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11023873 No.11023873 [Reply] [Original]

The great debate.

>> No.11023892

>oh no I have to wait 5 seconds between levels
That’s the beer pause

>> No.11023937
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>> No.11023943

Roms and .chd files on an ssd.

>> No.11023947

What about having to swap out disks, like in the FF games?

>> No.11023960

High-capacity cartridges are better.
>b-but then some jews have to give up more money to produce the games!
Not my problem.

>> No.11023962

Only an issue if you play bad games

>> No.11023969

Annoying but each of those PS1 disks hold like 600mb of data while the largest N64 cart held 64mb. Any game that could fit on a single cartridge would not need multiple discs.
That's fine if the loading times are reasonable. Good hardware is a must, Neo Geo shot themselves in the foot with their single speed CD system, by the time the CDZ came along the damage had been done.

>> No.11023974

cartridge all day

>> No.11023975

>Easy to store
>Easy to smuggle game prototypes into the web with
>More space for game data
>Scratches have a low chance of hitting actual game data
>Disc-swapping (lmao too bad Rareware)
>Lets you listen to your games' OST in music players
>Lets you have demos in magazines
>Lets you pirate
>Lets you PLAY
>Games you don't like can be used as frisbees
Discs won.
>But muh loading screens

>> No.11023976

based and unfathomably redpilled

>> No.11023993
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>discs wo-

>> No.11023998

I like big PCBs, like my Neo Geo MVS carts since those huge chips are cool to look at.

>> No.11024001

>NES cartridge reader from 1985: takes a bit of wiggling the cartridge but works
>PS2 laser from 2003: completely broken

>> No.11024007

Carts are already rotting, and it hasn’t even been one lifetime since release. Carts you got as a kid could be dead by now. Carts are just not good as a storage medium.
Have you tried not being a brain dead brute with the things you own? Regardless, just buff it out.

>> No.11024010

Nigger, they're passing that expense to YOU. N64 cartridges were more expensive than PS1 discs.

>> No.11024018

>Have you tried not being a brain dead brute with the things you own? Regardless, just buff it out.
Disc rot is caused by the organic materials, typically the dyes, used in the process of disc manufacturing inevitably breaking down and rotting. You can't "buff it out", the data is simply lost.

>> No.11024026

Flash media won. Even the guys who still sell their games on discs force you to install data onto flash media to circumvent load times.

>> No.11024028
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The N64 vs PS1 discussion basically revolves around
>Having a developer-friendly format that's 30x cheaper and holds 20x the memory (ie, CD's) is a bad deal because of 2 seconds of loading
If you even vaguely look at the industry in the 1990's, you can see that literally every developer preferred CD's, for their insane practical advantages. N64 was hugely held back by small game sizes, whereas the PS1 could hold monstrous texture work, and still be cheaper. Nintendo didn't use CD's purely out of spite, and not because it was god's will that cartridges are better. Sony invented CD's, that's the real reason.

>> No.11024036

It's much longer than 2 seconds and everyone knows it, the various SNES RPGs ported to PS1 are infamous for how long they take due to having to wait for every battle to load. CD media was largely squandered by developers who used the extra space for shitty FMVs. Nintendo was right that people would not want to deal with disc-based load times, the entire industry including Sony themselves has moved away from that.

>> No.11024042

>cartridges are better for coomllecting. they're more durable.
Yes. But emulation and digital games just makes this a non-issue.

>SSD is kinda like a cartridge man. this proves it's better
Yes. But it's missing the point to compare technologies that are decades apart. If the comparison is strictly about PS1 vs N64 in the context of 1995-2000, it's obvious which one won.

>> No.11024061

CDs certainly won the late 90s/early 00s battle, but still lost the war. In the grand scheme of video game history, disc-based media will be a small footnote while flash media will have been the dominant form.

>> No.11024071

Visually: Cartridges no question. They look bad-ass and can be any size.

Storage capacity: Discs. They hold a lot of data without breaking the bank of the buyer.

Longevity: Mask ROM cartridges are incredibly durable compared to a wafer thin pressed disc.

Winner: Cartridges

>> No.11024087
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>> No.11024092

Discs won the most important battle in the entire war (the shift from 2D to 3D era). They'll be remembered forever.

>> No.11024094

yet ff1/2 have only two seconds. sometimes a bad conversion is just a bad conversion.

>> No.11024097
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>having to swap out disks
Kino intermission markers

>> No.11024124

Yes, all 2 (two) generations they were on top before developers started mandating install data to circumvent loading times or turning disc drives into optional accessories.

>> No.11024129

Is earthquake the reason delay N64 95' debut?


>> No.11024135

And people remember the Alamo more often than the war it's from.

>> No.11024174

N64 should have zip format as cartridges and added bus 16kb-24kb texture memory.

