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11014073 No.11014073 [Reply] [Original]

sonic bosses are so fucking easy and anti-climatic, why is that? is it that sonic is op? or is it the devs' failure to offer challenge? i cant believe "people" even struggle with these games

pic related is supposed to be a big important moment from the plot

>> No.11014084

That's almost all platforming bosses. The one notable exception being Kirby.

>> No.11014103

yeah, sure. go face bowser being mini mario in later castles. acgually go face bowser being big mario, it's still challenging and you'll likely get hit
or some dkc bosses. you wont defeat them in one go
etc. many platforming games offer challenging boss fights

sonic on the other hand are easy af. hell you can jump on eggman and spam the bouncing, you'll defeat him in mere seconds most of the time

>> No.11014121

The game is the run to the right. The bosses are only there out of narrative obligation.

>> No.11014135

sonic is so op he is broken and it feels wrong. you have to create your own difficulty, making the fights longer and epic via autism. the insta-shield is broken as hell
it doesn't help that the game lets you easily go super mode in most of the game, as if sonic wasn't broken enough!

>> No.11014145

Knuckles definitely wasn't a real boss. The point of that part of the game is you hit him a couple times and then Robotnik shows up and backstabs him to steal the emeralds at which point he realizes the error of his ways and gives you access to go finish off Robotnik. If it was made more like a serious fight it'd be weird since Knuckles would be too beat up to react to Robotnik showing up and stealing the emeralds. So instead you just get 3 hits in before that happens.

>> No.11014176

knuckles was the guy who punched you out from super sonic. knuckles was a thorn in your side the whole game
as i mentioned, it was an important moment of the story. all things said, it just doesn't feel right for him to be so easy. the guy should've put up more of a fight, he was at his fullest anyway, and in his own territory! I know knuckles isn't smart but atleast have prep or something, he is this big guardian who wanted to off you, he should've taken it more seriously. if that was how he dealt with invaders, then good thing you're not the bad guy

the fight from sonic adventure is more casual, but that game is broken too anyway

>> No.11014249

Sonic 3 was very cinematic.

>> No.11014290

>sonic bosses are so fucking easy and anti-climatic
As for the devs part, Sonic 3 specially emphasizes story over gameplay, so they wanted people to go through the whole game as easy as possible.

>> No.11014415

>onic bosses are so fucking easy and anti-climatic, why is that?
its because you're supposed to do it fast
If you try running to the right mindlessly you die

>> No.11014420

did we play a different game

>> No.11014449

Quick kills in Sonic bosses are earned, you learn how the fight works then exploit them to get them over with.

Sonic Superstars, for trying to be a Classic Sonic game, failed to recognise this and made the boss fights an absolute slog.
Trivial (or trivialised) fights are infinitely preferable to time sinks with narrow retaliation windows.

Big Arms in Sonic 3 / & Knuckles is a good example of a boss fight that can challenge the player, but can also be finished more quickly if they're skilled or confident in doing so.

>> No.11014671

>go face bowser being mini mario in later castles
Worst possible example you could have picked, considering the encounter is typically over in one jump.

>> No.11014797

pretty scary once he starts lobbing hammers. but you can also just run through him if you're big so yeah he's usually not a problem aside from a couple lost levels castles.

>> No.11014815

>The one notable exception being Kirby.
The only good Kirby bosses were all by Sakurai and just Dark Matter

>> No.11014824

Sonic boss fights are piss easy but they're usually a lot of fun.

>> No.11014829

I always found it funny when players avoid challenging game mechanics just because they're challenging and then complain the game is boring/easy.

Also lol@OP for thinking knuckles was ever supposed to be challenging, he is supposed to be a pushover because he has zero combat experience being the sole survivor of his kind completely isolated on a floating island.

>> No.11014929

I really like the bosses in Magical Pop'n. I don't have anything against Kirby's bosses, but having to wait for them to drop a star kind of sucks, and several copy abilities are just unfit for boss encounters.

