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/vr/ - Retro Games

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11013384 No.11013384 [Reply] [Original]

For those that have NSO, what retro games are you currently playing?
I'm playing through Blast Corps and the Game Boy Mega Man games they added not so long ago (right now I'm on MMIII).

>> No.11013421

I bought a months subscription to this just so I could buy the NSO controllers I wanted and never even bothered trying it. It is inferior to free options from the late 2000s.

>> No.11013431

>paying to use your own internet for P2P games
>renting roms
>literally no way to just pick one you want and buy it for keeps like virtual console
>paying for the privilege to pay a premium for clone controllers so you can scalp them
Nintendo online is the single most jewish thing since xbox first gave everyone the idea with live, even meme pass is just a bunch of games you can buy normally at any time, I'd never touch this garbage on principle, even if the emulation was spectacular

>> No.11013453

The emulation on the Megaman Gameboy games appears to be better than the emulation in Capcom's own collection, which has massive input lag. I know when I played Megaman 4 on real hardware a year or so ago at a friend's place, having mostly been playing it on the collection, I breezed through it. It was like taking off the training weights.

>> No.11013461
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Beat Wily's Revenge yesterday, not a bad game but I dont like how stingy it is with health pickups.
Gonna play 2 now, heard its the worst out of the GB games.

>> No.11013479

Emulation is illegal.

>> No.11013485

I use the Hori Fighting Commander for all 2d games on the platform.

>> No.11013515

I actually have friends and family so we all go in on the NSO + EP. I pay like 11 bucks a year for it. The NSO isn't perfect but it's convenient so it gets a lot of play from me. The Pro Controller does sort of suck and I do not think the N64 emulation is very good but I don't really like N64 games anyway so it's not a huge loss. I played Super Mario Bros 3 start to finish on a cross country flight a year or so ago and it was like the realization of some childhood dream.
I can't believe people think the VC, with paying 5 bucks for some piece of shit like Wrecking Crew is superior.
I'm about to play through the 5 GB Mega Man games they just put on there. I also just finished Fire N Ice which is perfect for a service like this. It's a game you can rewind but you don't really feel like you're cheating when you do so.

>> No.11013519

Also, this fruitless considering it's Nintendo but they should really get around to putting Turbo, Sega CD and Saturn games on there.

>> No.11013525

I'm also playing the MM games and I'm shocked at how good they are. Well, 1 falls apart at Wily's castle and 2 is just a watered down version of the originals with terrible music, but other than that they're full of good ideas and tight level design. They even fixed some of the worst weapons, like spark shock can be used to block an enemies and switched with another weapon to finish him.

>> No.11013528

*an enemy

>> No.11013530

>the 5 GB Mega Man games they just put on there
I was unaware of this. If you intend to play and finish the second one, mute it and put on some music unless you want your ears to bleed.

>> No.11013532

Metroid II

>> No.11013537

Do they let you remove the border graphic and account profile picture now? I remember that being an issue when I played in like 2018. Also, where's Urban Champion, the ultimate NES game?

>> No.11013541

Sounds less mangled than XTreme 1.

>> No.11013542

>Do they let you remove the border graphic and account profile picture now?

>> No.11013562

Yeah, the thing is, the compositions themselves aren't that bad, but the way they are performed/programmed just sounds like absolute shit.

>> No.11013568

No it isn’t.
Emulators are legal, but emulating games is illegal when it’s downloaded from the internet, which is considered piracy – you can flash ROMs legally if you own a physical copy of the game.
Paying for Nintendo Switch Online makes it legal to emulate video games on the Switch because Nintendo owns the license to those games.

>> No.11013578

I think it was a joke, cause nintendo

>> No.11013580

>1 falls apart after wily castle
I think both stages are ok but having to beat the whole stage in case you get a game over (which usually happens when you reach the boss) makes them more annoying than they should, but that's a common thing with Megaman games imo.
Game still is too stingy with health pickups.

>> No.11013586

Find a better way to play retro than with NSO. Having an emulator with Rewind baked into it like that is just awful.

>> No.11013590

Xtreme 1's music seems fine until you play Xtreme 2, which is a much better game in every way.

>> No.11013593

I hate that shit because it gives the false impression that you are supposed to use it. Save states are very obvious in that they aren't an actual part of the game.

>> No.11013629

Xtreme mangles nearly all the X1 and X2 classics, while Xtreme 2 is mostly X3 garbage. The few X1 and X2 tracks on Xtreme 2 sound as good as the SNES originals, it is amazing.

