that's a Diet Coke.

>> No.1116879

Ugh, that guy is such a Howard.

>> No.1116910
File: 7 KB, 507x263, PassthruBug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The way the game works, Pac-Man dies when he and a ghost occupy the same "tile".

Doing this involves timing it just right so that Pac-Man and the ghost exchange the tiles they are on at the exact same time. The timing window for this is 1/60th of a second. Thus, according to the game's programming, Pac-Man and the ghost never occupied the same space.

Because of the way the graphics work and the smooth transition between tiles, it looks like Pac-Man just goes right through the ghost.

This explains it in a bit more detail: http://home.comcast.net/~jpittman2/pacman/pacmandossier.html#Chapter_3

Also has a shitload of information about the mechanics of Pac-Man in general. It's a pretty fun read if you're interested in game design.

>> No.1116914


That's pretty cool! Yeah, that makes sense. So Pac-Man and the ghost switch tiles at just the right time. Is this a common trick that lots of players can pull off? I wonder, can Billy pull off this trick at command? Or did he happen to know of a set time a tile switch would occur on a certain board via a certain pattern.

>> No.1116918


Being able to pull it off is one thing, being able to pull it off consistently is another.

Given how soon after the start it was, and that he pointed to where it was going to happen, he can probably pull it off in that specific location, and was basically just showing off for the camera.

I haven't seen videos of people actually incorporating this into their usual strategies just because of the inherent risk. If you're not spot on with your timing, you lose a life.

But, stuff that requires frame specific timing is not so uncommon. Especially in fighting games. I'm not exactly in tune with the world of professional Pac-Man, so this might be something that a lot of people can do when they want to look cool.

>> No.1116921


You would have to be pretty darn confident with your Pac-Man skills to put your legendary status on the line with one trick move while the cameras are rolling! Just imagine if he messed that move up and lost a life and it was on film!

That would be an awesome trick to learn, though, and show off to your friends next time you are at the arcade or truck stop. But then again, you don't see too many Pac-Man machines these day, no?

I say guys like Billy Mitchell have proven they can master patterns. I say it's high-time they moved on to Ms. Pac-Man—who in the true form of women, cannot be figured out with patterns.

>> No.1116937
File: 6 KB, 256x197, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I say it's high-time they moved on to Ms. Pac-Man—who in the true form of women, cannot be figured out with patterns.

>> No.1116938
File: 16 KB, 311x299, Conan-O-Brien-statement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1116940

>Ow i just bit my tongue
ultimate form autist
this is why bullying should be brought back.
moving on, anyone who watches eastenders would find this thread mildly amusing

>> No.1116942
File: 31 KB, 330x390, Billy_Mitchell_EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1116946

>Tasteless autistic joke
>Suggests bullying is good thing


>> No.1116949
File: 82 KB, 752x365, stripes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1116952
File: 41 KB, 394x594, Billy+Mitchell+Iowa+Town+Plans+Launch+Video+LFGjwH-kzgml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1116982
File: 2 KB, 117x125, 1378064775182s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says FAIL unironically
>complains about autism joke
confirmed for autist

>> No.1117001

4chan should really have a system that filters out 14-year-olds and kicks them

>> No.1117008

>getting this upset over being called an autist

Why even come to 4chan?

>> No.1117016

>Implies I am upset, because I made a statement that PWNED his ass

>> No.1117026

Everyone in that documentary were portrayed as the are in real life. This wasn't a farce or a mockumentary. All these people are pathetically obsessed with a dead culture. It's really depressing to watch this but hilarious at the same time. I think Steve is cool guy though. He plays donkey kong and doesn't afraid of anything. The rest however are just sad, lonely /vr/ troopers.

>> No.1117028
File: 15 KB, 500x333, 408694_10200968091302125_2070687171_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says PWNED his ass unironically
>says there should be a 14 year old filter
also you're replying to 2 different people

steering ontopic.. how do you even get such a high score in DK? just continually jump over barrels or something

>> No.1117031

What kind of fag keeps a picture like that saved on their computer?

>> No.1117041


Agreed. I don't think they are bad guys, just guys caught in the past. Not many people care about those old arcade games anymore. It's cool to watch guys who obsess over them.

