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/vr/ - Retro Games

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11032197 No.11032197[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How come this game filters zoomers so hard? Literally all you have to do is keep moving forward and jump and slash with the right timing.

>> No.11032208

Literally all of video games is pressing 2-3 buttons with the right timing

>> No.11032238

I doubt 99.9% of video game playing zoomers have ever played this game

>> No.11032295

I hate the meme that the average millenial is some tough as nails gamer god. this filtered the shit out of the average kid when it came out.

>> No.11032550
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I probably beat my 1st video game as a teenager, as a kid I could never beat any of the cartridges I owned or the ones I'd rent, it was very miserable.

>> No.11032557

Ninja Gaiden is honestly the perfect level of difficulty. Hard enough to require practice, hard enough to punish mistakes, easy enough for anyone to beat.

>> No.11032558

Are you implying zoomers played harder gamed than previous generations?

>> No.11032560

they also min/max harder than previous generations
gen z is the generation of "if i cant netdeck/spreadsheet/faq this with a youtube video to perfection, im not interested"

>> No.11032564

My teenage (non-autistic) son literally beat this game in 3 days last week without ever having played it before. I'm in my 40s, have owned this game for 35 years and I still can't beat Jacquio, lol.

>> No.11032570

There's a reason younger people come crying all the time about "aged" and "unfair bullshit" in retro

>> No.11032573

Ninja Gaiden isn't a game the average millennial has even played. None of my friends play games this old. Peak millenial gaming experience is late SNES through PS2. With the most lauded genre being the easiest; the JRPG.

>> No.11032593

based if true

>> No.11032596

based you raise your son on the fundamentals

>> No.11032598

The first person to ever beat Tetris was 13 years old. He did it last December.

>> No.11032687

truth. it's the 6-4 to 6-1 reset that throws people off this fact.

>> No.11033704

Because it forces you to overcome multiple challenges in sequence without a break. Most platform games let you attempt each challenge separately. Super Mario Bros has a time limit but it's so lenient you're unlike to run out. Mega Man doesn't even have that. You can take your time lining up jumps and fighting one enemy at a time. If you try that with Ninja Gaiden and you'll be overwhelmed by endless enemy spawns. But if you play it correctly, pushing forward aggressively like a true ninja, it's actually easy (at least until the final stage). This is why it's the best game on the NES.

>> No.11033730

>beat my 1st video game as a teenager
u retarded?

>> No.11033739

Getting sent back to 6-1 is so demoralizing.

Jaquio is also really tough until you figure out the trick - staying on the ground makes it much easier to avoid his shots.

>> No.11033740

>Castlevania 1 is honestly the perfect level of difficulty
FTFY. No offense to NG it's still awesome but the perfect ramping difficulty belongs to Castlevania.

>> No.11033752

I like how the game goes easy on you at the very end by letting you continue at the Dracula fight instead of sending you back to the beginning of the level.

>> No.11033754

Yes, that's why zoomers are autistic about fighting game tech. That's why Soulslikes are so popular. I am a zoomer myself and found Castlevania on NES to be a very fair challenge and not extremely difficult, yet I can't get through Undead Burg. A lot of retro games are harder than modern slop, yes, but retro games are by no means the hardest games out there.

>> No.11033758

The biggest difference between retro and modern challenging games is that a lot of retro games have no problem with limited continues and throwing you back to the beginning of the game if you lose too many times. Modern games may be tougher in certain sections but often have frequent checkpoints and unlimited tries. Both philosophies work

>> No.11033760

Also re: fighting games, it feels like there's WAY too much autistic focus on memorizing insane high damage combos off any hit confirm. The last fighting game I played was DBFZ and the second you got hit, you might as well put down your controller because you're going to sit through a 15 second combo and lose your character.

>> No.11033761

>letting you continue at the Dracula fight instead of sending you back to the beginning of the level.
I did as well. Didn't feel cheap seeing how difficult the Dracula fight was. Recently beat CVIII for the first time and was shocked when after dying on Dracula it sent me back to the halfway checkpoint. Then I died trying to get back to him ran out of life's and had to re-do the entire stage.

>> No.11033764

I actually think the CV III Drac fight is a bit easier than the CV I fight. There's 3 forms but the patterns are a bit more predictable. CV I Dracula has very strict timing.

>> No.11033767

>CV III Drac fight is a bit easier than the CV I fight
I can see that especially if you grind for hearts and multipliers on the stairs before hand.

>> No.11033770

Yeah, he's also a cakewalk if you can make it to him with Sypha's orb spell.

>> No.11033840

>Literally all you have to do is keep moving forward and jump and slash with the right timing.
That's what Geometry Dash is and zoomers adore that game.