>> No.11013702

>I can't believe people think the VC, with paying 5 bucks for some piece of shit like Wrecking Crew is superior.
Owning > renting
No exceptions

>> No.11013729

3, 4 and 5 are just excellent.

>> No.11013735

>service ends
>all """your""" games are gone despite having had the data sitting on your switch just fine
>meanwhile even after they shut it down the VC games you bought are doing just fine
tricking retards into switching over to "you will own nothing and be happy" with low upfront costs to hook them and denormalizing owning even non-transferable licenses so they can dick kick you down the line when there's no alternative, love to see it

>> No.11013743

Yeah, the catalog isn't stellar but I still play on NSO more than the emulators on my PC.
Just wish Nintendo was more consistent with the uploads, Genesis NSO is practically dead and GBA's library is really small.

>> No.11013756 [DELETED] 

It's 11 bucks a year you friendless losers. I own a good chunk of these games physically already and could pretty easily download any ROMs of the others I wanted (if I don't have them already). It's convenient to play them on here and I use the membership to play Tetris 99. It's a perfectly acceptable way to play these games. I don't know why you geeks bang on about the VC anyway when the general consensus around here is that "paying for ROMZ" is dumb anyway. Keep seething.

>> No.11013769

Yeah the GB Mega Man games was a nice drop but too often it's just 2-3 lame games nobody would care about, not even in a "rentalcore" sense.

>> No.11013792 [DELETED] 

shoo shoo shill

>> No.11013801 [DELETED] 

>Poorfag MINDBROKEN by cheap and cozy NSO offerings
Many such cases among /vr/etards. You're going to pirate anyway, why do you care so much?

>> No.11013819

Yeah, amazing it took Nintendo so damn long to add Mario Land 1 of all games to the library, and there's still missing some important games like the Wario Land games, Mole Mania, Donkey Kong Land or DK'94, but hey, here's Quest For Camelot.

>> No.11013831 [DELETED] 

I see we've reached the default comeback of anyone who buys something retarded in record time, also >cozy the fuck you saying dipshit
I will NOT pay for temporary access to digital games, I WILL buy permanent access as I've done on the Wii, WiiU, and 3DS, simple as schlomo
Piracy is a service problem, and the service is shit, almost as shit as the tourist shills

>> No.11013834 [DELETED] 

I own my house cause I wasnt born retarded.
I also own 150 cartridges, enjoy your digital files.

>> No.11013838 [DELETED] 

11 bucks a year if you split it with everyone you know like 40 Mexicans sharing a 2 bedroom house

>> No.11013852 [DELETED] 

I really think you're just not very bright with your money. With VC prices you'd get 2 games max for what I pay for a year of access to dozens of games. Great deal anon, I hope you enjoy leaving you fucking Wii still hooked up in 2024.
Really outing yourself as a friendless loser here lol.

>> No.11013863 [DELETED] 

>Really outing yourself as a friendless loser here lol.
Where do you think you are?

>> No.11013869 [DELETED] 

and yet I still own them, nearly a generation later
sorry I thought you're supposed to waste money to own the poorfags? make up your mind, are you really too poor to spend 15 bucks on a couple of roms you genuinely care about to secure them forever? truly sad, might I suggest piracy instead of wasting your food stamps on online then?
>I hope you enjoy leaving you fucking Wii still hooked up in 2024
I know you're a tourist or a shill, but where do you think you are?

>> No.11013890 [DELETED] 

>implying having a Wii let alone an actual retro console hooked up in 2024 is a bad thing
How did you get here? Why do you need Nintendo to curate your game taste for you? What is going on

>> No.11013924 [DELETED] 

I know where I am and I know what you are.
I own a massive library of carts and ROMs. I don't NEED Nintendo to do anything for me but the NSO is convenient and cheap and the service comes with other things I enjoy. No idea why anons lose their minds over the service whenever it's brought up especially since they're just going to pirate anyway (which isn't a problem, they just don't need to remind you about it constantly).
>Secure them forever..
Lol OK man. Listen at the end of the day you and I are still paying for ROMZ, make your peace with it.

>> No.11013929 [DELETED] 

>lose their minds over the service
People on this board don't have a zoomer mindset when it comes to ownership. Also we prefer freedom over convenience.

>> No.11013946

The first 4 stages are hard but fair, Wily's castle however has some bullshit, like several parts where you have to drop down and you might randomly fall on spikes.
Also having to suddenly do a boss rush against robot masters that don't even have a stage just sucks.

