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File: 155 KB, 800x800, draculaxrondo-sq-1643760796139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11103137 No.11103137 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11103148

Dracula X is better than Reddit Of Blood
the latter reason for popularity is because it was a Japan only game on Le mysterious exotic Japanese console so it gotta be a hidden gem!!!

>> No.11103173


>> No.11103182

What's so 'Reddit' about Rondo of Blood?

>> No.11103183

plus pedos lusting over Maria and her big sexy boobs

>> No.11103186

>Dracula X is better
Correct. Dracula X is the best 16bit Castlevania.

>> No.11103194

That somehow the single most overrated CV is still le hidden gem as redditors like to say. Just as its a reddit opinion to say "Castlevania 4 is overrated", which is the single most parroted and unoriginal opinion of the series when you hear way more critique of CV4 than blind praise for decades.

>> No.11103195

Stupid question incoming: is Rondo of Blood 8 bit or 16 bit?

>> No.11103201

Nah, I'll dethrone that as plain contrarianism. CV4 is the best, but not by much. Incoming
>MUH TOO EASY, MUH USELESS SUBWEAPONS *starts shitting pants*
Nobody cares when Symphony of the Night not only had useless subweapons, but an entirely useless RPG system.

>> No.11103204

16 bit no doubt, sprites are so good that SotN reused sprites from it and Castlevania 4 in the PS1 era.

>> No.11103205

You see, people here say they like it. This angers and confuses the shitposter. Because how dare other people talk about a game and not give them (you)s for being a retard.

>> No.11103207

>single most overrated CV
Aren't 1 and 3 the most 'overrated' ones? And if we aren't talking classicvania specifically then it's definitely SotN
>is still le hidden gem
Never heard of that. It's probably hasn't been referred to as a 'hidden gem' since the WiiVC days

>> No.11103210

Blondlines MOGS CV4

>> No.11103212

Shit yeah, I read into it and apparently PCE really is 16 bit. For some reason I thought it was an 8 bit console that somehow had great looking games

>> No.11103214

3 and 1 are both fantastic. Probably the best, they still filter people constantly. In the late 90s CV4 was overrated, but now that opinion has lost weight since everyone says its overrated. Rondo is probably the most overrated now by armchair youtube critiques who focus on the anime aspects, difficulty, and its initial regional exclusivity. It's great, but not the best.

SotN is the most overrated of any entry bar none.

>> No.11103216

Good CV? Definitely. Mogs? Definitely not, but its close. "Bloodlines>4" has become a much more popular opinion, mostly due to Egoraptor's critique of 4 becoming the consensus opinion and Bloodlines being the 16 bit entry that wasn't as popular.

>> No.11103226
File: 209 KB, 1022x731, 1721508165531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go back
>this overrated hidden gem is a shit load of fuck what were they thinking?!

>> No.11103230

There's no such thing as THE best Castlevania because but in my opinion Rondo is up there with 1 and 3. Then I'd put Dracula X and X68k in second place

>> No.11103235

Because tastes differ I wanted to say

>> No.11103236

no one knows who that is you faggot
Bloodlines is better game than CV4, it's that simple

>> No.11103243

You know I'm surprised how little people bring up how Rondo and Dracula X ditch the whip upgrade system. I find it works out for the better because whip upgrades are always placed in such a way that even after death you'll at least have a short chain whip from like the first candle you hit. Might as well skip the middle man and keep the Vampire Killer as a long chain whip, as it's always meant to be.

>> No.11103249

Good game bad. I am doing a contrarianism hahahahahahhaha

>> No.11103251

>Dracula X and X68k
Not before 4, not by a longshot
>Bloodlines is better game than CV4
Is this what former Sega kids still tell themselves before bed every night? Ha!

>> No.11103256

I tried it on Sega Saturn and I was "damn bitch, Maria and Simon?!" Then I play a few minutes with Maria and I thought "damn, this hooker has no rpg shit as Alucard... the fuck?".

Maybe I got filtered, but... I bet my ass that is gonna be way more complicated to complete the game with both of then than Alucard, hands down.

Any anon has enjoyed it that much to completed it as Maria or Simon? I grew up with a PSX, this Saturn Version by Konamy Osaka is brand new for my old 30yo ass.

>> No.11103259

I don't think so, whip upgrades allow dynamic difficulty. So people that whine the game is too easy can just avoid them while newer players might need them. Simple solution to the issue of how accessible should games be.

>> No.11103260

Reading it makes no sense, I am drunk and I got typos everywhere, my bad.

>> No.11103264

I did not even tried Simon just Maria, I think I will play it today. Thanks for your opinion, anon. God bless.

>> No.11103267
File: 99 KB, 640x645, 52071_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still need to give it a fair shake

That said, there are indeed other good (better?) TurboGrafx/PC Engine CD games. Pic related

>> No.11103271

It's technically 8-bit

>> No.11103274

Yeah it's overrated, it's a genuine 11/10.

