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11009624 No.11009624 [Reply] [Original]

Why is RE1 considered a masterpiece? Both PS1 original and GC remake.

>> No.11009667

It has some good ideas and great atmosphere as well as decent replay value, but just really blunders the execution.

Awful voice-acting/dialogue. The door animations are annoying, but are especially grating with the absurd amount of backtracking. The inventory management system is just so insanely bad on so many levels. The camera perspective are jarring and too frequent and obscure information from you that would be readily apparent to the actual in-game character. The combat is way too simplistic especially with the braindead auto-aim that is inexplicably pushed as the default way to play. I just can't help but think how much better this game would be with manual aim, tighter and more varied combat, a less forgiving save system that really makes you feel the pressure of losing a good chunk of playtime, and an inventory system that forces you to take risks and make tough choices.

Unfortunately what you get is dull combat encounters, backtracking out the wazoo, constantly retreading through the same areas to pack mule items into storage or find that one minor detail that you missed to progress, and guessing what key items you will need for the next section (and backtracking when you guess wrong).

>> No.11009670

dumb thread idea but the remake has incredible atmosphere and tone setting despite being remade from a goofy game and retaining goofy elements. Atmosphere and tone very important to horror

>> No.11009673

having to conserve resources is good idea for horror

>> No.11009682

Play it and find out, zoomer retard. Fuck off

>> No.11009708

You can thank Kenichi Iwao for RE1 being the game it is
>incorporated ammo & supply scarcity, game-play based on avoidance, and horror direction emphasizing sound
>his favorite game is Alone in the Dark
>got the idea for supply scarcity from a MSX game called 'Alcazar: The Forgotten Fortress'
>came up with the complex conspiracy story that’s uncovered through found documents
>storyboarded the game
>came up with the characters names, the Umbrella name, etc
>designed the Umbrella logo
>had the outbreak occur on his Birthday (May 11th)
>wrote most of the text, diaries, and newspaper files
>told Mikami his simple “Megaman” style story wouldn’t attract an older audience
>Mikami wanted to use Special Forces Cyborg commandos, while Iwao scaled the characters back into being vulnerable people because he thought it would be scarier
>Chris and Barry are supposed to a Lethal Weapon inspired relationship where Chris is the reckless one who has to be pacified by the older vet Barry
>wanted to make Barry black to further emphasize the Lethal Weapon reference, but Kamiya strongly opposed
>created Rebecca as a weak woman for the player to protect to appeal to the Japanese audience
>created the branching storylines for Chris and Jill
>created the first encounter with the zombie
>his idea to use Moonlight Sonata
>decided on what weapons would be featured in the game
>decided on the items (ink ribbons, medallions, healing spray, etc)
>the tyrant and flamethrower were directly inspired from his love of the Alien movies
>his love of the movie Commando had him implement the M202 FLASH rocket launcher featured in the movie
>the detonation countdown sequence at the end was inspired by his love of Aliens and Return of the Living Dead
>came up with the idea of naming the different BOWs after mythology

>> No.11009719

Explanation for why Iwao got removed at the end of development:

During development of Biohazard you moved to Breath Of Fire 3. What happened to prompt this move?
>"Yes, that's right, I was reluctant because I wanted to keep working on the Biohazard. It was probably around the end of 1995. Mikami-san told me he didn't like me acting like a director. He once told me "Ken-chan (his way of referring to me), who is the director? I am. Ken-chan deciding everything, coming to Ken-chan for questions, isn't that odd? I was talking with Ikehara about wanting you moved to Breath 3, won't you?"

>"At the time I considered it an excuse because I was the head of the scenario team. I was very disappointed and protested as there was a lot I left unfinished, but it was an order, and already decided. I made up my mind to leave the company but when I left the team I had finished most of the design, so I was relieved. Furthermore, I was erased from subsequent credits, I was an inconvenience for them. Mikami-san later apologized to me. I got scolded just after the release. He shocked me when he was heavily criticized by the chief editor of a certain magazine, and said that it was my fault!"

