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/vr/ - Retro Games

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11040695 No.11040695[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are people finally starting to show arcade gaming the reverence it deserves? I've noticed lately that people are playing a lot more arcade games and playing for survival and score instead of just mindlessly spamming credits.

People are finally starting to discover arcade classics that stood head and shoulders above their console contemporaries like Metal Slug, Ghosts n Goblins, Dodonpachi, Elevator Action Returns, Batsugun, RayForce, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, Darius Gaiden, Tetris The Grandmaster, In The Hunt, and Sunset Riders.

>> No.11040821

I don't care about meta discussion.
When you have a real arcade-related question to ask I'll answer. When you have a real arcade related opinion I'll comment.

>> No.11040851

>Are people finally starting to show arcade gaming the reverence it deserves?

>> No.11040874

I don't even consider any of the games you listed to be true arcade games because I'm that hardcore and schizo of an autist. They are all video hall, cafe, parlor, and game center games.

>> No.11040881
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>> No.11040894

Where is this happening, in your imagination?

>> No.11040901
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I hope so. I recently have been looking into a favorite of mine, The Grid, and I discovered that there were different max player variations out there. I only ever saw the four player one at the arcades I used to go to, but apparently there were some who had single cabinet setups. Also it could max out at 6 players, which I think would have been a blast with some friends if I ever had any of those before.

>> No.11040908
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>>11040901 (Me)
am retarded, meant the 3 player variant, not 4.

>> No.11040914
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Arcades existed before video games were even invented. Pinball, mechanical shooting and racing games, mechanical horse racing, cowboy and indian shows, skeeball, whack-a-mole, love testers, crane machines, slots, and many other types of games and novelties compromise the arcade experience. Many of which eventually transitioned to a video and computer based approach. Thus shooting and racing games which use a gun or steering wheel are truer arcade games imo than the games OP mentioned.

Video game parlors, halls, and cafes were a separate origin and business model for pay-to-play video games in public. Over the years the under-informed have merged these two origins together under the umbrella of "arcade games" when in reality there is much more nuance and history to it. Joystick and button games are more descended from the this second lineage.

>> No.11040917
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*comprise the arcade experience

>> No.11040919



>> No.11040927
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If you go in a building and all they have are joystick and button games in near-identical cabinets I start to get bothered about calling such a place a proper arcade. That's closer to a LAN center than it is to an arcade (and this is counting most Japanese arcades which usually do have other sections with lots of varied types of cabinets and games of chance).

"arcade" gamers who play only stick and buttons games? *sucks teeth* idk, idk...

>> No.11040937
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The Dave and Busters arcades that now feature lots of games of chance that are glorified phone games are actually arcades returning to their roots from the pre-video era.

>> No.11040961

Arcade is a term for both arcade hardware and a location. Clearly in this context, it is talking about the games on arcade hardware, regardless of whether you played them in the arcade, laundromat, mall, or emulated them.

>> No.11040994


>> No.11041000

>I'm too young to have played real arcade games
Your particular form of aspergers has no bearing on real people.

>> No.11041003

>look what I read on wikipedia mommy
why do zoomers do this
why do they think it's a valid use of time pretending to have a conservation where each side is just quoting nonsense they scrapped off the internet and none of them have actually lived the experience

>> No.11041024

The PCB matters, not the cabinet housing it which is largely interchangeable. You sound like an underage retard who has never set foot in an arcade.

>> No.11041028

Because zoomers have not lived any experience at all. Consuming information off the internet, and repeating it, is literally--literally--all they have ever done in their lives. They can't even imagine any other way to be. I'm dead serious. Born with a smartphone in hand, soul-dead.

>> No.11041029

fpbp. Spend more time playing games and less time conceptualizing ways you might someday play a game, faggots.

>> No.11041057

You're incoherent.

>> No.11041058

And you're triggered so badly by an informative post you started replying to yourself.>>11041028

>> No.11041060


>> No.11041061

>the reverence it deserves

>> No.11041081

way too mad

>> No.11041084

No, actually you are the retard here.

>> No.11041119

Is that the only word you know?

>> No.11041476

they get the reverence they deserve, and that's why they are now completely forgotten

>> No.11041547

Someone talking about the crane game at Dave and Buster's in an arcade game thread would be a retard, yes.

>> No.11041552

And now Round 1 seems to be going down the same direction.