>> No.11013951

Well it's clear that they want to keep people engaged and considering that the service will be around at least for all the next console generation it makes sense to not drop all their load early. The most lacking library is still the GBA however.

>> No.11013961

>online tards unironically in favor of dripfeeding content model
you're the type of people who bought the xp boost "dlc" in assassins creed huh

>> No.11013970

Do you guys have an N64 controller or do you just play the N64 games with the Switch controls?

>> No.11013976

If you can't understand why they're doing this you're obviously too dumb to run a business.

>> No.11013995 [DELETED] 

>you and I are still paying for ROMZ, make your peace with it
you're paying for temporary access, not a single rom is yours, but I'd be happy to leave zoomer retards like you to thinking you're not getting scammed because you need RENTMATES to play megaman (which I own, on my 3ds, and have not had to pay for again) if there was an option to buy any of these fuckers for keeps. But it's more profitable to trick retarded teens who think a software service is """"cozy"""" into normalizing the WEF mantra, so here we are
no one's confused why a company is fucking over customers for money you chimp, it's the fact that shortsighted zoomers like you enable them

>> No.11014648

NES Tennis is bullshit.

>> No.11014716
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Every day I torture myself with a few minutes of Orcarina of Time because that's all I can stomach. Hopefully I see something in it that the Zelda fags seem to by the end.

>> No.11014820

If you're not enjoying it then just stop dude. Maybe botw is more up your alley.

>> No.11015012

switch controls, I'd like to get the N64 controller but its expensive as fuck.

>> No.11015024

>Few minutes
>Every day
Yep, that sounds like a torture. Why would anyone force himself to always restart at Link's house, the Temple of Time or the first room of the dungeon every few minutes? Doing that for the Water and Shadow temple sounds boring and painful as fuck. Worse if it is every day, how long will it take you to beat the Deku Tree? 3-5 days?

>> No.11015134

I prefer permanent ownership, but the NSO games are just a bonus to the online service. The eventual end of service will suck but if you can transfer save files it won't be as bad.

>> No.11015151

Just the soundtrack imo. It definitely relies on traps like the first gb game. I'm up to 4 now and in it is way easier in the surprise sudden death category

>> No.11015158

>Retards actually gave modern 'tendo money to rent roms
This thread and board sickens me.

>> No.11015184

I don't really play them unless I am extremely bored or I don't have time for an Splatoon session. I leave the emulation for the Steam Deck and the RG351V.

Still, I played Super Mario Land on the NSO emulator, and it's definitely more responsive than the RG351V with the gambatte core. It's barebones emulation, but at least they got the controls right.

>> No.11015782
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I beat it yesterday, despite being buggier and the music being bad, I enjoyed it a bit more than Wily's Revenge (probably because its way more easy than the first game).
I started 3 and the difference in quality from 2 is incredible, game feels way better to play.

>> No.11015795

nso is too comfy

>> No.11015796

Do not ask for whom the bing bing tolls. It tolls for wahoo.

>> No.11015813

you can just not press that button eh

>> No.11015913

Definitely a huge jump in quality. 3 has a lot of bullshit surprises that you just have to memorize but not nearly as bad. 4 is another jump in quality

>> No.11015936

Nothing at the moment, but I beat Legend of Zelda (both quests) a few weeks ago. Played some Super Metroid which I've never gotten into.

I have all the 3rd and 4th gen romsets as well as a lot of PS1 isos, but it's fun to play Switch on the living room TV with my kids.

I tried out Ocarina. Crashed once. I only just got to the deku tree. Ocarina is a game that seems a little awkward to play on a controller that isn't the original.

>> No.11015938

>it gives the false impression
No, you just get that mistaken impression for some reason. That's a you problem not a design problem.

>> No.11016284

The only real inconvenience for setting up emulation yourself is just that - the one time setup. After that, you’re off to the races. I could see some total normalfag googling “free games” once or twice and tapping out when presented with sites that “look sketchy” and more than one option for emulators per certain systems, but if you spend any considerable amount of timing playing games (or would find yourself on this site, and this board especially) I just can’t understand what NSO would be offering you compared to that.
All said, though , I’m just happy you’re playing games.

>> No.11016418
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>paying to emulate a few selected ROMs

>> No.11016942
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>I'm already paying for NSO to play online!
Imagine paying to use your own internet.

>Emulating through other means is piracy!
...Yes? And?

>I like the Switch's form factor for playing!
The OG model has separate buttons for its directions while a Lite is asymmetrical. KEK. Imagine using that for playing all 2D classics.