>> No.11009727

>no blacks
RE used to be based

>> No.11009728

Every time I learn something new about Mikami he seems like an even bigger hack fraud piece of shit. Didn't he also want the game to be about fighting ghosts and shit? Is that why he tried this shit again with RE 3.5?

>> No.11009730

Did you receive the CESA '96 best scenario award?
>"Yes, it was my first scenario award. I was in the hall as an employee of another company. Before going to the award ceremony, Mikami-san said that this award was mine. Do you know the manga 'The Men Who Made Bio Hazard'? To my surprise, in that manga things I had done were written as being done by Mikami-san! Since I was too annoyed at the time, I kept the magazines featuring the manga."

>"I don't think the staff that stayed in Capcom told the truth! Likewise, Mikami-san and Kamiya-san, using it as an attraction, publicized the story dramatized in those comics. Even now, I still remember well when Biohazard was nearly finished development, and Mikami-san negatively said "What a game Ken-chan has made!" He had no confidence until he got a high score in Famitsu! (It was also Mikami-san who brought Famitsu's praise in front of me). In fact, I heard V-Jump gave a rave review."

>"However, I don't dislike Mikami-san. I believe it was Mikami-san's competence that could see the game through to completion after I left the team. In addition, having already left the company when Biohazard won the scenario award at Tokyo Game Show, Mikami-san met me later at the show and told me "Ken-chan, you should've actually appeared in the award ceremony." Since I did too much of a director's work, Mikami-san made it a reason in the final stretch and removed me from the staff! I was dissatisfied with it, left the company and went to Squaresoft. As other staff knew about it, several later joined me."

>> No.11009764
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Let's say that the gameplay sucks, visuals alone make it mandatory to play.

>> No.11009770

based Iwao reposter

Mikami circlejerking needs to die once and for all

>> No.11009772
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The gamecube remake is one of the few cases of a remake being such a direct upgrade in every way that it completely replaces the original. It makes the original look like a joke, literally. The original game is like a shitpost versiin of the remake, in the same way Twin Snakes is to MGS1.

It will never cease to amaze me that there are people out there who are mentally ill enough to say that the original version is vastly superior, and has much better atmosphere (what!!!???). It's the dumbest, most out of touch with reality take I've seen on this website and I've been to fucking /pol/ and /r9k/

>> No.11009780

It's crazy how much better everything looks compared to code veronica

>> No.11009781

>such a direct upgrade in every way that it completely replaces the original

Not really, no.

>> No.11009785

more polygons =/= more atmosphere

>> No.11009792

I'm not talking about the fucking polygons, I'm talking about the vastly updated look of the mansion and the far better ambient sound

>> No.11009795
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>RE1 / RE2 / RE3


>REmake / RE0 / RE4

>RE5 / RE6
Xbox 360

>RE7 / Village / RE2R / RE3R / RE4R

>> No.11009804

uhm, okay

>> No.11009805

Most pople who claim what you claim have never played RE1 for themselves, or maybe played it once on a shitty emulator 10 years ago.

Things that are all worse in REmake:

>mansion looks like generic american haunted house with lit candles(???) everywhere, and not like an actual lived-in and used place like in original
>colors are all dull brown and grey, unlike the original which had actual color palette that was well varied between rooms
>raising the gun feels clunky with shitton of input lag, it feels slowed-down compared to 1-3 that are a joy to play
>defensive items that not only negate any danger of getting grabbed but they don't even take an inventory slot, making the game too easy
>different endings no longer have a fairly complex algorithm depending on which route you take throughout the game, it's all a simple yes/no prompt (will you give Barry his gun back?)

As someone who spent years on ancient ngemu forum trying out hundreds of experimental Dolphin versions in its infancy just to play this one elusive game, only to live to get the actual REmaster, and to play the game a few times since, I will nowadays always go back to original RE1 on real hardware. It's more of a challenge and a superior experience in all ways except visual fidelity.

>> No.11009809

CV was the 1st fully 3D RE game and the 1st game with motion capture. They only got better from there.