>> No.1117045



>> No.1117054
File: 81 KB, 600x798, 8d4d11dd4fa6e47710c705a45ff34c95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His wife has a great set of tits.

One would think with Billy, you have a restaurant chain, hot sauce, and many standing records in the books. ISn't that enough? Is there a point where you say Bravo, and pass the torch?

I'm glad that surgeon won. He only played for a few years, negating many's years of those idiot's lives.

I play hard, but I play it because I love it. I may not be great, but it's fun for me. If it ever stopped, I'd quit.

>> No.1117072

What? Biting your tongue means you have autism? I... don't really see the connection.

>> No.1117074

>restaurant owner
>hot sauce
>vidya records
That sounds like a sad life.

>> No.1117076

There's no connection, anon. Just ignore that poster. He/she is obviously trying to bait and troll.

>> No.1117078
File: 17 KB, 385x255, EP-308069995.jpg&MaxH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Todd rogers. Liar! Some of his scores have been tested. Many of them are deemed improbable to impossible. I think he makes up scores, and sends them to Walter, who is a corrupt official that hangs on the dick of his boys. Walter just puts them up, as Activision games in the day were never recorded. Or even a polaroid.

Given his age, and some reflexes gone, I would love to see him play at 70% of claimed scores.

>> No.1117080

I think what's "autism" is the fact that he actually typed OW and restarted the whole sentence, as if he were talking instead of typing.

>> No.1117081

Who is Todd Rogers? The guy on the left in that photo?

>> No.1117085

>no job
>no vidya records
>posting to 4chan in the middle of the day

Who is the sad one?

>> No.1117087


Same fag

>> No.1117089

>Implies anon doesn't have job because he posts on 4chan
>Posts on 4chan, too


>> No.1117092 [DELETED] 

>have job
>at work
>postan on ma phone

It's friday son. You know what that means? Everyone's in meetings so I don't have to do ahit today. Then it's a 5 day weekend nigga.

Could you have been more wrong? Stay jelly my friend.

>> No.1117097


>> No.1117096

Fucka you! I'm Chong-Hang Gwonglao bitch! Salty free cheddar pringles, cocksucker!

>> No.1117098 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 439x774, mrawesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only guy who speaks truth. The one on the outside, because he calls bullshit when he sees it. Walter day obviously thought Roy was too ugly to molest.
Yeah he's a douche too, but an honest one IMO. He is also a big ego, but not afraid to laugh at himself. They fucked him over on Missile Command. He's been making their life hell since.
His name was all that was needed to taint a computer board he never touched. I am 100% sure that board is on the level. He bought that board for 2 reasons. To stir shit, and give a guy a chance to beat Billy. They tried to say his combo board (DK & DKJR) might be different from the stand alone (DK) board. There was never a broken board as stated.

More evidence "TG is an elite social club", follow or die.

>> No.1117103

>Gets pwned
>Tries to retaliate with ultra-stupid come-back
>Pwns himself even harder

I vote you quit while you still have some pride left.

>> No.1117108

if you are too stupid to infer, look it up.

>> No.1117109

you mean Jose Mourinho pointing at you and laughing? what is wrong with that

>> No.1117110

Chill out, dude. Get a grip on your autism.

>> No.1117113

Yeah. What kind of fag keeps a picture of Jose Mourinho pointing and laughing at them on their computer?

>> No.1117112

Yeah I'd hate to work hard for a shit ton of money.

>> No.1117115

>shit ton

And how much is that.

>> No.1117116

I'm glad to see you've bern reading the thread. Keep on winning champ.


>> No.1117117

the fact that he the poster actually wrote OW. what do you not comprehend.
Then he says PWNED and FAIL

>> No.1117119

>you've bern reading the thread

Learn to spell, champ.

>Then "he" says PWNED and FAIL
>Implies that everyone on 4chan is a he.

>> No.1117125

>bern reading the thread
>the fact that he the poster actually wrote OW. what do you not comprehend

Judging by his poor spelling, the poster is obviously a little retarded kid. Go easy on him, guys.

>> No.1117129

My typo doesn't make change your

>Fucking told!