>> No.11103280

Yeah I get what you mean anon but we are not talking about SotN here lmao. But I get that SotN is what immediately comes to mind when you see something Castlevania related and the word 'overrated' together

>> No.11103281

Get some sleep friend

>> No.11103304

No, you got mixed up. When you add nocturne in the moonlight on Steam through Steam ROM manager, the stuff that it shows is from Rondo of Blood. That is why I got confused.

>> No.11103307

I think you are right, thx friend I will sleep, buckle up, god bless/

>> No.11103334

It's my favorite Castlevania

>> No.11103342

tendie cope

>> No.11103970

Rondo of Kino is tied with Dracula's Curse for best Classicvania.

>> No.11103972

Hydro Storm

>> No.11103980

I’ve never heard of anyone intentionally avoiding whip upgrades. In most cases, it’s probably not even possible considering you can’t see what’s in a candle before whipping it.

>> No.11103991

The consensus is that Rondo is a very good CV game. The contrarians all believe that holding the minority opinion makes them smart, cool, and informed. When this tactic does not work, they will accuse others of being redditors as a way to humiliate and debase their interlocutor.

>> No.11104563

that's not dynamic difficulty, you fucking dipshit.

>> No.11104579

middle-aged american men are reddit, and middle-aged american men never got to play le japanese-only game growing up, therefore the game is reddit

>> No.11104589

you could import games from japan even in the 90s

>> No.11104592

I'm not talking about rich people

>> No.11104971

Shitposting troll OP /thread

>> No.11105407

It felt like just the other day everyone was talking about how this is best Castlevania if not Super Castlevania IV or CV3, suddenly now it's overrated

>> No.11105413 [SPOILER] 

It's almost as if this site is full of shitposters or something

>> No.11105426

he's a known shitposter that mods refuse to range ban.

>> No.11105442

Castlevania wasn't good until Symphony of the Night

>> No.11105521

Nah. Its legitimately good. With emulation or a $5 purchase on digital PSN for an English version there's no reason not to play it now.

>> No.11105921

>because it was a Japan only game on Le mysterious exotic Japanese console

most people on 4chan who have played rondo of blood have never touched a pc engine game in their life except maybe Ys IV

>> No.11105993

I think more people have played Ys I and II on the PCE than IV, even considering the fact that that Complete exists. Also Neutopia

>> No.11106075


>> No.11106079

Meh, I wasn't impressed. It seemed so heavily dumbed-down compared to the NES/SNES/Genesis games and felt more like the gameplay was only just tacked on to justify the anime cutscenes.

>> No.11106086

People here are obsessed with opinions from other websites and forget that people can actually hold and form opinions independently

>> No.11106581

Bullshit no we cant

>> No.11106594

The Turbografx16/PCEngine had an 8-bit CPU and a 16-bit GPU.

>> No.11106634

YES we can, dear Mr. Troglodyte.

>> No.11107941


>> No.11107954

>Group is reddit
>Group never interacted with Game
>Therefore Game is reddit
Son are you retarded?

>> No.11107957

A big step backwards from Castlevania 4. What is this shit? Where is my controllable jump and 8-way-whip?

>> No.11107959

I like the Whip upgrade system because it punishes you just a little bit more for dying.

>> No.11107967

Not by much. As I said earlier: You get whip upgrades almost immediately after dying, what really stings is losing your subweapon and any multiplier runes you might have been carrying.

>> No.11109010

ignore this man. It has been proven on more than one occasion that there is a terminally online freak who goes into every castlevania thread here and on /v/ and shits on RoB and Says that Dracula X is better.

there is also another anon who is equally obsessed that checks every thread about castlevania to make the point that the
name of the pc engine game was also Dracula X. you can find that anon here. >>11103186

it is a wacky little community of castlevania fans here on this Mongolian basket weaving forum and to tell the truth you will soon find it is just 4 jobless people saying the same things every 4 days.

>> No.11109012

extremely low quality thread

>> No.11109017
File: 835 KB, 2402x1540, Map screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rondo is a souless facsimile of a Castlevania game.

>> No.11109229

>Also Neutopia
really? im not sure...and played is different than beating

that dragon ball z game has an assload of rom downloads though, if you go by just "playing", but its real time turn based fighting in japanese so no one really knows how to play it

>> No.11109232

what do rondofags think of legendary axe 1 and 2?

>> No.11110918


>> No.11110924

I pound OP's mom in the rectum and then in the cooch while listening to Rondo's OST.

>> No.11110926
File: 135 KB, 635x280, draculax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pure contrarianism. Dracula X is one of the weaker entries and is so cheap they use the castle you're supposed to be inside of as the goddamn background. People just say it's the best because it's painfully hard and that makes them feel superior.

>> No.11110929

Egoraptor's arguments about Super Castlevania IV are debatable though not indefensible. His Mega Man X video on the other hand is absolutely perfect.

>> No.11110932

Oh no! It uses a map baclground one time! I can't enjoy anymore!

>> No.11110940

Lmao, Dracula's castle is a product of Chaos that doesn't follow the laws of nature, imagine being bothered by something like this

>> No.11111012

kek never noticed this before. Not game ruining but extremely lazy. good looking out anon