>> No.11009820

It was goofy as hell too. But not in a good way like RE4. Why did they make Claire's first love interest a femboy with daddy issues wearing a choker?

>> No.11009823
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>haunted house with lit candles
Why do people complain about this shit in every RE thread but no one talks about RE2's medieval torture chamber with torches, axes and skulls on a shelf?

>> No.11009829

Because RE1 has no context for such things, RE2 does. Have you even played RE2?

>in-game files explain how Irons was a rapist in college
>his office is full of stuffed animals and he even talks about taxidermy being his hobby
>keeps dead mayor's daughter whose coprse is gone when you return
>when you inspect the shelf in the photo you posted it literally says "it's full of taxidermy chemicals"
>Irons' diary literally has his confession about being a psychopath who hunted people when Outbreak started

>psychopath having a weird ass hidden room behind a secret passage in his office is somehow nonsensical

>> No.11009830

How do you explain the crushing ceiling and other comical traps and puzzles in OG RE1 then? Why are they okay but the candles aren't? Has any real world facility used cartoon traps in their facilities in the 1990s?

>> No.11009837

>How do you explain the crushing ceiling and other comical traps and puzzles in OG RE1 then?

>Trevor's fondness for gimmicks attracted the attention of the aristocrat Dr. Oswell E. Spencer, Earl Spencer, who contracted him in 1962 to build a private mansion in Arklay County, located high in the Arklay Mountains and deep within Raccoon Forest.[2][3] The design was a typical Trevor design, though inspired in part by Lord Spencer's family home in Europe. Luring him with the prospect of unlimited funding so he could give free reign to his imagination, Trevor constructed a manor that would be, at the same time, beautiful and mysterious. Enthralled by the idea, he designed many of the trademark traps and secrets of the estate and when the construction of the mansion was finished, he was invited to stay there with his family. Still having a considerable amount of work to do, Trevor sent his wife and daughter to stay there before he could go himself; they themselves arrived on Friday 10 November, according to Lord Spencer.[4]

Play the fucking games and read the in-game files instead of watching youtube playthroughs while jerking off

>> No.11009840

To further elaborate on this anon's points
>managing your inventory is way more annoying in REmake
>the original RE has 46 puzzle items, while REmake has 84 puzzle items. Yet Chris and Jill are still allotted the same inventory space as the original (6/8 slots).
>fuel is an important item in REmake that most players are going to want to keep on hand. For Chris, that's an additional slot. For Jill, that's 2 slots (lighter/fuel)
>most of the puzzle items are split up into two separate parts that need to be combined
>in RE1, you do a 1-for-1 item exchange for the Magnum (place the ruby in the tiger's eye for the Magnum)
>in REmake, you place the emblem at the grave. It then gives you three additional emblems (better hope you had an additional two slots open or else you have to backtrack to a box), you then have to exam each emblem.
>>each emblem has a different shape, but this isn't even a puzzle because the automatically puts them into the right spot. It just exists to be more complicated than the original, not because its good design
>in the original game, the fireplace shield emblem can be solved immediately as Jill. Since it's the first room of the game, it functions as the tutorial puzzle of the game.
>>in REmake, the fireplace emblem puzzle can't be solved until way later into the game. Is this a huge deal? No, but it does show a disregard for the brilliant design of the original game
I like REmake too, but I don't think REmake completely supplants the original like many do. I enjoy them both as two separate games.

>> No.11009842

So why is all of this fine but the candles are bad?

>> No.11009845
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>Play the fucking games
I have. You still haven't explained why candles are so bad compared to all the rest

>> No.11009850

I usually ignore oil/lighter and burning corpses completely. Return to mansion is such a short segment and it's not worth going through hassle of backtracking and juggling all the items for it. You encounter crimson-heads for such a short section of the game that it's easier to just spend a few healing items and cheese it.

Mansion is meant to be a 60s state of the art manor with electricity. Who set the candles? Who lit the candles ahead of RE1 events?

It's a half-assed design effort to appeal to western audiences who never bother examining things past the surface level. Haunted house look doesn't fit the original idea nor does it fit the game lore.

