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/vr/ - Retro Games

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11018680 No.11018680 [Reply] [Original]

Most underrated console of all time and its not even close

note: Underrated =/= perfect

>> No.11018687


>> No.11018742

If it had a dock, they'd be several years ahead of their time. (It has video out, but still.)

>> No.11018760

Still a better opinion than the Mongoloids dickriding the sega saturn, I'll give you that OP.

>> No.11018768

Sad that it got the least amount of marketing, given that it was limited only to magazines as far as I'm aware.

>> No.11018771

PSP or original Xbox, actually.

>> No.11018774

Xbox sold more than the GCN, so you're on to something.

>> No.11018775

PSP and Xbox are dickred to hell and back. Very rarely if ever do I see praise for the Nomad. I guess its because it doesnt really hold any value in using it nowadays. But at the time this thing was peak.

>> No.11018781

>PSP and Xbox are dickred to hell and back.

They're still underrated. The Xbox is the best console of the objectively best console generation even though nobody wants to admit it.

>> No.11018782

Its just a portable genesis that came out 7 years after the genesis. You're acting like its the most amazing shit
Who even cares

>> No.11018792

I'm not sure why some devs chose to stick with the PS2, even though that console was much harder to develop for. (I'm going to assume it's Renderware supporting the PS2?)

>> No.11018801

Portable genesis in 95 is the most amazing shit ever

>> No.11018813

Uh are you a zoomer or something

>> No.11018838

It was impractical.

>> No.11018990

Be cool if Sega shoved the guts of one of their Sega Genesis Mini consoles into a Nomad shell. Something with an 5-8 hour rechargeable battery and HDMI and a could USB ports so you could play it on a TV with controllers. They've already done the Genesis 1 & 2, hope they do this as well.

>> No.11018993


I don't know anything about this, but... wouldn't that simply be because they thought they'd sell more on PS2 since it was so hugely popular??

>> No.11018996

I think that's another logical conclusion, given how well GTA has sold.

>> No.11018997

Sure if you're a stockholder at Duracell or Energizer

>> No.11019065
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>> No.11019183

>multi emulator, like I wanna play PS1 on that, gross.
>no Sega themed menu
Hopefully they reason one that is only for Genesis games someday. Close isn't good enough, at least it doesn't have analog sticks.

>> No.11019193

Making this both the game gear successor and continuation of the Genesis/16bit games like SoA wanted, by moving them to handheld titles, seem like such obvious choices. They still could have offloaded the GameGear to Majesco to sell as a budget handheld and kept the Nomad as their first party, beefy ass, premium 16bit handheld.

>> No.11019203

It was the most powerful handheld on the market till the GBA. It was absolutely untapped potential.

>> No.11019314

Dude it was a genesis
Untapped potential? Wtf are you talking about
I don't think you understand what makes handhelds take off and why people choose to develop for them

>> No.11019317

Xbox had 3 games, 2 were halo and the other was dead or alive

PSP though, massively underrated console. Incredible design, great library if you like jarpigs

>> No.11019319

why is it every time somebody posts one of these doodads they don't mention the name

>> No.11019362

In what universe is a mid 90s handheld capable of playing 16bit games not impressive? The point is that instead of stopping with Genesis completely, they could have continued game development for the specs as a handheld system. Nintendo was still pushing 8bit games for handhelds as the standard until the early 2000s. Limiting both the Nomad (and TurboExpress) as "Just portables of what you have at home" was both extremely limiting to their potential, while also being an impressive claim. Obviously the hardware fault on both was battery life, but they still provided a potential "what if" scenario, where Sega could have kept 16bit game development and support going up until the Dreamcast, but under the guise of being their handheld platform.

>> No.11019562

>ohaiguise look what i just found on youtube

>> No.11019565

RG Arc

>> No.11019582
File: 799 KB, 2560x2560, teradrive-scaled-4146127215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

add this to the list of things found on youtube

>> No.11019584

Does this run at real 240p or is it integer scaled to 480p with no scanlines?

>> No.11019586

Because nobody bought it for a reason. Its a pain in the ass that doesn't offer anything new while also not being cheap. You're being a fanboy.

>> No.11019589

The D-pad was great.

>> No.11019590

I have no idea, all I know is that it has a weak 286.