>> No.11015381
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They basically fall into the two opposite ends of the spectrum where either the levels are a challenge and the bosses are easy or the levels are easy and the bosses are a challenge.
They’re just two completely different modes of play to be able to reconcile with each other satisfyingly, unless you either completely change how the game plays in boss battles or just disguise the boss fight a platforming challenge

>> No.11015383

The player is typically dead after one mistimed jump.

>> No.11015452

the challenge comes from being on-rails to take a hit for something you did at least three seconds ago. play with emulator rewind and you'll see this.

>> No.11015460

hes sonk the honk afterall

>> No.11015489

Sakurai had nothing to do with Dark Matter.

>> No.11015525

>Sonic 3 was very cinematic
I absolutely love the "show don't tell" way they did the story. No dialog needed. Only thing I wish was different was the stage select. I would have preferred an overworld of the island kind of like dkc or yoshis Island.
>sonic bosses are so fucking easy
They usually aren't the first couple times until you get the rhythm down. Then yeah pretty simple.

>> No.11015535

Knuckles took a cheap shot in the beginning and then proceeded to pull bullshit moves when Sonic couldn’t get to him. He was a little bitch the whole time and fought like a bitch.

>> No.11015775

The Lava Reef boss, final Death Egg Robo and Doomsday Robo are super impressive platformer bosses.

>> No.11016249

>Hang Mobile
>Hot Mobile
>Red Eye
>Kyodai Eggman Robo
>Big Shaker
>Twin Hammer
>Bowling Spin
>Big Arm

All have decent balance between difficult and fun.

>> No.11016258

you clearly haven't played for score.

>> No.11016426

> punched you out from super sonic
Sonic wasn't really in super form, he was in denial after tail's death.

>> No.11016729

I think people forget the reason some mascot platformer games get popular is that they aren't hardcore.
Sonic isnt supposed to be Makaimura or Megaman. It's just meant to be stimulating and make you feel good

>> No.11016737

imagine being filtered by bowser in Super Mario Brothers lol
embarrassing as fuck

>> No.11016756

>Quick kills in Sonic bosses are earned

I never once saw what the Sandopolis act 2 boss ever did because there was not one single time when I couldn't just jump in its face before the boss music even triggered. That wasn't earned either, I just jumped up in its face and smashed it. The boss literally did nothing.

>> No.11016763
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mario bosses are so fucking easy and anti-climatic, why is that? is it that mario is op? or is it the devs' failure to offer challenge? i cant believe "people" even struggle with these games

pic related is supposed to be a big important moment from the plot

>> No.11016874

megaman isn't that hard either aside from the zero games desu. there's some tricky spots in each game but it's usually reasonable to deal with.

>> No.11017056

there is also another IMPORTANT thing i forgot to mention for you contrarians tards >>11014103

i bet none of you gives a shit about getting hit in sonic. you van get hit all the times you want as long as you grab that one ring. hence not real stake, you just go kamikaze. no difficulty

here?? make one mistake, two at mosts, and bye bye. that alone offers more challenge than the mindless kamikaze that is sonic
i quoted you just because you're the latest but it also applies to any other "other games have easy bosses too xdd" posts

i think that's the real factor here

>> No.11018071

2D Sonic bosses are almost universally better designed than Mario bosses.

>> No.11018075

because the games are designed for little kids

>> No.11018080

>I'm not masturbating! I'm being STIMULATED by SONIC in order to FEEL GO-AAAH, AMYYYYYY!

>> No.11018112

They're fine. Mania tried to make the bosses more epic and longer and it ruined the pacing

>> No.11018217

It's balanced for 4 lives
fall out of the screen on flying tails boss

>> No.11018821
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to this day, I still only beat this son of a bitch my pure luck. I know you're SUPPOSED to hit him when the bottom of his ship is exposed, but the balls rotate so fast I never seem to have time before they hit me and we trade damage