>I want to use the official NSO controllers!
As opposed to the literal hundreds of other controllers you can use for any other device...

>> No.11016990

I have noticed 3 has a lot of slow down, Gemini Man Stage gets really slow at the start.

>> No.11017047

not even in handheld mode does it look anywhere close to how it did, not playing on a crt invalidates your experience alone, let alone the fact that you're not on actual hardware with a fucking pro controller most likely

>> No.11017104


haven't played my switch in two years and still pay for nso purely to pick up the controllers too kek

will maybe get one more n64 one and cancel nso unless something crazy gets announced

>> No.11017678

>you have to wreck the ladders too in wrecking crew
damn im stupid

>> No.11017683

The NSO controllers also work with bluetooth / direct USB connection on a computer

>> No.11019068

how any beat em ups are on nso?

>> No.11019075

Back to >>>/v/

>> No.11019845

They dropped all 5 Mega Man games from Gameboy and the transfer is PERFECT

Fucking love MMIV and MMV

>> No.11020876

It's not much money if you aren't poor, and it's convenient.
It's funny you think the Switch is the only way I emulate games.

>> No.11020896

"and the transfer is PERFECT"
it's not a movie you fucking retard, all they did was upload a rom that they probably downloaded from Emuparadise

>> No.11020909

I wouldn't pay for emlation alone but it's included with online play so I might aswell use it

>> No.11020918

Don't care, it's comfy and practical. I want all those old games ready to play on my Switch whenever. Cry about it.

>> No.11020980

Props to Nintendo for re-scanning every frame and upscaling it to 4K, they went frame by frame and did it by hand, forgoing the latest trends and techniques for a more classic approach. They took the effort to color grade and color correct (those 4 gameboy colors) for maximum authenticity. They also re-mastered the soundtrack with a tiny orchestra which they handed instruments made of 8-bit chips.

nta but seriously, you can't even even trust GB ports with these companies, I lost track of those "collections" that have multitude of issues.

>> No.11020989

It's summer and you know what that means.

>> No.11021116

>NSO still doesn’t have a single mainline pokemon game
lmao absolutely pathetic
i remember waiting for gen 3 after nintendo released gen 1 and 2 on the 3ds VC but the faggots never did it, even though the 3ds has the hardware to run gba (and ds) games without emulation like the other gba VC games (you can also just inject the roms into the 3ds and play them natively as if it was an official VC release)
i don’t understand how people tolerate shit like this, they clearly don’t care about the users

>> No.11021675

Who cares, you can play the superior trading cards game.

>> No.11021708

>even though the 3ds has the hardware to run gba
They could never get it presented as nicely as the actual virtual console games so they dropped it. Probably that and no save states actually.

>> No.11022498

4 and 5 are the absolute best of the Game Boy games and rival even the NES ones.

>> No.11022640

I got my friend playing puyo puyo tsuu with me on NSO.

>> No.11023374

Regret it a little. I keep telling myself I should use it as an excuse to finally play Super Metroid without bad emulation lag but haven't got to it. I tried GBA Fire Emblem for a while. Maybe once they add more but I find myself sifting through them and going back to the Genesis collection.

>> No.11023389

Currently many games in the program are cheap and have already been re-released on other consoles, or are to pad the numbers like GB mega man games so I don't see how this is equal to gamepass offering a more expensive library for a low price. I can play MM1 for free on the capcom website which is better than every GB mega man game.

>> No.11023396

Based. It doesn’t really hold up.
It probably is. It has this thing. Superiority.

>> No.11023536
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I've actually spent a lot of hours playing the GB/GBA games due to the combination of game selection available and the emulation quality. Personal picks are SMBA4 because of course that's the best version of the rom and Kirby Tilt n' Tumble which works best when you're playing in handheld mode.
I also did try playing a few games online with a friend of mine and it actually works pretty good, better than other forms of netplay at least. Never did beat DKC though, I think we were too drunk for that one.

>> No.11023553

No one's crying, we're mocking and laughing at you.

>He has to pay to use his own internet connection.

No one's making fun of it for being poor, it's still cheap, it's just that paying for 4MB ROMs and to use your own internet is a terrible use of money.

>> No.11023570

Not them but to me it's just convenience. I have roms of all these I play on PSP these days but the Switch has a nice screen and form factor so it's nice to have some there too. The cost is meaningless. Likewise I buy most of the Sega Ages and other collections just for ease of use.