>> No.11019593

Yeah maybe in a world where the cd and 32x and Saturn didn't exist the nomad could have been what saved Sega anon and all its potential would
>6AA batteries

>> No.11019602

You know what could've saved SEGA? Bubsy.

>> No.11019642

Wouldn't it be easy to make a custom dock?

>> No.11019651

Perhaps, but I wasn't around during the 90s.

>> No.11019798

>A handheld meant to play the catalog of a dying home console.

Great idea.

>> No.11019823

It has a 2p controller slot, and in many games that would still allow you to play single player.

>> No.11019835

Not a reasonably functional one, because that's not possible without modding the system. As for how easy that is, it depends on who's doing it. Basically impossible for the average nu-/vr/ shitposter. Still probably a couple afternoons for a skilled and knowledgeable grownup.

>> No.11020015


>> No.11020023

The easy hack here is to use a flash cart with roms modified to use the player 2 port.

>> No.11020074

Its pretty much a given. Having the monitor support 15khz is a lot simpler than having some kind of line doubler, also line doubling would completely fuck up interlaced modes which some games use.

>> No.11020078

Looks like someone hit a little to close to home

>> No.11020081


>> No.11020083

So why do you feel that way exactly, OP? I'm not gonna disagree with you cus I think a portable Sega Genesis is pretty cool.

>> No.11020386

battery life + handheld consoles call for specific kinds of games you'd play on the go

>> No.11020462

>6th gen best gen ever

>> No.11020627

Just as the devs intended it

>> No.11021054
File: 398 KB, 1091x1241, DSCF3446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who owned and used a Nomad for many years, it's a piece of shit. It's bulky and uncomfortable to use, you basically have to use it plugged in becauseit eats batteries like candy and the screen is both tiny and sucks.

>> No.11021059

Not OP, I got my Genesis in '96

So much for "dying"

>> No.11021087

fuckoff ebayer nobody wants your trash just get a chinkheld

>> No.11021328

That's not a console, it's a portable Mega Drive

>> No.11021336

Because I never even see it mentioned in regards to "good console" debate. In most "le best console evar" tier lists dogshit like the Ouya will be included before the Nomad is even mentioned. Its not literal perfection but it is incredibly underrated and if shit like the Saturn/Mega CD/32X is held up as "Oh well it was good for the time and had a lot of missed potential!" then I think the Nomad deserves at least a glance cus its dope. IMO

>> No.11021531

>plays for 2 hrs before you need to replace all eight double a batteries

yeah. lol. sure it was

>> No.11021535
File: 6 KB, 91x51, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11022217

>I got my Genesis in '96
And I got a Playstation in '99.
Would I have bought an awkward-6 AA battery handheld Playstation if it was available?
Probably not.

>> No.11023870
File: 858 KB, 1600x1600, image_2024-06-16_180143724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11024116

We were visiting family in another city so I brought my psone screen thing along, hooked it up to my ps2 and played through the end chase sequence in mgs3 getting all the kerotans. I had to reset like 5 times because that screennis such garbage but autistic determination got me through.

>> No.11024754

The screen is too small, it wasn't worth playing

>> No.11024823

wtf do you mean didn't offer anything new? There was nothing like it at the time?

>> No.11024897

this is just hipster for the sake of being hipster. its garbage, it literally has ZERO games (unlike saturn which actually has plenty of games, just not sanic which pisses off sonic-only autists), it eats batteries worse than the game gear and has a godawful atrocious screen. garbage like this is why sega isnt in the console business anymore, because SoA kept draining the company for money to prolong the life of the mega drive

>> No.11024901

It is a handheld, and it isn't even a distinct system. It is just a Genesis with an LCD screen.

>> No.11024991

>the megadrive has zero games
what level of contrarianism is this?

>> No.11024997

>what level of contrarianism is this?
I'm pretty sure he meant that the Nomad had ZERO games made for it, not the MegaDrive.

>> No.11025001

0 exclusives, anon

>> No.11025140

Did they sell battery packs for that thing?

>> No.11025343

You'll get it when you find out.

>> No.11025351

Which is a rather retarded "point" to try to make.

>> No.11028002

Was it easy to bump the cartridge during play?

>> No.11028003

based dyslexic anon

>> No.11028068

My bad. I spelled lol backwards.