>> No.11033847

I heard it was hard so i didn’t even bother trying it. I don’t enjoy hard/challenging games. I prefer to breeze through with cheat codes or game genie.

>> No.11033893

It’s literally the millennials that complain more than zoomers lol.
Same thing with graphics. Zoomers don’t give a fuck about graphics - they grew up with Minecraft and Roblox. Only faggy millennials care about graphics and “QoL”.

>> No.11033902

uhhh yes? they grew up with DARK SOULS, the most difficult game in video game history

>> No.11033908

95% of the challenge is in the final bosses gauntlet.

>> No.11033916

Hating on Dark Souls is literally counter productive to what we want from gaming. It brought back a lot of core gameplay ideas to mainstream gaming that had been forgotten, such as checkpoints, enemy memorization, and most importantly, it regularized death again.
I can understand not enjoying it, but the hatred /vr/ has for it is really weird. It’s one of the last beacons of hope for classic video game design in the modern era.

>> No.11033923

1 and 2 have unlimited continues and heaps of checkpoints, they shouldn't even be called hard. 3 is the real beast, with the double damage, five continues only and fair checkpoints

>> No.11033931

Back then I had fun playing games even if I never beat them

>> No.11033937

I think the hatred for DS is standard /vr/ (really, all of 4chan) contrarianism. "Oh, REDDIT likes it? Well that means it actually sucks!"
But yeah, it's a modern take on an inscrutable 8-bit action RPG with zero guidance or hand holding. There's no reason people here shouldn't like it.

>> No.11033939

Boomers think finishing a commercially released game with infinite continues and easy cheese strats is something to be proud of, whilst 15 year old zoomers are practicing levels in Mario Maker or Geometry Dash that push the limits of humanity for MONTHS before beating them. This level literally has 200 frame perfect inputs, it's on a whole other magnitude of hard. https://youtu.be/mgQL2xeviN8?si=zbYRsXYIbUCX_4TB
Once you compare commercially released stuff to user levels, you see how even Battletoads looks fair and approachable compared to what zoomers are addicted to.

>> No.11033954

I still do lol
As a kid I found it pretty impossible. When I play it now it's easy until you get to the last stage

>> No.11034125

No, I'm just not very good at video games and I could never force myself to truly get good at a title I owned when I was a kid, I only became so much more persistent, enough to beat them at least, when I grew up a bit.

>> No.11034443
File: 42 KB, 525x641, 19544_1368696457471_1233507563_31106030_3957929_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you pronounce Jaquio?

>> No.11034453

I think it's supposed to be "Jaki-Oh" which is Japanese for "Devil King" (I think)

>> No.11034456


>> No.11034469

Exactly. Gen Z really doesn’t play many video games, and if they do it’s always either some super sweaty user created content/indie game or speedrunning.
They really don’t play AAA games like at all. That’s all millennials territory.

>> No.11034817

Objectively wrong and gay. Fag opinion.

>> No.11034834

millenials dont play nes games. if its before the snes its le heckin old and janky. they arent gamers they are sissies that stick to newer games cuz its easier to play and less challenge. I never once bought into this millenial gamer god meme and luckily have only seen it mentioned a few times. its mock worthy as millenials arent gods at anything but being emotional sissy that need safe spaces to cope with a bad word being said by someone

>> No.11034837

gen x is so lame dude
dont you have kids to neglect

>> No.11034839

utterly retarded take
I teach zoomers and all they fucking talk about is fortnite, rocket league and cod

>> No.11034859

>implying they aren't sweaty
Watch a kid erect the Eiffel Tower the exact moment he got shot in Fortnite lol. NES games got nothing on the level of sweat they operate at.

>> No.11034908

you already got btfo, don't embarrass yourself further by moving the goalposts

>> No.11035000
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>> No.11035015

im the most hardcore gamer

>> No.11035170

I was more so talking about single player games, since that mostly what /vr/ is. Those games you listed are about the only AAA titles they’ll touch. Everything else is aimed at millennials. Zoomers aren’t playing shit like Starfield, Assassins Creed, and all the other trash that gets pumped out.
Look at SM64 speedrunners. It’s all zoomers lol.

>> No.11035202

most zoomers don't play single player games at all retard
you're talking about the tiny slice of zoomers who do in fact treat games as a challenge and not a social activity

>> No.11035208

This. I did a survey in my class once (it was an assignment) on videogame habits, the most consistently entered favorite game was fortnite. When they were filling it in, I could hear all of their snickers around the classroom because the options in my "what are some genres you like?" question, they were going like "Japanese Role Playing Game? Character Action? Whats that?" and then they read my name and started pointing and laughing at me. Anyway thank you for reading my blogpost

>> No.11035643

Yeah right...
Tell me you've never played any Intellivision, Atari 5200, Colecovision, Xbox OG, PS2, Gamecube, SNES, Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, N64, or home computer games without saying it outright.