>> No.11023619

I always wondered why the retro Nintendo game threads were only ever talking about a few games. Then I got my kids a switch in April. I now understand why there are so many "actually this game is garbage" and "who actually played this game, its hard" and "starfox is unplayable" threads. Hell there was even an earthbound thread yesterday, but the OP had to let you know he played it on his Odin 2 lol.

>> No.11023656
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It's a new era. Most people who grew up with these games don't see any reason to talk about them anymore and the few who do just sound like broken records.

>> No.11023665

Your "mocking" just makes you lool pathetic and ignorant, exactly what you imagine you are mocking us for. I've been emulating since 1998 and have more fee/pirated roms than I can ever play. You aren't mocking anything you are just delusional.

>> No.11023724

Correct, I'm glad zoomies are playing these games for the first time, it's just funny how they all have to say shit like "played on my Odin 2" because of they are afraid to get shit on by the nintoddler post schizos

>> No.11023735

idgaf, I'm still paying a third of the price that snoys and xchuds paid and I probably play splatoon and mario kart online more than they ever played with their own penises.

>> No.11023879


Virtual Console was still >paying for roms at the end of the day

NSO is better value imo. I already own most of these games in cartridge form from years gone by anyway. I'm paying for convenience

>> No.11026202

hope they reveal diddy kong racing for nso tomorrow

>> No.11026217

Buying games is
>paying for roms
no matter what. What's your point?

>> No.11026227

The difference is owning them vs not owning them. If you don't care about owning them then you're a cuck. Simple as.

>> No.11026264

zoomers really don't remember renting games from blockbuster. if I could have paid 5 dollars for an infinite amount of rental as long as they decided to stock a game you bet your ass I would have

>> No.11026278

You own them either way.
What's your point?

>> No.11026282

I wouldn't. Never rented a single game, always preferred to own them.

>> No.11026369


Yeah people get bent out of shape over “renting roms” then go off and talk about how they miss the virtual console. This is very funny to me.

>> No.11026376

Zoomer spotted. You obviously weren’t there lol.

>> No.11026379

I was, never rented a movie either

>> No.11026383

Christ you sound like a retard. Or you were rich.

>> No.11026390


>One of these labels have to be correct!!!
Not him but I rented a lot of games, technically my mom did though. we were lower middle class though

>> No.11026394

Nope, I was poor and we lived like a 2 hour drive from the nearest blockbuster.

>> No.11026395

It's been an actual year since the Genesis lineup got an update. I wouldn't bet on it. Especially with the Switch on the way out.

>> No.11026442

I hate to have to say this, but if your game requires it to be played on original hardware with a time period appropriate CRT to be fun and interesting, then that game sucks.

>> No.11026980

Do you have a fucking clue how excruciating emulating N64 games can get?

>> No.11026985

I really hate the cramped design of the first few gameboy MM games. Wily's Revenge in particular I died a shitload of times solely because of ceilings that made it near impossible to make a jump unless you were pixel perfect.

>> No.11026989

It isn't? Just stop using the ones from 2004

>> No.11027157

Yeah, I think to the target audience the price easily outweighs the convenience.

>> No.11027460

The controllers are good.
Shame about the NES controllers having the Joycon thing on them, though.

>> No.11027565

Ig? Seems like the price point is getting allowing for plenty of play for the gameboy mega man games to me

>> No.11028057

I died a lot on wily's revenge because of those "gotcha faggot" moments like those disappearing platforms or those falling sections full of spikes.

>> No.11028082

>Shame about the NES controllers having the Joycon thing on them, though.
I actually like that. If you slap a joycon strap on them they make for good Mario Kart 8 Deluxe controllers because they have all the buttons you need to actually play. It also makes them more usable for retro inspired games like Shovel Knight, since a lot of those use just A/B for face buttons but then also have some random shit mapped to a shoulder button. I probably use the NES controller more than the SNES controller.

>> No.11028686

There's nothing wrong with NSO from a business perspective. Whining babies like >>11013431 think that Nintendo Company, Limited is a charity and not a corporation that makes money. It's in fact the perfect way to monetise their older libraries. Of course we can make fun of normies for using it, because emus are far better, but Nintendo did nothing wrong

>> No.11028690

How? Do you map drift to the B button and Item to select or something?

>> No.11028780

you use the shoulder buttons, that's why I said you put on a joycon strap

>> No.11028854
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>M-Rated N64 App announced today with Turok 1 and Perfect Dark
>Metroid Zero Missions and GBA Link To The Past + 4 Swords

>> No.11028861

Can you play 4 swords or is it just the gba link to the past?