Status. Throw a bitch fit at anon on 4chan some more. I shall return with popcorn. Don't you dare disappoint me.

>> No.1117131

>typo doesn't make change your

Can this guy even write English at all? Damn. I really am starting to think he is retarded. I suddenly feel guilty.

>> No.1117136

More than I have currently. Grammarfag

>> No.1117138

You make this shit way too easy.Jesus Christ.

>> No.1117142

>You make this shit way too easy
>Admits he is trolling and baiting us

>> No.1117143

I see /v/ has invaded again.

>> No.1117147

>grammar fag

What? I use "shit ton" all the time. I was mostly seeing if you knew his net worth because I'm sure we have different definitions of what a "shit ton" is. Obviously from your post I was right. You think $20 is a "shit ton".

>> No.1117152

This thread has become horrible. It's very disappointing.
I thought /vr/ was a board visited by persons that took pride in quality posting.

>> No.1117160

/vr/ is a great board, until /v/ shows up with it's tasteless autism jokes. Seriously, who thinks that shit is funny?

>> No.1117158

Well, if you fucking people hadn't had to have been all

>ur a loser
>no u
>nuh uh retard
>u r retard

I woudn't have had the temptation to be that way. Just like the men in this movie (to get back to the fucking topic) you need to calm down, maybe laugh a little?

>> No.1117162

Whatever makes you happy.

>> No.1117163

Once in a while /v/ anger leaks in. Best to ignore it and let them shit on one another. It helps you figure out who is 24 and under.

>> No.1117165

Agreed. But what does the age 24 represent?

>> No.1117168

I've got certain baiting and shitposting terms filtered and over half this thread is hidden on my end. But the posts that are up are pretty good.

I watched this documentary on G4 back when they were video games, and I always thought it was a mockumentary. I thought Billy was a character.

Naturally, I know nothing about this scene, but watching that Pac-Man trick video, Billy seems like a pretty cool guy. He at least seems self-aware to be saying something like "Now that's something you'd hear in the movie!" I'm sure his character was exaggerated.

This scene reminds me of modern day speedrunning, which is full of frame perfect tricks and whatnot.

>> No.1117170

Fully developed frontal lobe?

>> No.1117171

a member of the vr/spee master race thats who... do you not frequent other boards anon?

>> No.1117173

>nitpicking over gender specific terms to avoid the point in hand

>> No.1117175
File: 35 KB, 640x480, 01 Neo Geo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess in my mind that is the cut-off where people stop dicks and just stop caring so much about their own opinions and just learn to let things go.

What do you have filtered? I would love to know so I can add them.

>> No.1117178
File: 1.99 MB, 486x583, akanelaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high-time they moved on to Ms. Pac-Man—who in the true form of women, cannot be figured out with patterns.

>> No.1117179

show me the spelling on the second one. dont care about the first because it's not me

>> No.1117189

I won't see this post, but here's most of my filtered list:

/cis privilege/i
/social justice warrior/i;stub:no
/social justice warriors/i;stub:no

Polite sage

>> No.1117194
File: 394 KB, 787x591, games_metalslug Anthology Screenshot 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is amazing and I thank you. I need to add for a more for people ripping into bronies and it will be perfect.

>> No.1117212

From what I understand, they actually toned down Billy's doucheyness in the final cut of the film.

>> No.1117279

It always seems to me like these manbabies can only excel at the so-called "golden age" arcade games, when things were much simpler. I'd love to see Billy Mitchell try to get a world record in something like Raiden Fighters Jet or Armed Police Batrider.

>> No.1117303


That's a stupid comparison. They're completely different games that require different skill sets.

That's like saying "I'd love to see a grandmaster chess player try to win the super bowl".

>> No.1117312

No it certainly isn't. You can't make that kind of analogy with video games. Chess and handegg have been the same game for like a hundred years now. New video games with totally new mechanics are coming out all the time.

>> No.1117314
File: 1.94 MB, 407x216, 1379768456013.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just watching this now

what a bunch of circle jerking, cock sucking, faggot cunt wankers.
these hypocrite biased shit cunts have no place in adjudicating videogames.

hope you all die.

>> No.1117315


>> No.1117316

Testing for filter purpose:


>> No.1117325


Chess is older than handegg.