>> No.11009854

>yes hello I'm here to oil the rails of the piece of wall that moves up when you play the Moonlight Sonata

>> No.11009860

You feel validated in your opinion, as you should. The game was tailored and designed for you.

>> No.11009863

>Why is RE1 considered a masterpiece?
addicting gameplay
memorable characters
unforgettable moments

easy recipe for success

>> No.11009867

They weren't candles. They were lamps fueled by gas.

>> No.11009868
File: 19 KB, 257x396, 2024-06-11 10.15.28 boards.4chan.org 1b5e1ece24da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lamps fueled by gas?

>> No.11009869

It actually took a few seconds for the gif to play so I got a good view of her ass. Thanks mate.

>> No.11009879
File: 3.43 MB, 2126x1740, House of Hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since people are talking about the mansion, I just thought I'd drop some information
Iwao said one of the inspirations for the atmosphere of the mansion was table top RPG game called "House of Hell". Mikami was one who pushed for there to be booby traps.

>> No.11009887

Mikami: I think the original one is a lot harder, like crow one that press the button under the pictures. In original Resident Evil, players have to press the button young to old, this time, I changed that to color, so everybody got it easy. Oh and computer in lab too.

Kobayashi: This time, we separated the rooms into 2 kinds, rooms that you have to go to get key items or not. So, players don't have to go to every room to beat the game.

Kobayashi: I think RE-make is easier because we made "Standard item section", and also defense item are separated from other items slot, so you can take more.
Mikami: In the beginning I wasn't going to separate all those.


>> No.11009890
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Yes. You've never seen a fake candle light before?

>> No.11009948

Explaining only made the traps dumber honestly

>> No.11009963

Console gamers with low standards.

>> No.11009971

>mansion looks like generic american haunted house with lit candles(???) everywhere, and not like an actual lived-in and used place like in original
The original just looks like shit. Not even lived-in, just bland, boring and ugly. The remake version has actual atmosphere.
>colors are all dull brown and grey, unlike the original which had actual color palette that was well varied between rooms
The remake color palette is far more atmospheric. The colors in the original game don't convey any sort of mood at all. No "realistic" isn't scary or atmospheric.
>raising the gun feels clunky with shitton of input lag, it feels slowed-down compared to 1-3 that are a joy to play
Never noticed this, feels fine to me.
>defensive items that not only negate any danger of getting grabbed but they don't even take an inventory slot, making the game too easy
It's hard enough on the intended difficulty on a first playthrough.
>different endings no longer have a fairly complex algorithm depending on which route you take throughout the game, it's all a simple yes/no prompt (will you give Barry his gun back?)
To be honest I only played RE1 once so I wouldn't know about different endings.

Yeah I played the remake first btw. I loved it and tried to original but it just felt like the same game, but without the amazing atmosphere. The supposedly harder difficulty didn't make it interesting to me since I was already too good at RE games at that point for them to still be scary and I was already mostly familliar with the mansion layout because of the remake so there were no surprises.
>I will nowadays always go back to original RE1 on real hardware
I don't really get replaying RE games endlessly. Classic RE games have the lowest replayability of any game ever, the tension and horror is just gone if you know the game inside out.

>> No.11009986
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>To be honest I only played RE1 once so I wouldn't know about different endings.

Stuff like this adds a lot to every playthrough feeling fresh and slightly different. Obviously its all gone in Remake.

>> No.11010003

only original RE1 is a masterpece
REmake is a soulless garbage slop that attracts posers like >>11009772 parroting reddit phrases of ''Muh perfect remake!!!''