>> No.11028867

its both, at the start of the game you can choose alttp or 4 swords

>> No.11028882


>> No.11028902

How do you play 4 swords though? Does is work properly online? You needed 4 gbas in the old days.

>> No.11028918

its not out yet but im guessing its the same way as every NSO emulator (you host a game and wait for your contacts to join the lobby):

>> No.11029302
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>> No.11029842

I was playing kirby's dream land 3 but I'm up to the third world and it's kind of boring

>> No.11029950

Meanwhile I can't use the SNES controller for Smash because the D-Pad is mapped to taunts.

>> No.11029972

Graslu00 (turbo GE/PD autismo) says the NSO version of Perfect Dark is really fucked with graphical glitches, input lag and stick sensitivity.
I haven't played much the NSO version but I don't feel terrible input lag but it's hard to aim with the Switch's analog sticks.

>> No.11031565


>> No.11031584

game freak really wants to allow any mainline Pokemon releases to have compatibility with modern games. Having a pool to mine infinite legendaries like that intimidates them.

>> No.11031795

How's the input lag on NSO? I know they have the rewind feature so do all the games have run-ahead? I find the input lag on the mini consoles to be pretty much unplayable so I'm hesitant to give NSO a go.

>> No.11031831

I doubt any of them have run ahead.

>> No.11031852

I have heard from various youtubers and twitter users it has a lot of input lag (spefially the N64 emulator) but from my experience I have never felt it outside Ocarina of Time at release (which is fixed now).

>> No.11032048

The whole "renting vs owning" debate is retarded. I pay for NSO because it's cheap and convenient. If I want to replay Super Metroid 20 years from now there will be a million other ways to do that. Hoarding mentality is not good; when you die your collection will just go to other hoarders.

>> No.11032180

Here's some of the issues he found.

>> No.11032541

>The whole "renting vs owning" debate is retarded.
It's not "retarded" at all, it's a genuine concern from out time.

>> No.11033064

Lol no it isn't.

>> No.11033072

touch grass

>> No.11033261

Turok 1 is so good.

>> No.11033342

Okay, how is it actually a genuine concern to you? I am seriously curious.

>> No.11033919

I beat Perfect Dark on special agent the last two days (using the N64 controller). Got lots of gold medals on shooting range, beat challenges. Did not notice any input lag.

What I didn’t like is the ROM assumes you used the transfer pak, so a lot of the hardest cheats are unlocked right away. I found this really disappointed as I would’ve liked to grind for those.

Also maybe it’s just been awhile but I feel like the enemy AI is way weirder than normal. So many times I saw an enemy open the door and then run in the other direction

>> No.11033941

I've been having a blast with it (with re-mapped controls so it feels like a modern FPS) and the only issue I have is the same one I had with Goldeneye, and that's stick sensitivity. But that's just because of the modern joystick vs the N64's more precise one.

>> No.11033970

My main issues right now with it are:
>Slow down in some parts that fuck up the audio, i think it lags even in parts the original n64 game didn't
>stick sensitivity makes it really hard to play
>motion blur/dizzy effect is really fucked
I wonder how long it will take for Nintendo to fix this, it took them 3 months to make Ocarina of Time actually playable on NSO.

>> No.11033975

I don't want shit taken from me. Simple as. And if your next thought is that they wont ever do that then you can fuck right off. I don't even want the possibility.

>> No.11034001

>Slow down in some parts that fuck up the audio
I haven't encountered this yet
>stick sensitivity makes it really hard to play
Only really applies to stationary aiming. I would like that fixed, I'll admit, but I don't know how you do it, I think it's just the controller.
>motion blur/dizzy effect is really fucked
I haven't played the OG in forever but isn't it supposed to be disorienting? I'll admit it actually made me dizzy and want to look away, but it didn't look "off" to me.

>> No.11034012
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>havent found this yet
One easy spot to find the audio slow down is on the entrance to Cassandra's office, if the guards start shooting at you there game starts to lag (more if you look down).
The stick sensitivity I think it might be game dependant, I don't remember it being that bad in NSO Goldeneye and even in Turok it seems fine.
As for the dizzyness, the thing is unlike the N64 version the dizzy effect is much stronger on NSO and can even freeze the screen:

>> No.11034034

>The stick sensitivity I think it might be game dependant, I don't remember it being that bad in NSO Goldeneye and even in Turok it seems fine.
I had trouble with it in Goldeneye too, but now that I think about it, it's a little more jumpy in PD. Turok, I don't know, since that one's harder to play on NSO and I'd be more apt to get the remaster.

