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File: 56 KB, 267x374, Shining_Force.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11019410 No.11019410 [Reply] [Original]

>less tedium and bullshit
>faster paced gameplay
>less overwrought story (debatable)
Shining Force kinda had a leg up on early fire emblem. I think Mystery of The Emblem may have been a better game overall but even that game had flaws and annoyances that weren't in Shining Force

>> No.11019549

>Can't talk about X without mentioning Y
Only faggots do this. I love shining force.
You probably only mentioned Fire Emblem since you're retarded and don't play games

>> No.11019570
File: 121 KB, 500x366, 1490155346261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go with the real comparison between the two. Early Fire Emblem was pretty much all humans. Whereas Shining Force gives you centaurs, dwarves, elves, whatever the fuck Khris was supposed to be and teased you with a playable hamster in Jogurt and that's just chapter 1.

>> No.11019604

I can talk about Shining Force without mentioning Fire Emblem just fine. It's just the obvious comparison to make as the other strategy rpg in the genre early days. Noticeable chasm between them

>> No.11019624

fire emblem technically had dragons

>> No.11019653
File: 158 KB, 458x860, sf1art_character11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whatever the fuck Khris was supposed to be
I thought she was deer woman/faun or something

>> No.11019658

Elf deer

>> No.11019668

I will imagine those baggy pants contain giant thighs and you can't stop me.

>> No.11019689

Would be out of proportion with the spindly legs

>> No.11019735 [DELETED] 

shining force 2 is superior in every way

>> No.11019901

She's a Kyantol (sometimes anglicized in later games as "Cantore"). Basically a dog anthro/furry or some kind of kobold.

>> No.11020198
File: 216 KB, 1334x750, IMG_4180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We just met ho I recruited you just before walking in here

>> No.11020290

>less tedium and bullshit

>cursor slowly moves across map to enemy
>enemy stands there, decides to do nothing
>repeat 3-4 times
>cursor goes to your unit, finally
>move your unit two spaces across mountain tiles
>cursor returns to enemies
>RNG turn order leads to an enemy getting multiple turns before one of your units, getting them killed
I still love Shining Force though

>> No.11020315

>enemy stands there, decides to do nothing
I think this was an intentional design choice so I didn't really question, assume it was to make game easier

Never really thought about what determines turn order though, now that you mention it that is kinda bullshit

>> No.11020319

Wait I'm dumb I thought you meant the weird patience of the AI slightly further away from you that wait for you to get close

>> No.11020330

That's what I mean, enemies far away just hang out which would be fine, it's just that the game's mechanics require them to tax you seconds of time every turn just to show that they're still there doing nothing. The terrain heavy maps make this painfully slow since all those taxed seconds really add up.

>> No.11020392

What Zelda game is this?

>> No.11021067

I've only played bits of Fire Emblem and don't love it. Shining Force 2 was great but I am mid way through SF1 and it's getting really boring. The unbalance between some characters being incredibly fast and powerful while others are painfully slow and weak just feels lazy. I spend most of my time baby sitting the slow characters spend they can actually get experience and my healers aren't 5 levels lower than everyone else. Kinda feel like saying fuck it and just blowing through everything because it's also getting super easy, but that doesn't seem fun either.

>> No.11021270

I don't know why these two series get compared so much, they really have vastly different goals. Shining Force doesn't even feel like a strategy game, it feels like a turn based beat 'em up, but in a good way. It's fun to have a bunch of cool characters and get into a rhythm of taking down enemies, using magic that hits an area when you can, etc, but it doesn't take much thought.

>> No.11021508

which fire emblem did you play? I love love loved mystery of the emblem (super famicom I didn't play the ds version) It was kinda hard though
>I don't know why these two series get compared so much
I'm comparing them because they both came from the early days of tactical RPG genre