>> No.11035715

Force them to beat SMB1 warpless no continues for their diploma

>> No.11035723

they're retarded and try to play it like mario
they don't understand it's not mario and it's a different game

>> No.11035727

Name 1 game that isn't computerized chess

>> No.11035742

Sorry if it was unclear, I am a student, not a teacher

>> No.11035815

Zoomers are widely known for and revered for their generational commitment to unprecedented competence and excellence.

>> No.11035861

It's >>11034453
Jah-kee-Oh --Demon, or Devil King.
It's pronounced this way in the Ninja Gaiden OAV movie, and Arino also pronounces it this way in one of the Ninja Gaiden challenge episodes,

>> No.11035876

A gay den of ninjas, of course it sucks

>> No.11035885

Every game that's not chess, moron. Take your retarded semantics and get butt fucked up the dick.

>> No.11035891

And you still haven't named a single game that's not about pressing buttons in intervals. Curio.

>> No.11035905

what are you on about? This game is easy as hell. No bait. So what if it takes you a few dozen tries to get the timing right? later stages are actual bullshit and time consuming, but that's on purpose to make the game feel longer than it actually is

>> No.11035906
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>> No.11037514
File: 1.38 MB, 851x799, IMG_1748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to do a run through on Delta emulator and man alive is it better than playing it on original hardware. That final boss section is absurd. Thanks for convincing me to do another run OP!

>> No.11037520

you can jacky my oh, big boy.

>> No.11037537

Curio up your ass Dr. Dipshit motherfucker!
What are
>Command and Conquer: the ENTIRE SERIES
>Diablo 2
>Most fighting games.
>Doom 1 and Doom 2 Classic
>Doom 3
>King's Field series
>Armored Core franchise.
You need more than just 2 or 3 buttons for those, fucktard.

>> No.11038439

its not pronounced that way retard

>> No.11040664

>How come this game filters zoomers so hard?
It’s not just them, it’s also millennials. People have been conditioned to get things their way by a press of a button with no thought

>> No.11040671

>People have been conditioned to get things their way by a press of a button with no thought
That's any generation born after the 50s

>> No.11040727

>That's any generation born after the 50s
I mean since then games have been dumbed down deliberately and now you have people that are so called game designers that deliberately make movies or clicker games

>> No.11041026

>DARK SOULS, the most difficult game in video game history
i fucking hope you aren't serious

>> No.11041726

>Literally all of video games is pressing 2-3 buttons with the right timing
You do need critical thinking skills too

>> No.11043621

"Zoomer" needs a word filter already.

>> No.11043762

>How come this game filters zoomers so hard?
I have literally never seen a zoomer even glance at this game. Is this the voices in your head

>> No.11043767

Woah! Get this guy an opinion editorial job!

>> No.11043772

Gen X deserves all the hatred the boomers get. Whole Generation of faggots born and raised in an economic boom. Yet Proud of believing in nothing and being nihilistic, but weirdly self congratulatory about it

>> No.11043779

You sure these were zoomers and not gen alpha

>> No.11043784
File: 348 KB, 672x413, NJG1645816210182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomer here. I've beaten the game 3 times. I have no idea why people hype up the difficulty so much, it's really mild. There are only 4 genuinely hard parts in the entire game, the rest is memorizing item placement.

Any NES game with infinite continues is not truly hard.

Pretty much my thoughts exactly. It's a true classic in every sense of the word.

Based son.

>> No.11043795

Are you sure they were zoomers? That sounds more like a Gen Alpha thing.

>> No.11043807

>The biggest difference between retro and modern challenging games is that a lot of retro games have no problem with limited continues and throwing you back to the beginning of the game if you lose too many times.
This was less of an issue for Japanese gamers since they had no rental market. Lots of Jap games limited their continues for the Gaijns.

>> No.11043821

The fuck do you mean gauntlet? Ryu's dad is piss easy, just hug the wall till he comes over, slash the orb a bunch and repeat.

The final phase isn't that bad either. If you keep your eyes focused on the projectiles and abuse the down slash he'll be dead in a jiffy.

The only genuinely hard phase is Jaquio, but once you get used to the timing it's not too bad.

>> No.11043826 [DELETED] 

>Evil wizard plotting world domination
>Star of David

What did they mean by this?