>> No.11034087

Okay, I just saw this video showing what you're talking about and yeah it definitely didn't look like that for me. Maybe they already fixed it.

>> No.11035745

>those oven textures
jesus how did they let it pass

>> No.11036265

Well that's fine for you if you don't want to rent but I can't see it as a reason why I shouldn't be able to.

>> No.11036438

Because now that renting them is the norm you literally CAN'T buy them.

>> No.11036451

NSO base is just a bonus to the online service. And yes, it is a scam to charge extra for multiplayer, but all consoles do this now.
NSO expansion is just plain retarded; don't do that.

>> No.11036457

majora's mask games.. more than one.. waow O_o

>> No.11036885
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I guess if you already pay for NSO, since you're required to if you want to play all of Nintendo's titles online, then you might aswell play the few ROMs they have available, but paying *just* to have access to ROMs "officially" is completely stupid. I think few here do that really, I hope.

>> No.11037473

There was never a world where Nintendo was going to put out physical copies of Gameboy, NES, SNES collections like this though. You can still go buy them physically if you really want to and play it on original hardware, but basically renting them from Nintendo for a low price to play on a switch is a nice option.

>> No.11037503

I don't know about other people but digital versions are fine for me. As long as there's no drm bullshit then I'm fine with paying a few bucks.

>> No.11038127

I just look at it as a convenience cost. The games I care about I have roms for but I'm happy to toss Nintendo a few crumbs if they make some easily available versions ready.

>> No.11038147

Thats fine but people like you leaping for this renting bullshit is exactly why nintendo will never sell the roms ever again.

>> No.11038220

Bowser pls leave

>> No.11038273

Why bother buying controllers that can only be used for Switch if you then intend to get rid of the one service they're used for? It makes no sense to me.

>> No.11038284

Those controllers also work on PC or your favourite emulation box.

>> No.11038682


>> No.11038706

nta aren't the NSO N64 sticks even shittier than the originals because they're using pots functionally similar to joycons?

>> No.11038723

I don't have them myself, but from what I understand is these are replicas of the original stick but with some added lube in them to make them last a bit longer.
People got upset on that hoping they'd use a more modern stick instead to improve durability.

>> No.11038839

They were never going to anyways, that's the point.

>> No.11038893

They did use modern stick designs for their new N64 controllers because they used cheap potentiometers which physically wear out faster much like the joycon, it didn't use optical encoders like you see in the original N64 stick design.

>> No.11038921

Why should I care about owning them? I care about actually playing games not putting something on a shelf to create an altar to my virginity.

>> No.11039006

Grow the fuck up you stupid child, you can shove your kiddie meme words up your ass. It's my fucking money and I'll do with it what I want. If it upsets you that I don't care about owning this shit that's your problem, not mine.

>> No.11039010

nta if you can't figure out how to play roms on switch then you haven't hacked it yet lol lmao not hard

>> No.11039032

They did literally one console generation ago.

>> No.11039130

>There was never a world where Nintendo was going to put out physical copies of NES, SNES collections
NES Classic Mini from 2016 and SNES Classic Mini from *and 2017 (post Switch launch)* say hi. Much better value than this NSO shit.

>> No.11039212

I didn't know NES Classic Mini and SNES Classic Mini were portable

>> No.11039268

Oh no! NES and SNES are not portable. Oh the drama!

>> No.11039959

banjo kazooie

>> No.11040052

Yeah and the first thing everyone did was hack it. This is why yiu can't have nice things, now cry me a river.

>> No.11041170

The point of the Switch is that it's portable.

>> No.11041179

>hello this is nintendo you can rent these games from us for X$ per year
>one year later

>> No.11041672

Exactly! I want to buy them.

>> No.11041683

And the point of the NES and SNES is that they are not. Why are you absurdly derailing this debate? Are you stupid or what's wrong with you?

He said:
>There was never a world where Nintendo was going to put out physical copies of NES, SNES collections

That is factually incorrect. Nintendo released collections of NES and SNES ROMS in physical format. Another thing is that you particularly didn't like the physical format chosen. Go pay your subscriptions, retard, they're going to expire soon.

>> No.11041690

im playing retro games on my switch and there is nothing you can do to stop me

>> No.11041697

>That is factually incorrect. Nintendo released collections of NES and SNES ROMS in physical format. Another thing is that you particularly didn't like the physical format chosen.
This is a thread about a Switch service so it stands to reason we're talking about physical copies for Switch or Switch 2.
>Go pay your subscriptions, retard, they're going to expire soon.
Thanks for the reminder, I just paid for another year because I want play PD

>> No.11042723

Conker next month

>> No.11044193

I wish

>> No.11044515

they work on Wii U too via homebrew

>> No.11044581

Only ever had played Kirby 2 on my GB. My daughters like Kirbys dreamland 3 and watching me play Super Mario world.