>> No.11010035

Have you played Alone in the Dark 1-3? When your competition is that shit it doesn't take much to be considered a masterpiece. I don't think it's that great of a game today, it's worse than most of its clones including Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare. The fact that those better clones are mostly obscure games nobody cares about tells me that RE1 is only loved due to being a part of a good franchise. And coming out early

>> No.11010046

Alone in the Dark 4 would be a 10/10 just like RE trilogy with few simple tweaks. It baffles me how the game producer failed to anticipate that

>remove endless respawns in a game with limited resources
>break down in-game files because they are all 10-15 pages long into shorter bits that are scattered around
>fix the console ports because every version of the game aside from the PC is unplayable garbage with tedious loading times between camera angles

Top notch backgrounds art style, top notch atmosphere. Few details ruin the game and its a shame. 1-3 are unplayable garbage, agreed.

>> No.11010051

I think the point was to disguise the lab and to kill off anyone that wanders in to explore le spooky abandoned mansion but it was still retarded. Is there a road to this place? Do all the workers get bussed in and then live there for months? Kitchen seemed fairly small and there werent all that many beds. Do they all have to solve statue puzzles everytime they want to go downstairs to do lab work? How many workers were accidentally crushed to death or stabbed with spikes before everyone turned into zombies?

>> No.11010108

>Obviously its all gone in Remake
That's just not true at all. It is simplified but it's not "all gone" at all

>> No.11010114

Shut the fuck up retard

>> No.11010115

>>had the outbreak occur on his Birthday (May 11th)
What a visionary!

>> No.11010117

Yeah it makes no sense at all, to the loint you're better off just not explaining it because any explanation is just gonna be dumb. But it doesn't matter because it's a videogame. Same reason the fucking candles don't matter

>> No.11010124

The problem is that you'd believe everything one person says, when said person obviously has a beef against Mikami and Capcom. Other people would probably have a completely different opinion on what happened.

Also prototypes show that by the end of 95 the scenario of the game was done and barely changed for the final release outside of getting rid of the Trevor files (a good decision). By the end of 95, it was only balancing, gameplay, and fine tuning in general.
Not needing a scenario writier anymore by that point and having him work on another game makes sense, there is no need for a conspiracy theory.

>> No.11010129

>Do they all have to solve statue puzzles everytime they want to go downstairs to do lab work?
It is a core part of Umbrella's corporate identity.

>> No.11010136
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>Haunted house look doesn't fit the original idea nor does it fit the game lore.
Don't care lol, as a huge horror fan I prefer the atmosphere of the remake over the atmosphere of the original, however I will concede that the remake does feel clunky to play in a way that 1-3 do not.

>> No.11010146
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it's both creepy and campy and the mansion is kino.
it was the first horror game for many players.
REmake brought new visual effects to the party.
they both have a distinct atmosphere and i love both.

>> No.11010169

>completely replaces the original
Yawn. This again?

>> No.11010261

i think it was just bait

>> No.11010264

Nah I'm dead serious. It isn't even a strange opinion to have outside of /vr/ and 4chan where everyone is always automatically butthurt about remakes

>> No.11010303

>wanted to make Barry black to further emphasize the Lethal Weapon reference, but Kamiya strongly opposed
I wonder if that's why George Romero made him black in his screenplay?

>> No.11010313

>The problem is that you'd believe everything one person says, when said person obviously has a beef against Mikami and Capcom. Other people would probably have a completely different opinion on what happened.
Which is why no one has come out against Iwao, despite all parties involved no longer being at Capcom.
Iwao's story is also true about him being forced out of Capcom, it's partly why REmake only had 5 staff members (of its 100~ staff) from the original RE1 dev team, and why a significant amount of staff from Capcom suddenly moved over to Square in the late 90s.

>> No.11010315

>visuals alone make it mandatory to play
>It's crazy how much better everything looks compared to code veronica
The pic posted is a blurry smeary mess where Jill painfully sticks out because of how shit the background is.
This is why pre-renders were a bad idea. Silent Hill 3, released not too long after on worse hardware, looks miles better and holds up infinitely better by being fully 3D.

>> No.11010317

While you are correct, REmake was meant to be a 1:1 recreation during development. That's why a lot of old staff was simply not needed - you most things worked out. Only then did they gradually started to ad-hoc add and broaden things.

>> No.11010343

>still liking the original is being butthurt about the remake
most people like both and you know it. your bait is weak

>> No.11010353

>Twin Snakes is to MGS1.

