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File: 217 KB, 640x456, Lulsla_dogfight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11023965 No.11023965 [Reply] [Original]

>that mission where Vader is your windman
>that mission where you personally save the Emperor's shuttle
>that Secret Order of the Empire secret plotline

One of the best games ever

>> No.11024370

sounds nice

>> No.11024372
File: 30 KB, 398x345, 1660131608177769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sounds nice

i don't have a joystick tho

without a joystick it's not worth it, buds

I guess you can use gamepad yep

>> No.11026617

Why no remake? Why no sequel to Alliance in the year 2020 +4 ?

>> No.11026631
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>> No.11026639

Still more than EA did with the properties they bought from Origin, Bullfrog, and Westwood

>> No.11026645
File: 98 KB, 1004x768, 10421829-star-wars-x-wing-alliance-windows-battle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost forgot.
Thanks for reminding me.
Guess I'll play Jedi Knight II soon.

>> No.11026717

It would look the same even without the EA exclusivity because that's how games work now. They're just money pits that take 10 years to produce garbage. Look at Rockstar from that same early 2000s period to today.

>> No.11026925

No it wouldn't, Lucasarts used to license out the property to pretty much anyone. Even today after Disney have wiped their ass with the franchise, Star Wars still carried enough weight and has such a cool and interesting universe that many game devs would want to produce Star Wars games. So if Lucasarts still owned the IP, then we'd be getting a lot more Star Wars games.

>> No.11026939

That volume didn't just have to do with licensing it out to multiple studios though. It was also a time when games got turned around very quickly. Jedi Starfighter for example was made and released in 5 months. Meanwhile, there's talk about a Total War Star Wars game in development that is 5-6 years out at best.

>> No.11026952

The emperor was never in any danger of dying tho. His clone body was safely stored on Exegol.

>> No.11026965

Anon, EA had exclusive rights to make Star Wars game in this period. No one else could even pitch a Star Wars game to Disney because they were simply not allowed to make any, unless they were EA.
And EA LOST the exclusivity rights because they were making few, and terrible, games with it.
Without exclusivity, yes you fucking would have seen more SW games.

>> No.11026986

I get what you're saying, I'm just saying there's other variables too. The picture insinuates that the EA exclusivity is the sole reason there is not an abundance of star wars games, but there's other significant variables as well.

>> No.11027000

Petroglyph has been begging EA to let them make another Star Wars Empire At War which isn't AAA and they still weren't allowed to do it.
We got a terrible bottom of the barrel remaster collection of the original Battlefront games because EA saw that people like the old games better, and it failed hard.

>> No.11027134

and yet they never even mentioned me in the movies wtf

>> No.11027202

>Vader is your windman
"No, I am your farter"

>> No.11027636
File: 208 KB, 1024x1024, aaIGMZl7LGnfbmQNOrHOrL6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your spiritual successor, bro.

>> No.11027762

>90% off not even a year after release

lol, lmao even

>> No.11027828

I bought it for 3$ and still haven't played it.

>> No.11027909
File: 242 KB, 654x527, 1700031462052506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a kid that grew up on X-Wing I always thought the future of competitive/co-op gaming was going to be crazy space combat simulators. Instead we got shitty FPS games.

>> No.11027920

Normies ruined gaming
I stopped buying consoles after gen 6

>> No.11027935

dogfights are repetitive and have low skill ceilings

>> No.11027952

AI is too dumb
>a single tie fighter destroys the entire Alliance fleet
AI is too smart
>this game is bs

>> No.11027970

Investors want a home run on every investment. Gone are the days of the mid-range success. If it isn’t hitting nine-figure sales, no one cares.

The industry needs to rediscover the tentpole strategy. Make a core of games that are highly profitable, then use the profit to fund artistic and intellectual games. FFS the current gacha model is perfect for this.

>> No.11028056

Isn't that most games?

>> No.11028097

I wonder if I'm just not paying attention or if no one has blatantly ripped off Ultima(6/7 or Underworld) for their indie throwback RPG.
No, Ascendant doesn't count.

>> No.11028112

I got it for free twice. First from Prime Gaming then again from the Epic Store. I still haven't bothered to play it though.

>> No.11028231

everybody hates disney star wars and im glad thats the case

>> No.11028307 [DELETED] 

>guys seriously stop talking about poop
>*poop talk intensifies*

>> No.11028637

Nox Archaist is a throwback to Ultima 4

>> No.11031146

i miss it but if i went back to it, i think it would spoil my memories.

>> No.11031238

Game worked great with kb&m although I probably destroyed the trackball playing it.

>> No.11031239

Star Wars is dead and this game is too subtle and simple for zoomers.

>> No.11031252

Just buy a used joystick. They're not expensive or anything

>> No.11031267
File: 434 KB, 864x640, 1709833403833665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best fighter coming through

>> No.11031448

Yeah it's almost as OP as the TIE Defender

>> No.11031608

There's an HD VR-compatible Alliance mod or something which lookes good but I never played

>> No.11031907

So's Realms of Antiquity, IIRC.

>> No.11032265

I loved this game so much, you had to be really good at it because you don't get shields til you get the Gunboat and Defender. This is what Star Wars is to me, not whatever thing is skinwalking it now.