And my point is that basically the only similarity between the two games are that they require memorization, and you can say that about any video game.

No shit Billy would probably not be able to get a world record at a shmup. And a pro shmup player probably couldn't get the world record at Pac-Man or Donkey Kong.

>> No.1117337

Well my point is really that there's a reason Twin Galaxies is kind of a joke. They claim to have these "world records" but mostly the only thing they're good for is record keeping arcade games before the mid-'80s. Their culture is basically people who think arcade games died after the golden age and I hate that kind of snobbery. Arcades as a business in America may have died down significantly then but in this day it's like they actively choose to remain ignorant of all the amazing games that have come out since.

And Pac-Man certainly requires far different skills than Donkey Kong.

>> No.1117352


There's a lot of people that think video games died after an arbitrary. Just look at /v/.

They just prefer the older and simpler games. Most of them probably aren't too interested in video games at all. They're basically like the people that play games like Bejeweled or Peggle, only they're crazy obsessive about it.

Most people that play video games don't want to get into video games, they just want something fun to do for awhile.

>> No.1117447

You make a good point, the irony of /v/ is that they think modern games are too casual for their "refined" taste, but nowadays there's such a variety of games in every genre on every platform. Even if you didn't use a direct comparison such as Chuzzle or Peggle, I believe modern shooty-tooty games would prove formidable to arcade game players because it deals with many more factors than just memorizing patterns.

>> No.1117452

I play everything. It is all about what I am in the mood for. Hours of in depth current gen goodness, or an hour of playing some quick classics. I grew up with them, it is hard for me to dismiss them.
When I'm on the toilet, I play "turds" with friends.
It's all good.

>> No.1117458

I would love to see some of these guys play Zelda...

I bet many of them had atari's too. Like Mr. "I lie" Activision.

>> No.1117496
File: 87 KB, 640x360, k-bigpic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy can be trusted. He has no reason to lie.

Because he would not join the TG circle jerk, they branded him the enemy. He took it on with pride, as his over inflated ego, and would antagonize them.

Dweebie's board was under scrutiny, as it was a dual board. It was never broken. Roy is like, let me piss them off, and help this guy at the same time. But, mostly piss them off. Roy bought Steve the "correct board". I believe 100% that board was on the level. Roy is many things, but a cheater, I don't think so. Steve had to tell Roy thanks, but go away. Otherwise TG would oust him too, and ban any further scores.

I'm sure Roy backed off, Justice was there when Steve did it with witnesses.

Love him, or hate him, Awesome is a nice thorn in TG's side.

>> No.1117525

>Roy is many things, but a cheater, I don't think so.
so much this.

the TG community tries to discredit him but they have no proof that he cheated or that he aided Steve to cheat. Even in the film Robert Mruczek tries to claim the board has been tampered with but basically just rambles on about a specific portion of the board with no actual evidence or theory presented.

>> No.1117545

When you get down through all the bullshit, attitudes, and personalities, They are fucking amazing. They have something that makes them "special".

Do some good! Exhibition games, charity events, tons of shit. You can keep the glory, and do something more worthwhile than sitting on an ugly couch getting updates from the enemy.

Come to think, How much do you think it would cost to get the top three to compete live? Can that be kick-started?

>> No.1117589

I understand competitive gaming but this is almost sad. Wiebe at least had a nice job and raised a family. I kind of felt bad for the kids because he was doing so many test runs. But he seem to at least spent time with them and he got around doing other things. Billy Mitchell however seem to define himself to that score. It wasn't just playing to get a high score but almost likely if he lost his world is over. Everything around him (the gaming restaurant, the hot sauce, ect.) are all just related to him having the high score. I don't know what they edited or whatever but it seem like whenever he talks about his high score is going to be beaten he has to somehow convince himself that it could never happen. I really want to have seen his face when he got the news that he doesn't have the high score any more. Maybe it will do him some good but I think he convinced himself for so long that he will never believe it himself.

>> No.1118113
File: 75 KB, 399x306, 5308501485_2043858526_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard they were making a mockumentary. Was it ever released?

Pic Related: Ben Stiller as Silly Bitchell