Twin snakes is a good remake.
Try not being such a tool and enjoy both.
TS has issues but it's a masterpiece when compared to shit like re4r/re3r/DSR etc

>> No.11010368

It set the way for a whole genre of gaming, like Demon Souls did for soulslike games

>> No.11010410

Because it's the game that started it all. I own both the classic and the REmake version on PS1, Gamecube and PC(classic and REmake). I loved modding the PC versions.

>> No.11010424

all mods are shit, change my mind

>> No.11010430

The nude mod for Jill Valentine makes REmake worth playing on PC.

>> No.11010723
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lookin' good

>> No.11010731

Spencer was one of aliexpress' first customers.

>> No.11010737
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It's technically a metroidvania so by default critics love it because "muh locked doors" and eight different keys.

>> No.11010765

I genuinely cannot figure out what they changed about the lab computer. Does he mean simplifying the puzzle to get the password? It's a fun little cipher in the original game but I can see that stumping the same people who got filtered by the painting puzzle.

>> No.11010832

Headcannon here but the mansion booby traps didn't become activated until the place was locked down to prevent outsiders from peeking around. Also the hidden keys were for anyone important to get around in case they lost the masters during lockdown as a precaution. It's easy to assume Wesker already had keys and could move around the mansion as he pleased.

>> No.11010859

Read the link from the post. Keyboard layout was changed apparently because japs were too dumb to figure out how enter key works

>> No.11010931

Twin Snakes takes everything that's bad about Metal Gear Solid and makes it ten times worse. Then it also just mindlessly plops MGS2 gameplay into the game without ever stopping to consider that the original game wasn't designed around it. The Ocelot fight goes from a thrilling cat-and-mouse game to you just kinda standing there and pumping Ocelot full of lead while he runs around like an idiot.

>> No.11010958
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>tfw you realize Wesker is basically just Nedry from Jurassic Park
He even gets cornered and wasted by a jobber monster in Jill's good ending.

>> No.11010983
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>> No.11011084

Ultimate is subjective, exposed weakpoint is a major flaw. Seems like lots of Umbrella designs suffer from that.

>> No.11011420
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I've asked this before, but did any of the people involved with Resident Evil ever comment on HAMLET or its remakes? It originally came out on the PC-98 in 1993, then had a Playstation remake in early 1995, and a remake of the remake on Dreamcast in 1999. It's a funky first person mecha horror game with some light RPG elements. The broad strokes of the story are pretty damn similar to RE.
>A shady corporation was doing illegal experiments in an isolated lab. On the Moon instead of in the boonies.
>The virus they were working with got out and now all the personnel are zombies out to kill you.
>As if that wasn't bad enough, the bio monsters they were breeding escaped and are on the loose in the facility.
>The head researcher also mutated into a Birkin-esque creature that constantly mutates into stronger forms throughout the game in order to get revenge on the corp. He retained most of his intelligence though.
>Your special forces team is sent into the situation blind to find out why contact was lost with the facility and gets picked off by the monsters one by one.
>in a shocking twist, one of your team members is revealed to be a traitor tasked with killing any survivors and covering up all evidence of the outbreak.
>The whole thing unfolds in a very cinematic way with lots of codec calls and cutscenes.
When they talk about envisioning RE as a first person horror game early on, this is what always comes to mind for me.

>> No.11011478

Because Titanic was popular

>> No.11011487

He can get murked by a Chimera in the original game depending on the route. Which is about as humiliating as dying to a goofy ass spitting dinosaur.

>> No.11011510

It's the gestalt that works in spite of any problems or unoriginality. And it was pretty new for a console.

It's surprising that infighting and personality conflicts like that didn't sink the project entirely.

>> No.11011527

nah it doesn’t replace it. it plays worse. it looks pretty but it ain’t the better version

>> No.11012114
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For the remake, should they all have worn green vests with cargo pants? In the original they wore multi color armor so you could tell who was who.

>> No.11012136
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Nah I think they did a good job making them distinct just enough