>> No.11024193

Thats because faggots turn discs into glorified install discs for more bloatware.

>> No.11024212

Nigga try to play Chrono Trigger on Ps1. You will swear that the game always this close to halt and softlock due to how long and painful loading times are.

>> No.11024224

Unrelated by i love how the Ps1 handle graphic fade ins and fade outs, using always ShadeFading every single time.

>> No.11024273

You say this like you swap a disc every minute in those games.

>> No.11024306

There's a greater debate:
Is OP a huge retarded faggot?

>> No.11024313

>N64: 388 games
>Saturn: 1028 games
>PS1: 4105 games
"Would you rather have more games or less games?" Gee I wonder

>> No.11024318

Time has judged cartridges to be better from a financial standpoint. Hand-me-down and used N64 carts (along with the GBA and DS) have created brand loyalty in this generation of zoomers that has allowed Nintendo to flourish. Millennials didn't trust their younger siblings, nieces, and nephews with their discs. Or if they did the discs didn't stand up to the handling from grubby little-kid hands.

>> No.11024325

That's basically a type of cartridge.
SSDs are so cheap now you could put individual games on them and configure your emulator to load whatever game is on them automatically if you wanted that tactile cart swapping experience.

>> No.11024380

Cartridges are obviously the best format because flash memory is superior in 2024, which retroactively must mean it was better in the 90's too
t. a coping retard

>> No.11024491

switch cards taste good :D

>> No.11024534

If you complain about FF disc swapping you've NEVER played Legend of Dragoon. What were they THINKING?!

>> No.11024668
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>> No.11024680

>There are 1028 games on this list not including non-game software and compilations of Saturn games. There are 785 Japan-exclusive games, making 75% of the whole list.
Jesus. They gave up hard on the west.

>> No.11024703

Shit thing with discs is most of the systems made in the CD era had *NO BUFFER* or at most a tiny buffer like, 2k. So the CD drive felt slow as FUCK.

>> No.11024723

>Nintendo didn't use CD's purely out of spite, and not because it was god's will that cartridges are better. Sony invented CD's, that's the real reason.
But Sega Saturn also used CDs.

>> No.11024908

That's what switch does with it's custom form factor sd cards.

>> No.11024920

Too bad the switch carts are too small to be satisfying.

>> No.11025058

I love this. It's super satisfying to reach the end of a dick. You feel like you topped a huge hurdle and are about to come into the next step of your journey until you reach the climax.

>> No.11025061

Yeah they bought their CDs off of Victor

>> No.11025062
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>It's super satisfying to reach the end of a dick.

>> No.11025320

For me it's the shit games that ruin the experience

>> No.11025341

> SNES RPGs ported to PS1 are infamous for how long they take
Its not really fair to blame cd's for a zero effort ports made by talent-less programmers.

>> No.11025350

Load times aren't just pre-loads. Games like Mortal Kombat need to load moves mid match on the Playstation and Saturn. Terrible. CDs were only good on systems like the PC Engine or Sega CD, where the games were so tiny that loading them was instantaneous, or on PC where you installed the whole program to your drive.

>> No.11025358

I’m not poor. Not a problem. Get a job

>> No.11025418



>Carts are already rotting
mask roms don't "rot". you know what is rotting? the remaining iq point inside your delusional mind.

>> No.11025420

Some of you are really arguing about this. :^)

>> No.11025426
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>chud files

>> No.11025427

>CD media was largely squandered by developers who used the extra space for shitty FMVs.
they did the best with what they had. the playstation had fuck all memory. if it had more than 2mb of ram there'd be no complaints about loading times while in game. when your code and assets only fill a 1/3 of the disk space, might as well fill it up with music and poorly compressed fmv cancer.

>> No.11025440

chad files?

>> No.11025470
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Prefer CD's but they take up a lot of space

Which do you prefer though, CHD roms or cartridge roms?

>> No.11025560

Cartridges are better. More durable and silent.

>> No.11025670
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>> No.11026156
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>Carts won in the long run!
Yeah no.

>> No.11026160

It's interesting but ultimately kind of redundant when 1TB and 2TB microSD cards exist

>> No.11026301

And that's honestly a devskill and hardware issue. If I walk near the beginning of a new zone, the game should be silently loading it in the background.

>> No.11026308

I remember those super cheap cd-r that became unusable if you looked at it too hard.

>> No.11026330
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Cartridges were better. We effectively use cartridges today because of the read write speed.

The irony of this thread is that PS1 relied on Cartridges for 99% of games.
So this debate was already ended by PlayStation using cartridges.
And the sad thing is that not even a single person is mentioning the fact that PlayStation used carts.

>> No.11026332

Kind of pointless when they fail after 6 years isn't it?