>> No.11041567

Arcades are great but the closest one is an hour away from me. Sad times

>> No.11041579

didnt read you're a faggot

>> No.11041603

They are much more popular now. That's why prices have gone throught the roof. you could get a candy cabinet for 600 bucks a few years ago. not its 1600

>> No.11041640

I think that has to do with inflation mostly

>> No.11041974

Inflation hasn't tripled prices in 3 years

>> No.11042019

Hijacking your thread since it's about arcades
1)How many credits a play session did developers design their vidya for?
2)Is there some sort of 1cc difficulty ranking for games outside the shmup genre, say beatemups?

I am an autistic faggot, and I feel like no win is earned unless it's 1cc, but it seems like in all the games I've played 1cc is a real feat. Maybe a 4cc mindset will save my newbie ass.

>> No.11042185

>1)How many credits a play session did developers design their vidya for?
Good developers? One.
In fact, many developers often didn't have the current continue system in place until the mid 80s. Makers like Midway used a warp system instead.
From interviews with Toaplan devs, they noted how there was a striking difference between the discipline Japanese players had for continues and how western players just credit fed. They changed many of their games to remove checkpoints and implement simultaneous 2P co-op for overseas markets.

>2)Is there some sort of 1cc difficulty ranking for games outside the shmup genre, say beatemups?
I'm not aware of a ranking and I feel there's only a few English-speaking players that are actually qualified to debate them. It would also be character-dependent as much as certain shmups are ship dependent. Final Fight is a harder game with Guy than it is for Cody and Haggar.

>I am an autistic faggot, and I feel like no win is earned unless it's 1cc, but it seems like in all the games I've played 1cc is a real feat. Maybe a 4cc mindset will save my newbie ass.
Collecting 1CCs is ultimately meaningless, play games because you enjoy them. And if you play a lot, with some discipline, a 1CC is just a consequence of that.
The obsession for difficult 1CCs and world record scores, and an overzealous community surrounding that, is part of what's turned people off from these games. You can, and should, still enjoy a game for the art, sounds, gameplay feel and so on. My 2 cents, at least. One of the reasons I keep digging into these games myself is discovering just how much early gamedevs "got it right" even as much as 40 years ago.

>> No.11042239

Crane games were arcade games before video games even existed, zoomie.

>> No.11042241

>1)How many credits a play session did developers design their vidya for?
Use as many as you want for practice.
>2)Is there some sort of 1cc difficulty ranking for games outside the shmup genre, say beatemups?
Dumplechan's and Scoop Arcade's rankings

>> No.11042245
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I need $2500 so I can buy a sega new astro city

>> No.11042263

>the cabinet housing it which is largely interchangeable
But they never are. I’ve never been to an arcade with a Donkey Kong PCB in a Pac Man cabinet.
The anon you replied to use right. Your hypothetical situation doesn’t change that.

>> No.11042268

> conceptualizing ways you might someday play a game
That has legitimately nothing to do with the OP though lmao. The fuck are you even mad about?

>> No.11042272

Actually, we do talk about other forms of arcade games in the arcade thread. You’d know that if you actually frequented them and weren’t a tourist.

>> No.11042283

Kys shitter

>> No.11042313

Dedicated cabs are a lot less common in Japan, and a lot of cabs are converted for a different game. This especially became true after the JAMMA standard was widely adopted.

Additionally manufacturers used different cabinets for different regions and revisions.

To act like a wooden cabinet with interchangeable buttons and levers defines the PCB is idiotic, especially when it's not a game with specialized hardware like trackball, lightgun, steering wheel, or multi-monitor setup.

Again, this thread is about arcade games, not the arcade as a location

>> No.11042345

Not sure what it's like across the US, but it seems like retro arcades (or barcades) are on the rise, so now you have actual businesses throwing down money on these things for profit motive, when for a good decade+, a lot of online cab and PCB sales were to home users. I have 3 candies, 3 wooden lightgun cabs, and several PCBs - absolutely no way I could've afforded even a small fraction of these at today's prices

>> No.11043057
File: 29 KB, 576x228, puck-man-31966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Donkey Kong PCB in a Pac Man cabinet.
In Japan both of those games would have been seen in the "school desk" style of table cabinet.

>> No.11043115

It's not worth it, anon.

>> No.11043316

It's called a cocktail cabinet.