>> No.11028336

an actual handheld wouldve been cooler than this lame ass shit, couldve based it on MD hardware too like the GG.

>> No.11029515

This is a very zoomer taker.
When the Nomad was out the idea of having a portable Genesis was one of the coolest things possible.

>> No.11029526

Because the PS2 sold like gangbusters.

>> No.11029549

The PS one is ugly and cheap on it's own but that assembly is absolutely repulsive. It resembles a cheap chinese toy.

>> No.11029553

Meant to reply
but I'm retarded

>> No.11029760

A fully portable version of a home console with no compatibility compromises, even from the previous gen, was indeed completely nuts at the time and it wasn't even a bad way of going about it. >>11028336 is clueless.

I'd say the biggest issue with it was the backlight, which similar to the Game Gear, ate batteries like no tomorrow. It made for a very nice playing experience but you just couldn't make an excuse for going through tons of batteries when the Game Boy was so efficient with them. Nintendo would later prove that people were willing to buy a system that you couldn't see at all outside of perfect lighting conditions through the GBA so long as it still had good battery life. The 90s were way too early for backlit screens, as technically impressive as they are.

I understand why the Game Gear had one as Sega could never compete in portable game library with the Game Boy and thus had to appear more premium, but the Nomad was a fucking portable Genesis in '95 with the entire library backing it. Again, the GBA came along later with tons of its flagship titles being literal SNES ports to sell people their old games back again. If they'd played their cards right it could have been a big success.

>> No.11029770

>What's your favorite console
>The Super Gameboy
>Oh you like Gameboy games
>no super game boy games

This is how retarded you are OP

>> No.11029776

Its never mentioned jn good co sole debates because it's on of the worst ways to play a Sega Genesis game. The thing goes through batteries so fast you need to sit near an outlet next to your TV so you can play on the 3" screen. No games were made for nomad, it's a peripheral not a console.

>> No.11029783

Why didn't you just say the Megadrive? I don't remember the Nomad being around all that long really. Kids talked about it, but it disappeared from store shelves quickly.

>> No.11029814

It's neat but your coping. You can't explain it without mentioning its overwhelming flaws, because they overwhelm the discussion. If the major drawback is the battery life hurts its portability than it fails at its entire purpose. It was cool it could be done, it wasn't done very well.

>> No.11029890

My entire post was about how Sega failed to capitalize on a technical marvel for the time because they didn't understand what was truly important about a portable system nor how to market it effectively. You don't even disagree with me.

>> No.11029936

Your entire port was about how a thing that was bad at its purpose was underrated when everyone correctly rates it as a failure, and you agree with me faggot

>> No.11030029

I don't see the word "underrated" anywhere in >>11029760, do you think every single person in the thread except for you is the OP?

I noted that they had the right idea and could have struck gold but fucked up hard by not focusing on battery life, which was the single most important factor for a portable at the time. Sega assumed that consumers would want an easily visible display over battery life, which while admirable was a pretty dumb move considering the Game Gear already showed how consumers felt.

>> No.11030082

As an owner of both a Game Gear and Nomad, Atari Lynx, GBA, GBA SP and Neo Geo Pocket among others >>11021054 I very much agree with this. Those old LCD screens were nice in that you could play in the dark but anyone who's used them knows how brutal they are for action games, which is a lot of those system's libraries. Not that I regret them and just being able to play Genesis portable at work or break times in college was great. Except none especially the Nomad were never portable in the ways the Gameboys were. The way the SP did a lit screen was just so much better and I feel if they'd looked into finding a more practical solution at the time the Nomad especially could have been an amazing success instead of a weird impractical relic.

>> No.11030101

What fucking potential?
Handheld consoles were just for rich kids to show off at school. They're too clunky and annoying and expensive for anyone else
The only one that wasn't was the Gameboy

>> No.11030191

It is an "actual handheld" How do you figure it's not. It's meant to be held in your hands. Are you putting things in your butt again?

>> No.11030292

Reminder that not everyone who played video games when the Nomad released was a child at the whim of their parent's income. There were tons of people in their 20's abd 30's and older who were into tech and games.

>> No.11030352

NOOOOO!!!! Nothing existed before I was born.
I'm obsessed with toys made before I was born.

>> No.11030354

I had a Nomad as a kid. I liked it. It was easy to play video games late at night with it because my parents couldn't see the TV glow.