>> No.11026486

I didn't actually look it up until after typing that post

They're still too heckin big though

>> No.11026490

Anon... Are you referring to memory cards as cartridges

>> No.11026495

We are talking about games, not save files. The actual games were on CD's

>> No.11026534

>too heckin big
I'm glad Kabosu is dead.

>> No.11026541
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That doesn't dispute the fact that Sony ended up using cartridges for memory cards.
Which brings up another point, most games need a cartridge on the PlayStation.
Thus Cartridges won by default of being a necessity.

They aren't discs. If CDs are so superior why not use them for memory cards. Maybe CDs aren't so great.

>> No.11026569

Is this a bot or were you born retarded

>> No.11026576

>PlayStations didn't have internal memory which makes cartridges better
That logic doesn't cohere, you are conveniently overlooking how the PlayStation also needs disks to play games not to mention that you don't need to save to play.

>> No.11026581

memory cards don't have games in them

>> No.11026637

>CDfags seething so much they can't come up with a reply after being assblasted by the fact that they've been cartridge users this whole time

>> No.11026641

Yes and for the system to be essentially functional, you need to buy and use carts on the PlayStation.
Do you understand the logic now?

You're still using a cart on a console to play video games.

>> No.11026642

didn't read

>> No.11026651

That's objectively false. There are countless anons on here that can attest to leaving their console on because they didn't own a memory card yet.

>> No.11026659

Memory cards are not a requirement to play games at all.
You're an 80 IQ mongrel.

>> No.11027932

I was always mystified by CDs, i thought the games on them were futuristic and blew my mind with the movie - like cutscenes.

N64 was a fun console but cartridges really fucked it up

>> No.11027967

You attempt at a GATCHA is so fucking flaccid, you dont even know how to play the linguistics game.

>> No.11028242

No chud files, sorry everyone has access to the Internet. Kys

>> No.11028249

>this fine piece of cinema, the highest KINO known by Man

That moment where his pupil becomes a cross - Squall finds God and sacrifices himself just like Jesus.

>> No.11028254

The one that doesn't get scratches

>> No.11028668

Shut the fuck up you mutilated deviant.

>> No.11028674

Why has no one brought up how cartridges are still used today with the Switch? Cartridge chads won

>> No.11028721


>> No.11028729

>if you dislike loading times, you're ADHD!
Carts are just better.
And memory size became a hassle to video games. Devs stopped caring about making tight gameplay experiences and getting creative with limitations and the cinematic era with shallow gameplay began.
Most of the space on disk-based games are spent on FMVs.

>> No.11028739

>muh cutscenes
fuckin ninja gaiden had cutscenes zoomie

>> No.11028748

And they were soulfully crafted using the actual hardware with sprite-based graphics, not full motion movies.

>> No.11028754

>d-doesn't count
fuck off

>> No.11029294
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If we're talking about what's better to use, then it's cartridges for me, faster and no scratches to have to deal with... but, if we're talking about it in the context of the 90's and what made sense to use then, it was CDs, this stuff's cyclical, now disks are at a low point, but maybe in the future they manage to store way more data than all of the others again, and we go back to using them.

It made sense that PS1 and Saturn used them, a lot more than N64 using cartridges, but now I'm glad the Switch uses them over the PS5's disks, I prefer it, but disks have their place and history.

>> No.11029467

If anyone here had the job of going back to the past to save the N64, you would all back out from defending cartridges and would just tell Nintendo to use CDs.

>> No.11030739

Discs are way too fragile, they don’t hold up to any kind of scratching. My family’s whole gamecube collection got scratched up. Even just touching the bottom with your fingers isn’t ideal. I think there’s some obscure disc formats that put the disc in a little cartridge of its own that the drive opens, I wonder why those didn’t catch on.

>> No.11030781

We're back at magnetic tape now lad.
Keep up.

>> No.11031835

the only time I've ever had this happen was with some improperly burned Dreamcast CD-R's. I have CD's from the formats beginning that still work good.

>> No.11032041

The N64 held 64 Mb of data. The PS1 CDs held 700 Mb of data, and were cheaper to produce.

So it's not even a contest.

>> No.11032539

I wonder when floppy disks will make a comeback...

>> No.11032549

well done. i thought this was a typo to mock but you kept it up so long it made me hard to do it.

>> No.11032552

People always criticized Street Fighter Alpha 2's low quality FMV intro on PS1 compared to the arcade-accurate crystal clear in-hardware sprite-based intro on Sega Saturn and also Super Nintendo ports.

>> No.11033762

PS1 games had more content.
Nintendo didn't used CDs on the N64 because they didn't want to pay Sony a tax and they wanted full control over the game storage media.
End of.

>> No.11033782

>oh no I have to wait 5 seconds between levels
>That’s the beer pause
You never used a 1x speed drive like the Neo Geo CD.

Load between levels. Load between stages. Load between rounds. Load between character select. Load between menus.