>> No.11044951
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What are the chances of seeing Mortal Kombat games on NSO?
I'd love to play Trilogy or 4 on Switch.

>> No.11045018

God I wish we lived in a timeline where the wii VC became Nintendo's equivalent of steam. Imagine booting up your Switch, logging into your VC account and being able to just download whatever games you bought as long as the system's built in emulators could handle it. Imagine opening the online store and seeing Japanese exclusive gameboy and NES games now available because it's ten times more convenient to publishers than relying on remasters and remakes. Imagine not needing to give a shit about scalpers or inflated physical prices because the same game is already avaliable digitally. Imagine that one obscure game you like suddenly getting a cult following because someone randomly bought it during a sale and they're now talking about it.

I want to live in this world, it sounds better than a world where Nintendo sells Mario 64 for the tenth time and wonders why people would rather pirate their games.

>> No.11045034

I guess the problem is that nintendo has been shown to be on relatively competent when it comes to emulators.

>> No.11045685

If you emulate, none of the things you've mentioned, like the scalpers, or relying on remakes, are an issue. Also, you might think that you want that obscure title you like to get a cult following, but it'd probably suck if it happened, gate keeping exists for a reason, it's good.

Our timeline isn't as bad as many may believe.

>> No.11046204

not big, WB does nothing with Midway's arcade games.

>> No.11046652
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>> No.11047821

its gonna be Rage Wars.

>> No.11047983

This thread made me start playing the MM Game Boy games. I'm all the way up to IV.

I was really fun but challenging. Goddamn though, that final Wily level is so long. Did it in the end, anyway. II was good but way easier. III was way more difficult I found, but only because of Dust Man's stage. So many bullshit jumps in such a long section.

>> No.11048054

>muh gatekeeping
Oh, no! I can't let other people like the things I like, or I won't feel cool and special anymore. :(

I must act like a toxic asshole to protect my favorite mass-produced children's game!

>> No.11048073

If you're so anti-gatekeeping, get rid of your doors on your home.
You'll soon learn the advantage of keeping people out.

>> No.11048080

They are good, underrated games. Just because they aren't inherently as good as the NES games doesn't make them bad. Being short and easy was good in the context of the gameboy, something that is lost today.

>> No.11048352

I've been using ROMs so long, the ROM sets I still use and give out have files copied from a download from before I went throughpuberty. I'm not opposed to emulation.
Nintendo will always do what they want regardless of how you support them or how you try to vote with your money. I thought including NES Metroid with Metroid Zero Mission was great, I'd have gladly bought more remakes like that. Instead, the next year Nintendo was publishing $20 carts with Metroid even though ZM was $30 and included the original game and remake. Same with stuff they stuck in Animal Crossing or were selling as $5 e-reader cards or giving as free downloads for the one demo disk they made for Game Cube(Dr. Mario). Suddenly in 04 they decided NES games were worth many times more than what they had sold them for.
If Nintendo wants to sell a $50 collection of NES Mario games, they will.
I got Nintendo Online so I can play online with friends and family, simple as that. the emulation is a bonus. And frankly the convenience is worth the price.
Yesterday I was with family and my nephew and my sister/his aunt were playing Super Mario Bros on a Switch outside. I could set them up with roms and stuff but it wouldn't be as convenient to them.

>> No.11049761

Nintendo found out with the Wii U that nobody wanted to rebuy all the games they had already bought on the Wii; even if it was for a single dollar. They weren't going to bother and most third party companies realized they could just release their old games by themselves. The only reason why Nintendo take so damn long to release their own games is because they know people would have stopped playing NSO the day it came out if it was loaded with all their first party shit.

>> No.11049891

This would be worth playing if it had achievements

>> No.11049909

I beat all in a row.
IV and V deserve the praise they get as they're comfortably on the level of some of the console games, but I also really liked I and III for their difficulty, they're only held back by lacking in content, especially I.

>> No.11050121

that's honestly something i really appreciate about gameboy games, they're usually short but sweet games.

>> No.11050136

>first thing everyone did was hack it
but the first thing everyone did with the Switch was also to hack it? to the point that Nintendo had to stop production and manufacture a new patched model...?